12 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 21:1-16: Commitment to Christ 委身于基督

Scripture Reading        : Acts 21:1-16

Theme                         : Commitment to Christ


  1. The object of commitment. Paul was fully committed to the Lord Jesus Christ, to the extent that he was willing to lay down his life “for the name of the Lord Jesus” (21:13). No other cause is worthy of anyone laying down his life, except to follow the Lord Jesus, who also laid down His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45).
  1. The plan of commitment. Paul intended to bring the offering that he collected from the Gentile churches to the church in Jerusalem as soon as he could. To sail along the coast would have been safer, but Paul took the more risky route of sailing directly across the Mediterranean Sea to Tyre.
  1. The determination of commitment. The Holy Spirit did not forbid Paul from going to Jerusalem, but revealed to the believers that suffering awaited Paul in Jerusalem. In fact, Paul was “constrained by the Holy Spirit” to go (20:22). Paul’s well-meaning friends persuaded him not to go because they feared for his safety, but Paul was determined to go to Jerusalem, because of his commitment to obey God and the church.
  1. The cost of commitment. The ultimate cost of commitment to Christ on this earth is to lose one’s life. Paul was fully prepared to do so as he continued his journey to Jerusalem. He was able to pay the price of commitment to Jesus because he did “not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself.” (20:24)


Praying the Scripture

  1. There are religious fanatics who lay down their lives for the wrong cause, and they are most to be pitied. Genuine Christians who truly believe that the Lord Jesus laid down His life for sinners ought to be fully committed to Him. Pray that we will be willing to die “for the name of the Lord Jesus.”
  1. Sometimes, well-meaning Christians may give us advice out of love, but it is always more important to obey God than hear the voice of man. Pray that we will always obey God as the first priority. Also pray that when we counsel others, may we provide godly counsel that does not violate God’s will.
  1. Jim Elliot said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Pray that we will be willing to give up our earthly lives for Jesus Christ, so that we may receive eternal life in heaven.




  1. 委身的对象。保罗全心委身于主耶稣基督,以致愿“为主耶稣的名”(13节)舍了自己的命。除了跟从主耶稣以外,人再也无理由舍自己的命;主自己也曾舍命做多人的赎价(可10:45)。
  1. 委身的计划。保罗定意要尽早将从外邦教会收集的奉献带到耶路撒冷教会。沿着海岸航行理当比较安全,但保罗使用较危险的航行路线,直接穿过地中海,往推罗。
  1. 委身的坚定。圣灵没有禁止保罗去耶路撒冷,但向圣徒启示保罗将在耶路撒冷遭遇的苦楚。实际上,保罗是因着“心甚迫切”(20:22)才去的。保罗的良友们也是因为顾及到保罗的安危而劝止他别去,但保罗定意要到耶路撒冷,因为他已做出委身要顺服神和教会。
  1. 委身的代价。在这世间,委身于基督的最大代价就是舍自己的命。在往耶路撒冷途中,保罗已为此做好了充分的准备。他能付上委身于耶稣的代价,是因为他“不以性命为念,也不看为宝贵”(20:24)。


  1. 有宗教狂热分子是为了错误的原因舍命,而他们算是比众人还可怜。真切相信主耶稣为罪人舍了自己性命的属实基督徒当完全委身于主。祈求我们愿意“为主耶稣的名”而死。
  1. 有时候,怀有好意的基督徒是出于爱心劝勉我们,但顺服神比听从人更重要。祈求我们会一直以顺服神为首。又祈求当我们劝勉人时,我们能给予属神的劝告,不违背神的旨意。
  1. 吉姆艾略特(Jim Elliot)说过:“给予无法保留的,为得永不能失去的,这人绝不愚蠢。”祈求我们愿为耶稣基督舍了地上的命,叫我们能得天上的永生。

11 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 20:25-38: Biblical Eldership 圣经的长老

