Scripture Reading : Acts 19:21-41
Theme : The Riot in Ephesus
Paul wanted to go to Jerusalem, passing through Macedonia and Achaia. These provinces were in the opposite direction from Jerusalem, and Paul wanted to take this way in order to collect offering for the poor in Jerusalem due to the famine (Acts 11:27-30). After sending Timothy and Erastus ahead of him to Macedonia, Paul stayed longer in Ephesus.
- The cause of the riot. An idol-maker called Demetrius stirred up the craftsmen to riot against Paul and the Christians. This is most likely not the same Demetrius commended by John in 3 John 12, since it was a common name. The main cause was that the craftsmen suffered financial loss, since more and more Ephesians turned from worshipping idols to the true God. The goddess Artemis was also known as “Diana”.
- The chaos of the riot. The riot was mainly led by Demetrius and the craftsmen, but many people joined the riot, most not knowing the reason (19:32). These people were simply following the crowd and did not even know what they were rioting for.
- The calming of the riot. The city clerk was like the Mayor of the city of Ephesus. He reasoned with the crowd, correctly attributing the cause of the riot to them. The image of the goddess which fell from heaven was likely a meteorite that fell from space. The city clerk appealed to the people to go through the proper legal channels of charging Paul, because a riot could bring down the Roman cohort to destroy the city.
Praying the Scripture
- In our day and age, there continues to be many businesses that thrive because of idol-worship and many idol-worshippers. Pray that God will have mercy on the unbelievers who are idol worshippers, especially our family members, convict their hearts of idolatry and grant them repentance.
- Many people join street protests without knowing the reason or are not as convicted as the leaders of the protest. Pray that as Christians, we will be discerning and not participate in any protests or demonstration. Pray that we will change the world through the preaching of the Gospel, not through protests or demonstrations.
- God protected Paul and his companions using the city clerk. In a similar way, God can protect us using the local government. Pray that we will be bold to preach the Gospel, but be wise in our ways so that we will not be guilty of breaking the law when sharing the Gospel.
- 暴乱之因。一个制造偶像的银匠底米丢怂恿众多同行者对抗保罗与基督徒,从而引发暴乱。这里的底米丢与约翰在约翰三书12节所赞扬的大有可能不是同一个人,因为“底米丢”是一个普遍的名字。银匠们的主要心结是怕受到财经上的损失,因为越来越多以弗所人从偶像敬拜转向敬拜真神了。亚底米女神也是俗称的“狄安娜”。
- 暴乱之势。这场暴乱主要是由底米丢和众银匠带领的,但也有多人后来参与,却不知缘由何在(19:32)。这些人仅仅随波逐流,根本不晓得自己起哄的原因。
- 暴乱之镇。那城里的书记犹如以弗所城的市长。他与众人讲理,并正确地将暴乱的起因归咎于他们。“从天上落下来的像”有可能是从外太空坠落下来的陨石。城里的书记呼吁民众通过正确的法律管道指控保罗,因为暴乱能启动罗马士兵清扫以弗所,毁灭这城。
- 今时今日,仍有生意是靠偶像敬拜及其敬拜者兴旺的。祈求神能怜悯敬拜偶像的非信徒(尤其我们的亲人),在他们的心里定罪,并赐予他们悔改的心。
- 许多人参与街边抗议,却不知缘由,或不与抗议的首领持有同样的信念。祈求身为信徒的我们能分辨是非,不要参与任何抗议或示威。祷告我们能藉着福音改变世界,而不是通过抗议或示威的途径如此行。
- 神藉着城里的书记保守了保罗及他的同伴。同样的,神也可以藉着我国政府保护我们。祈求我们能大胆传扬福音,但在言行举止中也要有智慧,叫我们传福音之时不会违背律法。