Joshua 约书亚记 23 — Passing the Baton 传承接代

No matter how great leaders may be, they cannot last forever, although their work is never lost (1 John 2:17). Like his predecessor Moses, Joshua gave a farewell address, first to his leaders (chap. 23) and then to the people as a whole (chap. 24).



He magnified the Lord and not himself. No one would question that Joshua was a gifted leader and a great general, but he gave the glory to God.



He challenged the people to keep trusting God and claiming their inheritance. In the book of Judges, you will discover how their incomplete obedience led to compromise and severe discipline from the Lord. Joshua had warned them (v. 16), but they forgot his words. Triumph was turned into tragedy.



He reminded them that God’s Word never fails (v. 14) and must be obeyed completely if God is to continue His blessing on the land. Verse 7 explains how to wander from the Lord, and the nation did exactly that!



You are writing your own “farewell speech” right now. What will it sound like?



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Here is the second of the three assemblies with which the Book of Joshua closes. The emphasis remains on the necessity for fidelity to Yahweh (vv. 6, 8, 11) in order to retain the land (vv. 13, 15, 16). Here an aged Joshua addresses Israel through her leaders in his last will and testimony. Observe how Joshua stresses the peculiar responsibility of Yahweh’s witnesses. Joshua sets himself in sharp contrast to Israel’s leaders who remain: ‘I have become old, I have come into days, but you have seen all that Yahweh your God has done …’ (vv. 2–3). The burden of Joshua’s exhortation to the leaders comes in verses 6–8: since they have actually seen Yahweh’s work on behalf of Israel, they must be the spearheads of fidelity to him. Death is about to beckon Joshua; but he uses a last opportunity ‘that he might leave the pure worship of God surviving him.’ Let’s pray that we are eager for the next generation to love God as much as we do.

这是总结约书亚记所见的三个集会中的其中第二组。这里强调的仍是百姓要对耶和华专一(6, 8, 11节),才能持守地业(13, 15, 16节)。年迈的约书亚通过众长老向以色列做出他最后的遗愿和见证。请注意约书亚是如何强调作耶和华见证人所持的特殊责任。约书亚特意与这些仍然存活的长老作鲜明的对比:“已老迈,时间到了,但你们亲眼看见了耶和华你们神所做过的……”(2-3节)在6-8节中,约书亚对领导人迫切地劝勉:他们既然已见证了耶和华为以色列所做的一切,就必须带头对耶和华忠贞。死亡即将临到约书亚,但他使用最后的机会为下一代留下纯正的敬拜。让我们祈祷,渴望下一代能像我们一样热爱神。


  1. These leaders had seen all that Yahweh had done to ‘all these nations’ (v. 3) and ‘had seen all Yahweh’s great work which he had done for Israel’ (Judg. 2:7); but the time will come when these witnesses will, like Joshua, leave the earthly struggle behind (Judg. 2:10a). It is at that point that we will hear of another generation ‘who did not know Yahweh nor the work that he had done for Israel’ (Judg. 2:10). Does that mean Joshua’s men had failed? The fact that a faithless generation can arise out of the tracks of a faithful generation should impress us with how vital it is for one generation to, at least, pass on the amazing story of God’s saving power and fearful judgment to the next. Let’s pray that we do their parenting seriously.



Joshua 约书亚记 22 — Faithfulness 信实

Not only had the Lord kept His promises to Israel, but Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh had kept their promise as well (Num. 32:25–32). It was time for them to cross the Jordan and join their families.



Joshua commended them for their faithful service, something that all of us should do for those who have ministered well (1 Thess. 5:12–13). He also commanded them to obey the Lord and serve Him sincerely. Finally, he cautioned them not to become selfish but to share the spoils with their brethren. Perhaps Achan came to mind as Joshua spoke to them.



The land was at rest, but the eastern tribes were restless because the Jordan River separated them from their brethren. Would their children grow up and think they were not truly Israelites? They should have considered that when they set the boundary!



