4 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 17 耶利米书 17, Unregenerate Man’s Deceitful Heart 没有重生的狡诈人心

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 17

Theme                  : Unregenerate Man’s Deceitful Heart


Sin of Judah (1-13)

Judah’s sin is engraved deep into their hearts so that her idolatry is incorrigible by human means. They trust pagan nations to protect them instead of God. Such evil will only result in desolation not fruitfulness. Ironically, they will not obtain the very thing that they desire, but will instead receive the opposite of their desire. No matter how much God reaches out to them, they will not listen. Their hearts are deceitful and desperately sick. This is to show that only the coming Messiah can save them.

Prayer of Jeremiah (14-18).

In spite of Jeremiah’s difficulties, he is committed to continue to be God’s prophet. He will continue to be Israel’s shepherd (leader) and will not desire bad things for them (day of sickness). He can do this because he trusts in God’s promise to protect him. Jeremiah also calls upon God to destroy those who persecute him, like the psalmists in imprecatory psalms (Ps. 143:12). Jeremiah both loves his people and hates their sins just as Jesus both loves people and hates their sins (Mark 3:5). He loves them, but when they commit outrageous sins he calls for justice. There is no contradiction. This is right living with loving attitude and proper justice.

Observe Sabbath (19-27).

Sabbath is the sign of the Mosaic covenant between God and the Jews, but not the church, (Ex. 31:16-17, Col. 2:16). It is also part of the Ten Commandments (Ex. 20:8). Therefore, it is a big deal to break the Sabbath for the Jews. Sabbath is also a foreshadow of believers’ rest in Jesus (Heb. 4:1). It is also a way to prevent idol worship by highlighting God as creator, not idols. God is the creator and provider, He is able to provide for them while they rest, which is not being lazy.


Praying the Scripture

The heart of non-believers are deceitful and desperately sick, especially those who are entrenched in deep, evil idol worship like the Jews. As believers we need to learn to deal wisely with non-believers but at the same time be righteous (Matt. 10:16). It is also important not to be overly suspicious to believers in the church or to sinfully judge someone’s heart motive instead of their actions (1 Cor. 4:5). Such sinful, suspicious judgement of people’s motives will not create a healthy environment for saints to grow, but will create an unhealthy environment of distrust and distance. Pray that you will have wisdom to deal with non-believers and love for believers in the church.










