Scripture Reading : Daniel 6
Theme : Lion’s Den
Plot to Destroy Daniel (1-15). When Darius the Persian king conquered Babylon he put Daniel in charge of his government and Daniel excelled above all. So other leaders were jealous and wanted to kill Daniel. In order to kill Daniel, they must make a law that is against the law of God so that Daniel must obey God by disobeying the law. Through trickery, they were able to put Daniel in a lion’s den even though the king did not want to kill Daniel.
Plot Turns on Conspirators (16-28) God miraculously delivered Daniel from the lions by shutting their mouths. The king was amazed and then was angry at the conspirators so that he commanded the conspirators and their families be thrown into the lion’s den. Ironically, the conspirators were destroyed by their own plot. At the end, God was glorified. The king praised God and commanded other people to praise God as well. This is analogous of the end times, when nations will attack Israel, but Jesus will come back and miraculously deliver Israel and then at the end all the nations will praise God.
Praying the Scripture
- God is faithful and will defend the nation of Israel and His people. He will glorify Himself through the nation of Israel. Whoever tries to destroy the nation of Israel will be destroyed in the end (Zech. 12:3), just as He also destroyed Haman for trying to destroy the Jews in Esther. The miraculous survival of the nation of Israel and the miraculous survival of Daniel demonstrate the faithfulness of God to His people. We can completely rely on Him and cast all our troubles before Him (1 Pet. 5:7). When the world plots against us we can rely on God.
- 神是信实的,必要保守以色列国及属祂的子民。祂会藉着以色列国荣耀自己。凡尝试消灭以色列的最终会被消灭(撒12:3),如同神毁灭哈曼一样,因为他在以斯帖记里想灭绝犹太人。以色列与但以理奇迹般的生存都彰显了神对祂子民的信实。我们能完全依靠祂,将所有的忧虑卸给祂(彼前5:7)。当世界策谋伤害我们时,我们能依靠神。