The building of the altar was at first misunderstood as a declaration of war, but then it became a witness of peace and unity. It is too bad when God’s people are forced to manufacture evidence to bear witness of their unity. Before you declare war on the brethren, stop to find out what is going on. Maybe you agree after all! Ponder Proverbs 18:13 and James 3:13–18.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. We have just entered the last major division of the Book of Joshua. The book of Joshua can be divided into 1) Entering the land (chapters 1–4); 2) Taking the land (chapters 5–12); 3) Possessing the land (chapters 13–21); and finally 4) retaining the land (chapters 22–24). Each of these last three chapters begins when Joshua summons (Hebrew, qara’) Israel (22:1; 23:2; 24:1). Thus the book closes with three assemblies of the people of God. Remember that all this immediately follows the heavy theological text, 21:43–45, which emphatically underscores Yahweh’s fidelity to His promise. By contrast, chapters 22–24 are preoccupied with the theme of Israel’s fidelity to Yahweh (22:5, 16, 18, 19, 25, 29, 31; 23:6, 8, 11; 24:14–15, 16, 18, 21, 23, 24). Hence the last three chapters constitute the writer’s major application: Israel must respond in kind to Yahweh’s unwavering faithfulness. “Are you faithful to this faithful God?”  was the question Joshua asked the people. Let’s pray that our response is a resounding yes.

我们已来到了约书亚记最后的一部。约书亚记可分为1)进入土地(1-4章);2)夺下土地(5-12章);3)占领土地(13-21章);4)保守土地(22-24章)。而最后的三个篇章皆以约书亚传召(希伯来文:加拉)以色列作开头(22:1;23:2; 24:1)。因此,本书便是以神子民的三次聚集作总结。要记得,紧跟着这一切的是一段沉重的神学篇幅,即23:43-45,其强调的是耶和华忠于自己的诺言。相比之下,22-24章讲述的要点是以色列对耶和华的忠诚(22:5, 16, 18, 19, 25, 29, 31; 23:6, 8, 11; 24:14-15, 16, 18, 21, 23,24)。因此,笔者在最后三个篇章要传达的是:以色列必须对耶和华不变的信实作出同样的回应。“你是否忠于这位信实的神?”这就是约书亚问百姓的问题。让我们祈祷我们的答案是正面、坚定的。


  1. In the few verses of this chapter, we find a gracious commendation of the two-and-a-half eastern tribes on the part of Joshua (vv. 1–8). Joshua’s commendation for obedience (vv. 1–4) precedes an exhortation to fidelity (v. 5) and a direction regarding generosity (vv. 6, 7b–8). How beautiful such obedience is! It should remind all of God’s people that it is possible not to sin (1 John 2:1). No one knows the virility of sin like the saints of God, and sometimes in our struggle with sin we can wearily come to think that we are doomed to lose the fight. We need the right perspective: sin will not lord it over us, for we are under the Grace (Rom. 6:14). Let’s pray that we will keep fighting for His glory.


Joshua 约书亚记 21 — Provision God’s Servants 对神仆人的供应

After the land was apportioned, the writer looked back and made one summary statement: God keeps His promises (v. 45).



God kept His promise and gave the land to Israel (v. 43). He had promised it first to Abraham (Gen. 13:14–17), and then to his descendants (Gen. 17:8). On the basis of that promise, Joshua entered Canaan, defeated the enemy, and claimed the land for Israel.



God kept His promise and gave them rest from war, enabling them to conquer all their enemies and enjoy their inheritance (v. 44). (See Deut. 12:10; 25:19; Josh. 1:13.) We have spiritual rest today through Christ (Heb. 3–4) and will one day enter into eternal rest.



God kept His promise and scattered the Levites throughout Israel (Gen. 49:7). He gave them forty-eight towns, including the cities of refuge. It should have been a blessing to Israel to have these servants of God living in many different places and sharing the truth of the Word with the people (Deut. 33:10).



