24 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 28:16-31; 1:8: Proclaiming the Gospel 传扬福音
Scripture Reading : Acts 28:16-31; Acts 1:8
Theme : Proclaiming the Gospel
- Gospel presented to the Jews. When Paul arrived in Rome, he met the Jews who were there, and once again, he preached the Gospel to the Jews who were in Rome. As was Paul’s custom, he expounded the Old Testament Scriptures to prove that Jesus is the promised Messiah.
- Gospel presented to the Gentiles. When many of the Jews rejected the Gospel message, Paul declared to them that the Gospel would be preached to the Gentiles, and he did so for the next two years as he awaited for his trial before Caesar. Paul was placed under house-arrest, and was not in a prison cell (28:16), so that he could preach the Gospel freely to those came to him.
- Gospel presented to the world. The Book of Acts ended abruptly at chapter 28. From one perspective, it was because the author, Luke, wrote Acts before Paul was released from this first imprisonment. According to tradition, Paul was released from this imprisonment, but was arrested again and martyred after a few years due to the persecution led by Emperor Nero. From another perspective, it is because the spread of the Gospel continues to this very day, in fulfilment of Acts 1:8, when the church continues the work of evangelism until Christ comes again.
Praying the Scripture
- Whenever Paul had opportunity, he would preach the Gospel to everyone, whether they were Jews or Gentiles. Paul did not wait for people to be ready. Pray that we too will seize every opportunity to preach the Gospel.
- After the Jews rejected the Gospel, this message of salvation “has been sent to the Gentiles” (28:29). Thank and praise God for having mercy on us, who are Gentiles, such that the message of salvation is also given to us.
- Pray that we will fulfil the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) and continue bringing the Gospel “to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
- 向犹太人传福音。当保罗抵达罗马后,他与那里的犹太人会合,并再一次向罗马的犹太人传福音。保罗依照他的习惯,讲解旧约经文,证明耶稣是那位应许的弥赛亚。
- 向外邦人传福音。当许多犹太人拒绝福音信息时,保罗向他们宣告福音从此将传给外邦人,而在等待凯撒审讯的那两年,他便这么做。保罗是被软禁,不在牢房里(28:16),所以他能向凡前来探访的人自由地向他们传福音。
- 向世界传福音。使徒行传在第28章突然结束;其原因之一是因为作者路加是在保罗首次下监后被释放之前写的。根据传统,保罗虽然在这次的软禁中得着释放,但他过了几年又再次被捉,并在尼禄王为首的逼迫中殉道。其二是因为福音的传扬延续至今,从而应验使徒行传1:8——教会会一直延续传福音的工作,直至基督再来。
- 每当保罗一有机会,他便会向所有的人传福音,不论他们是犹太人或者是外邦人。保罗并没有等待人先做好预备。祈求我们也会把握每一个机会向人传福音。
- 犹太人拒绝福音后,得救的信息便“传给外邦人”(28:28)。感谢并赞美神怜悯我们这些外邦人,使福音的信息也将至于我们。
- 祷告我们能实现大使命(太28:18-20),继续把福音传至地极(使1:8)。
22 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 27:33 – 28:15: How to Live Under God’s Sovereignty II 如何在神的主权下生活(二)
Scripture Reading : Acts 27:33 – 28:15
Theme : How to Live Under God’s Sovereignty II
- Be responsible in God’s sovereignty. After 14 days and nights without eating any food, the men were weary and loosing strength. Paul ate and urged the people to eat and regain their physical strength. God’s sovereignty does not free man from his responsibility to take care of himself physically so that he can do what God intended for him to do. It is superfluous to assume that God will give physical strength through supernatural means.
- Be confident in God’s sovereignty. On the island of Malta, Paul did not panic even though he was bitten by a poisonous snake, but merely shook it off. After a long cruise, Paul finally arrived at Rome, where “Paul thanked God and took courage”. Paul had full confidence in God throughout the entire journey, actively doing what was right and responsible. However, he was not devoid of feelings as a human, evident when he “took courage” when he arrived in Rome. Paul’s confidence also did not lead to indifference, because he remembered to thank God for keeping His promises.
Praying the Scripture
- Many Christians have a wrong understanding of God’s sovereignty versus man’s responsibility. For example, there are false-teachers who claim that Christians suffering from illnesses should not take any medication because that shows a lack of faith in God’s supernatural power to heal. Pray that we will live responsibly under God’s sovereignty, and take care of ourselves physically so that we can do the spiritual work that God commanded us to do.
- Not being thankful is a character of unbelievers (Rom. 1:21). Paul had full confidence in God, evident from his actions and words during the storm and the shipwreck. When Paul arrived in Rome, he remembered to thank God, which is acknowledging God’s sovereignty in his life. Pray that we will live confidently in God’s sovereignty, remembering to count our blessings and thank God, and not with indifference.
