Geography 地理
Joshua chose a meaningful place for his final message, for Shechem held many memories for Israel. There God appeared to Abraham (Gen. 12:6–7), and there Jacob had a “family revival” as he went to Bethel (Gen. 35:1–4). Shechem was near Mount Ebal where the people had rededicated themselves to the Lord after entering the land (Josh. 8:30–35). Being in a special place can sometimes make it easier for us to meet with God.
History 历史
Joshua reviewed the history of Israel and reminded the people of God’s grace and goodness in calling Abraham, delivering Israel from Egypt, and giving them their land. It is good to review the past and remember the mercies of the Lord.
Sincerity 真挚
Our God is “a jealous God” in that He will not tolerate rivals. He will not be one of several gods in our lives; He must be Lord of all. Everybody serves some god, and if it is not the true God as revealed in Jesus Christ, it is a false god. Joshua issued the challenge: “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve!” (v. 15).
我们的神是“忌邪的神”;祂绝不容忍劲敌。祂不要成为我们生命里的众神之一;祂要作万主之主。人人都侍奉某些神,而倘若那并非耶稣基督所启示的真神,它就是一个假神。 约书亚向他们发出挑战:“你们今日就可以选择所要侍奉的!”(15节)。
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- Philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” A knowledge of their roots is very important to the Jews because they are God’s chosen people with a destiny to fulfill in this world (so are we). Shechem was the ideal location for this moving farewell address by Israel’s great leader. It was at Shechem that God promised Abraham that his descendants would inherit the land (Gen. 12:6–7), and there Jacob built an altar (33:20). Shechem was indeed “holy ground” to the Israelites and there is no better place to remember what the Lord did in their journey. Notice the Lord is the major focus here – for Joshua refers to the Lord twenty-one times. In fact, in 24:2–13, it is the Lord who speaks as Joshua reviews the history of the nation. The Lord had chosen Israel (1–4), delivered Israel from dangers (24:5–7), guided Israel (24:8–10), and it is the Lord who gave them their land (24:11–13). Let’s recount God’s blessing in our lives and thanks Him for what He has done.
哲学家乔治·桑塔亚那(George Santayana)说:“一个不能记起过去的人注定是要重蹈覆辙的”。能对自己根本的认识对犹太人来说是非常重要的,因为他们是神所拣选的子民,背负在这世上必须履行的使命(我们也是如此) 。示剑非常适合以色列这伟大领袖在这里献上感人的告别说辞。神就是在示剑应许亚伯拉罕他的后裔要继承土地(创12:6-7 ) ,而雅各也在这里筑了一座坛( 33:20 ) 。示剑对以色列人而言的确是片“圣地”;这里对纪念神在他们的旅途中所做的一切是最恰当的。请注意这里的焦点是主,因约书亚共21次提起主。事实上,在24章2至13节中当约书亚回顾以色列国的历史时,这亦是主在对以色列说话。上帝拣选了以色列(1-4 ),搭救以色列脱离危险( 24:5-7 ),引导以色列( 24:8-10 ),并把地赐给了他们( 24:11-13 )。让我们数算神在我们生命中的祝福,并为祂所行的一切感谢祂。
- After recounting the blessing, Joshua made it clear that the people of Israel had to make a decision to serve the Lord God of Israel (24:14-18). The Lord said you are with me or against me. There could be no neutrality. But if they served the Lord, then they would have to get rid of the false gods that some of them secretly were worshiping. It is sad reality of life that after what the Lord had done for them some were still sacrificing to the gods of Egypt (Lev. 17:7; Amos 5:25–26; Acts 7:42–43; Ezek. 20:6–8). So choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (24:15) What is your prayer?
数算了祝福后,约书亚清楚指出以色列百姓必须做出决定来侍奉耶和华以色列的神(24:14-18)。主说不与祂相合的,就是敌祂的,不得没有保持中立的选择。倘若他们决定事奉主,他们就必须除去在暗地里所敬拜的假神。可悲的是,在神为以色列所行的一切后,他们当中仍有敬拜着埃及神的(利17:07;摩5:25-26,徒7:42-43;结20:6-8) 。所以,“你们今日就可以选择所要事奉的:是你们列祖在大河那边所事奉的神呢?是你们所住这地的亚摩利人的神呢?至于我和我家,我们必定事奉耶和华”(24:15)。你的祷告会是什么呢?