Scripture Reading : Acts 21:17-26
Theme : Biblical Submission
- Discernment – is this about Gospel truth? The leaders in the Jerusalem church heard about the rumours that certain Jews were spreading about Paul, which the leaders knew were false. So they instructed Paul to join in the purification rites of 4 men who took the Nazirite vow. This was not a disagreement regarding the way of salvation, whether circumcision is required for one to be saved.
- Disagreement – is this about personal preference? Whenever there are any disagreements in the church, Christians need to be clear whether the disagreement is with regards to fundamental and essential Christian doctrines (e.g. sinlessness of Jesus, Jesus is both God and man, salvation by grace alone, etc.) or simply matters of personal preferences. If the disagreement is on personal preferences, Christians should submit to the church leaders’ decision. Paul certainly did not disagree with the church leaders, but simply submitted.
- Deference – is this about preferring others? When certain practices were not in conflict with the Gospel, Paul would do it, in order not to hinder the spread of the Gospel. In 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, Paul wrote of how he would adopt the practices of people with whom he was sharing the Gospel. In a similar fashion, Paul circumcised Timothy in order to facilitate Timothy’s access to the synagogue, since Timothy was a half-Jew (16:3). But in another occasion, Paul would refuse to circumcise Titus because certain Jews were preaching a false gospel that circumcision is needed for salvation (Gal. 2:3-5).
Praying the Scripture
- Galatians 1:9 “As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.” Pray that we will have discernment and not change the content of the Gospel for the sake of anything (e.g. religious harmony, government funding, etc.).
- Philippians 2:3 “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Whenever there are disagreements due to personal preferences, the Christian’s responsibility is to submit to the church leaders (Heb. 13:17) and to one another (Eph. 5:21). Pray that we will be humble and submit to the church leaders, and also submit to one another.
- Paul dedicated his life to preaching the Gospel in every way he could, always preferring others, as far as the Gospel message was not compromised. Pray that in everything we do, we too will have the objective of sharing the Gospel with unbelievers around us.
- 分辨能力——这是不是福音真理?耶路撒冷教会的领袖耳闻某些犹太人对保罗散播的谣言,并晓得那不是真的。因此,他们指示保罗与四位起拿细耳人之愿的一同行洁净之礼。这不是关乎得救途径的歧义,即行割礼是否是得救的先决条件。
- 意见不合——这是不是个人偏向?每当教会里有人起不同的意见时,基督徒必须辨析异议是否涉及到基督教教义的基本要素(如耶稣的无罪性、耶稣是神也是人、得救唯本乎恩,等),或者那仅是个人偏向的问题。若是因着个人偏向而起的异议,基督徒就必须顺服教会领袖的决定。保罗绝非与教会领袖有异议,所以顺服了。
- 尊重他人——我们是否更爱对方?当某些做法不与福音冲突时,保罗会去行,以便不阻挡福音的传播。在哥林多前书9:19-23中,保罗写道他愿意跟从所传福音对象者的一贯做法。同样的,保罗之所以为提摩太行割礼,是叫提摩太能够自由进出会堂,因为他是半个犹太人(16:3)。但在另一个场合中,保罗却拒绝让提多受割礼,因为有些犹太人正传另一个福音,说行割礼是得救的先决条件(加2:3-5)。
- 加拉太书1:9:“我们已经说了,现在又说:若有人传福音给你们,与你们所领受的不同,他就应当被咒诅!”祈求我们能有辨别的心,不会因为任何缘故(如宗族和谐、政府资助等)而改变福音内容。
- 腓立比书2:3:“凡事不可结党,不可贪图虚浮的荣耀,只要存心谦卑,各人看别人比自己强。”每当异议是因个人偏向所起,信徒的职责是要顺服教会领袖(来13:17)及彼此(弗5:21)。祈求我们能谦卑顺服教会领袖,也如此彼此顺服。
- 保罗委身于以任何方式传福音,总是偏向他人,只要福音信息不受妥协。祈求我们也会为了向身边不信主的人传福音而行所做的事。