- 在神的主权里尽责。船上的人连续14天没有进食,因此开始疲惫乏力。保罗掰饼吃,并劝勉众人吃饭,以恢复体力。神有主权并不表示人无需照顾自己的身体,叫他能行主的旨意。若以为神会藉着超然的途径给予人体力,便是无知的。
- 在神的主权里确信。在马耳他岛上,即便被毒蛇咬了,保罗也不慌张,仅将蛇甩开。经过漫长的航行后,保罗终于抵达罗马,并“感谢神,放心壮胆”。保罗在全行中充分相信神,且积极行正确的事,负起当担的责任。然而,他并不是毫无感情的机器人;我们从他到达罗马后“放心壮胆”可以看出。保罗对神的信心并没使他对周遭的事漠不关心,因为他记得为神守应许而感谢神。
- 许多基督徒对神的主权与人的责任有错误的了解。例如,有假教师声明患病的信徒不当服药,因为这是对神缺乏信心的表现,以为神没有超然医治的能力。祷告我们在神的主权下能尽责生活,并好好照顾自己的身体,叫我们能行神所吩咐我们的属灵工作。
- 缺乏感恩之心是非信徒的其中一个特征(罗1:21)。从保罗在风暴及海难中的言行举止,我们可以看出保罗充分地信神。当保罗抵挡了罗马,他不忘感谢神,即承认神在他生命中的主权。祈求我们会在神的主权里自信地生活,并记得数算我们的恩典,要感谢神,而不是冷淡对待一切。
21 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 27:1-32: How to Live Under God’s Sovereignty I 如何在神的主权下生活(一)
Scripture Reading : Acts 27:1-32
Theme : How to Live Under God’s Sovereignty I
- Be free in God’s sovereignty. After the trial before Festus and Agrippa, Paul began his journey to Rome, as promised by God. God had promised Paul that he will testify for God in Rome, but did not tell Paul how He would fulfil His promise. By God’s sovereignty, He would use the Romans to provide Paul a safe and all-expense-paid voyage to Rome! God also did not promise that the journey will be smooth and plain-sailing, as evident from the passage, that the voyage was filled with much difficulty (v4: the winds were against us, v7: had difficulty, v8: with difficulty). What God demanded is simply that Paul trust in Him and be faithful to fulfil his calling to preach the Gospel.
- Be active in God’s sovereignty. The Day of Atonement was held sometime in late September or early October, after which was winter, making travel in the open sea a dangerous thing to do. Knowing the danger that lies ahead, Paul warned the centurion, who did not listen to his counsel. During the storm, Paul encouraged the people to persevere, and he warned the centurion of the escaping sailors. Paul did not “let go and let God”, but was actively doing what he ought to do.
Praying the Scripture
- God did not promise that our lives will be smooth and plain-sailing after we become Christians. What we need to do is to obey His Word and trust in Him, and live our lives freely in such a manner to bring glory to His name. We must not believe the lies that many false-teachers tell us. Pray that we will be free in God’s sovereignty, and glorify Him in all that we do.
- It might sound very spiritual to “let go and let God”, but it is actually a very unbiblical thing to do. Throughout the Bible, it teaches believers to do what is right, to be doers of God’s Word, to serve the church actively, etc. Pray that we will not be irresponsible Christians but do what we can do, and trust God fully for the outcome.
- 在神的主权里自由。在非斯都与亚基帕前受审讯后,保罗开始前往罗马,如神所应许的。神曾应许保罗他将在罗马为神做见证,却没告诉他应许是如何应验的。神将藉着祂的主权使用罗马人为保罗提供往罗马的安全、免费旅程!神也没应许行程将是一帆风顺的;如经文显明,行程将百经患难(4节:风不顺;7节:被拦阻)。神要求保罗的仅是保罗信靠祂,并忠于他的呼召传福音。
- 在神的主权里积极。禁食的节日是在九月底或十月初举行的;之后便入冬,使公海航行不安全。由于保罗晓得眼前的危险,他警告了百夫长,百夫长却不听。暴风之时,保罗鼓励大家要坚持,并警戒百夫长有水手想要逃出船去。保罗并没有“放手、任神”,而是积极行他当做的事。
- 神没应许我们在成为信徒后,生命必然一帆风顺。我们需要做的乃是顺服神之言、信靠神,并以自由活出荣耀神之名的生命。我们不能相信众多假教师所告诉我们的谎言。祈求我们会在神的主权里得着自由,并在凡事所行上荣耀祂。
- “放手、任神”的概念听起来很属灵,但却与圣经的教导非常不符。圣经反复教导信徒要行公义,要做行道的,要积极服侍教会,等。祷告我们不会做不负责任的基督徒,而是要竭尽所能把事做好,并将其结果交托于神。
20 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 25:13 – 26:32: The Testimony of Paul 保罗的见证
Scripture Reading : Acts 25:13 – 26:32
Theme : The Testimony of Paul
King Agrippa was Herod Agrippa II, the son of Herod who was eaten by worms and died (Acts 12:19-23). When Festus brought Paul before King Agrippa, Paul immediately took the opportunity to give his testimony and preach the Gospel.
