Scripture Reading : Acts 15:36 – 16:10
Theme : Mission Strategy
- The right purpose. Paul had wanted to return to the places they had been to in order to encourage the believers there. He did not leave them alone after they believed the Gospel, because it is important for believers to be equipped (Eph. 4:11-16).
- The right personnel. Silas was well-suited to be Paul’s partner in ministry because he was a Jew (he could access the synagogues), and a Roman citizen (Acts 16:37) like Paul (protected by Roman law). Timothy was chosen to join them because he was well-known to be a faithful believer.
- The right preparation. Paul circumcised Timothy not because it was required for salvation, but because he was a half-Jew (his mother was a Jew). Circumcision would grant him full access to the synagogue, and Paul did that as long as it did not affect the Gospel message (1 Cor. 9:19-23).
- The right persuasion. Paul delivered the decision of the Council of Jerusalem to the churches, so that they knew clearly that circumcision (works) was not required for salvation, and they must be set apart from the world and not stumble fellow believers.
- The right prompting. Paul’s objective was to obey God to preach the Gospel, and the Holy Spirit directed him by forbidding him to go to Asia Minor (modern Turkey), and led him to Macedonia instead.
Praying the Scripture
- Pray that we will serve God with the right purpose in our hearts – by edifying other believers in what we do.
- Paul was willing to do whatever it takes to preach the Gospel, as long as the message of the Gospel was not compromised (1 Cor. 9:19-23). Pray that we will follow Paul’s example, and not only preach the Gospel when it is convenient for us.
- There are many people who claim to want to know God’s will, when they clearly disobey God’s Word in many areas of their lives. Some are not serving God actively in the local church, yet claim that they want to do big things for God. Paul was not like that at all. Pray that we will first serve actively in the local church, and may the Holy Spirit guide us to do even more things for God’s eternal kingdom and glory.
经文:使徒行传15:36 – 16:10
- 正确目的。保罗本想要回到他们曾经去过的地方,以坚固当地的信徒。他不想在他们相信福音之后离开,因为装备信徒是非常重要的(弗4:11-16)。
- 正确人选。西拉作保罗事工上的伙伴非常合适,因为他像保罗一样,即是犹太人(能进入会堂),又是罗马人(使16:37;受罗马法律保护)。由于提摩太是众人公认的忠心信徒,他也备选加入团队。
- 正确预备。保罗给提摩太行了割礼并非因为这是得救的条件,乃是因为他是半个犹太人(他的母亲是犹太人)。行了割礼,提摩太就名正言顺地能进入会堂,而保罗是因为这举动并不会改变福音信息才如此行(林前9:19-23)。
- 正确勉励。保罗将耶路撒冷公会的裁决传达各教会,叫他们能清楚晓得割礼(行为)并不是得救的先决条件,而他们必须与世分别出来,不能绊倒其他信徒。
- 正确引领。保罗的目标是顺服神,去传福音,而圣经禁止他去小亚细亚(现代土耳其),从而带领他到马其顿。
- 祈求我们能以正确的心志侍奉神,即在凡所行之事造就其他信徒。
- 保罗愿不惜一切,只求能传福音,同时又不会更改福音信息(林前9:19-23)。祈求我们能效法保罗的榜样,不会因方便才传福音。
- 许多人声称想得知神的旨意,但他们却在生活中多方面明显悖逆神的道。有人不在地方教会踊跃侍奉,却申明自己想为神做大事。保罗根本不是如此。祈求我们能先在地方教会踊跃参与侍奉,接着由圣灵带领我们为神的永恒国度与荣耀行更大的事。