Not one word of His promises has failed (v. 45; Josh. 23:14; 1 Kings 8:56). You can trust the Word of God.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Yahweh had instructed Moses that Israel was to give the Levites cities where they could live and pasturage around those cities for their livestock (Num. 35:1–8). The Levites had not forgotten it. They approached Eleazar, Joshua, and the Israelite leadership to ask that they now be given what Yahweh had authorised for them. Already Caleb (14:6ff.) and the daughters of Zelophedad (17:3–6) had followed this pattern. Both near the beginning and at the close of this third major section of Joshua (chs. 13–21) we have people (Caleb and the Levites, respectively) coming to claim what Yahweh had promised them. It is not too extreme to say that this should be the normal pattern for all believing prayer, namely, that we seek what ‘Yahweh commanded … to give us’ (v. 2). What God has promised us, what God has authorised us to have, we should seek in prayer. We usually give too little thought to what God actually has promised us. Let’s pray that we take the Word of God seriously and fix our hope in them.

耶和华曾吩咐摩西,以色列当给予利未人居住的城邑,城邑的郊野也要给他们牧养牲畜(民35:1-8)。利未人并没有忘记这一切。他们来到以利亚撒、约书亚和以色列各支派的族长面前祈求领受耶和华所给他们应许的。迦勒(14:6)和西罗非哈的女儿(17:3-6)也都如此行,得到了他们的产业。我们在《约书亚记》第三部(书 13-21)的开头和结尾都看到有人(分别为迦勒和利未人)前来领受耶和华所应许的东西。我们也可以说这当是凭信心祷告的模式,即寻求“耶和华……吩咐给我们”的(2节)。我们应该在祷告里寻求神已应许我们的和神已吩咐我们的事。我们通常不多加思想神所给予我们的应许。让我们祈祷,叫我们认真对待神的话,并把我们的盼望锁定在那里。


  1. When the Levites request their cities they are asking only for the provision they need. Certainly the priests and Levites were set apart for a special ministry but they had very earthly needs as well. Sometimes, however, it is God’s people who are strangely (or conveniently) oblivious to the physical needs of those who serve them. A church may pay its pastor a scraping wage and forget that he, too, is a human who needs medical attention, insurance, education for their children etc. Let’s pray that we obey God by providing for them as God has provided for us.



Joshua 约书亚记 20 — Sanctity of Human Life 生命的尊贵

The cities of refuge are mentioned in Exodus 21:12-13, Numbers 35, and Deuteronomy 19, so you may want to review those passages.



Jesus Christ is our “city of refuge” (Heb. 6:18–20), but the salvation He gives is in contrast to the refuge given to the manslayer. It is true that the sinner must come to Christ (Matt. 11:28–30), but it is also true that Christ first comes to us (Luke 19:10). The elders of the six cities did not help.



When we come to Christ, there is no trial to determine our guilt. We know we are guilty! That is why we fled to Him! We did not stand at the door and wait; we entered the open door (John 10:9) and were welcomed by the Savior, knowing that we would never face condemnation (John 5:24; Rom. 8:1). The manslayer had to remain in the city, but we “go in and out and find pasture” (John 10:9).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


The provision of the cities of refuge reflects the values of Yahweh’s justice. The chapter breathes the sanctity of human life: both the manslayer’s and the dead man’s. We can clearly see that the concern with these cities assumes the preciousness of the unintentional manslayer’s life. But we may not so clearly see that the slain man’s life is presumed sacred as well. For the city of refuge is not only a place of safety for the manslayer but also of exile. He enjoys protection but also suffers penalty. He cannot return to his home town and resume normal life; he must stay in the city of refuge until the death of the current high priest (v. 6b). Nor can he leave the bounds of that city, for, if he does, he is fair game for the slain man’s relative (Num. 35:26–28). As Trent C. Butler says, the city is ‘at the same time refuge and prison’. Such is the cost of destroying human life; even when that life is taken unintentionally the consequences of that wrong must be carried. Life made in God’s image always remains exceedingly sacred (Gen. 9:6). Let’s pray that we treasure every life that the Lord has made.



Joshua 约书亚记 18-19 — A New Day 崭新的一天

Since it was centrally located, Shiloh was the ideal place for the tabernacle. During the years of Israel’s wanderings, the tabernacle was in the center of the camp. Now it was at the center of the land, accessible to all and a reminder that the fear of God must be at the heart of the nation.



