Deuteronomy 申命记 34 — Sanctify the Lord in your Heart 在你心里尊主为大
When your time comes to die, the important thing is not the grandeur of your funeral but the greatness of your life. In fact, how you live now will determine how you will die.
Moses lived in the heights, and he died in the heights. He often met God on the mountain, saw His glory, and experienced His grace. Keep your mind and heart “in the heavenlies” as you live on earth (Col. 3:1ff.).
摩西在高处生活,也在高处离世。他经常在山上遇见神、看见祂的荣光并经历祂的恩典。所以,虽我们在地上生活,也当时常求在天上的事。(西3:1 FF)
Moses lived in God’s will and died in God’s will. You never have to fear life or death if you walk in obedience to the Lord. Moses died “the death of the righteous” (Num. 23:10) because he lived the life of the righteous.
Finally, Moses lived with a forward vision, and he died with a forward vision as he viewed the Promised Land. The nation so often wanted to go back to Egypt, but he challenged them to go forward to the inheritance God prepared for them.
It is good to plan your funeral, but it is also good to live your life in such a way that you will be missed when you are gone.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- The imminent death of Moses is a repeated theme in these closing chapters (31:1–2, 14, 16, 26–29; 32:48–52; 33:1; 34:1–8, 10, 12). Moses knew what was coming, for death is an appointment (Heb. 9:27), not an accident. Moses had begun his ministry as a lonely shepherd, caring for his sheep near Horeb (Sinai), the mountain of God (Ex. 3), and now he would end his ministry leaving his sheep with Joshua and going up Mount Nebo alone to meet God. But the emphasis in these verses isn’t so much his death as the fact that the Lord couldn’t allow him to enter the Promised Land because of his rash sin at Kadesh (Num. 20). Instead of speaking to the rock, Moses struck the rock in anger and said, “Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?” (v. 10, niv) His attitude, his actions (hitting the rock), and his words were all generated by the flesh and not the Spirit and were intended to glorify him and Aaron and not the Lord.
《申命记》最后几个篇章所重申的主题就是摩西即将离世(31:1-2,14,16,26-29,32:48-52;33:1;34:1-8,10,12)。摩西已预备好自己的死,因他知道死亡是神所预定的,并非一场意外(来9:27)。在事工的开端,摩西曾作一个孤独的牧者,在何烈山附近(西奈山,即神的山)照顾他的羊群(出3);现在,他将羊群交给约书亚,独自上尼波山会见神结束自己的事工。然而,这些经文的重点不在于摩西的死,而是主因着摩西在加低斯冲动的罪行禁止他进入应许之地(民20)。摩西没有按神的指示命令磐石,而是在愤怒下击打磐石说:“你们这些背叛的人听我说:我为你们使水从这磐石中流出来么?”(10节)他的态度、举动(击打磐石) 和他的话皆属肉体,并非从圣灵而来,为的是要荣耀自己和亚伦而不是主。
- Moses did not sanctify God in what he said and did, and for this he was kept out of the Promised Land (Deut. 1:37–40; Num. 20:12–13). He prayed earnestly that the Lord would change His mind, but the Lord refused to do so (Deut. 3:23–26; the verb indicates that Moses had often prayed this prayer). On Mount Nebo, Moses was perhaps six miles from the border of the Promised Land, but the Lord wouldn’t allow him to go in. Let’s pray that we learn a lesson from Moses’ life. Let’s us sanctify the Lord in our hearts and actions so that all can see the glory of God in us. Yes, the Lord finally allowed Moses to joined Jesus in glory on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1–3; Luke 9:28–31). This is the grace of God.
Deuteronomy 申命记 33 — Final Words 最后的话
Before viewing the land, Moses viewed the future and told the tribes what lay ahead. When Jacob gave his blessing before he died, he revealed some of the sins of his sons (Gen. 49), but Moses did not do that. Instead, he focused primarily on the relationship of the tribes with the Lord and how each one would have a distinctive character, blessing, and ministry.