- Who was Paul before becoming a Christian? He persecuted the Lord. Paul was a Pharisee before he became a Christian. He thought that by obeying the law, a sinner can please God and earned his way into heaven. He persecuted Christians for preaching another way to heaven, through faith alone in Jesus.
- How did Paul become a Christian? He personally met the Lord. On the road to Damascus, Paul had a personal encounter with Jesus. Every sinner needs to have a personal encounter with Jesus, to recognize his own sinfulness and total helplessness, and trust in Jesus alone to save him from hell. No one can become a Christian by birth, nationality or coming to church – all must confess the name of Jesus with their mouths and believe in their hearts before they can be saved.
- What changes resulted after Paul become a Christian? He preached the Lord. There was a 180 degrees change for Paul – he opposed the Lord and persecuted Christians before he became a Christian, but he preached the Lord and became persecuted after he became a Christian. Paul truly practiced what he preached, that sinners “should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds.” (26:20)
Praying the Scripture
- In one way or another, all unbelievers are opposing Jesus Christ, as long as they do not repent from their sins and believe in Him alone. We too opposed the Lord before God had mercy and grace on us and saved us. Pray for unbelievers around us, especially our family and friends, that God will forgive them and grant them repentance.
- Not everyone will have such a dramatic conversion experience as Paul or some of the other Apostles. In fact, Peter wrote about his own dramatic experience (witnessing the transfiguration and hearing God’s audible voice), but concluded that “we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place.” (2 Pet. 1:19) In a sense, God’s Word that acts as a lamp shining in our dark and sinful hearts is like Paul’s experience of a blinding light. Let us thank God for shining His light into our sinful hearts using His Word.
- Pray that those of us who claim to believe in Jesus will truly “demonstrate their repentance by their deeds”. One way of doing so is to serve God by preaching the Gospel, despite rejection and even persecution. Pray that we will have courage and not be ashamed of the Lord and His Gospel.
- 保罗成为基督徒之前是谁?他逼迫主。在成为信徒之前,保罗是一名法利赛人。他以为只要遵守律法,罪人便能讨神的喜悦,取得往天国的通票。由于基督徒传的是另一个往天堂的道路,也就是唯独信靠耶稣才能得救,他便逼迫基督徒。
- 保罗如何成为基督徒?他亲眼见主面。往大马士革途中,保罗亲自遇见耶稣。每个罪人与耶稣都要有个人的经历,叫罪人得以看见自己的罪性与全然的无助,并唯独信靠耶稣救他脱离地狱。无人能靠自己的种族、国籍或教会做信徒——人人都当口里承认、心里相信耶稣为主,才能得救。
- 保罗成为基督徒后有什么改变?他传主名。保罗全然蜕变——信主之前,他曾经抵挡主,也逼迫基督徒;信主之后,他却传主名,反受逼迫。保罗确实行他所传的道理,即罪人“当悔改归向神,行事与悔改的心相称”(26:20)。
- 不论在大事或小事上,只要非信徒不愿从罪中悔改并信靠耶稣基督,他们都是抵挡神的。在神未降下怜悯与恩典使我们蒙得救赎前,我们也是抵挡神的。请为我们身边的非信徒祷告,尤其是我们的家人和朋友,求神能赦免他们,并赐他们悔改的心。
- 不是每个人都会像保罗或其他使徒一样有那么戏剧性的信主经历。实际上,彼得记载了自己戏剧性的经历后(见证主变形,又听见神的声音),却总结说:“我们并有先知更确的预言,如同灯照在暗处。你们在这预言上留意……才是好的”(彼后1:19)。在某种意义上,神的道犹同灯照在我们黑暗与罪恶的心,如保罗经历的闪光一样。让我们感谢神用祂的道使祂的光照入我们罪恶的心。
- 请让我们这些自称是信主的会真实“行事与悔改的心相称”。其中一个方式就是借着传福音侍奉神,纵然会遭拒绝,甚至逼迫。祈求我们会有胆量,不会以主之名及祂的福音为耻。
19 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 25:1-12: Paul appeals to Caesar 保罗上告于凯撒
Scripture Reading : Acts 25:1-12
Theme : Paul appeals to Caesar
- The ambush. It had been two whole years since the trial before Felix, and once the new governor Festus came, the Jews brought their case before Festus, plotting to kill Paul again! They were relentless in their pursuit to kill Paul, even though much time had passed since the last ambush that was thwarted. The hatred of the Jewish fanatics could be clearly seen.