Beware the sin of neglect! It was not the enemy that prevented the tribes from claiming their inheritance; it was their own indifference and indolence. (See James 4:17.)



The surveyors gathered the facts, but God gave the guidance needed for the allocation of the land (18:8–10). We must obey the Lord if we want to know His will. Although we must not lean on our own understanding (Prov. 3:6), we must have understanding in order for God to direct us.



Joshua saw to it that the distribution to the tribes was completed before he received his own inheritance (19:49–50). The city of Timnath was located in a mountainous region where life would not be easy. Joshua could have chosen the finest place in the land, but he put others first and let them take the best (1 Cor. 10:24; Phil. 2:1–4).

约书亚确保各支派地业分配完毕后,才领受自己的产业(19:49-50)。亭拿西拉城位于山区地带,要在那里生活定不容易。约书亚本大可以为自己选择土地最好的地段,但他却以人为先,让他们得到最好的(林前10:24; 腓2:1-4)。


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


Israel’s assembling and setting up the tabernacle at Shiloh, hints at the dawn of a new day. Shiloh was about ten miles northeast of Bethel, thirty miles north of Jerusalem, in the tribal territory of Ephraim. Shiloh seems to have been the primary centre of Israelite worship during the pre-monarchic period (Josh. 18:1; 21:2, 22:9, 12; Judg. 18:31; 21:12, 19; 1 Sam. 1–2). This was a new situation. The day would come, Moses had told Israel (Deut. 12:1–15), when Yahweh would choose a place in the land where He was to be worshipped, a place where sacrifices were to be offered and sacrificial meals enjoyed. The semilaxity of the wilderness period would cease when God brought them into their inheritance and gave them rest in the land. Here they were to worship faithfully, joyfully, and safely. For New Testament believers, our Lord had paved a new way from the cross and now we can come to Him directly as Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, “The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. (John 4:23) Let us thank the Lord for what he has done for us.

以色列在示罗聚集并设立帐幕,暗示了崭新一天的到来。示罗位于伯特利东北约有十英里(16公里),耶路撒冷以北三十英里(48公里),在以法莲支派的境界。示罗似乎一直都是以色列人在立王时代以前的主要敬拜场场地(书18:1,21:2,22:9,12; 士18:31,21:12,19; 撒上1-2)。这是一个新的局面。摩西曾告诉以色列(申12:1-15),耶和华将选择人当崇拜祂、祭祀祂,以及享用祭祀之餐的地方。当神领他们到应许之地,在那里给予他们安息时,他们在旷野中的半松懈状态将结束。在这里,他们要忠诚地、欢喜地,并安全地敬拜祂。对新约信徒而言,我们的主已从十架为我们劈开一条新的道路,使我们如今能直接来到神的面前,正如耶稣对撒玛利亚妇人说的:“时候将到,如今就是了,那真正拜父的,要用心灵和诚实拜他,因为父要这样的人拜他。”(约4:23)让我们感谢主为我们所做的一切。

Joshua 约书亚记 16-17 — God’s Mysterious Way 神莫测高深的道路

Ephraim and Manasseh were Joseph’s two sons, born to him in Egypt. Jacob adopted them as his own and gave them a special blessing from the Lord (Gen. 48), which explains why these two tribes were given such valuable land in the heart of Canaan. Joseph had kept the family alive during seven years of famine, and his descendants reaped the benefits. They were wealthy because of Joseph’s faith and love and Jacob’s special blessing.



However, we must not live only on what our ancestors have provided. We must also claim an inheritance for ourselves and our children (17:14–18). There those who did a lot of complaining but not much conquering! And there were those who had not because they claimed not.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. We are reminded that Yahweh’s ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts (Isa 55:9) in these chapters. Verses 1–4 mention the sons of Joseph: Manasseh and Ephraim (v. 4). This was the order of birth; Manasseh was the older of Joseph’s sons. However, the writer proceeds to describe Ephraim’s territory before Manasseh’s allotment. Although this is subtle, it is deliberate. For when Joseph presents the lads for Jacob’s blessing he places Manasseh, the older, opposite Jacob’s right hand, and Ephraim opposite Jacob’s left (v. 14). However, Jacob crossed his arms and placed his right hand on Ephraim’s head, giving him priority! This is a mysterious God who is sovereign in His way. Let’s pray that we honor and respect God’s sovereignty in our lives.