God’s people are privileged to be in His hand for safekeeping (John 10:28–29) and at His feet for learning and obeying (v. 3). We are “between His shoulders,” next to His heart (v. 12), and He bears us with His “everlasting arms” (v. 27). What more could we want?
Verse 25 is a good reminder to live a day at a time, as all creation lives (Matt. 6:25–34). The best way to destroy today is to regret yesterday and worry about tomorrow. Israel faced some difficult days, but God was with them and helped them a day at a time.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
The “Song of Moses” had been a lesson in theology, history, and personal obedience, with several strong warnings included; but the final blessing Moses bestowed on his people is saturated with grace and mercy. It’s quite a contrast to the “blessing” Jacob gave his sons before he died (Gen. 49), revealing their hidden character and exposing sin. Moses opened and closed his speech by extolling the greatness of the Lord he was about to meet on top of the mount (Deut. 33:1–5, 26–29). What do you want to leave behind when you leave this world? Pray that you will leave your children the lesson of how great and faithful the Lord is and pray that they will follow your footsteps in serving Him.
《摩西之歌》是对神学、历史和个人顺服的教导,其中还包括了一些严肃的警告;然而,摩西所赐给子民的最后祝福却是充满了恩典和怜悯。这与雅各临死所赐给儿子们的“祝福” 截然不同(创49),因为雅各所做的是当面揭穿众儿子的罪性和罪行。摩西以歌颂他将在山上面见之主的伟大,作为开场和结语(申33:1-5,26-29)。当你离开这世界时,你想要留下的是什么?请祷告,叫自己留给孩子的是主的伟大和信实,并为他们祈求,愿他们跟从你的脚步侍奉祂。
Deuteronomy 申命记 32 — Song of Moses 摩西之歌
God gave Moses this song to teach the people so that they would learn to love and obey Him (Deut. 31:19–30). Our songs today should follow this pattern by revealing the greatness and goodness of the Lord and thus encouraging us to live for Him (v. 3). The key image for God is “the Rock.” It speaks of His stability in a changing world and His dependability in a demanding world (v. 4). The Rock is our Savior (v. 15), Father (v. 18), and Deliverer (vv. 30–31). He is all that we need.
Israel is compared to young eagles that must leave the nest and learn how to fly (vv. 11–12). But Israel is also God’s treasure, and He will protect His people (vv. 34–35). Moses reminded them not to forget their beginning (v. 18) or ignore their “latter end” (v. 29).
Moses compared God’s Word to the rain and the dew (v. 2), which come down from heaven and bring life and refreshment to the earth. Much sharing of the Word may seem to be a waste, but the Word accomplishes God’s purposes whether we see it or not (Isa. 55:10–11).
Much of this song is a warning to the people that they were prone to forget what God did for them and to turn from God to idols. We do not know how often they sang this song, but we do know that they did not take it to heart. Do God’s people today pay attention to what they are singing?
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- Today many churches argue about church music. However, the Bible didn’t give us any instruction regarding the music but the lyric. We should not be dogmatic about the music or the instruments but the theology of the songs especially we have so diverse cultures from Africa and Latin America to Chinese and Western world. The Lord use the songs to teach us about theology. Let’s pray that we focus on the theology and teaching of the songs. It is important to focus on cardinal doctrines rather than the trivial such as atmosphere or lightings etc.
- Moses’ song begins with a short introduction emphasizing the steadfast and faithful God and the rebellious Israel (vv. 1–6). The song describes God’s election (vv. 8, 9) and His care for them (vv. 10–12) and their possession of the Land (vv. 13, 14). However, Israel’s neglect of God’s goodness and her apostasy (vv. 15–18) would bring God’s wrath on them (vv. 19–33). Ultimately, God’s vengeance would strip Israel of all power and turn the nation from idolatry (vv. 34–38). Then, God would bring His judgment upon the nations, both His enemies and Israel’s (vv. 39–42). The song ends with a call to the nations to rejoice with Israel because God would restore them and punish their enemies (v. 43). Let’s pray that we learn the lesson quickly as the Lord will discipline those he loves (Heb 12:7).
