Scripture Reading : Jeremiah 2
Theme : God’s Contends with Judah
Israel’s Ingratitude (1-8)
. Immediately after the commission of Jeremiah, God pronounces indictment upon Israel through Jeremiah. This chapter focuses on God’s sacred love for His people and Israel’s love of idols. To show how far Israel has plunged into apostasy, God reminds them how much they had loved Him during the time of Exodus (vv. 2-3; cf Hosea 1-3). But the whole nation, including priests, rulers and prophets, is now worshipping worthless gods and they will become worthless themselves.
Israel’s Idolatry (9-19).
The root sin of Israel is idolatry. They sought out the nations, like Egypt and Assyria for protection and other perceived needs and desires. They also worship their debased idols and they have become even worse than their pagan neighbors.
Israel’s Immorality (20-28).
Because of Israel’s idolatry, it also commits gross immorality, of which, sexual immorality and child sacrifice are often mentioned. They performed ritualistic sex under green trees and on mountains. The people have become hopelessly idolaters. It is in their nature. They are like a wild female donkey in heat seeking out a male donkey to mate. They are corrupted to the very core of their nature.
Israel’s Irrationality (29-37).
They are so corrupted, but yet they deny any wrong doing, instead they put the blame on God (v. 29a). Not even punishment can change them. Because they will not admit any wrong, they either deny any future punishment by God or they think God is an unreasonable, angry scrooge whose ultimate desire is not to love them but to desolate them. They are incorrigibly irrational.
Praying the Scripture
Idolatry is the root sin of people. It is the first sin forbidden in the Ten Commandments. Idolatry is anything that we trust to give us pleasure, security, identity and meaning in life, instead of trusting in God’s lordship to define and give all these things. Idolatry is the nature state of all non-believers. But even for believers, God continues to re-orientate our hearts to Him so that we would get rid of remaining idols in our heart (1 John 5:21). Pray that whenever you disobey God or when your sin pops up, ask yourself what lies or lust are you pursuing that causes you to disobey God. Pray that God will convict you of the ugliness of your idolatry and to get rid of your idols in your heart.