  1. In the case of Zelophedad’s daughters, they approached Joshua boldly and reminded him about the Lord’s promises. Remember Zelophedad died having no sons. His five daughters appealed to Moses, asking Moses not to divert the inheritance to the nearest male relative but to them. This is uncustomary but the Lord decided in their favor. This request reflects the five daughters’ faith. Many Christians lack the boldness, assurance, and confidence to lay hold of God’s provisions. Let’s us be bold and claim God’s provision for us. Let us also come know the Lord’s promises intimately and pray boldly.



Joshua 约书亚记 15 — Distribution of Inheritance 产业的分配

Had the people chosen their inheritance, there no doubt would have been competition and conflict; but the Lord assigned the territory, and the tribes submitted to His will.



“For who makes you different from another?” asked Paul. “And what do you have that you did not receive?” (1 Cor. 4:7). John the Baptist said, “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven” (John 3:27).



Whenever you envy another’s achievements or abilities, you are forgetting this basic spiritual principle. Whenever you complain to God because of what you are not, instead of praising Him for what you are, you need to listen again to Paul and John the Baptist.



This is not to suggest that you become complacent. Caleb fought courageously to claim his God-given inheritance, and so did Othniel, his son-in-law. Caleb’s daughter had faith to ask for additional blessings, and she received them. God gives—we possess by faith. We must accept whatever inheritance He grants us.



The people could rest on Psalm 47:4 and the Levites on Psalm 16:5. Are you happy with the perfect choices that God makes?



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告

It seems to be more than a little tedium in reading through Joshua 15. It deals with the inheritance of the tribe of Judah and lovingly traces the boundaries of Judah (vv. 1–12), reports Caleb’s victories at Hebron and Debir (vv. 13–20), categorises and lists the various towns belonging to Judah (vv. 21–62), and includes a note of inability or failure (v. 63). Certainly, a text like ‘Maon, Carmel, Ziph, Juttah’ (v. 55) doesn’t exactly suggest warm devotional thoughts. Yet the apostle Paul was not joking when he said ‘all scripture is profitable’; therefore, Joshua 15 must be profitable. If we were among the tribes of Israel, we will not feel bored because it was the rich inheritance and blessing of the Lord. Let’s pray that we are absolutely certain that the Lord is serious in giving us His reward for our faithfulness and obedience. So let us be steadfast and immovable in serving our Lord.

阅读约书亚记15章似乎有点乏味。它述说了犹大支派所分得的产业,并仔细描述了犹大的边界(1-12节),汇报了迦勒在希伯仑和底璧的胜利(13-20节),划分并列出了属于犹大的各城邑(21-62节),也列下犹大的无能或失败(63节)。当然,类似“玛云、迦密、西弗、淤他”(55节)的篇幅并不一定能勾起沉思默想的念头。然而,当使徒保罗说:“圣经都是有益” 的,他不是在说笑。因此,约书亚记15章必然有可益之处。我们若属以色列支派中的一位,就不会感到乏闷,因为那都是主所赐的丰富产业与祝福。让我们祈祷,叫我们能绝对相信主必会赞赏我们的忠心与顺服之心。因此,我们应该持之以恒、坚持不懈地侍奉主。


Joshua 约书亚记 14 — Wholehearted Faithfulness 全心忠诚

Caleb illustrates the truth that “through faith and patience [we] inherit the promises” (Heb. 6:12). Along with Joshua, Caleb was eager to claim his inheritance over forty years before, but the nation had rebelled in unbelief. Patiently, Caleb endured the trials of the wilderness; he knew that his future was secure (Num. 14:24). That unbelieving generation had no hope, for they died in the wilderness, but Caleb had a “living hope” because of his faith (1 Pet. 1:3ff.).