Scripture Reading        : Acts 20:25-38

Theme                         : Biblical Eldership


  1. Paul’s illustration for the elders. Paul lived a life of integrity amongst the people to whom he preached the Gospel (20:18). He laboured among the people and preached the Gospel and “the whole counsel of God” to them. Also, Paul worked whenever he could so that he did not burden the church financially (20:33-35) and to “present the Gospel free of charge” (1 Cor. 9:18). He set the example for the elders of the church to follow.
  1. Paul’s instruction to the elders. The responsibility of the elders is to shepherd the sheep – they must take care of the believers whom God has entrusted to them. The sheep does not belong to the elders, but to Christ who obtained them “with His own blood”. Shepherding the flock includes teaching them God’s Word (20:27), counselling them to direct their steps back to God (20:20), helping them when they are weak (20:35), and protecting them from false teachers (20:31).
  1. Paul’s intercession for the elders. After giving them instructions, Paul prayed for the elders, commending the elders “to God and to the Word of His grace”. Prayer reflects trust and dependence on God, rather than man. The challenges that the elders faced are enormous, and only by God’s power can they do the work.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Paul set an example for the elders to follow. In the same way, he instructed Timothy to set an example for believers in the church (1 Tim. 4:12). Pray that the elders in our church will also set a godly example for the believers. Pray also that we too may be godly examples for others to follow.
  1. Pray for the elders of the church, that they will “not shrink from declaring the whole counsel of God” and will “not shrink from declaring anything that is profitable.” Pray that we will be humble and teachable and submit to the teachings of the elders.
  1. The task of the elders, especially the pastor, is an impossible thing to do, without God’s help. We need to pray unceasingly for our pastor and elders. Pray that they will “pay careful attention to themselves and to all the flock”. Pray also that they “be alert” against “fierce wolves” (false teachers). Pray also that they be godly examples who “coveted no one’s silver or gold or apparel”.




  1. 保罗给长老们的典范。保罗在所传讲福音的人群中活出一个廉正的生命(20:18)。他在他们中间劳苦,传讲福音及神一切的话。再者,保罗一旦有时间便工作,叫他不会成为教会的经济负担(20:33-35),并能“叫人不花钱得福音”(林前9:18)。他树立了榜样,叫教会长老们能效法。
  1. 保罗予长老们的指示。长老的职责是要牧羊羊群——他们必须照顾神所托付予他们的信徒。羊群并不属于长老,而是属基督,因为羊是祂“用自己血所买来的”。牧羊的责任包括教导羊群神的道(20:27)、辅导并指引羊群归向神(20:20)、在羊群软弱时帮助他们(20:35),并保护羊群受假教师的攻击(20:31)。
  1. 保罗为长老们的代求。给予指示后,保罗为长老们代祷,将他们交托“神和他恩惠的道”。祷告反映一人对神的信任及依赖,不依靠人。长老们所面对的挑战艰巨,而他们唯有仰赖神的大能才能执行工作。


  1. 保罗为众长老树立了可效法的榜样。同样的,他吩咐提摩太要做教会信徒的榜样(提前4:12)。祈求我们的教会长老们也能做信徒敬虔的榜样;同时也祈求我们能做他人的敬虔榜样。
  1. 请为教会的长老祷告,叫他们不会“避讳不传”神一切的话,并不会“避讳不说”凡对信徒有益的。祈求我们能谦卑,有受教的心,并顺服长老们的教导。
  1. 长老的职责,尤其牧师的,若无神帮助,是绝对无法履行的。我们需要常常为我们的牧师和长老祷告,祈求他们会“为自己谨慎,也为全群谨慎”,能对“凶暴的豺狼”(假教师)“警醒”。我们同时也要祈求他们能做敬虔的榜样,不“贪图一个人的金、银、衣服”。

10 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 20:17-24, Paul’s Philosophy of Ministry 保罗对事工的理念

Scripture Reading        : Acts 20:17-24

Theme                         : Paul’s Philosophy of Ministry


  1. Serving the Lord heartily. Paul’s whole heart was devoted to God and he served God “with all humility”. Paul was a Pharisee and had an outstanding religious career, but he gave it all up when he realised that all those things that he practised as a Pharisee did not please God. Instead, he took on a life dedicated to the Gospel, even though it meant hardship and danger (“with tears and with trials”).
  1. Serving the church unreservedly. Paul dedicated his life to preaching the Gospel and teaching the Christians wherever he went (“in public and from house to house”). He also counselled the believers by declaring to them “anything that was profitable”. With regards to the Word of God, he declared to them “the whole counsel of God” (20:27), without concealing anything.
  1. Serving the world inexhaustibly. Paul did not know what exactly awaited him, but he did know that it would be hardship and persecution in every city (“imprisonment and affliction await me”). Despite the danger and hardship, Paul simply pressed on to preach the Gospel to all the cities that he went to, so that sinners might be saved.
  1. Serving his calling single-mindedly. Paul understood that the calling he received was from the Lord Jesus. He gave up his life to serve this calling, dedicated to being faithful to God to the very end (“finish my course”).


Praying the Scripture

  1. Christians should not think of serving God only when it is convenient and easy for them to do so. We are to serve God heartily, even if it means hardship and danger. Pray that we will serve God “with all humility and with tears and with trials”.
  1. Paul served God through serving the church, by teaching them the Word of God and counselling the believers. Pray that we too will serve the church unreservedly, by counselling one another and declaring “anything that is profitable” in order to build one another up.
  1. The world needs the Gospel, not political, economic and social change. Pray that we will serve the world inexhaustibly, by sharing the Gospel with all the people around us.




