Scripture Reading : Jeremiah 18
Theme : Potter and Clay
Message of the Potter (1-17)
The main point of this object lesson is to show that the potter, God, has power over the clay. The clay cannot control or manipulate the potter, so Israel cannot control or manipulate God but must humbly submit to God. If they do not, God will not bless them but will bring disaster up them. He has to right to reject defective, sinful people, just as the potter can reject defective clay (Rom. 9:21). The snow of Lebanon and the mountain water are dependable but Israel is fickle and unnaturally goes after worthless idols; therefore God will scatter them. God still tries to reach out to some who have not completely rejected Him. In the Messianic Kingdom, God will make Israel right to fulfill His purpose. Until then, all defective, sinful Jews will be rejected.
Plot against Jeremiah (18-23).
Jeremiah is faithful and loving to his people by praying for them, but they repay him evil for good. Some Jews do not just hate Jeremiah, but try to kill him. Ultimately they hate God and wish to kill Him like the Pharisees wish to kill Jesus. Such outrageous sins done in full knowledge are unforgiveable; therefore Jeremiah calls upon God to deliver justice by destroying them. This is not a vindictive cry for personal revenge, but appeal for God’s justice (Ps. 139:21).
Praying the Scripture
Those who reject God are defective clay that will be rejected by Him. When God judges them, they will have no power over God’s sovereign, righteous judgement. The end for them will be ugly and horrific. Those who want to kill God’s people will have the most severe punishment. Such people will experience the full force of God’s wrath as a consuming fire (1 Cor. 3:17). In light of God’s great wrath against sin, we need to praise God for our great salvation. Our destination would be the same as these Jews if it were not for the grace of God in Jesus. The only hope for these Jews and for everyone is the promised Messiah. Pray that you will appreciate your amazing salvation in Jesus. Praise God for delivering you from eternal hell fire (Rom. 9:22-23).