迦勒就是一位“凭信心和忍耐承受应许的人”(来6:12)。他同约书亚一样,早在四十年前就急切地想承受自己的产业,但以色列国却在不信中悖逆了耶和华。迦勒耐心地忍受在旷野的试验;他知道他的未来是稳固的(民14:24)。那不信的一代却没有希望,因为他们都死在旷野中,但迦勒因他的信心,有了“活泼的盼望” (彼前1:3)。


What an example for us to follow! Age did not hinder him, the disappointments of the past did not embitter him, and giants did not frighten him! At a time in life when others were looking for security and ease, Caleb was saying, “Give me this mountain!” (v. 12). His secret? “He wholly followed the Lord God of Israel” (v. 14).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告

  1. Often we use the little Latin abbreviation eg. (exempli gratia), ‘for example’ to illustrate a point. Chapter 14 seems to be primarily an e.g. This chapter points to Caleb as an example of how Israel’s tribes ought to be extending the original conquest by cleaning out and nailing down their various tribal portions. Chapter 14 opens a section (14:1-19:51) dealing with the tribal allotments in the land of Canaan. It is interesting to note that this section opens and closes with the two faithful spies (see Num. 13–14) receiving their respective inheritances, Caleb in 14:6–15 and Joshua in 19:49–50. But chapters 14–17 also form a given block of material, for Caleb’s adventuresome faith in 14:6–15 deliberately contrasts with the hesitant caution of the Joseph tribes in 17:14–18. Notice the adverbs used to describe Caleb’s following heart: wholly, fully and wholeheartedly, depending what version of the Bible you are reading. Let’s pray that we follow Caleb’s example of following Christ wholly, fully and wholeheartedly.

我们时常使用“例如”一词来说明一点。第14章的重心就是要给予我们一个例子。这个篇章指向迦勒为例,说明以色列各支派当如何“清除”并巩固他们的分地,拓展已征服的江山。第14章(14:1-19:51)开启了各支派在迦南地所被分配之产业的叙述。有趣的是,这一段经文的开头和结尾提到的是那两个忠心的探子(见民13-14 )各自领受的产业;迦勒为14:6-15而约书亚为19:49-50 。但第14-17章提供了强力的对比:迦勒在14:6-15显示了在信心中有的冒险精神,而17:14-18勾画的却是约瑟子孙的犹豫、保留。请注意形容迦勒顺服之心的用词:专心。让我们祈祷能效法迦勒的榜样,专心跟从基督。


  1. Yes, the Lord will reward our faithfulness. Let’s pray that we remain faithful and looking forward to receive the Lord’s commendation, “Well done, good and faithful servant… Enter into the joy of your master. (Mat 25:21).



Joshua 约书亚记 13 — Victorious Living 得胜的生命

Unlike some elderly people, Joshua lived in the future and not in the past. He had a job to do, and he wanted to complete it before he died. He was not satisfied to defeat thirty-one kings. He urged the tribes to possess the land they had conquered and claim it for the Lord.



No matter how much God has enabled you to accomplish in life, there is always much more land to possess. In the Christian life, we never stand still; we go either forward or backward. The challenge to the believer is Hebrews 6:1: “Let us go on!”



In all his ministry, Joshua was careful to follow the regulations laid down by Moses. Obedience to the Word guaranteed his success (Josh. 1:8).



Did the Levites feel left out? How could they, when God was their inheritance (v. 33)!



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告

  1. It is easy to read verse 1 and to forget just how much had been accomplished under Joshua’s leadership. A careful look at ‘the land that remains’ shows that this land was, in one sense, on the edges of Israel’s land. If such was the land that remained, it implies that Israel had achieved a significant measure of dominance in the main part of Canaan. Not that such dominance was total, but it was substantial. Joshua and Israel’s conquests apparently caused a power vacuum into which Israel could step. Now it was time to allot the land to tribes who would follow up and extend the conquest (vv. 6b–7). For Christians, the Lord has won the victory for us, but there are the fringes of our lives that need to be overcome by the power of God. Let’s pray that we are willing to drive the enemy out of our lives.



