Scripture Reading : Jeremiah 7
Theme : No Refuge in the Temple
Misplaced Confidence (1-15)
Chapters 1-6 is most likely a condense version of Jeremiah’s message during Josiah’ reign. Chapters 7-10 is about Jeremiah’s address to the people at the temple. The address took place after Josiah’s reign as indicated by rampant, overt idol worship. The Jews misplace their confidence in the fact that God’s temple is in Jerusalem so logically God will never destroy Jerusalem or them. God bursts their bubbles by reminding them of the destruction of Shiloh. During the time of the judges, Shiloh was the location of the tabernacle and the de facto capital of Israel (Judges 18:31). God reminds them that He will destroy both the people and their hand-made temple for God because the people have become corrupted so both their souls and works are rejected by God.
Obedience Better than Sacrifices (16-34).
The Jews are so obstinate that God commands Jeremiah not to pray for them because He is determined to judge their gross sins including child sacrifice. The impact of sin will affect not just humans but also creation including animals, trees and the ground. The Jews made God into one of their pantheon gods, including the queen of heaven, the goddess of love and futility. They forgot that there is only one true God who is jealous for His glory. They heartlessly and mindlessly offer sacrifices to God, but have no faith in God that results in obedience. Such outward religious deeds are meaningless to God. Even though God knows they will not listen, yet He still commands Jeremiah to keep preaching His message.
Praying the Scripture
- None of our religious deeds and buildings are meaningful to God if we have no faith in God and are not under His lordship. One can be in the most beautiful cathedral and feel good about his worship, while being completely rejected by God. That was the case for the Jews. It is better to be in a poor sanctuary whose worship is accepting to God, then a beautiful cathedral whose worship is an abomination to God. Pray that you don’t just focus on outward religious works, but also inward faith and religious affection for God and His lordship. Both faith and works that stems from faith are important to God. Pray that you do not neglect either one, but cultivate both faith and works that stems from faith (Rom. 1:5, obedience of faith).
- Even though no one will listen to Jeremiah’s message, God commanded him to keep proclaiming. This principle is the same in the NT. God commands us to proclaim the word in season and out of season (2 Tim. 4:2). Whether it is fruitful or unfruitful, whether people listen or not listen, keep proclaiming God’s truth. Pray that you will be faithful to proclaim God’s truth even when people do not listen.
- 倘若我们不信靠神,也不归于祂的主权下,无一宗教行为和建筑对神是有意义的。一个人可以在最华丽的大教堂中为其敬拜感觉良好,在神眼中却是完全被拒绝的。这就是犹太人的实况。在一个穷乏圣所被神悦纳的真实敬拜,胜过在华丽教堂在神看来可憎的敬拜。祷告你不会单单注重外在的宗教行为,乃更重视对神和祂主权的内在信心和热情。出于信心的诚心和行为对神而言都是重要的。祷告你不会忽视任何一者,但会同时培养出于信心的诚心和行为(罗1:5;信服真道)
- 尽管无人愿意听从耶利米的信息,神仍吩咐他继续宣讲。这个道理与新约中的相同。神吩咐我们无论得时或不得时都要宣讲祂的话语(提后4:2)。无论能不能结出果子,无论人愿不愿意听,总都要继续宣讲神的真道。祷告即使人们不听,你仍会信实地宣讲神的真理。