Scripture Reading : Gen 31
Theme : Fear Man or God
The family situation was not at all comfortable for Jacob or his wives, but he patiently waited for God’s instructions before making a move. The seeking heart will always get a word from God when decisions have to be made. Read Psalm 25 in the light of Jacob’s situation. Like his mother before him, Jacob did the right thing in a wrong way, and God had to intervene to protect him (v. 24).
Jacob had a three-day lead on Laban, but his father-in-law finally caught up with him. No one can successfully run away from problems. Laban accused Jacob of a breach of social custom, while Jacob accused Laban of breaking his promises for twenty years. There was also the matter of the household gods, for whoever had them could claim possession of Laban’s property.
Praying the Scripture
- The Lord told Jacob to return to his homeland so he took time to share this information with his family especially his wives Rachel and Leah. After all, he was asking them to leave their people and home and go with him to another land and people. Even though the Word of God is our primary source of wisdom in making decisions (119:105), it’s good for us to share with our family members and convince them to follow the Lord together. Let’s pray that we’ll lead others, especially our family members, by sharing with them what the Lord has laid in our hearts.
- Although Jacob has the instruction of the Lord yet he fled with his family like a criminal escaping justice. This was an act of fear and unbelief, not an act of faith. In fact, Jacob later admitted to Laban that he had departed secretly and quickly because he was afraid (Gen. 31:31). It isn’t enough to know and do the will of God; we must also do His will in the way He wants it done, the way that will glorify Him most. Let’s pray that we are brave enough to face our situations with God’s promises fearlessly.
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 31:1.
- 主命令雅各回到家乡去,因此他花时间与家人沟通这讯息,尤其是妻子拉结和利亚。毕竟,他是在要求她们离开自己的家园和他一起去到另一地方和另一个民族当中居住。即使神的话语是我们做决策的主要智慧来源(119:105),但是与家人沟通并说服他们一起跟随主是好的。让我们祈祷使我们能通过与他人分享主放在我们心中的事来带领他人,特别是自己的家人。
- 虽然主已指示雅各,但他仍然带着家人如逃犯一样逃跑。这是恐惧和不信的行为,这不是有信心的行为。事实上,雅各后来也向拉班承认,他偷偷迅速的离开,是因为他害怕(创31:31)。知道和行出神的旨意是不够的,我们还必须按祂的方式,以一个最荣耀祂的方式来行事。让我们祈祷,凭着神的应许,我们能有足够的勇气、无畏地面对我们的情况。