  1. Furthermore, we cannot help detecting a note of repeated encouragement throughout verses 8–33. There are repeated allusions to Israel’s victories over our old friends Sihon and Og (vv. 10, 12, 21, 27, 30–31), not to mention Balaam (v. 22; see Num. 22–25; 31:8). What does this mean? It means that throughout all this geography and topography there are constant allusions to the victories Yahweh had previously given Israel under Moses. This is the biblical prescription for faith; faith finds both steadfastness and expectancy by rehearsing and reveling in Yahweh’s past acts of faithfulness. Are we weak in faith? Should we be reminded of what the Lord did for Israel? Let’s pray that our faith will grow by reading what the Lord has done in the Bible.

此外,我们会在8至33节不经意察觉到鼓励的话反复出现。事实上,这些暗指的是以色列对老友西宏和噩(10,12,21,27,30-31节)的胜利,巴兰也当然包括在内(22节;见民22-25; 31:8)。这意味着什么?这些地理、名称都会叫我们想起耶和华曾在摩西的领导下所已给予以色列的胜利。这就是圣经对信心的描述;信心会不断地复述并回想耶和华过去的信实,从而被坚定,有盼望。我们的信心是否软弱?我们不当记念耶和华为以色列所做的事吗?让我们祈祷,叫自己的信心能通过阅读神在圣经中的作为而得长进。


Joshua 约书亚记 11-12 — Victory Through Obedience 借着顺服的胜利

The enemy in the north of Canaan united to resist Israel’s advance, and their forces were formidable. But God assured Joshua that he would win the battle, and he did. God assures us before the battle (11:6), fights for us during the battle (11:8), and commands us after the battle (11:9, 15). How we follow orders after the victory is as important as what we do before the battle begins.



Joshua conquered the whole land and did it to provide each Israelite with his inheritance from the Lord (11:23). God helped him defeat thirty-one kings and claim their land and their wealth for the Lord and His people. Our Joshua, the Son of God, has defeated every spiritual enemy and now reigns in heaven (Eph. 1:15–23; Col. 2:9–15). Through Him, we can “reign in life” (Rom. 5:17) and claim the victory.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告

  1. This section of the Book of Joshua summarizes Israel’s conquest of the southern (10:29–43) and northern cities (11:1–15) in Palestine, and closes with a list of the names of some of the kings whom Israel defeated (11:16–12:24). Two things stand out in this record: It was the Lord who gave the victory (10:30, 32, 42; 11:6, 8); and Joshua obeyed the Lord by utterly destroying the enemy, just as Moses had commanded (11:9, 12, 15, 20). Are you afraid when the enemy’s number is like the sand on the seashore, with very many horses and chariots (Jos 11:4). Let’s pray that we keep our eyes on the Lord rather on the circumstances.

《约书亚记》的这段经文总结了以色列在巴勒斯坦南部(10:29-43)和北部城市(11:1-15)的征服,并最后把以色列所击败的一些国王之名列出(11:16-12:24)。这段记载突出了两件事:胜利是主所赐的(10:30,32,42; 11:6,8);以及约书亚遵从神的话,将敌人彻底毁灭,如摩西所吩咐的(11:9,12,15,20)。当敌人多如海沙,并有许多马匹车辆时(书11:4),你是否感到害怕?让我们祈祷能定睛在主而不是所在的处境。


  1. The apparent contradiction between verses 11:23 and 13:1 can easily be explained. Joshua and his army did take control of the whole land by destroying the key cities with their kings and people. Israel didn’t take every little city or slay every citizen or ruler, but they did enough to break the power of the enemy and establish control over the land. Once this was accomplished and there was rest in the land, Joshua was able to assign each tribe its inheritance; and within each inheritance, the tribes had to gain mastery over the remaining inhabitants who were still there. Even after the death of Joshua and his officers, there was additional land to be taken (Jud. 1–3). Jesus Christ already broke the power of Satan and it is now for us to claim victory in every area of our lives. Let’s pray that we would overcome any unclaimed territory in our lives for His glory.
