Scripture Reading : Mark 8:1-21
Theme : Bread and Leaven
- The Feeding of the People. Mark recorded a second feeding of a great crowd. This is not a repetition of Mark 6:30-44 because the number of loaves was different (5 vs. 7), the number of men was different (5000 vs. 4000) and the number of baskets left over was also different (12 vs. 7). Again Jesus had compassion on those who were following and listening to Him, and He supplied their physical need.
- The Demand of the Pharisees. Even after showing many miracles, the Pharisees were still full of unbelief, and they wanted “a sign from heaven” (Mark 8:11). They were not satisfied with all the signs that they had already seen, because of their hardness of hearts.
- The Leaven of the Pharisees. Jesus warned the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. This meant the wrong teachings and influence of the Pharisees (and false teachers). The disciples were dull in their understanding and thought that Jesus was rebuking them for forgetting to bring bread. Jesus reminded them that He could have fed them even if they did not bring enough bread. Jesus ended with a question in Mark 8:21. Mark could have done so in order to challenge the reader of the Gospel with the same question. Matthew 16:12 shows us that the disciples understood Jesus’ point.
Praying the Scripture
- Thank God that He is a God of compassion and He will supply our physical need (not our wants!). May we trust that God will provide for our needs.
- Luke 16:31 – “He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’” The purpose of miracles is not to produce faith in people. As we can see from the Pharisees, no matter what Jesus did, they did not believe because of their hardness of hearts. Many churches today teach that people must see miracles before they will believe, so they hold healing services, miracle services, etc. Such teaching is erroneous. Let us pray that our hearts will not be hardened like the Pharisees, demanding to see miracles from God.
- The disciples were dull in their faith and in their understanding. They witnessed Jesus feeding more than 5000 people (including women and children), but immediately forgot about it and asked how they could feed the 4000 now. Very often, we also testify to God’s faithfulness in the past, but quickly forget it when faced with new problems. Let us pray that we will not be forgetful but remember that God is faithful.
- 喂饱众人。马可记载耶稣喂饱群众的第二轮。这不是马可福音6:30-44的复述,因为饼的数量有别(五与七),人的数量有别(五千与四千),剩余零碎筐子的数量也有别(十二与七)。耶稣再一次向跟从并听从祂的人施与怜悯,并供予了他们物质上的需要。
- 法利赛人的要求。即便施行了许多神迹,法利赛人仍然满怀不信,并要求耶稣“从天上显个神迹给他们看”(11节)。他们对所见的一切神迹仍感不满,因为他们的心是刚硬的。
- 法利赛人的酵。耶稣告诫众门徒要防备法利赛人的酵,也就是法利赛人错误的教导和影响(及假教师)。门徒们始终不明白,以为耶稣正斥责他们忘了带饼。耶稣提醒他们,即便他们带的饼不足,祂也能喂饱群众。耶稣最后以21节的问题结束了。马可这么做的目的或许是要用同样的问题试问福音读者。马太福音16:12向我们显示门徒明白了耶稣的话。
- 感谢神是一位满有怜悯的神,并会供予我们物质上的的需要(不是相望!)。让我们信靠神会供应我们的需要。
- 路加福音16:31——“亚伯拉罕说:‘若不听从摩西和先知的话,就是有一个从死里复活的,他们也是不听劝。’”神迹的目的并不是叫人信有神。如我们从法利赛人身上看到,不论耶稣做什么,他们终究不信,因为他们的心刚硬了。今日,许多教会教导:人需看见神迹才能相信,所以举办医治大会、神迹大会,等。这种教导是有误的。让我们祈求我们不会像法利赛人一样硬心,要求见神迹。
- 门徒们在信心与理解中是迟钝的。他们曾见证耶稣喂饱超过五千人(除外妇女及孩子),却转眼忘了,现在又问他们如何能喂饱四千人。很多时候,我们也曾见证神过去的信实,但又在面对新挑战时立即遗忘这事。让我们祈求我们不会健忘,而纪念神是信实的。