Scripture Reading : Jeremiah 8
Theme : Desecration of Israel
Desecration of Israel (1-13)
Since the Jews worshipped, served, and consulted worthless idols, they will also become worthless like dung. Even their ancestors’ bones, who worshipped idols, will be exhumed and spread out like worthless dung. They desecrated God’s place so God will desecrate them. Even in the midst of proclamation of judgement, God continues to give grace to them by appealing to the Jews to return to Him, but they are mindless animals without shame for their sins. Their conscience has been seared.
Jeremiah’s Sorrow (14-22).
Because of their sins, God will destroy Israel. The Babylonians have already come to Dan, in the northern borders of Israel. Those who are in the country side will flee into fortified cities, but still there will be no peace because the Babylonians will conquer even the fortified cities. Babylonian successfully sieged Jerusalem three times (2 Kgs 24-25). As Jeremiah receives God’s message of punishment on the Jews, he is torn to pieces and plagued with grieve. He constantly lives in the state of tension between his love for the people and being faithful to God’s calling.
Praying the Scripture
The prophet Jeremiah is the most autobiographical prophet in the OT. He often writes about his personal feelings and experiences. Jeremiah is not an emotionally unstable guy but a great prophet who loves his people; therefore he mourns for their destruction. He has the same heart as Jesus who also mourned for the destruction of Jerusalem, His own people (Luke 19:41). God calls us to imitate Him since He is love. So we should mourn when we see calamity on sinners. We should weep with those who weep (Rom. 12:15). Never gloat over sinners’ destruction or be self-righteous, for God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Eze. 18:23).