Deuteronomy 申命记 31 — Time for Departure
Moses could have closed his life under a dark cloud of discouragement. Instead, he gave encouragement to his people as they faced the challenge of a new life in a new land under a new leader.
He encouraged the people (vv. 1–6) not to be afraid of the enemy because the Lord would go before them and give them victory. He gave a similar word of encouragement to Joshua (vv. 7–8). It would not be easy for Joshua to take the place of a great man like Moses, but he still had the God of Moses as his help.
Moses encouraged the Levites (vv. 9–13, 24–29) to protect and proclaim the Word of God and to teach it to the whole nation. If Israel did not enjoy the Word, they could not enjoy the blessings of God in their inheritance.
God changes His workers, but His work goes on. No matter who our spiritual leaders are, we must love the Lord and live according to His Word. That is the secret of blessing and success. It is also the secret of being an encouragement to others.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- Two themes dominate the last 4 chapters of Deuteronomy: 1) the death of Moses (31:1, 2, 14, 16, 26–29; 32:48–52; 33:1; 34:1–8, 10–12) and 2) the succession of Joshua (31:1–8, 14, 23; 32:44; 34:9). We have limited time on earth and the day will come for us to leave. What legacy do you want to leave behind? At their dying beds, many regret the things they did or didn’t do. Let’s pray that we plan and prepare now before it is too late.
《申命记》最后4个篇章有两个主题:一、摩西的死(31:1, 2, 14, 16, 26–29; 32:48–52; 33:1; 34:1–8, 10–12);二、约书亚的继承(31:1-8,14,23;32:44;34:9)。我们在世上的时间有限,终会离世。你想要留下的基业是什么?一个即将离世的人常常会为自己所做或没做的事感到遗憾。让我们祈祷现在就开始作计划和筹备,免得为时已晚。
- In the work of the Lord, there’s no substitute for godly leadership. As Moses did with Joshua, Christ with His apostles, and Paul with Timothy and Titus, the older generation must equip the younger generation to take their place (2 Tim. 2:2). The Lord has given us the qualifications for leaders in the church (1 Tim. 3; Titus 1), and we must give ourselves to mentoring and training qualified people to become those leaders. “The final test of a leader,” wrote political columnist Walter Lippmann, “is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on.” This is also what Paul’s instruction to Timothy, “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also (2Ti 2:2). Let’s pray that we will have more faithful men trained for the ministry not just in Singapore but also in China.
Deuteronomy 申命记 30 — Future of Israel 以色列的未来
The purpose of chastening is restoration, not ruination. God knows what His people will do, so He makes provision for them to repent and return. He has done this for His people today (1 John 1:5–2:2).
Note the repetition of the little word all. God will send all His judgments among His people in all the nations (v. 1), so that with all their hearts and souls they will obey all He has commanded (v. 2). If we fail to deal with any sin, or if we ignore any word from God, our repentance will be incomplete.
The heart needs “spiritual surgery” if it is to love the Lord and obey Him (v. 6; Deut. 10:16; Jer. 4:4; Rom. 2:25–29). Every child of God has experienced this (Col. 2:11) and, by faith, can live victoriously. When we receive the Word in our hearts (vv. 11–14), we have both the desire and the dynamic to obey God and glorify Him. The heart of victory is the heart!
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
So often in Scripture, the thundering voice of judgment is followed by the loving voice of hope. Yes, Israel did forsake the Lord and follow after idols, and the Lord did bring on His people the judgments stated in His covenant. No nation in history has suffered as much as the nation of Israel, and yet no nation has given so much spiritual wealth to the world. In this chapter, Moses looked down through the centuries and saw the future restoration of Israel in their land and under the blessings of God. However, Bible scholars disagree about the future of Israel. Some say that the church is now “spiritual Israel” and that all of these Old Testament promises are now being fulfilled in a spiritual sense in the church. Others say that the Old Testament promises must be taken at face value and that we should expect a fulfillment of them when Jesus Christ returns to establish His kingdom on earth. Moses seems to be speaking here to and about Israel and not some other “people of God” in the future, such as the church. The church has no covenant relationship to the land of Israel, for God gave that land to Abraham and his descendants (Gen. 15); and the blessings and curses were declared to Israel, not the church. It would appear that there will be a literal fulfillment of these promises to Israel. When they repent, turn back to Jehovah, and open their hearts to the operation of His Spirit (Ezek. 37:1–14; Isa. 11:2; Joel 2:28–29), God will save them and establish them in Messiah’s glorious kingdom (Zech. 12:10–13:1; 14:8–9). Let’s pray for Israel’s repentance and God’s glory be restored in Israel.
