Scripture Reading : Mark 9:30-50
Theme : Jesus Foretells His Death & Resurrection II
- The Prediction of Death. Jesus predicted His death and resurrection for the second time. Again, the disciples did not understand clearly His mission to die on the cross to save sinners, but because of their pride, they did not want to ask Jesus what He meant. It was clearly due to their pride, because they were not afraid to ask Jesus to explain the parables (Mark 4:10) or the reason they failed in casting out a demon (Mark 8:28).
- The Pride of the Disciples. The disciples clearly demonstrated their pride when they argued about who was the greatest. They also showed their pride when they tried to stop another person simply because the person was not in their inner circle. Jesus taught them that they must be servants if they want to be first. This again shows that God is pleased with humility.
- The Price of Discipleship. Jesus is not saying that there will be lame or blind people in heaven, since believers will receive a glorious body during the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:42-43). Jesus is using hyperbole (exaggeration) to teach that His true followers will deal with sin seriously.
Praying the Scripture
- Some people may think that they already know everything because they have been going to church for many years. Let us not be proud, and pray that we will submit to the teachings of the Pastor using the Word of God, not relying on our own wisdom or what we have heard before.
- Our church may focus on expository preaching of the Bible, but we are not the only ones doing so. There are like-minded churches in other parts of the world that is also faithfully preaching God’s Word. Let us pray that God will also work in the hearts of man through the preaching of these faithful pastors.
- There is no such thing as a “carnal Christian” (a Christian who still loves the world). Whoever is a friend of the world is an enemy of God (James 4:4). Let us pray that we will deal seriously with sin and not believe in the lie that we can continue to love the world but still enter the Kingdom of God.
- 死亡的预言。耶稣二次预言了自己的死与复活。门徒再一次无法意识到耶稣要死在十字架上拯救罪人的使命,但因着他们的骄傲之心,他们不想问耶稣祂到底在说些什么。他们是骄傲的,因为早前他们不怕问耶稣叫祂解释比喻的意思(4:10),或者他们为何无法赶鬼的原因(8:28)。
- 门徒的骄傲。当众门徒彼此争论谁为大时,他们显然展示了自己的骄傲。况且,当他们尝试阻止另一人只因为那人不属他们的圈子时,这也展现了他们的骄傲。耶稣教导他们说,若有人愿意做首先的,他必先做众人的用人。这再一次显示神喜悦谦卑之心。
- 作门徒的代价。耶稣这里的意思不是指天堂会有瘸腿或瞎眼的,因为信徒复活时将有荣耀之身(林前15:42-43)。耶稣是在引用夸张式的手法教导真实跟从祂的人必然严厉看待罪。
- 有人认为由于他们到教会多年了,所以晓得一切事。让我们不要变得骄傲,祈求我们会藉着神的话降服于我们牧者的教导,而不是依靠自己的智慧或之前所听过的事。
- 虽然我们的教会是注重释经讲道,但我们并不是唯一采取这做法的。世界各地也有与我们志同道合的教会,在传神的话语上忠心。让我们祷告神也会藉着这些忠心的牧师的教导在人心中动工。
- 世上无“属肉体的信徒”(一个仍爱世界的基督徒)这事。要晓得与世俗为友就是与神为敌(各4:4)。让我们祷告我们会认真对待罪,不要相信我们能两者双全,既爱世界,又能进入神的国。