- The accusation. Festus, like his predecessor, Felix, sought to please the Jews. The Jews brought false charges against Paul, like they did two years earlier, but could not prove their case. Their charges were most likely similar to the earlier trial before Felix, which included sedition (violation of Roman law), sectarianism (violation of Jewish law) and sacrilege (violation of God’s law).
- The appeal. When Festus wanted to please the Jews and suggested that Paul returned to Jerusalem to stand trial, Paul knew that he would be walking to his death. Two years ago, he had escaped in the middle of the night under heavy Roman guard. The accusation that the Jews brought against him again showed him that they still hated him and would seek to kill him again. Therefore, Paul exercised his right as a Roman citizen to have a trial in Rome.
Praying the Scripture
- The Jews who plotted to kill Paul were religious fanatics, much like the terrorists in modern-times. They plotted to murder Paul and violated the Old Testament law themselves (Ex. 20:13 – the sixth commandment). Pray that we will not allow hatred, anger and bitterness to build up in our hearts.
- The Jews accused Paul of sacrilege (violation of God’s law). However, when they brought such false charges, they were themselves violating the ninth commandment (Ex. 20:16) by bearing false witness. Pray that we will not be quick to judge others of their sin before we examine our own hearts.
- Paul exercised his right as a Roman citizen when he appealed to Caesar, to have a trial in Rome. As Christians, we must be wise and not allow ourselves to be abused by evil men. Pray that we will be “wise as serpents but innocent as doves” (Matt. 10:16).
- 其埋伏。自保罗在腓力斯面前受审讯后,时日已过两年,而一旦换了新的巡抚非斯都,犹太人又在他面前控告保罗,还再度计谋杀他!虽然时间已过了那么久,但他们仍坚决要杀保罗。犹太教狂热分子的愤恨是显然可见的。
- 其控告。如前任的巡抚腓力斯一样,非斯都想讨犹太人的欢喜;犹太人也如两年前一样,口说无凭,胡乱控告保罗。他们的控告大可能与腓力斯那时的审讯一样,诬告保罗违反罗马律法、违反犹太教律法与违反神之律法。
- 其上诉。当非斯都因为想讨犹太人的欢喜而提议保罗回耶路撒冷受审断时,保罗晓得这是死路一条。两年前,他曾在众多罗马的护兵的保护下深夜逃离;两年后,犹太人所控告他的罪刑显示他们仍憎恨保罗,想要杀他。因此,保罗使用他做罗马公民的权利,祈求在罗马受审。
- 企图杀害保罗的犹太人是宗教狂热分子,如现代的恐怖分子一样。他们企图谋杀保罗,自己违背了旧约律法(出20:13——第六个诫命)。祷告我们不会容许憎恨、愤怒和苦毒在我们的心里存留积累。
- 犹太人诬告保罗违背神的律法。然而,当他们提出这样的控告时,他们自己也违背了第九个诫命(出20:16),因为他们做假见证。祷告我们在论断他人犯罪之前,要先省察自己的心。
- 当保罗上告于凯撒,要求在罗马受审时,他使用了自己做罗马公民的权利。身为基督徒,我们也当有智慧,提防恶人陷害。祈求我们能“灵巧像蛇,驯良像鸽子”(太10:16)。
18 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 24:1-27, Listening to the Word 听从圣经
Scripture Reading : Acts 24:1-27
Theme : Listening to the Word
- Listening with interest. After Paul was rescued from the plot to kill him, he was brought before Felix the Roman Governor, who heard the case both from the Jews and from Paul. Felix was familiar with the Way, referring to the teachings of Christianity, because his wife Drusilla was Jewish (24:24). Paul remained under Roman custody because the Jews could not prove their case against Paul. Felix was interested to hear the Word of God because he sent for Paul again to hear him speak about Jesus (24:24).
- Listening with fear. When Paul spoke the truth “about righteousness (and sin) and self-control and the coming judgment”, Felix was afraid, clearly showing that he recognized intellectually that he too was a sinner. Even though Paul was in custody and under the authority of Felix, Paul did not bribe Felix in order to gain his freedom, nor said things that pleased Felix. Paul continued to preach the Gospel faithfully.
- Listening with no action. Felix heard Paul’s messages repeatedly for two years, but he was only a hearer of the Word and not a doer. Felix was like the foolish builder, who also heard the Word of Christ, but did nothing to obey it (Matthew 7:26). Felix was self-deceived, because he was only a hearer of the Word, but not a doer (James 1:22). Felix was still unrepentant in the end, preferring to please the Jews than to do what was right, to free Paul, whom he knew was innocent.