Deuteronomy 申命记 29 — Covenant Continues 约定的延续
It is a serious thing to enter into a covenant with the Lord. He will keep His part of the agreement, but we are prone to disobey. If we are to be faithful, we need spiritual renewal for our eyes, ears, and hearts (v. 4). We need to see His hand at work, hear His Word, and love Him with all our hearts.
For forty years, the people saw miracles and heard words, yet they did not perceive what God was doing. They saw His acts but did not understand His ways (Ps. 103:7). They had seen God defeat the idols of Egypt, yet they still had idolatry in their hearts. What could have been spiritual experiences was only a series of historical events because they did not focus on the Lord.
Our responsibility is to obey what we know and not pry into what we do not know (v. 29). Ponder Matthew 13:10–17, and then examine your spiritual perception.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- This chapter is the Book of Deuteronomy in miniature. Moses reviewed the past (vv. 1–8), called the people to obey God’s Law (vv. 9–15), and warned them what would happen if they disobeyed (vv. 16–29). As we read and study Moses’ farewell address, we may get weary of these repeated themes, but they are the essence of God’s covenant with His people. Many of the people who accepted the covenant at Sinai had perished in the wilderness, but there was still a “nation of Israel” that was accountable to the Lord to obey that covenant (Deut. 4–5). Future generations of Jews were also bound by the covenant made by their ancestors at Sinai. If the nation followed the idolaters and disobeyed the Lord, the Lord would judge the whole land and it would become an example to others of what happens when God’s law is violated. Let’s pray that we learn the lesson from Israel and not repeat their mistake.
- Will Israel be an obedient people? Would God send these curses? What does the future hold for the nation? Some people wonder, but this was not a time for speculation; it was a time for dedication. “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law” (29:29). Our responsibility as God’s people isn’t to try to pry open the doors of the future but to obey God’s will here and now. Let’s pray that we will not rebel against God by focusing on the mysteries like some do, but to obey what God has already made clear to us in the Bible.
以色列是否会听从神的话?神是否会降下诅咒?以色列将有怎样的未来?有些人反复遐想,但这不是猜测的时候,而是委身的时候。 “隐秘的事是属耶和华我们神的;惟有明显的事是永远属我们和我们子孙的,好叫我们遵行这律法上的一切话”(29:29)。身为神的子民,我们的责任不是要尝试撬开未来,而是服从神当下的旨意。让我们祈祷叫自己不要违背神,不要像他人一样把焦点放在隐秘的事上,而是谨守遵行神在圣经中清楚的教导。
Deuteronomy 申命记 28 — Warnings 警告
God began with the blessings (vv. 1–14), but the major part of the address was given to the judgments. If this seems to be out of balance, just keep in mind that God knew their hearts (Deut. 5:29).
God promised to bless every area of their lives (vv. 2–6), including their political ventures (vv. 7, 13), their agriculture (vv. 8, 11–12), and their witness to the Gentiles (vv. 9–10). By being a separated and holy people, they would be a light to the Gentiles (Isa. 49:6), but they failed in their mission. Compare verse 10 with verse 25.
神应许要祝福他们生活的每一方面(2-6节);这包括了他们的政治扩展(7,13节)、农业(8, 11-12节)和他们向外邦人的见证(9-10节)。藉着作一群圣洁、分别为圣的人,他们将作外邦人的光(赛49:6),可他们最终完成不了自己的使命。请对比第10与第25节。
Obedience would lift them higher (vv. 1, 13), make them richer (vv. 3–6, 8), and keep them safer (v. 7). From a spiritual point of view, we can claim these promises today.