  1. 全心全意侍奉主。保罗一心一意,忠心于神,并在服侍上“凡事谦卑”。保罗曾是一位法利赛人,有出色的宗教事业,但一旦晓得所行的并不是神所喜悦的,他完全弃绝那一切。他转而把生命献于福音,即便需经困苦、危难之路(保罗“眼中流泪,又因犹太人的谋害经历试炼”)。
  1. 毫无保留侍奉教会。保罗献上自己的生命,不论到哪儿都致力于传福音及教导信徒(“或在众人面前,或在各人家里”)。保罗也向信徒传讲“凡于你们有益的”,从而辅导他们。对于神的道,保罗“没有一样避讳”不传给信徒的(20:27)。
  1. 不遗余力侍奉世界。保罗并不晓得自己将遭遇什么事,只知道他在各城必遇到困难与逼迫(“有捆锁与患难等待我”)。即使遭受危难与困境,保罗仅是坚持在所往的城市传福音,叫罪人能得救。
  1. 专心致志相应呼召。保罗明白他的呼召来自主耶稣。他为相应这呼召放弃了自己的生命,致力对神忠心,直到终了(“行完我的路程”)。


  1. 信徒不能只在自己方便的时候才想到侍奉神。我们当甘心乐意地侍奉,即便会遇到艰难和危险。祈求我们能“服侍主凡事谦卑”,愿意“眼中流泪……经历试炼”。
  1. 保罗藉着侍奉教会,教导他们神的道并辅导信徒,从而侍奉神。祈求我们也能毫无保留地侍奉教会,能彼此辅导,传讲“凡于你们(信徒)有益的”,好建立、造就彼此。
  1. 这个世界需要的是福音,不是政治、经济或社会变化。祈求我们能不遗余力地侍奉这世界,向我们周围的人分享福音信息。

5 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 18:18-19:7, Forget the Past 忘记背后

Scripture Reading        : Acts 18:18-19:7

Theme                            : Forget the Past


  1. Caught in the OT laws. Paul took a Nazirite vow, which was a vow to be separated and devoted to God (Num. 6:2-5, 13-21). At the end of the vow, the devotee would shave his head, as Paul did. Paul likely took such a vow because God protected him in Corinth. Even though Paul was absolutely clear that obeying OT laws did not earn salvation, he was still caught in it (though it was a sincere devotion).
  1. Caught in the OT teaching. Alexandria was an important city in Egypt. Coming from a city far from Jerusalem, Apollos did not know about Jesus’ death and resurrection, because he was teaching the OT prophecies concerning Jesus. He might have heard John the Baptist and believed his message concerning the Messiah, but had no personal knowledge of Jesus yet. Priscilla and Aquila heard Apollos in the synagogue and they explained the full Gospel to him. Apollos became a powerful Christian preacher, notably at Corinth (Acts 19:1; 1 Cor. 1:12).
  1. Caught in the OT baptism. Paul came to Ephesus and found some disciples of John the Baptist. They were baptized by John, which was an OT form of baptism signifying repentance and preparation for the Messiah’s arrival. They had not heard the Gospel, but when Paul preached the Gospel to them, they were baptized in the name of Jesus, signifying not only repentance, but also death (of sin) with Jesus and future resurrection (Rom. 6:3).



Praying the Scripture

  1. There are some people who might be sincerely abstaining from certain things as devotion to God (e.g. no wine, no food offered to idols, etc.). The Bible has clear teachings on this, but let us pray that those who have a stronger conscience not judge those who are weaker, and pray that we will treat brethren who have personal convictions with grace and patience.
  1. Apollos was already eloquent in the OT, but that did not cause him to be puffed-up in pride. He gladly received instruction from Priscilla and Aquila concerning Christian doctrine. Pray that we will be humble and teachable like Apollos.
  1. Believers in the Bible were willingly baptized as soon as they believed the Gospel. Pray that the believers in our congregation who are not baptized yet to obey our Lord’s command to be baptized.




