9 Nov 2015, Daniel 11 但以理书 11, Antichrist Foreshadowed 预示敌基督的到来

Scripture Reading  : Daniel 11

Theme                  : Antichrist Foreshadowed


Antichrist foreshadowed (1-35). God describes what will happen after Alexander the Great dies. His four generals (not his posterity v. 4) will divide his kingdom into four kingdoms. Daniel’s prophecy was written about 200 years before Alexander. The focus of the vision is on a king from the kingdom of the north (Seleucid kingdom, modern day Turkey to Pakistan) who battles against the kingdom of the south (Ptolemy kingdom, modern day Egypt). This king of the north is the historical person Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who is a pattern or foreshadow of the future antichrist (also described in 8:9-14). The prophecy amazingly predicts the actual historical events of Antiochus accurately and in detail. God ends the description of Antiochus in v. 35 with the words “for it still awaits the appointed time.”

Antichrist Described (36-45). God begins to describe the character and actions of the end times antichrist in detail. He will exalt himself above every god and blaspheme the true, living God. He will be successful for a short time but then will be destroyed. The antichrist will forsake his father’s religion. He will disregard “the one beloved by women,” which most likely is referring to the Messiah, whom all Jewish women desired to give birth to (Luke 1:48). The antichrist will make war against the three countries in the south: Egypt, Libya, and Cush (modern day Sudan) and also against the glorious land (Israel). But he will be destroyed in Israel. This prophecy agrees with numerous other prophecies about how the surrounding nations of Israel, led by the antichrist, will attack Israel and succeed for a short time. But then Jesus will return and deliver Israel.


Praying the Scripture

  1. The antichrist is very cunning. This cunning spirit is already at work in the world. There are already so many false Christianity in the world, especially prosperity gospel and Catholicism. This is predicted by Jesus (Matt. 24:24). Pray that you will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord so that you will be stable spiritually, and not be deceived by the cunning of the devil. Also, grow so that you can make the gospel clear to unbelievers and refute those who contradict it. Pray to God to take away the blinders of unbelievers and open their heart to see the true gospel as revealed in the Bible.
  1. Daniel 12:1 says the devastation that the antichrist will bring to Israel and the world is so terrible that it will exceed everything that we have seen so far in history. It will be even worse than the holocaust. Our hearts should be grieved by such atrocity that will occur in the future because of the sins of Israel. We should be motivated to evangelize the Jews, their neighbours and our neighbours so that they will agree with God’s righteous judgment and be delivered from the wrath to come. May God have mercy and save them.








  1. 敌基督的非常狡猾。这个狡猾的灵已经在世间运行了。世上已出现那么多虚假基督的信仰,尤其是致富福音和天主教。耶稣已预测这事(太24:24)。祈求你能在我们主的恩典和知识上长进,叫你能有稳当的灵性,不会被魔鬼的诡计受骗。另外,你要长进的原因是要叫你能向非信徒清楚传讲福音,并为福音作辩护。祈求神能使瞎眼的非信徒得看见,并敞开他们的心认识圣经所启示的真实福音。
  1. 但以理12:1说,敌基督的将给以色列和全世界所带来的毁坏会非常大,是前所未见的。它将比纳粹大屠杀更残酷。眼看以色列末日时将因着自己的罪遭受如此恶劣的暴行,我们的心当甚忧愁。我们当充满热情地向犹太人、他们的邻舍和我们的邻舍传福音,叫他们能承认神的审判是公义的,并免受神未来的愤怒。愿神能怜悯,拯救他们。