23 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 49 耶利米书 49, Judgement on Other Nations 论列国的审判

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 49

Theme                      : Judgement on Other Nations  


Judgement on Ammon (49:1-6).

The Ammonites were descended from Ben-Ammi, son of Lot (Gen 19:38). They conspired against Israel and trusted in their own strength and wealth, therefore God will judge her. However, God will also graciously restore them in the Messianic times just like Moab (v. 6).

Judgement on Edom (49:7-22).

The Edomites were descended from Esau, Jacob’s older brother. Edom’s sin was its pride manifested in its unrelenting and violent hatred of Israel and its rejoicing in her misfortunes (Obad 3, 10–14). There is no prophecy of future restoration for Edom.

Judgement on Damascus (49:23-27).

This is the kingdom of Syria. God also promises to destroy it through the Babylonians.

Judgement on Kedar and Hazor (49:28-33).

These cities were on the Arabian Desert. Even the desert will not provide safety for them from the coming Babylonian invasion. Kedar (v.28) was an Ishmaelite desert tribe (cf. Gen 25:13; Isa 21:13, 16; Ezek 27:21). These nomads, who were rich in livestock (vv.29, 32) and were good at archery (Isa 21:16–17).

Judgement on Elam (49:34-39). Elam was also not spared by the Babylonians. This kingdom is in modern day Iran. They were famous for their archery (Is 22:6). God promises restoration of Elam in the Messianic times.


Praying the Scripture

When reading so much about God’s judgement it is important to keep in mind that God’s judgement is never a revengeful judgement, it is always a justifying judgement based on righteousness. God is not a cosmic bully, but a cosmic righteous judge. His judgement is based on His glorious, righteous character (Ex. 34:6-7), it is never out of a natural disposition of hatred or revenge. Pray that when you execute justice it is never out of joy or revenge, but out of a sense of justice, also with a sense of pity. This may sound to be a strange combination of feelings, but if you have ever disciplined your children correctly, this is not strange at all.











这些城市位于阿拉伯沙漠。然而,即使是沙漠也无法在巴比伦入侵时将他们保全。基达(28节)是以实玛利的一个沙漠民族(参照创25:13;赛21:13, 16;结27:21)。这些游牧民族拥有很多的牲畜(29节,32节),也善于射箭(赛21:16-17)。



