11 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 37 耶利米书 37, Resolute Jeremiah and Weak Zedekiah 坚决的耶利米与软弱的西底家

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 37

Theme                      : Resolute Jeremiah and Weak Zedekiah


Chapters 37–39 are prophecies during the reign of Zedekiah. They deal with events and messages during the siege and capture of Jerusalem. After the exile of Coniah, Zedekiah begins to believe that Jeremiah is a true prophet and other prophets are liars. That is why he wants to hear from Jeremiah. But he still does not want to obey the Lord, he was just hoping God would change His mind without the people repenting. After the Babylonians temporarily lifted the siege of Jerusalem, Jeremiah decides to return to his home town in order to settle some matters. But he is maliciously and wrongly charged with the intent to desert to the Babylonians. Jeremiah is beaten and locked up in a dungeon. Zedekiah is so afraid of his officials and others that he had to secretly meet with Jeremiah. He knows Jeremiah is a true prophet, but still he is too weak to do the right thing by obeying God. However, Jeremiah, because of his faith, was faithful to God and proclaim His words humbly and confidently. He humbly pleads with Zedekiah to not send him back to the dungeon. Zedekiah grants his request. Zedekiah is like Pilate, who knew the truth about Jesus but was too afraid to believe in Him. This led Pilate to eternal death.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Jeremiah is an example of how God faithfully preserves His servants even in times of trouble. God promised to save Jeremiah physically and He faithfully fulfilled His promise to Jeremiah. God will always fulfill His promise to His people. May you find comfort and peace in God no matter what your situation is, because God is faithful and He promises to give us grace when we trust Him.
  1. The fear of man is a snare (Prov 29:25). Such paralyzing fear of man in the face of death can be overcome by a greater fear: the fear of God (Matt 10:28). Such a fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Prov 9:10). When you are weak in faith, remember the fear of the Lord and do not let the fear of man lead you to faithlessness and eternal death like Zedekiah.







  1. 即使在患难中,神必信实地保守祂的仆人,而耶利米就是一个实例。神应许拯救耶利米的性命,因此祂必成履行这份承诺。神也必然成就祂对百姓的诺言。无论你的境况如何,但愿你能在神里面找到安慰和平安,因为神是信实的。我们若信靠祂,祂必赐予恩典。
  1. 惧怕人的,陷入网罗(箴29:25)。人在面临死亡时总有巨大的恐慌,但我们若有敬畏神的心,便能胜过这样的恐惧了(太10:28)。敬畏神是智慧的开端(箴9:10)。当你信心软弱时,谨记要敬畏神,不要效法西底家,因惧怕人而不信神,终而陷入永恒的死亡里。