  1. 因旧约侓法被困保罗曾许过拿细耳人的愿,即表示全心向神,与世分别为圣的愿(民6:2-5,13-21)。誓愿完成后,信徒必须剃头;保罗也如此行了。保罗或许是为要感谢神在哥林多保守而许了愿。虽然他清楚了解遵守旧约侓法不能使人得救,但保罗还是陷在其中(即便他的专一是真诚的)。
  1. 因旧约教导被困亚历山大是埃及的一个重要城市。亚波罗是从一个离耶路撒冷很远的城市来的,因此并不明白基督的死与复活之意;他教导的仅是一切关乎耶稣的旧约预言。他或许曾听过施洗约翰,并相信他所传有关弥赛亚的信息,却未对耶稣有个人的认识。百基拉和亚居拉听到亚波罗在犹太人会堂的教导,便将福音全面地向他讲解一番。亚波罗后来成为一位大有能力的传道者,尤其是在哥林多(使19:1;林前1:12)。
  1. 旧约洗礼被困保罗到了以弗所后遇见施洗约翰的几个门徒。他们曾接受约翰的施洗,也就是旧约的洗礼,表明悔改与预备弥赛亚的临到。他们从未听见福音,但保罗向他们宣讲福音后,他们便奉主耶稣的名受洗,从而表明的不仅是悔改,也藉此参与耶稣的死(对罪而死)和日后的复活(罗6:3)。


  1. 有些人或许为了表示对神的忠心,诚心禁绝某些事物(如禁酒、禁祭偶像之食,等)。圣经在这方面有清楚的教导,但让我们为那些在良心上更坚强的人祷告,叫他们不会论断较软弱的弟兄,并祈求我们能以恩慈和耐心对待持有个人信念的主内肢体。
  1. 亚波罗虽然精通旧约圣经,但没有因此骄傲自大。他欣然地接受百基拉和亚居拉给他阐明有关于基督教义的指导。祈求我们都能像亚波罗一样,有谦卑受教的心。
  1. 圣经里的基督徒只要相信了福音,就愿意受洗。祈求我们会众里还未受洗的基督徒能愿意顺服主的命令受洗。

7 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 19:21-41, The Riot in Ephesus 以弗所的暴乱

Scripture Reading        : Acts 19:21-41

Theme                             : The Riot in Ephesus


Paul wanted to go to Jerusalem, passing through Macedonia and Achaia. These provinces were in the opposite direction from Jerusalem, and Paul wanted to take this way in order to collect offering for the poor in Jerusalem due to the famine (Acts 11:27-30). After sending Timothy and Erastus ahead of him to Macedonia, Paul stayed longer in Ephesus.

  1. The cause of the riot. An idol-maker called Demetrius stirred up the craftsmen to riot against Paul and the Christians. This is most likely not the same Demetrius commended by John in 3 John 12, since it was a common name. The main cause was that the craftsmen suffered financial loss, since more and more Ephesians turned from worshipping idols to the true God. The goddess Artemis was also known as “Diana”.
  1. The chaos of the riot. The riot was mainly led by Demetrius and the craftsmen, but many people joined the riot, most not knowing the reason (19:32). These people were simply following the crowd and did not even know what they were rioting for.
  1. The calming of the riot. The city clerk was like the Mayor of the city of Ephesus. He reasoned with the crowd, correctly attributing the cause of the riot to them. The image of the goddess which fell from heaven was likely a meteorite that fell from space. The city clerk appealed to the people to go through the proper legal channels of charging Paul, because a riot could bring down the Roman cohort to destroy the city.


Praying the Scripture

  1. In our day and age, there continues to be many businesses that thrive because of idol-worship and many idol-worshippers. Pray that God will have mercy on the unbelievers who are idol worshippers, especially our family members, convict their hearts of idolatry and grant them repentance.
  1. Many people join street protests without knowing the reason or are not as convicted as the leaders of the protest. Pray that as Christians, we will be discerning and not participate in any protests or demonstration. Pray that we will change the world through the preaching of the Gospel, not through protests or demonstrations.
  1. God protected Paul and his companions using the city clerk. In a similar way, God can protect us using the local government. Pray that we will be bold to preach the Gospel, but be wise in our ways so that we will not be guilty of breaking the law when sharing the Gospel.





  1. 暴乱之因。一个制造偶像的银匠底米丢怂恿众多同行者对抗保罗与基督徒,从而引发暴乱。这里的底米丢与约翰在约翰三书12节所赞扬的大有可能不是同一个人,因为“底米丢”是一个普遍的名字。银匠们的主要心结是怕受到财经上的损失,因为越来越多以弗所人从偶像敬拜转向敬拜真神了。亚底米女神也是俗称的“狄安娜”。
  1. 暴乱之势这场暴乱主要是由底米丢和众银匠带领的,但也有多人后来参与,却不知缘由何在(19:32)。这些人仅仅随波逐流,根本不晓得自己起哄的原因。
  1. 暴乱之镇。那城里的书记犹如以弗所城的市长。他与众人讲理,并正确地将暴乱的起因归咎于他们。“从天上落下来的像”有可能是从外太空坠落下来的陨石。城里的书记呼吁民众通过正确的法律管道指控保罗,因为暴乱能启动罗马士兵清扫以弗所,毁灭这城。


