5 Nov 2015, Daniel 8 但以理书 8, Foreshadowing the Antichrist 预示敌基督

Scripture Reading  : Daniel 8

Theme                  : Foreshadowing the Antichrist

Vision of Ram and Goat (1-14). Daniel sees another vision. This time about a ram and a goat. This vision is also recapitulating Daniel 2 and 7, but focuses on the characteristic and actions of the antichrist as pre-figured in the little horn (v. 9). This little horn was the historical person Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who was a king of the Seleucid Kingdom, aka the king of the north as described in Daniel 11. Antiochus desecrated the temple and the glorious land (v. 9) for 2,300 days or about 6.3 years (171 to 165 B.C.), but the Maccabean Jews eventually defeated Antiochus. To this day, Jews still celebrate this event every year on Hanukkah. The antichrist will be like Antiochus, desecrating the temple. This agrees with Daniel 9:27 and Matt. 24:15.

Meaning of Ram and Goat (15-27) Ram is Persia and the goat is Greece. The Bible accurately predicted that Alexander the Great of Greece would conquer Persia, but at the end he will die and his kingdom would be divided into four kingdoms. Out of the four kingdoms, one king from the Seleucid Kingdom, aka the little horn (v.9) will rise up against God and His people. This little horn is a type of the antichrist. The end times antichrist will have a bold countenance and understands riddles. He will have great power, but not of his own for he is empowered of Satan himself. He is cunning and deceitful. More description of the antichrist as pre-figured in the person of Antiochus is in Daniel 11.

Praying the Scripture

  1. The antichrist is given various names in the OT such as the little horn (Dan. 7:8, 8:9), king of the north (Dan. 11:6), the northerner (Joel 2:20), the Assyrian (Micah 5:5), king of Assyria (Is. 7:17), Gog of Magog (Eze. 38-39). We know this antichrist is coming. The spirit of the antichrist is already at work (1 John 4:3). We overcome the spirit of antichrist by our trust in Jesus who is greater than the antichrist (1 John 4:4). We overcome by loving God and loving His children (1 John 4:7). Thank God for delivering us from the spirit of the antichrist.
  1. God has miraculously resurrected the nation of Israel after 2,000 years. But in the end, the antichrist will come and destroy Israel. We now know the end times is near. Today, Israel now faces existential threat by its neighbours who hate Israel with a passion. Let us love Israel and its neighbours by praying for them and by sharing the gospel to them. Let us snatch some from the fire before Jesus returns.








  1. 旧约为敌基督的立了许多名称,如:小角(但7:8, 8:9)、北方王(但11:6)、北方来的军队(珥2:20)、亚述人(弥5:5)、亚述王(赛7:17)、玛各地的歌革(结38-39)。我们晓得这个敌基督的即将到来。敌基督者的灵已经在运作了(约一4:3)。我们是借着信靠耶稣胜过敌基督者的灵,因为祂比敌基督者更大(约一4:4)。我们也能借着爱神与神的儿女胜过敌基督的(约一4:7)。感谢神从敌基督者的灵搭救我们。
  1. 神在两千年后奇迹般地复兴了以色列国,但最后,敌基督者将到来毁灭以色列。我们如今晓得末时已近。今天,以色列因邻国的痛恨面对生存的威胁。让我们借着祷告和福音的传播爱以色列及她的邻国。让我们在耶稣归来之前从火中抢出他们。