31 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 34 耶利米书 34, Unfaithful to Slaves 与奴隶背约

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 34

Theme                      : Unfaithful to Slaves


Mistreatment of Slaves (1-16)

Chapters 34–38 are largely occupied with Jeremiah’s experiences during the siege of Jerusalem. They are not in strict chronological order. This chapter reveals the depth of the sins of Jews and God’s mercy to warn them to surrender to the Babylonians. During the siege by Babylonians, they set free their slaves, but when the Babylonians temporarily withdrew from the city (vv. 21-22) they rescinded their promise. This was a very treacherous sin. First of all, they were not supposed to keep Hebrew slaves for more than six years. Second, they violated their own covenant to free the slaves. This is an treacherous sin and reflects badly on God’s character, whom they worshipped. God rules righteousness so they ought to be righteous. Their piety was not true piety, but only panic piety.

Punishment for Unfaithfulness (17-22).

Because of their treachery, God will bring back the Babylonians to siege Jerusalem and kill everyone who violated the covenant to set free the slaves. Since they denied freedom to the captive, God will give them freedom to die by the sword, famine and pestilence. This is exactly what they deserve because when they ratify the covenant, they passed through split calves, which symbolizes that they will die like the split calves if they do not fulfill their covenant.


Praying the Scripture

It is so plain that we are all sinners and need salvation through Jesus. We were all like these unfaithful Jews who broke even our own standard of morality (Tit. 3:3). Even without the Bible, pagans can understand their sins through their conscience (Rom. 2:12). Thank God for saving us. Out of thankfulness we need to agree with God that unfaithfulness is dishonorable and ugly. It needs to be rejected. Pray that out of thankfulness for God’s salvation you will be faithful to fulfill your commitment to God and to others, especially to His people. Unfaithfulness tarnishes God’s faithful reputation.