Praying the Scripture
- Felix was an unbeliever, and there is no evidence from Scripture that he ever repented and believed in Jesus. However, there is one thing he probably did better than many so-called Christians: Felix was interested to hear the Word of God. Many people come to church on Sundays and their hearts are elsewhere – they doze off in the pew, or they are busy with their phones. Pray that we will listen to the Word of God with interest, wanting to know what the Bible truly says.
- Not only was Felix interested, he probably understood what it meant and the implications for him, if he does not repent of his sins. There are many self-righteous people who are not convicted of their sin, and they become angry when they perceive that the sermon is addressing their sin. Pray that when we listen to the Word of God, we will listen with fear, especially when it comes to sin and judgment.
- James 1:25 “But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.” Pray that we will not only be hearers of the Word, but also doers of the Word.
- 感兴趣地聆听。保罗从犹太人的计谋逃脱后,他被带到罗马巡抚腓力斯前;腓力斯也听了双方(犹太人和保罗)的辩解。腓力斯是熟悉神之道的,即基督教的教导,因为他的妻子土西拉是犹太人(24:24)。由于犹太人无法推翻保罗的分诉,保罗仍留在监里。腓力斯是感兴趣听道的,因为他屡次传保罗,要听他讲论信基督耶稣的道(24:24)。
- 以敬畏之心聆听。当保罗“讲论公义(与罪)、节制和将来的审判”时,腓力斯甚是恐惧,显明他在理性上也认同自己是个罪人。保罗虽然仍被关在牢里,仍在腓力斯的权威下,但他既没有予贿赂以得自由,也没有刻意说些好听的话讨腓力斯的欢心。保罗继续忠心地传讲福音。
- 毫无行动地聆听。腓力斯两年期间重复地听保罗所讲的道,但他仅是听道而不是行道的人。腓力斯像那个愚昧的建筑工人;他听了神的道,却不遵行(太7:26)。腓力斯是自欺的,因为他单单听道,不去行道(各1:22)。最终,他仍没悔改,宁愿讨好犹太人,也不愿意行公义;尽管晓得保罗是无辜的,他却不释放保罗。
- 腓力斯是非信徒;圣经没有证据显明他曾悔改并信靠耶稣。然而,他做的一件事或许比很多自称为信徒的更好:他感兴趣听神的道。很多人周日到教会,心却飘游在外——他们或者在座位上打盹儿,或者忙着看手机。祈求我们会感兴趣地听神的道,想知道圣经真正说的是什么。
- 腓力斯不但感兴趣地听道,他或许也明白其中的含义,即不悔改的后果。许多自以为义的认为自己没有犯罪,而当他们认为道是在定他们的罪时,他们反倒生气。祈求我们聆听神的道时,会以敬畏的心聆听,尤其关乎罪与审判的时候。
- 雅各书1:25:“唯有详细察看那全备、使人自由之律法的,并且时常如此,这人既不是听了就忘,乃是实在行出来,就在他所行的事上必然得福。”祈求我们不要单听神的道,也要行出道来。
17 Apr 2017, Acts 23:12-35 使徒行传23:12-35, Protected by Providence of God 因神的护理得保全
Scripture Reading : Acts 23:12-35
Theme : Protected by Providence of God
- The plot to kill Paul was planned. More than forty Jews made an oath to kill Paul. What these Jews actually did was they invoked divine judgment upon themselves should they fail to kill Paul! In the Old Testament, taking an oath was meant for a person who devoted himself to serving God (Deut. 23:21). These Jews took an oath before God to kill Paul, thus swearing falsely by God’s name and profaned His name (Lev. 19:12).
- The plot to kill Paul was punctured. This is the only passage where Paul’s family is clearly identified. Why the nephew was in Jerusalem and helped Paul is not revealed in the Bible. What is clear is that by God’s providence, He directed Paul’s nephew to learn of the ambush and informed him of the plot. The plot was subsequently reported to the tribune, who took the matter seriously.
- The plot to kill Paul was prevented. The tribune prevented the assassination by sending Paul away by night under heavy guard. Antipatris was 40 miles (64 km) away from Jerusalem, and to reach there in one night was no small feat by the soldiers who marched on foot. From Antipatris, only the horsemen continued with Paul to Caesarea, because the foot soldiers would have been extremely tired after marching 40 miles in one night.
Praying the Scripture
- The Jews took an oath to kill Paul, which was swearing falsely by God’s name and profaning His name (Lev. 19:12). On the other hand, Jesus said, “Do not take an oath at all… Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.” (Matt. 5:34-37) Pray that we will not profane the name of God, and that we will do all things for the glory of God.
