Scripture Reading : Mark 11:27-12:12
Theme : The Hardness of Israel
- Israel Rejected John. After Jesus cleansed the temple, the leaders of Israel (“the chief priests and the scribes and the elders”) challenged Jesus authority in “doing these things”. The challenge referred to the immediate events before (the cleansing of the temple), and also everything else that Jesus did. Instead of answering them, Jesus replied with a counter-challenge. The reply of the leaders showed that they rejected John the Baptist as a messenger of God.
- Israel Rejected the Prophets. Jesus told the parable of the tenants to reveal the hypocritical character of the leaders of Israel. The vineyard is a symbol for Israel (Ps 80:8-16; Isa 5:1-7; Jer 2:21). God (the owner) entrusted the Jewish leaders (the tenants) to do His work, but they did not fulfill their duty. When God sent prophets (the servants) to warn Israel, they rejected the prophets and killed them.
- Israel Rejected the Son. Finally, in the parable, the owner (God) sent his own son (Jesus Christ) to the tenants (Israel). Instead of respecting the son, the tenants killed him, symbolizing His rejection and imminent death on the cross. Because of their hardness of hearts, the owner will “destroy the tenants” (judgment) and “give the vineyard to others” (establishment of Christ’s church, which will consist mostly of Gentiles).
Praying the Scripture
- We do not have prophets from God today, foretelling the future by God’s authority. However, prophecy continues in the form of forthtelling. When a pastor faithfully proclaims God’s Word (the Bible) from the pulpit, he is in effect proclaiming “thus says the Lord.” Let us pray for our pastor, that he will not fear rejection, but faithfully proclaim God’s Word from the pulpit.
- Israel rejected the prophets that God sent to them. When we reject and despise the message that is preached from the pulpit, we are rejecting the leaders that the Holy Spirit appointed (Acts 20:28), making us similar to Israel. Let us pray that we will be like the Bereans, who “received the Word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” (Acts 17:11)
- If we were to continue in hardness of hearts, judgment will eventually come to us. Other than eternal hell-fire, God will also judge hardened sinners by withholding His Word from them and giving it to others who are willing to listen. Let us pray and repent from the sin of rejecting God and His Word, so that we will not incur judgment.
- 以色列拒绝约翰。洁净了圣殿后,以色列的首领(“祭司长和文士并长老”)质问耶稣“做这些事”的权柄。他们指的是刚发生过(即洁净圣殿),以及其余耶稣所做的事。耶稣没有直接回答他们,乃反问一句,盘问他们。首领们的答复显示他们拒绝施洗约翰为神的使者。
- 以色列拒绝先知。耶稣陈述了园户的比喻,以揭发以色列首领虚伪的品格。葡萄园是以色列的象征(诗80:8-16;赛5:1-7;耶2:21)。神(园主)委托犹太领袖(园户)去行祂的工作,但他们没有履行职责。当神差派先知(仆人)警告以色列时,他们拒绝并将先知们给杀了。
- 以色列拒绝圣子。到了比喻的最后,园主(神)差派了自己的儿子(耶稣基督)到园户(以色列)那里。园户们不但不尊重那位儿子,还将他杀了——这代表以色列对耶稣的拒绝与祂在十字架上将临到的死。因着他们刚硬的心,园主会“除灭那些园户”(审判),并“将葡萄园转给别人”(基督教会的建立,其多数是外邦人)。
- 我们今日没有从神而来的先知,以神的权柄预言将来。然而,我们继续陈述过去的预言。当一位牧师从讲坛上宣扬神的道时(圣经),他实际上也在传“耶和华这样说”。让我们为我们的牧师祷告,叫他不畏惧被拒绝,乃忠心从讲坛上宣扬神的话。
- 以色列拒绝了神给他们差派的先知。当我们拒绝并藐视讲坛上所传的信息时,我们是在拒绝圣灵所委任的领袖(使20:28),使我们向以色列一样。让我们祷告我们会像庇哩亚人一样,“甘心领受这道,天天考查圣经,要晓得这道是与不是”(使17:11)。
- 我们若继续硬着心,审判最终会临到我们身上。除了永恒地狱之火以外,神也会向这些人保留祂的话,给予愿意听从的人。让我们祷告并从拒绝神与祂话语的罪中悔改,叫我们不会受到审判。