顺服能使得他们超乎天下万民(1, 13节),使他们更富裕(3-6节),也使他们更安全(7节)。从属灵的角度来看,我们今日也能享有这些祝福。
The curses are frightening, yet they eventually came upon the nation because the people turned from God to idols and disobeyed the Word of God. They did not diligently obey God, carefully observe His law, or joyfully do His will (vv. 1, 47). If we do not “serve the Lord with gladness” (Ps. 100:2), we will end up serving the enemy with sadness.
这些诅咒是可怕的,但它们最终也降临以色列国,因为百姓背离了神,悖逆了祂的话,转而敬拜偶像。他们没有留心听从神的话,谨守遵行祂的诫命,或欢心乐意地遵行祂的旨意(1, 47节)。若我们“不乐意事奉耶和华”(诗篇100:2),我们最终将会以悲痛侍奉敌人。
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- God promised to bless His people in all places—the city, the field, and the home—with all that they needed. As they went in and out in their daily work (v. 6; 8:17–18), He would care for them and prosper their efforts. He would give them victory over their enemies so that they could maintain possession of the land. We must keep in mind why the Lord promised these marvelous blessings. For one thing, the nation of Israel was still in its spiritual infancy (Gal. 4:1–7), and one way to teach children is by means of rewards and punishments. However, it wasn’t long before thinking Israelites discovered that wicked people were also receiving blessings, so there was something more to faith than just being rewarded. (See Ps. 73; Jer. 12:1–4; Job 21:7–15.) Gradually God taught His people that their obedience was a witness to the other nations (Deut. 28:12) and brought glory to His name. Let’s pray that we grow to be mature that we walk by faith not by sight.
- Just as God promised to bless them in every area of life if they obeyed His covenant, so He warned that He would curse them in every area of life—their bodies, families, fields, flocks, and herds—if they disobeyed. The word “destroyed” is repeated ominously (vv. 20, 24, 45, 48, 51, 61, 63). The Jews would be consumed by disease and famine and defeated in war, with their dead bodies left unburied to become food for birds and animals. Let’s pray that we take God’s word seriously. God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. (Gal 6:7)
Deuteronomy 申命记 27 — The Curses 诅咒
This ceremony was observed only once, after Israel entered the land and began to conquer it (Josh. 8:30–35). It was a solemn reminder to them that obedience to God was the secret of success (Josh. 1:8).
The Law was written on large stones so that everyone could read it. Today, as we read and meditate on God’s Word, the Spirit writes it on our hearts and transforms us from within (2 Cor. 3:1–3, 18).
The ceremony was a renewal of the nation’s covenant with God, for new beginnings deserve new acts of dedication. The burnt offering spoke of total dedication to God. The peace offerings, and the meal that followed, spoke of joyful fellowship with God.
The curses are related to the Law already given in the Ten Commandments and cover many aspects of personal life. Israel’s obeying the Law did not deliver them from Egypt or take them into Canaan, but it did enable them to live together and enjoy the blessings of God.
None of us can wholly keep God’s law or fully meet all His righteous demands. We give thanks for what Christ has done for us on the cross (Gal. 3:10–14) and what the Spirit does in our lives (Rom. 8:1–4).
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
In these two chapters, Moses explained the curses and the blessings associated with the Sinaitic Covenant. He first called Israel to perform an elaborate ceremony to ratify the covenant when they entered the Land (27:1–26; carried out by Joshua in Josh. 8:30–35). This was to remind the people that it was essential to obey the covenant and its laws. Then, Moses further explained the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience (28:1–68). The first curse (v. 15) condemned idolatry. The second curse related to dishonoring parents, and the third is about property. The fourth curse revealed God’s special concern for people with disabilities (the blinds). In the fifth curse, the focus is on treating with kindness and justice the helpless and unfortunate in the land. Curses six through nine (27:20–23) have to do with sexual purity. The perversion of sex is not only the abuse of a gift from God, but it threatens marriage and the family, which are foundational to the success of the nation. Let’s examine our hearts carefully to see if we have violated any of these commandments.
