Joshua 约书亚记 13 — Victorious Living 得胜的生命

Unlike some elderly people, Joshua lived in the future and not in the past. He had a job to do, and he wanted to complete it before he died. He was not satisfied to defeat thirty-one kings. He urged the tribes to possess the land they had conquered and claim it for the Lord.



No matter how much God has enabled you to accomplish in life, there is always much more land to possess. In the Christian life, we never stand still; we go either forward or backward. The challenge to the believer is Hebrews 6:1: “Let us go on!”



In all his ministry, Joshua was careful to follow the regulations laid down by Moses. Obedience to the Word guaranteed his success (Josh. 1:8).



Did the Levites feel left out? How could they, when God was their inheritance (v. 33)!



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告

  1. It is easy to read verse 1 and to forget just how much had been accomplished under Joshua’s leadership. A careful look at ‘the land that remains’ shows that this land was, in one sense, on the edges of Israel’s land. If such was the land that remained, it implies that Israel had achieved a significant measure of dominance in the main part of Canaan. Not that such dominance was total, but it was substantial. Joshua and Israel’s conquests apparently caused a power vacuum into which Israel could step. Now it was time to allot the land to tribes who would follow up and extend the conquest (vv. 6b–7). For Christians, the Lord has won the victory for us, but there are the fringes of our lives that need to be overcome by the power of God. Let’s pray that we are willing to drive the enemy out of our lives.



  1. Furthermore, we cannot help detecting a note of repeated encouragement throughout verses 8–33. There are repeated allusions to Israel’s victories over our old friends Sihon and Og (vv. 10, 12, 21, 27, 30–31), not to mention Balaam (v. 22; see Num. 22–25; 31:8). What does this mean? It means that throughout all this geography and topography there are constant allusions to the victories Yahweh had previously given Israel under Moses. This is the biblical prescription for faith; faith finds both steadfastness and expectancy by rehearsing and reveling in Yahweh’s past acts of faithfulness. Are we weak in faith? Should we be reminded of what the Lord did for Israel? Let’s pray that our faith will grow by reading what the Lord has done in the Bible.

此外,我们会在8至33节不经意察觉到鼓励的话反复出现。事实上,这些暗指的是以色列对老友西宏和噩(10,12,21,27,30-31节)的胜利,巴兰也当然包括在内(22节;见民22-25; 31:8)。这意味着什么?这些地理、名称都会叫我们想起耶和华曾在摩西的领导下所已给予以色列的胜利。这就是圣经对信心的描述;信心会不断地复述并回想耶和华过去的信实,从而被坚定,有盼望。我们的信心是否软弱?我们不当记念耶和华为以色列所做的事吗?让我们祈祷,叫自己的信心能通过阅读神在圣经中的作为而得长进。