22 Sep 2017, Lev 27 利27章, Vow 许愿

Scripture Reading    : Lev 27

Theme                        : Vow


If you have ever found it difficult or impossible to fulfill a promise, the message of this chapter is for you.

In a moment of extreme joy or trial, a Jew might make a vow to God, offering to give Him something valuable in return for His blessing. (See Judg. 11:29–40; Jonah 2:9.) The vow might involve people (vv. 1–8), animals (vv. 9–13, 26–27), property (vv. 14–25), or produce (vv. 30–33).

If the person could not fulfill the vow, he was not permitted to back out, nor could he offer a cheaper substitute. He had to give the priest the equivalent in money, plus one-fifth more. This chapter tells the priest how to evaluate the gift so that the Lord would receive the right amount, for the money was used for the work of the sanctuary. The word valuation is used nineteen times.
Talk is not “cheap”; rash promises can be very expensive. It behooves us to be careful when we experience great joy or great sorrow, lest we make promises to God that we cannot keep. (See Prov. 20:25; Eccles. 5:4–5.) Yes, you can give God something else, but be sure it is equivalent to the original offer—and let Him do the evaluating. [1]

Praying the Scripture

  1. It seems strange that this book should end with a chapter on vows rather than with an account of a special demonstration of God’s glory and holiness. But our promises to God must be as inviolable as His covenant with us. “Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily before God” (Ecc. 5:2). “It is a snare for a man to devote rashly something as holy, and afterward to reconsider his vows” (Prov. 20:25).
  2. The major lesson of this chapter is that God expects us to keep our commitments to Him and be honest in all our dealings with Him. We must not try to negotiate “a better deal” or to escape responsibilities. It’s good to give money to the Lord, but giving money isn’t always an acceptable way to express our devotion to God. That money might be a substitute for the service we ought to be rendering to the Lord. What Samuel said to King Saul needs to be heard today: “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams” (1 Sam. 15:22).
  3. Finally, we need to remember that Jesus Christ paid with His own life the redemption price for sinners, and we weren’t worth it. He redeemed us not with silver and gold but with His own precious blood (1 Peter 1:18–19). Any sacrifice we make for Him is nothing compared to the sacrifice He made for us.


[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Le 27:1.










  1. 这本书竟以誓言,而不是神荣耀和圣洁的奇特彰显作结尾,这似乎很奇怪。但是,我们向神许下的承诺和祂与我们所立约是同样有效的不可侵犯。“你在神面前不可冒失开口,也不可心急发言”(传5:2)。“人冒失说,这是圣物,许愿之后才查问,就是自陷网罗”(箴20:25)。
  2. 本章最主要的功课就是神要我们遵守向祂许下的承诺,也要与祂以诚相待。我们不应该向神讨价还价或逃避责任。向神奉献金钱固然好,但金钱并非总是向神表达忠诚最妥当的方式。这笔钱可能是用来代替我们应该向主献上的服事。撒母耳向扫罗王所说的话今日我们也要聆听:“听命胜于献祭;顺从胜于公羊的脂油”(撒上15:22)。
  3. 最后,我们要铭记耶稣基督以自己的生命为不配的罪人付了赎价。基督不是凭着能朽坏的金银等物将我们赎回,乃付上了自己的宝血(彼前1:18-19)。相比之下,我们为祂所做的任何牺牲都不算什么了。