  1. 今时今日,仍有生意是靠偶像敬拜及其敬拜者兴旺的。祈求神能怜悯敬拜偶像的非信徒(尤其我们的亲人),在他们的心里定罪,并赐予他们悔改的心。
  1. 许多人参与街边抗议,却不知缘由,或不与抗议的首领持有同样的信念。祈求身为信徒的我们能分辨是非,不要参与任何抗议或示威。祷告我们能藉着福音改变世界,而不是通过抗议或示威的途径如此行。
  1. 神藉着城里的书记保守了保罗及他的同伴。同样的,神也可以藉着我国政府保护我们。祈求我们能大胆传扬福音,但在言行举止中也要有智慧,叫我们传福音之时不会违背律法。

8 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 20:1-16, A Glimpse into the Heart of a Pastor 瞥视牧者的心

Scripture Reading        : Acts 20:1-16

Theme                            : A Glimpse into the Heart of a Pastor


  1. The spiritual need of the church. As Paul travelled throughout Macedonia, he spent much time preaching and encouraging the believers. At Troas, Paul continued to preach late into the night, because he was going to leave the next day. Instead of resting, his concern for the spiritual need of the church compelled him to preach until the morning (20:11).
  1. The physical need of the church. The author of Acts (Luke the Physician) did not give details of the reason Paul travelled through this region, because Luke wanted to show the spread of the Gospel from Jerusalem to Rome, but we can reconstruct the scenario from Paul’s epistles. There was a famine in Jerusalem (Acts 11:27-30), and Paul went to the Gentile churches throughout the region to collect monetary gifts to help the church in Jerusalem (Romans 15:25-27; 1 Cor. 16:1-4). Paul was concerned for the physical need of the church, and went to different churches that he established to collect offerings. The different names mentioned in 20:4 were representatives from the churches that contributed to the offering.
  1. The overall health of the church. Even as Paul was hurrying to Jerusalem, he still had the church of Ephesus in mind. After leaving Ephesus, on his way to Jerusalem, Paul would stop over at Miletus, where he would send for the elders of the church in Ephesus (20:17), in order to teach, warn and encourage them once more before he left.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Just like Paul, many godly pastors labour day and night because they are concerned for the spiritual need of the church. Pray for our pastor, that he will have the strength to continue the work that God has given to him.
  1. Pray that we will be generous in our giving, so that our own local church will not be in need of resources. Pray also that we will not be inward-looking, but share our resources with other like-minded churches that are in need.
  1. The pastor’s responsibility is not only to preach God’s Word, but also to counsel believers. Pray that believers in our local church will respond positively to our pastor’s counselling, so that the overall health of the church will be good.




  1. 教会的属灵需要。保罗走遍马其顿的时候,他花很多时间传道及建立信徒。在特罗亚,保罗继续传道,直到深夜,因为他隔日将离开。因此,与其休息,他对教会的属灵需要的关切促使他不断讲道,直至天亮(20:11)。
  1. 教会的物质需要。使徒行传的作者(路加医生)并没有给予保罗在这地域行游的详细原因,因为路加想凸显的是福音如何从耶路撒冷传到罗马,但我们从保罗的书信内容能重建那情景。当时,耶路撒冷有饥荒(使11:27-30),而保罗游遍这地域的外邦教会为的是收集金钱上的奉献,以便帮助耶路撒冷的教会(罗15:25-27;林前16:1-4)。保罗关注教会的物质需要,并到自己所建立的各教会收集奉献。第四节所列之名是贡献奉献之教会的代表。
  1. 教会的整体健康。保罗即便是赶着到耶路撒冷去,他心里仍挂念以弗所教会。在离开以弗所往耶路撒冷途中,保罗在米利都逗留一会儿,并叫以弗所教会的长老们来,在他离开之前教导、告诫并鼓励他们。


  1. 如保罗一样,许多敬虔的牧师日夜劳苦,是因为他们关注教会的属灵需要。请为我们的牧师祷告,叫他能有力量继续行神所赐予他的工作。
  1. 祈求我们能慷慨奉献,叫我们自己的地方教会不会欠缺资源。也祈求我们不会只看自己,而是与其他志同道合又有需要的教会分享我们的资源。
  1. 牧师的责任并不仅是传神的道,还要辅导信徒。祈求我们教会的信徒能正面地回应我们牧师的辅导,使教会的整体健康能够健全。

6 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 19:8-20, The Power of the Word 神之道的大能