- Luke 12:2-3 “Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.” Nothing can be hidden from God, including the plot of the Jews to kill Paul. Let us thank God for being omniscient, and pray that we will watch everything that we do and say, even when no human is watching, because God knows it all.
- Through God’s providence, Paul was protected and sent to Caesarea. Eventually, he would be sent to Rome under Roman guard too. God only reveal certain things for us to obey, but many details are hidden from us by His wisdom. Pray that we will obey whatever God has revealed to us, and not try to find out the unnecessary details which God has kept hidden.
- 崛起杀害保罗的计谋。超过四十个犹太人起誓要杀保罗。实际上,这意味着若他们失败,他们要神向自己降下审判!原来在旧约时代,只有专心侍奉神的人才会起誓(申23:21)。这些人在神面前起誓要杀保罗,事实上是指着神的名起假誓,亵渎了神的名(利19:12)。
- 戳穿杀害保罗的计谋。圣经只有在这一段清楚点明保罗的亲人。圣经虽然并没阐明保罗的外甥为何会在耶路撒冷帮他,但明确地凸显了神的护理——祂使保罗的外甥得知埋伏的计划,并通知了保罗。保民官后来也得知这事,并严谨处理。
- 避免杀害保罗的计谋施行。保民官安排保罗夜间由众多兵丁护送离开,从而避免他被杀。安提帕底离耶路撒冷约64公里,所以要步兵一夜步行赶到那里并不容易。到了安提帕底,只有马兵继续与保罗前行到恺撒利亚,因为步兵一夜赶64公里的路后必定疲惫不堪。
- 犹太人起誓要杀保罗——这事实上是指着神的名起假誓,亵渎了神的名(利19:12)。另外,耶稣说过:“什么誓都不可起……你们的话,是就说是,不是就说不是;若再多说,就是出于那恶者。”(太5:34-37)祈求我们不会亵渎神的名,凡事要为神的荣耀而行。
- 路加福音12:2-3:“掩盖的事没有不露出来的,隐藏的事没有不被人知道的。因此,你们在暗中所说的,将要在明处被人听见;在内室附耳所说的,将要在房上被人宣扬。”人不能向神隐藏任何事,包括犹太人想杀保罗的计谋。让我们感谢神是全知的,并祷告我们在言行举止上要留心,因为即便无人看见,神却晓得一切。
- 藉着神的护理,保罗受到保护,并被送到撒迦利亚去。最终,他也会由罗马兵丁护送到罗马。神往往只向我们启示祂要我们遵行的事;藉着祂的智慧,许多细节是向我们隐藏的。祈求我们会顺服凡神已经向我们启示的事,而不是试着挖掘我们无需晓得的一些被隐藏了的细节。
15 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 23:1-11: Be Perfect in the Imperfect World 在不完美的世界中做完全人
Scripture Reading : Acts 23:1-11
Theme : Be Perfect in the Imperfect World
- Paul is submissive to God’s sovereignty. When the high priest Ananias ordered Paul to be struck on the mouth, Paul pronounced judgment on him for not obeying the law. Paul did not recognize the high priest because he had gone away from Jerusalem for many years, and this was not an official gathering of the council (it was called by the Roman tribune) so Ananias did not wear his official garments. When Paul found out that it he was the high priest, he submitted to the human authority that is established by God, even though he was unfairly treated.
- Paul is wise in using the environment. From the unfair treatment he received from the high priest, Paul perceived that he would not be given a fair trial, so he wisely defended himself using the doctrinal argument he knew existed between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, who did not believe there would be a resurrection. Note that Paul did not lie about what he believed just so to create dissension between the Pharisees and Sadducees – he truly believed in the resurrection. So sharp was their theological dispute with the Sadducees that some Pharisees actually defended Paul.
- Paul is reassured by the Lord. After going through so many trials and affliction, it is not surprising that Paul was fearful and discouraged (he wrote to in 1 Corinthians 2:3 that “I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling.”) God is very gracious to Paul and reassured him that God will bring him to Rome safely. Note that God only promised that He will bring Paul to Rome, but He did not promise that the journey would be smooth.
Praying the Scripture
- Romans 13:1 “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” Paul submitted to the high priest even though he was unfairly treated. Pray that we will obey God’s Word and submit to the governing authorities, for in so doing we are submitting to God’s sovereignty.
- Jesus said, “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” (Matt. 10:16) Submitting to the authorities does not mean we suffer in silence in all circumstances. God gave us wisdom to use the proper channels to protect ourselves. But when we do so, we must ensure that we do not break God’s commandments (e.g. we cannot lie). Pray that we will “be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”
- Even the great Apostle Paul was fearful and trembling (1 Cor. 2:3). God is gracious to us and He promised to be with us (Matt. 28:19-20) and He works all things for our good (Rom. 8:28). Pray that we will trust in God’s eternal promises, and persevere in serving Him.
