Scripture Reading : Daniel 9
Theme : The Righteousness of God
Daniel’s Prayer (1-19). As the exile of the Jews draws near, Daniel prays to God for His righteousness to shine by showing mercy to Israel for His name sake, not for their sake. God’s righteousness is His unswerving commitment to the honour of His name. He demonstrated His righteousness by punishing Israel for their gross idolatry. Daniel agrees with God that His punishment is just. Now, God will demonstrate His righteousness by saving Israel and returning the Jews back to Israel for His name sake because He is merciful and faithful to keep His promises to Israel. This is what Daniel is praying for.
God’s Answer (20-27). God answers Daniel’s prayer but goes even further by revealing His plan to accomplish all His promises to Israel once and for all, by ending all transgressions in the world in 70 sets of 7 (New Living Translation). Most English translations badly translate 70 sets of 7 into 70 weeks in v. 24 (this occurs also in Gen. 29:27-28, ESV). The Hebrew is literally 70 sets of 7. Based on history, this prophecy is fulfilled in 70 sets of 7 years, not days, or months. The first 69 sets of 7 years (total 483 year) has been completed. From the time of decreed to build Jerusalem, not the temple, (occurred under Artaxerxes circa 458 B.C. in Ezra 7:11) to the baptism of Jesus (aka anointed one, circa 26 A.D.) is 483 years. After 483 years, the Messiah will be cut off (death and resurrection). There is a long pause between the 69th 7 to the final 70th 7 because God will establish the church, an intermission and a mystery (Eph. 2:11-3:6). When the church is raptured (1 Thes. 4:16-17), then God will again begin to deal with Israel. The clock of the 70 sets of 7 will then start to tick again. The vision is strictly regarding Israel, not the church (v. 24). This is why we believe the tribulation as described in Revelation is seven years and the church will be raptured before the tribulation.
Praying the Scripture
- The most basic definition of righteousness of God is His unswerving commitment to the honour of His name/character. He is holy, loving, patient and gracious (Ex. 34:6-7). Any pleading of mercy must be based on His gracious character, not based on who we are or what we have done, for we all fall short of the glory of God. God owes us nothing. We must come humbly before God like Daniel, not in pride or a demanding manner. We should also come boldly. Do not let fear or guilt prevent you from going to God for He is a gracious God whose disposition is to give mercy. Be like the prodigal son and Daniel by going to God in a humble and bold manner for the washing away of your guilt through Jesus.
- The NT tells us over and over again that we are in the last days, in the end times (Heb. 1:2, 9:26; James 5:3; 2 Pet. 3:3; 1 Pet. 1:20). The end of all things in this present age is near and the dawn of a new world order is coming. With the miraculous resurrection of the nation of Israel, the end is even closer now. It is now time for us to live holy and godly lives. Avoid the error of lawless people who claim to be Christians, such as the prosperity gospel preachers. Pray that God will help you to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus (2 Pet. 3:11-18). Prepare for His coming!
- 神之公义的基本含义是祂坚定委身于自己的名或属性之荣耀。祂是圣经、慈爱并满有恩典的(出34:6-7)。我们祈求神怜悯的时候必须基于神的恩慈,不是我们的身份或行为,因为我们都亏缺了神的荣耀。我们要像但以理一样谦卑地来到神面前,不能带着骄傲或强制的态度。我们也要坦然无惧地就近神。不要让畏惧或愧疚阻止你到神面前,因为神满有恩典,爱施怜悯。我们要像浪子和但以理一样,谦卑、坦然无惧地就近神,求祂借着耶稣洗尽你的罪。
- 新约一再地告诉我们:我们处在末世时代(来1:2, 9:26;雅5:3;彼后3:3;彼前1:20)。这世代的末了已近,而新世界即将来临。眼看以色列奇迹般的复兴,我们晓得末日更近了。这是我们圣洁生活、敬虔度日的时候。我们要避免自称为基督徒的无法之人的迷惑,如致富福音传道者。求神能帮助你在我们主耶稣的恩典和知识上大有长进(彼后3:11-18)。要为祂的来临做好准备!