Scripture Reading        : Acts 19:8-20

Theme                            : The Power of the Word


  1. The proclamation of the Word. Paul proclaimed the Gospel at Ephesus, and soon the Gospel spread throughout Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). Recall that the Holy Spirit forbid Paul from going to Asia in Acts 17:6, but directed him to Macedonia instead. It was a matter of when (timing), rather than not.
  1. The proof of the Word. God authenticated Paul’s message and ministry with accompanying signs and miracles. When the Sons of Sceva wanted to duplicate the miracles, they failed, despite using Jesus’ (and Paul’s) name, because they were not genuine believers.
  1. The power of the Word. God’s Word, the Gospel, “continued to increase and prevail mightily.” There were many people in Ephesus who practiced magic arts, or sorcery, evident from the huge amount of money that the magic books were worth. Because of the power of the Word of God that prevailed in their hearts, the people who repented willingly parted with their former lives, even though there was huge financial loss.



Praying the Scripture

  1. Many people complain that “God did not answer my prayer”. By that, they actually mean that God did not give them what they want. God always answers prayers, and in summary, it is either “Yes”, “No”, or “Wait”. Paul was forbidden to go to Asia earlier, but was directed there later to preach. God did not change His mind – it was a matter of timing. Pray that as we patiently wait upon God to direct us, we will be faithful to obey His clear command to proclaim the Gospel.
  1. The episode of the Sons of Sceva shows that “in Jesus’ name” is not a magical formula that will result in miracles. Pray that we will be genuine followers of Christ, who obey His Word, rather than false believers who use His name in vain.
  1. Pray that we are willing to give up our sins, even if it means financial loss, for the sake of the Gospel.




  1. 神之道的传扬。保罗在以弗所传扬福音;不久,福音便传遍了亚细亚(现代土耳其)。还记得圣灵在使徒行传17:6禁止保罗到亚细亚,反倒指引他到马其顿去。这是时间前后的问题;圣灵并非禁止保罗向亚细亚传福音。
  1. 神之道的鉴定。神借着保罗所行的神迹奇事鉴定了他所传的信息及所行的事工。当士基瓦的儿子尝试复制这些神迹时,即便利用了耶稣(与保罗)之名,他们仍失败了,因为他们并非真实的信徒。
  1. 神之道的大能。神之道,即福音,继续“大大兴旺,而且得胜”。以弗所有许多人是行魔术,即邪术的;所焚烧之书的书价便证明了这一点。因着神之道在他们的心里动工,凡悔改的人都愿意与以往的生命告别,即便他们会受到不少财物上的损失。


  1. 不少人埋怨“神没应允我的祷告”。他们实际上是在表示神并没有给予他们的心中所欲。神必回应祷告。简便地说,回应有三种:好、不好或等等。保罗早前被禁止到亚细亚去,但后来还是被指引到那里传道。祈求当我们耐心等待神的指引时,我们能忠心顺服神明确的吩咐:去传福音。
  1. 士基瓦儿子的事件显示,“奉耶稣的名”并非是行神迹的魔法公式。祈求我们能作基督的真实门徒,顺服主言,而不是做枉用主名的假信徒。
  1. 即便要受到经济上的损失,祈求我们也能为福音的缘故弃绝罪愆。

4 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 18:1-18, Press On for God 为主坚持

Scripture Reading        : Acts 18:1-18

Theme                            : Press On for God


  1. Provision of God. Silas and Timothy were still in Berea when Paul went to Athens (Acts 17:15), later re-joining Paul at Corinth. Before Silas and Timothy joined Paul, he worked as a tentmaker to support himself, preaching only on the Sabbath. When Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, they brought along financial support, so that Paul could be devoted “exclusively to preaching”. God provided Paul’s needs through the gift of other believers.
  1. Proselytizing for God. When the Jews opposed Paul, he turned to the Gentiles and devoted himself to preach to them for a year and a half. Many Gentiles became believers as the result of Paul’s preaching. It is possible that Paul was afraid and discouraged by the opposition, which was why God spoke to him in a vision to encourage him to continue preaching to the Gentiles.
  1. Protection of God. Even though the Jews “made a united attack on Paul”, God used the proconsul to protect Paul. Gallio wisely ruled that this was not a matter against Roman law, and threw the case out. The Jews vented their anger at Sosthenes, who later became a Christian (1 Cor. 1:1), but no harm was made to Paul.

Praying the Scripture

  1. We should be willing to part with our physical possessions so that we can gain eternal rewards in heaven. Pray that we will give of our resources generously, so that our pastor can be devoted “exclusively to preaching” in order to build up believers in the church (including ourselves).
  1. Even Paul was afraid and discouraged at times. Let us pray that we will trust in God and not be afraid to preach the Gospel to people around us.
  1. If we obey His Word, we can be assured that Jesus Christ will be with us till the end of the age (Matt. 28:19-20). Praise and thank God for keeping His promises.




