11 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 20:25-38: Biblical Eldership 圣经的长老

Scripture Reading        : Acts 20:25-38

Theme                         : Biblical Eldership


  1. Paul’s illustration for the elders. Paul lived a life of integrity amongst the people to whom he preached the Gospel (20:18). He laboured among the people and preached the Gospel and “the whole counsel of God” to them. Also, Paul worked whenever he could so that he did not burden the church financially (20:33-35) and to “present the Gospel free of charge” (1 Cor. 9:18). He set the example for the elders of the church to follow.
  1. Paul’s instruction to the elders. The responsibility of the elders is to shepherd the sheep – they must take care of the believers whom God has entrusted to them. The sheep does not belong to the elders, but to Christ who obtained them “with His own blood”. Shepherding the flock includes teaching them God’s Word (20:27), counselling them to direct their steps back to God (20:20), helping them when they are weak (20:35), and protecting them from false teachers (20:31).
  1. Paul’s intercession for the elders. After giving them instructions, Paul prayed for the elders, commending the elders “to God and to the Word of His grace”. Prayer reflects trust and dependence on God, rather than man. The challenges that the elders faced are enormous, and only by God’s power can they do the work.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Paul set an example for the elders to follow. In the same way, he instructed Timothy to set an example for believers in the church (1 Tim. 4:12). Pray that the elders in our church will also set a godly example for the believers. Pray also that we too may be godly examples for others to follow.
  1. Pray for the elders of the church, that they will “not shrink from declaring the whole counsel of God” and will “not shrink from declaring anything that is profitable.” Pray that we will be humble and teachable and submit to the teachings of the elders.
  1. The task of the elders, especially the pastor, is an impossible thing to do, without God’s help. We need to pray unceasingly for our pastor and elders. Pray that they will “pay careful attention to themselves and to all the flock”. Pray also that they “be alert” against “fierce wolves” (false teachers). Pray also that they be godly examples who “coveted no one’s silver or gold or apparel”.




  1. 保罗给长老们的典范。保罗在所传讲福音的人群中活出一个廉正的生命(20:18)。他在他们中间劳苦,传讲福音及神一切的话。再者,保罗一旦有时间便工作,叫他不会成为教会的经济负担(20:33-35),并能“叫人不花钱得福音”(林前9:18)。他树立了榜样,叫教会长老们能效法。
  1. 保罗予长老们的指示。长老的职责是要牧羊羊群——他们必须照顾神所托付予他们的信徒。羊群并不属于长老,而是属基督,因为羊是祂“用自己血所买来的”。牧羊的责任包括教导羊群神的道(20:27)、辅导并指引羊群归向神(20:20)、在羊群软弱时帮助他们(20:35),并保护羊群受假教师的攻击(20:31)。
  1. 保罗为长老们的代求。给予指示后,保罗为长老们代祷,将他们交托“神和他恩惠的道”。祷告反映一人对神的信任及依赖,不依靠人。长老们所面对的挑战艰巨,而他们唯有仰赖神的大能才能执行工作。


  1. 保罗为众长老树立了可效法的榜样。同样的,他吩咐提摩太要做教会信徒的榜样(提前4:12)。祈求我们的教会长老们也能做信徒敬虔的榜样;同时也祈求我们能做他人的敬虔榜样。
  1. 请为教会的长老祷告,叫他们不会“避讳不传”神一切的话,并不会“避讳不说”凡对信徒有益的。祈求我们能谦卑,有受教的心,并顺服长老们的教导。
  1. 长老的职责,尤其牧师的,若无神帮助,是绝对无法履行的。我们需要常常为我们的牧师和长老祷告,祈求他们会“为自己谨慎,也为全群谨慎”,能对“凶暴的豺狼”(假教师)“警醒”。我们同时也要祈求他们能做敬虔的榜样,不“贪图一个人的金、银、衣服”。