Scripture Reading : Daniel 10
Theme : Preparation for Vision
Terrified by the Vision (1-11). After Daniel prays persistently to understand God’s plan for Israel, God against reveals another vision to show him. This vision was concerning the antichrist. It was so frightening that it left him with no strength, until an angel can to strengthen him. Angels are not gods, but are ministering spirits for the elect (Heb. 1:14). They are not to be prayed to or worshipped (Rev. 22:8-9). We can only pray to God, nothing else. Praying to other things such as Mary or saints is not respecting them, but worshipping them. It is idolatry.
Praying the Scripture
- The Bible does not reveal much about supernatural spirits and how they work. God has called us, through His personal words in the Bible, to pray to Him for deliverance and mercy. Our greatest weapon against satanic spirits is our righteous prayers (James 5:16) and our trust in the gospel of Christ (Eph. 6:10-20). Our prayers ought to be persistent (Luke 18:1-8) and with the knowledge that God loves us (Matt. 7:11) through Jesus.
- 圣经对超自然之灵和运作启示不多。神借着祂个人在圣经里的言语呼召我们要向祂求拯救和怜悯。我们防邪灵的最大武器是公义的祷告(雅5:16)与信靠基督的福音(弗6:10-20)。我们要常常祷告,不可灰心(路18:1-8),并晓得神借着耶稣对我们的爱(太7:11)。