  1. 神的供应。当保罗到雅典时,西拉与提摩太仍在庇哩亚(使17:15);二人后来到哥林多与保罗会合。二人未到之前,保罗以制造帐棚为业以供应自己的需要,只在安息日传道。当西拉与提摩太从马其顿来的时候,他们带了教会的金钱资助,叫保罗能专心致志地传道。神通过信徒的资助来供应保罗的需要。
  1. 传扬主道犹太人既抗拒保罗所传的道,他便转向外邦人,专心地在他们中间传道,约有一年半之久。因着保罗的讲道,许多外邦人信了主。保罗有可能是因为面临抵抗而感灰心恐惧,所以神藉着异象激励他继续向外邦人传道。
  1. 神的保守虽然犹太人“同心起来攻击保罗”,神却藉着方伯保护了他。 迦流以智慧裁定这事件并不触犯罗马法律,因此不予审问。犹太人便对所提尼(他后来信主——林前1:1)宣泄怒气,但保罗由始至终并没有受到伤害。


  1. 我们当愿意割舍自己的物质财产,为得着天上永恒的赏赐。祈求我们肯慷慨奉献自己所拥有的资源,好叫我们的牧师能专心致志地传道,建立教会的信徒(包括我们)。
  1. 别说我们,就连保罗也有灰心、恐惧的时候。祈求我们能信靠神,能毫无畏惧地向我们身边的人传福音。
  1. 我们若顺服神的话,我们就能确定基督必与我们同在,直到世界的末了(太 28:19-20)。感谢赞美神,因祂必守应许。

3 Apr 2017, Acts 17:16-34 使徒行传 17:16-34, God-Centered Gospel 以神为本的福音

Scripture Reading        : Acts 17:16-34

Theme                            : God-Centered Gospel


  1. Godless man-made gospel. Athens was the cultural centre of Greece, home to famous philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. The author of Acts noted that the Athenians spent all their time talking about and listening to new ideas (17:21). The Athenians were very religious, but they did not know the true Gospel. They worshipped all kinds of idols created by themselves (17:6), even creating an altar “to an unknown god”, just in case they left out any god who might become angry with them.
  1. God-centred Gospel preaching. Paul made known to them the one and only true God by preaching the Gospel to them. Paul did not just try to add another god to the pantheon of gods the Athenians were already worshipping. He denounced the idols as “image made by human design and skill” (17:29), and declared to them the need for repentance and the coming judgment.
  1. God-centred Gospel living. Sincerity is not sufficient to please God. The Athenians were very sincere in their worship, even building an altar to an unknown god. However, Paul declared that this was “ignorance” which God overlooked. The important thing when one hears the Gospel is to repent. True repentance means turning away from sin and turning towards God, and it will be followed by a life of godliness.

Praying the Scripture

  1. W. Tozer wrote, “Wrong ideas about God are not only the fountain from which the polluted waters of idolatry flow; they are themselves idolatrous. The idolater simply imagines things about God and acts as if they were true.” Worship, no matter how sincere, is idolatry as long as we are not clear on who is the God of the Bible. Pray that we will not be worshipping “an unknown god”, but strive to know Him by reading the Bible.
  1. Some people think that they can add Jesus to their pantheon of gods. But according to Paul and the God-centered Gospel that he preached, there is only ONE God. Pray that we too will preach such a Gospel, and be ready to tell unbelievers the truth.
  1. Pray that if we have genuinely repented from our sins, we will live godly lives that is “worthy of the Gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:27), because God will “judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed.” (Acts 17:31)




  1. 无神的人造福音。雅典是希腊的文化之都,是许多著名哲学家(苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德等)的故乡。使徒行传的作者特意注明雅典人把精力都放在说听新事上(17:21)。雅典人很虔敬,但他们不晓得真实的福音。他们敬拜各样自己所造的偶像(17:6),甚至筑了一座“未识之神”的坛,以免他们疏忽别的神,从而招来祸害。
  1. 以神为本的福音讲道。保罗向他们传讲福音,从而让他们知道谁是那位独一真神。保罗并没有在雅典人所敬拜的众多神明上再添另一位神。他谴责雅典人的做法,称那些偶像为“用手艺、心思所雕刻的金、银、石”(17:29),并宣告他们需要认罪悔改,日后且有审判。
  1. 以神为本的福音生活。诚意是不足以满足神的。雅典人非常虔敬,甚至筑了一座坛予那“未识之神”。保罗申明神可以不监察他们的“蒙昧无知”;要紧的是人听见福音后当悔改。真实悔改表示离开罪孽,转归向神,随后有敬虔生活。


