Scripture Reading : Jeremiah 1
Theme : God Calls Jeremiah
Background details of Jeremiah’s times are portrayed in 2 Kgs. 22–25 and 2 Chr. 34–36. He is from a priestly family. His prophetic ministry lasted about 50 years and took place during the reigns of Judah’s final 5 kings. Judah was in spiritual and moral decline with the exception of king Josiah’ reign. However, Josiah’s reforms could only change people’s outward behavior, but not their heart. Judah’s spiritual decline continued after Josiah’s death. For Judah’s sin, God will exile them to Babylon, but God also promises to restore Israel after the exile and to completely heal Israel in the Messianic Kingdom. Jeremiah is nicknamed the weeping prophet because of his sorrow over the persistent message of God’s judgment on Judah. His contemporaries were Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Ezekiel and Daniel.
His Calling (1-10)
. While Jeremiah was in his 20s, God called him to be a prophet. His message will be about both destruction and construction, but the emphasis is on destruction because of Judah’s idolatry. God says He foreknew Jeremiah even before he was born. This theology of foreknowledge is also taught in the NT (Rom. 8:29). Every believer is foreknown by God. This revealed truth is designed to comfort believers in trials by assuring them that nothing will separate them from God. Jeremiah needed such assurance since his message is not a popular one. He was so scared that he tried to convince God he is incapable of fulfilling God’s calling. But the secret to his success will not be in his own limited ability but faith in God’s unlimited ability (v. 19).
His Visions (10-31).
Two visions were given to Jeremiah to authenticate his ministry. The first vision is an almond tree, which sounds like watch in Hebrew. It is to emphasize the certainty that God will fulfil His words because He will watch over His word to perform it. The second vision of boiling pot is a prophecy about the near future judgement on Judah through the Babylonian Empire, which will attack Judah from its northern border.
Praying the Scripture
No one is ever sufficient to accomplish what God has called us to do. This includes evangelism and church ministries. Even the great apostle Paul understands his insufficiency (2 Cor. 3:5-6). We must always depend on God to enable us to fulfill our duties. We demonstrate our dependence on God through our prayers and through following His revealed truth, not by following our own innovation and gimmicks that are contrary to God’s word. Do not be timid because you think you are not capable. If you have a passion for God and to serve Him according to His truth, then He will equip you and make you capable. He promises to give wisdom to those who lack it (James 1:5). Pray that your sense of insufficiency will never get in the way of you serving God, but seek God to equip you and make you sufficient.
耶利米20多岁就被神呼召作先知。他的信息将与犹大的毁灭和重建有关,但因于犹大的偶像崇拜,其重点会在毁灭这方面。神说祂在耶利米出生以前就已预知他。这个预知神学理论在新约(罗8:29)里也有所教导。每一个信徒都是神所预知的。神启示这真理的目的是要安慰凡在经历试探的信徒,以向他们保证任何事都不能将他们与神隔绝。由于耶利米的信息不受欢迎,所以他需要这样的保证。他曾深感害怕,以致尝试说服神自己是无法完成神所召他的任务。然而,耶利米成功的秘诀将不是凭着他极为有限的能力,而是对神无限能力的信心 (19节)。
没有一个人有足够能力完成神所呼召他做的事。这包括传福音和教会的事工。即使伟大的使徒保罗也明白他的能力是不足的(林后3:5-6)。 我们必须一直依靠神才能完成自己的任务。我们能藉着祷告并遵行神所启示的真理表明自己对神的依靠,而不是跟从违背神话语的“创新思想”或花招。不要自以为你的能力不足而胆怯。如果你对神满有热情并按祂的真理来侍奉祂,祂必然装备你,使你有能力。祂应许把智慧给予缺乏智慧的人(雅1:5)。祷告你对自己能力不足的认识不会成为你侍奉神的阻碍,乃驱使你寻求神装备你,叫你有能力。