30 Mar 2017, Acts 15:36-41 使徒行传 15:36-41 , Dispute in the Church 教会的纷争

Scripture Reading        : Acts 15:36-41

Theme                            : Dispute in the Church


This passage about the dispute between Paul and Barnabas has caused no small dispute amongst Bible commentators! Unlike some views that neither Paul nor Barnabas was wrong (it was simply a matter of preference), it is more likely that Paul was right based on the following reasons:

  1. Barnabas was John Mark’s cousin. Colossians 4:10 shows us that Barnabas and Mark were cousins. Barnabas could have given Mark preferential treatment.
  1. Barnabas went home to Cyprus. Barnabas did not simply part ways with Paul and went elsewhere to minister – he actually went home (Acts 4:36).
  1. Barnabas was not sent by the church (Paul was). Barnabas went home with Mark, but Paul was “commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord” (Acts 15:39).
  1. Barnabas was no longer mentioned in the rest of the Book of Acts. From 15:41 till the end of the book, the narrative was on the ministry of Paul.
  1. Barnabas should obey Paul, the Apostle. Paul was specifically chosen by God to be the Apostle to the gentiles (Acts 13:47), and Barnabas should have submitted to Paul’s leadership.

Praying the Scripture

  1. There are some people who wants to serve in certain areas of ministry, but the leaders of the church and the congregation do not see the giftedness in them, and they end up leaving the church in anger. Pray that we will serve humbly and allow the church to recognize our giftedness.
  1. Pray that we will be willing to serve God even if it means moving out of our comfort-zone, like Paul.
  1. Pray that we will be submissive to the leaders of the church, whom God has appointed to give an account for our souls (Hebrews 13:17).





  1. 巴拿巴是约翰马可的表弟哥罗西书4:10显示巴拿巴与马可是表兄弟。巴拿巴是应该让马可的。
  1. 巴拿巴回到塞浦路斯。巴拿巴与保罗分开后实际上没到别处传道,而是回家(使4:36)。
  1. 巴拿巴不是教会所差遣的(保罗则是)。巴拿巴带马可回到家乡,保罗则“蒙弟兄们把他交于主的恩中”(使15:40)。
  1. 巴拿巴在余下书卷中未再被提及。从15:41至本书的结尾,叙述焦点是保罗的事工。
  1. 巴拿巴应该服从作使徒的保罗。保罗是神所指定要作外邦人之使徒的(使13:47),所以巴拿巴应该顺从保罗的领导。


  1. 有些信徒想在教会的某一个冈位上侍奉,但教会领袖与会众却无法看到他们那方面的恩赐;他们故此愤然离开教会。祈求我们能以谦卑的心侍奉,让教认出我们的恩赐。
  1. 即便我们必须象保罗一样离开所熟悉的安逸,祈求我们也愿意侍奉神。
  1. 祈求我们能顺服教会的领袖,因为他们是神所指认为我们的灵魂交帐的(来13:17)。