Scripture Reading : Jeremiah 14
Theme : Famine, Sword and Pestilence
Famine and Judgement (1-12)
Jeremiah prophesies about a coming drought that will languish the whole land. The people pleads with God for mercy but God will not listen to them. God even commands Jeremiah not to pray for these people because they have committed unforgiveable sins against God, just like the Pharisees committed unforgiveable sin against Jesus (Matt. 12:31). God will never forgive them even though they will cry out to God because of their pain.
Lying Prophets (13-22).
The Jews seem to be repentant but their actions do not show it. This is clearly seen in their rejection of God’s word through His true prophet, Jeremiah, and the acceptance of false prophets. These prophets and priests are like businessmen who do not care about God’s kingdom, but only care about expanding their own kingdom, their own business. On one hand they plead for God’s mercy and say all the right words, but on the other hand they continue to worship idols.
Praying the Scripture
There are many Christians today who are like these Jews, especially in the no lordship or antinomian groups, sometimes called easy-believeism or cheap grace. They only accept Jesus as their savior but not their Lord. On one hand, they cry out to God to save them, but on the other hand they do not care to submit to His lordship, but still want to be their own masters. They also hire pastors who are businessmen instead of men of God. Such so-called Christians will be rejected by God in the end (Matt. 7:21-23). A true Christian is not perfect and still sins but he has submitted himself to God’s lordship and pleads for God’s grace to overcome sin. He does not trying to manipulate God so that he can continue to love sin and harbor idols in his heart. Pray that you will understand the difference between false Christians and struggling Christians. Pray that you will pursue righteousness by His grace (Matt. 5:6).