  1. 陶恕(W. Tozer)写道:“对神的误解不但是敬拜偶像之流的泉源,本身也是亵渎神的。拜偶像者脑里想象神的事,按此而行,犹如它是真的。”无论我们有多虔敬,只要我们对圣经中的神仍有误解,那就是拜偶像了。祈求我们不会敬拜一位“未识之神”,而是竭力查考圣经,认识真神。
  1. 有人以为他们能在所有的众神明之上再添耶稣。然而,按保罗及他所传讲的属神福音,世上只有一位神。祈求我们也能传讲这个福音,并预备随时向非信徒传讲真理。
  1. 我们若从罪中真实悔改了,祈求我们能过一个“与基督的福音相称”(腓1:27)的生命,因为神“要借着他所设立的人按公义审判天下”(使17:31)。

1 Apr 2017, Acts 17:1-15 使徒行传 17:1-15, Expository Preaching & Expository Listening 释经讲道与释经听道

Scripture Reading        : Acts 17:1-15

Theme                            : Expository Preaching & Expository Listening


  1. Expository preaching of the Word. Paul preached from the Old Testament to the Jews, and explained to them what the Old Testament meant regarding the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ. Expository preaching is not a new concept in recent church history. It was done in the Old Testament (Nehemiah 8:8), by Jesus in the synagogues, and also by Paul. However, preaching God’s Word clearly and accurately does not guarantee a positive response from the hearers. In fact, the Bible tells us that many people would not want to hear sound teaching (2 Tim 4:3-4). The Jews did not respond positively to Paul’s message, but stirred up a riot instead.
  1. Expository listening of the Word. The Jews in Berea were “more noble than those in Thessalonica”. It is the preacher’s responsibility to preach expositorily, but the hearer’s are also responsible to hear expositorily. The Bereans “received the Word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” The hearer’s responsibility is to have a teachable heart, so that he will hear God’s Word eagerly, having a genuine desire to want to know God’s Word. But he should not blindly accept whatever the preacher says – the hearer has the responsibility to study the rest of Scripture to ensure that what he heard does not contradict the rest of the Bible, and to obey the Word of God.


Praying the Scripture

  1. God does not require the preacher to produce results by the number of people who likes to hear him preach. The requirement of God is that the preacher be faithful to preach His Word clearly and accurately, seeking to please God rather than humans. The Old Testament prophets (e.g. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel) were not popular amongst the people because they preached about God’s impending judgment, which the Jews did not like to hear. Paul was faithful not to change the content of the Gospel simply because the people did not like it. Pray that our pastor and elders will also faithfully preach God’s Word accurately and clearly.
  1. The world judges the effectiveness of the sermons by the size of the congregation. Many so-called Christians even blame the preacher for the failure of the hearers to obey God’s Word. But it is the responsibility of the hearer, not the preacher, to be teachable and obey the Word of God. Let us pray that we will “receive the Word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.”




  1. 释经讲道。保罗从旧约经文给犹太人讲道,并解释旧约如何阐述基督的遭难、死亡与复活。释经讲道并非是近代教会历史中的新概念;旧约曾如此行(尼8:8),耶稣在会堂曾是如此,保罗也那么做。然而,清楚精确地传讲主道并不保证听众就会有正面的反应。事实上,圣经告诉我们许多人不愿听纯正的道(提后4:3-4)。犹太人没有正面回应保罗的信息,反倒耸动搅扰众人,引发暴乱。
  1. 释经听道。庇哩亚的犹太人“贤于帖撒罗尼迦的人”。传道者的责任是要释经讲道,但听众也有责任“释经听道”。庇哩亚人“甘心领受这道,天天考查圣经,要晓得这道是与不是”。听者的责任是要有一颗受教的心,能乐意听神的话,并真诚渴望晓得神的道。可是,他不应该盲目接受传道者所说的一切;他有责任查考其余经文,确保他所闻的不与圣经余处有矛盾,并顺服神的道。



  1. 神不要求传道人要结果子,特意数算喜欢听他讲道的人。神的要求是传道人要忠心,清楚精确地传神的道,求讨神的喜悦,不看人。旧约先知们(如以赛亚、耶利米、以西结等)可不是受人欢迎的,因为他们讲的是神即将到来的审判,全是犹太人不爱听的。保罗对神忠心,不因为人不爱听道而随意更改信息。祈求我们的牧师与长老们也能忠心,清楚精确地传神的道。
  1. 世人以会众的数目衡量一人讲道的功效。许多所谓的基督徒甚至因听众不顺服神的道而责怪传道人。但是,愿意受教并顺服神的道是听众的责任,不是传道人的。让我们祷告我们会“甘心领受这道,天天考查圣经,要晓得这道是与不是”。