7 Oct 2015, Haggai 2 哈该书 2, Glorious Future 荣耀的未来

Scripture Reading   : Haggai 2

Theme                    : Glorious Future

Future Temple (1-9). The restored temple is nothing compared to the glory of the first temple. But nevertheless, God is completely with them (v. 5). The physical beauty of the temple does not determine God’s presence with them. God cares about the beauty of their heart. Even though the second temple is pathetic now, and in no way can express His majestic glory and beauty; however, in the future, God will restore the temple. In a little while (may take longer than you think Ps. 90:4), its glory and beauty will be worthy of God’s beauty and glory. This millennial temple is described also in Ezekiel 40-48. The Jews are to look forward to this glorious time.

Future Blessing (10-19). God uses the Mosaic law on defilement and holiness to illustrate that it is easier to fall into sin than to fall into righteousness; and it is easy for defilement to contaminate everything (Gal. 5:9). It is easy for people to fall into self-indulgence and it is easy for this self-indulgent attitude to contaminate all that they do. But now that they have repented of their self-indulgence, God will bless them.

Future Davidic King (20-23). It is very clear to Jews that ultimate blessing can only come when the promised Messiah comes and occupies the throne of David (2 Sam. 7:10-16). God is not literally referring to Zerubbabel as the messiah, but figuratively speaking of Jesus, whom Zerubbabel represents since Zerubbabel is in the line of David. God is reminding the Jews once again to wait for the Messiah for the ultimate fulfillment of all His promised blessings.

Praying the Scripture

  1. Just as God teaches the Jews not to live for this transitory world, but to wait for the coming of the Messiah for their permanent home and blessing, so Christians are called by God to not live for this transitory world, but to wait for the second coming of Jesus when He will be king of the world and we will reign righteously with Him (2 Tim. 2:12). Let us get our priorities right and heed to God’s warning to seek first His Kingdom and His righteous (Matt. 6:33). To have our priorities wrong, would be foolish.
  1. God, we look forward to the second coming of Christ, when our faith will become sight, and our prayers will become praises. Help us to dwell on this certainty and this future glory. We pray in the Spirit (Eph. 6:18) by praying that you will increase our love for you by understanding more and more the breadth and length and height and depth of Christ’s love (Eph. 3:18-19). May you drive away all things that hinder our love for you by getting our priorities right. May we use the things of the world to pursue you, instead of using you to pursue the things of the world.









  1. 神教导犹太人不要为这短暂的世界而活,乃要等待弥赛亚来临,带他们入永恒的家和祝福中。同样的,神也召基督徒不要为这短暂的世界而活,乃要等候耶稣再来作世界的王,而我们会一同以公义治理世界(提后2:12)。让我们看清何为重要,并听从神的劝告,先追求祂的国和祂的义(太6:33);若分辨不清,我们便是愚昧的。
  1. 神啊,我们盼望基督再来,信心成为眼见,祷告成为赞美。请助我们深思这真理和未来的荣耀。我们在灵里祷告(弗6:18),求你能使我们更明白基督之爱的长阔高深(弗3:18-19),从而大大增加对你的爱。愿你能驱走我们生命中所有阻扰爱你的事,看清生命中何为重要的事。愿我们使用世界的事追求你,而不是使用你追求世界的事。