- 保罗顺服神的主权。当大祭司吩咐人打保罗的嘴时,保罗为着他不遵守律法而下论断。保罗并不晓得他就是大祭司,因为他已离开耶路撒冷多年,而这也不是公会的正式聚会(这是罗马保民官所召的),所以亚拿尼亚没穿上他正式的衣裳。当保罗发现他是大祭司后,即便受到不公的对待,他还是顺服了神所制定的社会阶层权势。
- 保罗巧妙利用环境。保罗既然受到大祭司不公的对待,便晓得他难以获取公正的审讯。因此,他灵机一动,使用法利赛人与撒都该人之间存有的教义矛盾保护自己(撒都该人不信有复活之事)。我们可以留意到,保罗并没有因为要刻意制造纠纷而否定他所信的——他确实相信有复活之事。法利赛人与撒都该人的教义纠纷如此火爆,以致法利赛人竟然为此维护了保罗。
- 保罗受到主安慰。经历诸多患难及试炼后,保罗难免感到沮丧、惧怕(他在哥林多前书2:3写道:“我在你们那里,又软弱,又惧怕,又甚战兢。”)。神甚是恩待保罗,再次向他保证自己将安全地把保罗带回罗马。我们在此留意到:神只应许要将保罗带回罗马,却没有保证行程将是一帆风顺的。
- 罗马书13:1:“在上有权柄的,人人当顺服他,因为没有权柄不是出于神的,凡掌权的都是神所命的。”即便受到不公的对待,保罗仍顺服了大祭司。祈求我们能顺服神的道,顺服在上有权柄的,从此顺服主的主权。
- 耶稣说:“我差你们去,如同羊进入狼群,所以你们要灵巧像蛇,驯良像鸽子”(太10:16)。顺服掌权者并不意味着我们必须默默地承受一切;神赐予我们智慧,叫我们能利用正确的管道保护自己。与此同时,我们也当留心自己不会违背神的律法(如不许说谎)。祈求我们能“灵巧像蛇,驯良像鸽子”。
- 就连伟大的使徒保罗也有惧怕、战兢的时候(林前2:3)。神对我们都有恩,并应许时刻与我们同在(太28:19-20),且使万事互相效力,叫我们得益处(罗8:28)。祈求我们能信靠神的永恒应许,能坚持侍奉神。
14 Apr 2017, Acts 21:27 – 22:30 使徒行传21:27-22:30, Serving God in Adversity 患难中侍奉神
Scripture Reading : Acts 21:27 – 22:30
Theme : Serving God in Adversity
- The reasons for Paul’s arrest. The leaders of the Jerusalem church anticipated the false accusations and tried to avoid unnecessary conflict by instructing Paul to join in the purification rites of 4 men, and Paul submitted to them. However, this did not prevent the Jews from stirring up a riot with the false accusations. The Jews did not have authority to make any arrests, so they simply tried to kill Paul by mob-action. Because of the riot, the Romans came and arrested Paul.
- The response of Paul to the arrest. Paul took the opportunity while he was under Roman custody to preach the Gospel to the Jews in the mob. He did not place a higher priority on his own safety than to serve God by preaching the Gospel.
- The result of Paul’s arrest. Paul was a Roman citizen by birth, and he was under the protection of Roman law. He made use of his right to a legal trial and was thus protected by the Roman soldiers from being attacked and killed by a mob.
Praying the Scripture
- Often in life, we may be doing the right things but still get false accusations. Pray that we will be faithful to God and obey His Word, and may God protect us from false accusations.
- After Paul was arrested, he did not make a defence for himself, but took the opportunity to preach the Gospel. Pray that we will serve God in adversity, just like Paul.
- The biblical teaching that Christians should submit to the authorities does not mean that Christians cannot exercise their right as citizens. Pray that God will use the local government to protect Christians and the church from persecution.
