Scripture Reading : Acts 21:27 – 22:30
Theme : Serving God in Adversity
- The reasons for Paul’s arrest. The leaders of the Jerusalem church anticipated the false accusations and tried to avoid unnecessary conflict by instructing Paul to join in the purification rites of 4 men, and Paul submitted to them. However, this did not prevent the Jews from stirring up a riot with the false accusations. The Jews did not have authority to make any arrests, so they simply tried to kill Paul by mob-action. Because of the riot, the Romans came and arrested Paul.
- The response of Paul to the arrest. Paul took the opportunity while he was under Roman custody to preach the Gospel to the Jews in the mob. He did not place a higher priority on his own safety than to serve God by preaching the Gospel.
- The result of Paul’s arrest. Paul was a Roman citizen by birth, and he was under the protection of Roman law. He made use of his right to a legal trial and was thus protected by the Roman soldiers from being attacked and killed by a mob.
Praying the Scripture
- Often in life, we may be doing the right things but still get false accusations. Pray that we will be faithful to God and obey His Word, and may God protect us from false accusations.
- After Paul was arrested, he did not make a defence for himself, but took the opportunity to preach the Gospel. Pray that we will serve God in adversity, just like Paul.
- The biblical teaching that Christians should submit to the authorities does not mean that Christians cannot exercise their right as citizens. Pray that God will use the local government to protect Christians and the church from persecution.
- 保罗被捉的原因。耶路撒冷教会的领袖预料有人会诬告保罗,因此尝试避免这起不必要的纠纷,指示保罗参与四位有愿在身之人的洁净礼;保罗也顺从了。然而,犹太人还是诬告了保罗,并煽动暴乱。由于犹太人没有权利捉拿人,所以他们想用暴乱的形式杀害保罗。因着这场暴乱,罗马人也前来捉拿保罗。
- 保罗被捉的反应。保罗乘自己还在罗马人的拘留下,对暴乱中的犹太人传福音。他并不以自己的安全为念,反倒藉着传福音侍奉神。
- 保罗被捉的结果。保罗生来就是罗马人,所以受到罗马法律的保护。他使用自己的权利争取合法的审讯,因此受到罗马士兵的保护,不被暴民攻击杀害。
- 很多时候,我们或许是做了正确的事,但仍被诬告。祈求我们能对神忠心并顺服祂的道,同时也求神保守我们不会被诬赖。
- 保罗被捉之后,他并没有维护自己,反倒利用机会传福音。祈求我们也能在患难中服侍神,如保罗一样。
- 圣经教导基督徒要顺服权柄,但这并不表示信徒不能使用他们做公民的权利。祈求神能使用我国的政府保护信徒和教会遭受逼迫。