31 Oct 2015, Daniel 4 但以理书 4, God Humbles Nebuchadnezzar 神使尼布甲尼撒谦卑

Scripture Reading  : Daniel 4

Theme                  : God Humbles Nebuchadnezzar


Dream of Decreed (1-18). God had graciously given power to Nebuchadnezzar, but he would not admit this. Instead he is proud because he thinks he has created his empire by his power. So God decides to humble him by showing him in a dream that He will temporarily take away his kingdom until he repents and gives God the glory.

Fulfillment of Decreed (19-37) Again, Nebuchadnezzar had to ask Daniel to interpret the dream because no one else could. Through Daniel, God declares the meaning of the dreams. God would take away Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom away from him for seven years. He will live in the wilderness and with wild beasts until the end of the seven years. When seven years are finished, he will acknowledge God and give glory to Him, then God will restore him to normal and give him back his kingdom. This is actually what took place. Most likely, Nebuchadnezzar became a believer of God because in v. 37 he acknowledges God is completely just to humble him. He seems repentant. God has graciously saved this proud man.


Praying the Scripture

  1. One of the greatest enemies to faith in God is pride. Pride in your old self will not let the new self be established. It is an illusion to think that everything you have is obtained by your power. For it is God who has graciously provided the opportunities and the skills for you to accomplish anything (Ps. 127:1). Count your blessings every day and acknowledge God for all the good things that you have. Give thanks to Him.








  1. 信神其中最大的阻碍是骄傲。旧我的骄傲是不会让新造的人建成的。你若认为所拥有的一切全凭自己的能力取得,那纯属幻想,因为赐予你机会和能力达成任何事务的是神(诗127:1)。要每天数算你的恩典,并承认所拥有的一切好处源于神。要称谢耶和华。