- 保罗被捉的原因。耶路撒冷教会的领袖预料有人会诬告保罗,因此尝试避免这起不必要的纠纷,指示保罗参与四位有愿在身之人的洁净礼;保罗也顺从了。然而,犹太人还是诬告了保罗,并煽动暴乱。由于犹太人没有权利捉拿人,所以他们想用暴乱的形式杀害保罗。因着这场暴乱,罗马人也前来捉拿保罗。
- 保罗被捉的反应。保罗乘自己还在罗马人的拘留下,对暴乱中的犹太人传福音。他并不以自己的安全为念,反倒藉着传福音侍奉神。
- 保罗被捉的结果。保罗生来就是罗马人,所以受到罗马法律的保护。他使用自己的权利争取合法的审讯,因此受到罗马士兵的保护,不被暴民攻击杀害。
- 很多时候,我们或许是做了正确的事,但仍被诬告。祈求我们能对神忠心并顺服祂的道,同时也求神保守我们不会被诬赖。
- 保罗被捉之后,他并没有维护自己,反倒利用机会传福音。祈求我们也能在患难中服侍神,如保罗一样。
- 圣经教导基督徒要顺服权柄,但这并不表示信徒不能使用他们做公民的权利。祈求神能使用我国的政府保护信徒和教会遭受逼迫。
13 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 21:17-26: Biblical Submission 圣经的顺服
Scripture Reading : Acts 21:17-26
Theme : Biblical Submission
- Discernment – is this about Gospel truth? The leaders in the Jerusalem church heard about the rumours that certain Jews were spreading about Paul, which the leaders knew were false. So they instructed Paul to join in the purification rites of 4 men who took the Nazirite vow. This was not a disagreement regarding the way of salvation, whether circumcision is required for one to be saved.
- Disagreement – is this about personal preference? Whenever there are any disagreements in the church, Christians need to be clear whether the disagreement is with regards to fundamental and essential Christian doctrines (e.g. sinlessness of Jesus, Jesus is both God and man, salvation by grace alone, etc.) or simply matters of personal preferences. If the disagreement is on personal preferences, Christians should submit to the church leaders’ decision. Paul certainly did not disagree with the church leaders, but simply submitted.
- Deference – is this about preferring others? When certain practices were not in conflict with the Gospel, Paul would do it, in order not to hinder the spread of the Gospel. In 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, Paul wrote of how he would adopt the practices of people with whom he was sharing the Gospel. In a similar fashion, Paul circumcised Timothy in order to facilitate Timothy’s access to the synagogue, since Timothy was a half-Jew (16:3). But in another occasion, Paul would refuse to circumcise Titus because certain Jews were preaching a false gospel that circumcision is needed for salvation (Gal. 2:3-5).
Praying the Scripture
- Galatians 1:9 “As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.” Pray that we will have discernment and not change the content of the Gospel for the sake of anything (e.g. religious harmony, government funding, etc.).
- Philippians 2:3 “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Whenever there are disagreements due to personal preferences, the Christian’s responsibility is to submit to the church leaders (Heb. 13:17) and to one another (Eph. 5:21). Pray that we will be humble and submit to the church leaders, and also submit to one another.
- Paul dedicated his life to preaching the Gospel in every way he could, always preferring others, as far as the Gospel message was not compromised. Pray that in everything we do, we too will have the objective of sharing the Gospel with unbelievers around us.
- 分辨能力——这是不是福音真理?耶路撒冷教会的领袖耳闻某些犹太人对保罗散播的谣言,并晓得那不是真的。因此,他们指示保罗与四位起拿细耳人之愿的一同行洁净之礼。这不是关乎得救途径的歧义,即行割礼是否是得救的先决条件。
- 意见不合——这是不是个人偏向?每当教会里有人起不同的意见时,基督徒必须辨析异议是否涉及到基督教教义的基本要素(如耶稣的无罪性、耶稣是神也是人、得救唯本乎恩,等),或者那仅是个人偏向的问题。若是因着个人偏向而起的异议,基督徒就必须顺服教会领袖的决定。保罗绝非与教会领袖有异议,所以顺服了。
- 尊重他人——我们是否更爱对方?当某些做法不与福音冲突时,保罗会去行,以便不阻挡福音的传播。在哥林多前书9:19-23中,保罗写道他愿意跟从所传福音对象者的一贯做法。同样的,保罗之所以为提摩太行割礼,是叫提摩太能够自由进出会堂,因为他是半个犹太人(16:3)。但在另一个场合中,保罗却拒绝让提多受割礼,因为有些犹太人正传另一个福音,说行割礼是得救的先决条件(加2:3-5)。
- 加拉太书1:9:“我们已经说了,现在又说:若有人传福音给你们,与你们所领受的不同,他就应当被咒诅!”祈求我们能有辨别的心,不会因为任何缘故(如宗族和谐、政府资助等)而改变福音内容。
- 腓立比书2:3:“凡事不可结党,不可贪图虚浮的荣耀,只要存心谦卑,各人看别人比自己强。”每当异议是因个人偏向所起,信徒的职责是要顺服教会领袖(来13:17)及彼此(弗5:21)。祈求我们能谦卑顺服教会领袖,也如此彼此顺服。
- 保罗委身于以任何方式传福音,总是偏向他人,只要福音信息不受妥协。祈求我们也会为了向身边不信主的人传福音而行所做的事。