Scripture Reading : Jeremiah 3
Theme : A Call to Repentance
Faithless Judah (1-10)
. Based on God’s law and justice, God legally should not reconcile with Judah, but God’s amazing grace overcomes the law, but does not circumvent the law. This ultimately achieved because of Jesus. God’s grace is demonstrated by not rejecting Judah but calls her to return to Him. His amazing grace is even more amazing in light of the treachery of Judah who is even worse than her sister, Israel, which is hard to imagine given Israel’s gross idolatry and immorality (Hosea 4-12). Judah sinned egregiously because they took sin lightly.
Faithful God (10-25).
God calls Judah to return to His lordship (v. 14). When they return, God will forgive them and bless them among all the nations. This blessing is applicable to all believers of every age, including all Christians who will reign with Christ in Jerusalem. In contrast to such great future blessing, idol-worshippers are truly delusional. They think worshipping wood and stones will give them true, everlasting happiness and greatness, when in reality they will only receive shame and desolation.
Praying the Scripture
Repentance essentially means returning to His lordship. It is not the perfection of our behavior. Our works cannot save us, since we are fallen humans who cannot be perfect until we meet Jesus. Repentance is like faith; it is acknowledging our sins and submitting ourselves to His lordship. This submission is displayed through trusting God’s grace to forgive our sins and to desire to please God out of thankfulness, not out of desire to earn our forgiveness. We will continue to struggle with sin but we seek God’s help to overcome our sins, not to ignore our sins (Mark 9:24). God did not call the Jews to be perfect, but to return to His lordship and grow in His grace. Pray that after you have submitted to God’s lordship, grow in His grace so that you will be more like God in His character of compassion, forgiveness, love, and righteousness. This is what He wanted the Jews to do.