Scripture Reading : Hosea 3:1-5
Theme : Reconciliation of Gomer and Israel
- Reconciliation of Gomer (1-3). Because of Gomer’s adultery, Hosea separated from her, as symbolized by God’s separation from Israel in 2:2. In order to illustrate God’s eventual reconciliation with adulterous Israel, God commands Hosea to reconcile with adulterous Gomer who lives for delicacies (cakes of raisins) and pleasures. In order to take Gomer back, Hosea must redeem her by paying a price in silver and barley. This redemption price is analogous to the price that God must pay to redeem Jews and gentiles by sending Jesus to die for their sins (1 Pet. 1:18-19). The redemption price is not the end of Hosea’s grace. He will also love Gomer again by commanding her to leave her treacherous adultery and come live with him as in the past.
- Reconciliation of Israel (4-5). Just as Hosea and Gomer were separated for a period of time, so God and Israel will be separated for a period of time. This separation is characterized by the loss of three pairs of things. First pair is no king or prince, meaning no autonomous and glorious Davidic ruler (2 Sam. 7:10-16). Second and third pairs are no sacrifice (OT rituals) or pillar (pagan worship), and no ephod (worn by high priest) or household gods, which means no proper and improper worship. This will only be partially fulfilled by the imminent exile, but the complete fulfilment will be during the seven years of tribulation (Dan. 9:26-27). In that latter days, God will reconcile with adulterous Israel, just as Hosea reconciles with adulterous Gomer. Israel will repent of her adulterous sin, like Gomer, and be restored to God and be under David, who will be Jesus because He is the promised Davidic ruler (2 Sam. 7:13).
In just three chapters, God emphasized three times that even though He will judge treacherous Israel, He is still faithful and will restore Israel. God wants us to know that He is still splendidly faithful. Today, the existence of the state of Israel is a testimony to the divine truth of the Bible. Nations, big and small during biblical times, come and go, but Israel, a small nation that has suffered so much, still exists today. This can only be explained by divine sovereignty and faithfulness.
Praying the Scripture
- Let us praise God for His majestic faithfulness for this is the emphasis of these three chapters. Let us be faithful just as God is faithful. Faithfulness involves loyalty and commitment. This faithfulness should be lived out in all our relationships: in marital and parental relationships, in our commitment to Jesus’ church through brotherly love, and even in our work places. Let us reflect the majestic character of God and rejoice in this honour, glory and beauty.
- Thank you God for being faithful to Israel and to your church, of which we are part of. Your undeserving and mind-blowing love amazes us. It is better than life (Ps. 63:3) and all the pleasures that this world has to offer. We have tasted your goodness and we seek more of you (Ps. 34:8). May your Spirit continue to revive our heart for you. May we see sin for what it truly is: ugly, shameful, deceitful, meaningless and dangerous. May we abhor sin so that we may not be deceived by sin like Gomer, who lived for cakes of raisins and worldly pleasures instead of you. May we love you with all of our strength.
- 与歌篾的复合(1-3)。由于歌篾犯奸淫,何西阿与她分开了;这象征神与以色列在2:2的分离。为要显出神与淫乱的以色列最终的复合,神吩咐何西阿去与放荡的、心只在乎美食(葡萄饼)与享乐的歌篾复合。何西阿在接回歌篾时,用银子与大麦作赎金赎回她。这个赎金好比神必须付上的代价,即差耶稣为罪代死,才能赎回犹太人(彼前1:18-19)。这赎金还不是何西阿恩典的末端。他会再次去爱歌篾,命令她离开那奸邪的淫乱生活,与过去一样和他一同生活。
- 与以色列的复合(4-5)。何西阿与歌篾的分离有一段时间;神也会与以色列分开一段时间。这段分离将有三个特征。首先,以色列将无君王,无首领,也就是无自主或荣耀的大卫后裔作王(撒下7:10-16)。其二和三是无祭祀(旧约礼仪)、无柱象(外邦敬拜),并无以弗得(大祭司所穿的外套)、无家中的神像,即无得当或不得当的敬拜。以色列即将面临的放逐仅能应验预言的一部分,但在七年的大灾难时,这将得到完全的应验(但9:26-27)。那时,神将与淫乱的以色列复合,犹如何西阿与犯奸淫的歌篾一样;以色列也会如同歌篾,从淫乱之罪悔改,并与神复合,受大卫的统治。这位大卫就是耶稣,因为祂是神所应许坐大卫宝座的王(撒下7:13)。
- 让我们为神荣耀的信实赞美祂,因为这是这三个篇章中的重点。让我们像神一样信实。信实实际上包括忠诚与委身,而我们当在所拥有的一切关系中都有这等信实:婚姻里、作父母、藉着手足之爱对耶稣教会的委身,甚至在工作场所里。让我们反映神荣美的品格,并在这个荣耀与荣美中喜乐。
- 主,感谢你对以色列和你教会的忠心,而我们有幸属这教会的一部分。你施与我们的爱是我们绝对不配得的——这爱何等不可思议,不禁让我们万般惊奇。你的爱比生命(诗63:3)及世上所能给予的一切乐趣更好。我们已尝到你的良善,并更寻求有你(诗34:8)。愿你的灵继续复兴我们的心,让我们全然向你。让我们能看清罪恶真实的面貌:丑陋、羞耻、奸诈、无趣又危险。让我们恨恶罪恶,叫我们不像歌篾一样自欺;她只为食物和俗世的乐趣活着,不为你而活。让我们能全心全意地爱你。