Scripture Reading : Hosea 13-14
Theme : Sin, Judgment and Salvation
- Sin and Judgment (13). The whole book of Hosea constantly repeats the theme of sin, judgment and then salvation. Chapters 13-14 repeats this theme again. God does not want the reader to isolate each element by itself, but see all three elements as relating to each other. One cannot understand the harshness of God’s judgment against Israel, without understanding their gross adultery and evil. Israel even practices human sacrifice, just like the Canaanites whom they had driven out of the land. One cannot understand the faithfulness and sovereignty of God in judging Israel without understanding God’s promise of future salvation to Israel.
- Ultimate Salvation and restoration (14). In the future, God will save Israel by giving them a spirit of faith and repentance (see Zech. 12:10). God will initiate this salvation, as He initiated the incarnation of Jesus. When God initiates Israel’s repentance, Israel will become truly repentance not by ignoring their sins, but by acknowledging their sins (14:2-3). They will finally see the wickedness of their sins and the foolishness of relying on horses and human means to save them from their sins. They will stop worshipping idols and stop calling their idols by God’s name. In return, God will again be their God and He will restore their spiritual and physical well being. Israel will fulfill God’s original intention, which is to be a kingdom of priests to the nations (Ex. 19:6, see Zech. 14:16-21). All the earth will be blessed (Rom 11:15). In that day, Israel will be truly glorious and its fame will cover the earth forever. Unlike the fading and shameful glory of its adulterous ways.
Praying the Scripture
- We see that modern Israel continues to rebel against God by rejecting their Messiah, Jesus. We are sorrowful over their sins, just as God is sorrowful over their rebellion. Our hearts’ desire is to share the gospel with these Jews, so that they may forsake their sin of adultery and embrace their only Saviour, Jesus. The Great Commission is the church’s main role to Israel and to the world. We pray that all will heard the gospel and the return of Christ will be realized soon (Matt. 24:14). We look forward to a new world order where Christ reigns and righteousness shines. Let us live wisely for this glorious eternal world, and not the fading glory of this world.
- We need to understand that Israel’s repentance, and our repentance, is not relying on our works of righteousness to earn God’s forgiveness. Repentance, like faith, is turning away from spiritual adultery and rely completely on God for salvation. Repentance and faith are a commitment to a relationship with God and a desire to remove hindrance to that relationship. Righteous obedience is a result of this relationship. Chapell states, “True repentance must include awareness of the magnitude of our spiritual destitution; therefore real repentance must begin with recognition of God’s incomparable and unachievable holiness.” Our works can never save us or earn God’s favor. Our obedience will always fall short, God graciously accepts our imperfect obedience because of our faith in Jesus. Just as a father graciously accepts his three year old’s ugly drawing on father’s day because the child’s gift is from love. In the end times, Israel will acknowledge their adultery. They will desire a renewed relationship with God and will desire all hindrances and sins to that relationship be casted away.
- 罪与审判(13)。何西阿书持续重复了罪、审判,后救恩的主题;13-14章仍复述这一点。神不要读者独立理解主题的每一个要素,而是要我们看到三者都是息息相关的。若要理解神对以色列为何实行似乎残酷的审判,读者就必须明白他们行淫的邪恶与羞耻性。以色列甚至把人当祭物,行的正是他们从迦南地赶出的迦南人之事。若不理解神对以色列日后拯救的应许,读者也不会明白神审判以色列的主权与信实。
- 最终的救恩与复兴(14)。将来,神会赐予以色列信心与悔改之心,从而拯救以色列(见迦12:10)。神会主动施行拯救,如祂始创耶稣道成肉身一样。当神发起以色列的拯救时,以色列将真实悔改,不会忽略他们的罪,乃会承认一切的过犯(14:2-3)。他们最终会看见自己罪孽的恶毒与无知,竟想依靠人与马力救他们脱离罪恶。他们会停止敬拜偶像,并停止用神的名呼叫这些偶像。那时,神会再次作他们的神,并复兴他们的身、心、灵。以色列会履行神起初的意愿,即作万国的祭司之国(出19:6,见迦14:16-21);全地将因她得福(罗11:15)。那日,以色列将真实有尊荣,其名将永远覆盖全地,不像在她行淫之时充满羞耻,无荣耀可言。
- 我们看到现代的以色列仍悖逆神,拒绝他们的弥赛亚。我们为他们的罪忧伤,就如神为他们的悖逆忧伤一样。我们心中的渴望是将福音分享给这些犹太人,叫他们能舍弃自己行淫之罪,拥戴他们唯一的救主耶稣。基督徒的大使命就是教会对以色列及全世界主要实行的任务。我们祈求人人都能听到福音,并基督能早日再来(太24:14)。我们期待新世界的制度,即基督统治,公义彰显之日。让我们为这日后荣耀的永恒世界以智慧行事,不为今世正逐渐消逝的荣耀而活。
- 我们需要明白:以色列及我们的救恩不是凭人的公德取得神之赦免而达成的。悔改,如信心一样,就是从属灵淫乱中回转,完全依靠神的拯救。悔改和信心是对神关系中的委身,渴望除去建立这美好关系的障碍。这种关系会结出直至的顺服。如查沛尔(Chapell)所言:“真诚的悔改必包括对自己灵里贫穷的程度有正确的了解;因此,真诚的悔改必须从认识神无可相比及无可达成的圣洁开始。”我们的行为是不可能救我们,或者蒙神喜悦。我们的顺从总是达不到标准,而神之能以恩典接纳我们不全的顺服,完全是凭我们在耶稣里的信心,正如一位父亲在父亲节以恩慈接受他三岁孩子难看的图画一样,因为孩子的礼物是出于一片爱心。信徒会渴望与神更新关系,渴望除去这关系中所有的阻碍和罪恶。