12 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 21:1-16: Commitment to Christ 委身于基督

Scripture Reading        : Acts 21:1-16

Theme                         : Commitment to Christ


  1. The object of commitment. Paul was fully committed to the Lord Jesus Christ, to the extent that he was willing to lay down his life “for the name of the Lord Jesus” (21:13). No other cause is worthy of anyone laying down his life, except to follow the Lord Jesus, who also laid down His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45).
  1. The plan of commitment. Paul intended to bring the offering that he collected from the Gentile churches to the church in Jerusalem as soon as he could. To sail along the coast would have been safer, but Paul took the more risky route of sailing directly across the Mediterranean Sea to Tyre.
  1. The determination of commitment. The Holy Spirit did not forbid Paul from going to Jerusalem, but revealed to the believers that suffering awaited Paul in Jerusalem. In fact, Paul was “constrained by the Holy Spirit” to go (20:22). Paul’s well-meaning friends persuaded him not to go because they feared for his safety, but Paul was determined to go to Jerusalem, because of his commitment to obey God and the church.
  1. The cost of commitment. The ultimate cost of commitment to Christ on this earth is to lose one’s life. Paul was fully prepared to do so as he continued his journey to Jerusalem. He was able to pay the price of commitment to Jesus because he did “not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself.” (20:24)


Praying the Scripture

  1. There are religious fanatics who lay down their lives for the wrong cause, and they are most to be pitied. Genuine Christians who truly believe that the Lord Jesus laid down His life for sinners ought to be fully committed to Him. Pray that we will be willing to die “for the name of the Lord Jesus.”
  1. Sometimes, well-meaning Christians may give us advice out of love, but it is always more important to obey God than hear the voice of man. Pray that we will always obey God as the first priority. Also pray that when we counsel others, may we provide godly counsel that does not violate God’s will.
  1. Jim Elliot said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Pray that we will be willing to give up our earthly lives for Jesus Christ, so that we may receive eternal life in heaven.




  1. 委身的对象。保罗全心委身于主耶稣基督,以致愿“为主耶稣的名”(13节)舍了自己的命。除了跟从主耶稣以外,人再也无理由舍自己的命;主自己也曾舍命做多人的赎价(可10:45)。
  1. 委身的计划。保罗定意要尽早将从外邦教会收集的奉献带到耶路撒冷教会。沿着海岸航行理当比较安全,但保罗使用较危险的航行路线,直接穿过地中海,往推罗。
  1. 委身的坚定。圣灵没有禁止保罗去耶路撒冷,但向圣徒启示保罗将在耶路撒冷遭遇的苦楚。实际上,保罗是因着“心甚迫切”(20:22)才去的。保罗的良友们也是因为顾及到保罗的安危而劝止他别去,但保罗定意要到耶路撒冷,因为他已做出委身要顺服神和教会。
  1. 委身的代价。在这世间,委身于基督的最大代价就是舍自己的命。在往耶路撒冷途中,保罗已为此做好了充分的准备。他能付上委身于耶稣的代价,是因为他“不以性命为念,也不看为宝贵”(20:24)。


  1. 有宗教狂热分子是为了错误的原因舍命,而他们算是比众人还可怜。真切相信主耶稣为罪人舍了自己性命的属实基督徒当完全委身于主。祈求我们愿意“为主耶稣的名”而死。
  1. 有时候,怀有好意的基督徒是出于爱心劝勉我们,但顺服神比听从人更重要。祈求我们会一直以顺服神为首。又祈求当我们劝勉人时,我们能给予属神的劝告,不违背神的旨意。
  1. 吉姆艾略特(Jim Elliot)说过:“给予无法保留的,为得永不能失去的,这人绝不愚蠢。”祈求我们愿为耶稣基督舍了地上的命,叫我们能得天上的永生。