Deuteronomy 申命记 26 — Tithes 奉献
These two rituals were to be observed after the nation had entered Canaan and become an agricultural society. When they had reaped their first harvest, the people were to give the firstfruits to God to acknowledge Him as the Redeemer of the nation. God still wants us to put Him first and give Him glory for the blessings He freely bestows on us (Prov. 3:5–10).
They were also to present the “third-year tithe” to help support the Levites and the poor in the land. As with the ceremony of firstfruits, the people were to confess the Lord’s goodness in blessing the land and giving the harvest.
There is nothing wrong with special times of ceremony and celebration, especially when we make new beginnings. However, we must focus on worshiping God and not just observing a ceremony.
These two events remind us of the two great commandments, to love God first and then to love our neighbor. Grateful obedience is a hallmark of God’s special people (vv. 16–19).
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- Moses commanded the people to keep two rituals when they had conquered the Land and began to enjoy its produce. These two rituals were the initial firstfruits offering (26:1–11) and the first third-year special tithe (26:12–15). The offering of the firstfruits was to be accompanied by an elaborate confession of the Lord’s faithfulness in preserving Israel and bringing the people into the Land. The essential aspects of the worshiper’s coming to the sanctuary were the presentation of the firstfruits, bowing in worship, and rejoicing in the Lord’s goodness. In this manner, the visit to the sanctuary was a confession and acknowledgment of God. It was a time of praise and rejoicing because of God’s goodness and mercy extended to former generations and was evidence of divine sustaining grace at that time. Let’s pray that we possess proper attitude toward offering. It is part of worship. It is part of thanksgiving and it should be done with joy and celebration.
- The tithe collected every third year of Israel in the land of Canaan was not taken to the central sanctuary, but distributed locally to Levites, immigrants, widows, and orphans. In the same token we should prepare to give to the special ministries, special needs and special projects. Let’s pray that we give joyfully with a thankful heart because the Lord has already richly blessed us. Let us share the blessing of the Lord to others.
Deuteronomy 申命记 25 — Fairness 公正
The emphasis is on respecting people and treating them as fellow human beings, made in the image of God. It is wrong to humiliate others or take advantage of them (vv. 1–3, 11–12).
We also should have respect for animals (v. 4; see also Prov. 12:10). It would be frustrating for an ox to be in the midst of plenty and not be able to eat. The apostle Paul saw a much wider application of this verse (1 Cor. 9:1–14; 1 Tim. 5:17–18).
We should respect the family (vv. 5–10). This law was significant in Israel because of family and tribal inheritance. It does not apply today, but the principle is clear: the family carries on the life of the nation, and it must be protected.
We must have respect for truth (vv. 13–16) and not be devious in our business dealings. Read Proverbs 11:1 and 20:10, and heed the warning of Proverbs 21:6.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- When an offender was found guilty and sentenced to be beaten, he was not to be humiliated but punished justly (Deut. 25:1–3). To beat him too little would be to minimize the offense, but to beat him too much would be to treat him in an inhuman manner and “degrade him” (NIV). The limit was forty stripes, but the Jews later made it thirty-nine (2 Cor. 11:24) so as not to accidentally go over the legal number. Whether it’s a judge sentencing a criminal or a father chastening his child, the punishment must fit the offense and not demean the offender. Let’s pray for wisdom so that we know how to mete out punishments in our dealings especially when bringing up our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. (Eph. 6:4)
- Levirate marriages provided that the brother of a dead man who died childless was to marry the widow in order to provide an heir. Obviously, this required that the brother be unmarried and desired to keep the property in the family by passing it on to a son since taking brother’s wife is forbidden (Lev. 18:16; 20:21). This practice reflected fraternal affection, and if a single brother refused to conform to this practice, he was confronted with contempt and humiliation by the elders. The perpetuation of his name as a member of the covenant people witnessed to the dignity of the individual. Although this is not practiced today, the principle remains. We are to care for our family. Let’s pray for our family members and care for physical, emotional and spiritual health.