31 Mar 2017, Acts 16:6-40 使徒行传 16:6-40, Mission Report 宣教报告

Scripture Reading        : Acts 16:6-40

Theme                            : Mission Report


The human author of the Book of Acts was Luke. Up to this point, the narrative is in the third person pronoun (e.g. he, they), but from 16:10 onwards, Luke used the first person pronoun “we”, indicating that he joined Paul, Silas and Timothy in this journey.

  1. Mission’s Observations. From Troas to Neapolis, the journey was by sea, with a night stop at Samothrace to avoid the perils of sailing in the dark. Philippi is an inland city 10 miles (16 km) from the port city of Neapolis. There was no synagogue in Philippi, likely due to a small number of Jewish men (at least 10 Jewish men were required to form a synagogue), so some Jewish women (including Lydia) gathered to pray.
  1. Mission’s Obstacles. The slave girl was demon-possessed, and the demon recognized and proclaimed Paul as someone sent by God. Paul, the true servant of God, did not need the testimony of a demon, and so he cast the demon out. The owners of the slave girl lost their money-spinning tool, and they stirred up the city and beat Paul and Silas and imprisoned them.
  1. Mission’s Objective. Because of the imprisonment, the Philippian jailer and his family were dramatically converted. Philippi was a Roman colony, which meant that Paul and Silas enjoyed protection from the Empire of Rome (16:37), so the local magistrates had to publicly apologize to Paul, or risked being removed from office by Rome. After being freed, Paul and Silas visited Lydia and encouraged the brothers. Paul’s objective was always to preach the Gospel to unbelievers and build up the believers.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Lydia’s conversion is yet another illustration of God’s election and sovereignty over one’s salvation. Let us thank God for opening our hearts to pay attention to what is written in the Bible, like He did with Lydia.
  1. Having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia, Paul was directed to Macedonia by a vision. However, God did not promise that as long as one obeys Him, the journey will be smooth and without hindrance. God did promise that He will be with His elect (Matthew 28:19-20). Let us pray that we will be faithful to obey God’s Word, like Paul, and depend on His strength to overcome difficulties.
  1. In everything that Paul did, he was single-mindedly focused on preaching the Gospel and encouraging believers. Even when he was in prison, he was “praying and singing hymns to God” together with Silas. Pray that we will devote ourselves to serve God and His eternal purposes (e.g. share the Gospel, serve in church, encourage other believers.)





  1. 宣教团的观察。从特罗亚至尼亚波利,他们航海而行,并在撒摩特喇停顿一夜,避开暗中航海的危险。腓立比是离尼亚波利海港16公里的一个内陆城市。腓立比或许犹太男人很少,所以没有会堂(至少要有十位才能建立会堂),因此一些犹太妇女(包括吕底亚)集合祷告。
  1. 宣教团的阻碍。那位使女是被巫鬼附身的,而巫鬼认出保罗,宣扬他就是神所差派来的。身为神属实的仆人,保罗无需巫鬼为他作见证,因此把它赶出来。使女的主人们失去了他们的摇钱树,所以搅扰众人攻打保罗和西拉,并拿他们下监。
  1. 宣教团的目的。因着保罗与西拉的下监,那位腓立比禁卒和他全家戏剧般地信主了。腓立比是罗马殖民地,也就意味着保罗和西拉是受罗马帝国的保护的(16:37),因此当地的官长必须公开向保罗道歉,否则他有可能遭罗马革职。释放后,保罗与西拉探访吕底亚,并坚固弟兄们。保罗的目标总是向非信徒传福音,并坚固信徒。


  1. 吕底亚信主又是神在人的救恩所有的拣选与主权之例。让我们感谢神开启我们心中的眼睛,能留心关注圣经的话,像祂对吕底亚一样。
  1. 保罗被圣灵禁止在亚细亚讲道后,由异象引领至马其顿去。然而,神并没应许人只要顺服,路程必将一帆风顺。神应许的是祂会与祂的选民同在(太28:19-20)。祈求我们能忠心顺服神的道,如保罗一样,并依靠神的大能克服困难。
  1. 保罗无时无刻都在专心致志地传福音与坚固信徒。即便下监了,他仍与西拉“祷告,唱诗赞美神”。祈求我们能专心侍奉神,并专注于祂永恒的目的(如传福音、在教会服侍、坚固其他信徒等)。

30 Mar 2017, Acts 15:36-41 使徒行传 15:36-41 , Dispute in the Church 教会的纷争

Scripture Reading        : Acts 15:36-41

Theme                            : Dispute in the Church


This passage about the dispute between Paul and Barnabas has caused no small dispute amongst Bible commentators! Unlike some views that neither Paul nor Barnabas was wrong (it was simply a matter of preference), it is more likely that Paul was right based on the following reasons:

  1. Barnabas was John Mark’s cousin. Colossians 4:10 shows us that Barnabas and Mark were cousins. Barnabas could have given Mark preferential treatment.
  1. Barnabas went home to Cyprus. Barnabas did not simply part ways with Paul and went elsewhere to minister – he actually went home (Acts 4:36).
  1. Barnabas was not sent by the church (Paul was). Barnabas went home with Mark, but Paul was “commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord” (Acts 15:39).
  1. Barnabas was no longer mentioned in the rest of the Book of Acts. From 15:41 till the end of the book, the narrative was on the ministry of Paul.
  1. Barnabas should obey Paul, the Apostle. Paul was specifically chosen by God to be the Apostle to the gentiles (Acts 13:47), and Barnabas should have submitted to Paul’s leadership.

Praying the Scripture

  1. There are some people who wants to serve in certain areas of ministry, but the leaders of the church and the congregation do not see the giftedness in them, and they end up leaving the church in anger. Pray that we will serve humbly and allow the church to recognize our giftedness.
  1. Pray that we will be willing to serve God even if it means moving out of our comfort-zone, like Paul.
  1. Pray that we will be submissive to the leaders of the church, whom God has appointed to give an account for our souls (Hebrews 13:17).





  1. 巴拿巴是约翰马可的表弟哥罗西书4:10显示巴拿巴与马可是表兄弟。巴拿巴是应该让马可的。
  1. 巴拿巴回到塞浦路斯。巴拿巴与保罗分开后实际上没到别处传道,而是回家(使4:36)。
  1. 巴拿巴不是教会所差遣的(保罗则是)。巴拿巴带马可回到家乡,保罗则“蒙弟兄们把他交于主的恩中”(使15:40)。
  1. 巴拿巴在余下书卷中未再被提及。从15:41至本书的结尾,叙述焦点是保罗的事工。
  1. 巴拿巴应该服从作使徒的保罗。保罗是神所指定要作外邦人之使徒的(使13:47),所以巴拿巴应该顺从保罗的领导。


  1. 有些信徒想在教会的某一个冈位上侍奉,但教会领袖与会众却无法看到他们那方面的恩赐;他们故此愤然离开教会。祈求我们能以谦卑的心侍奉,让教认出我们的恩赐。
  1. 即便我们必须象保罗一样离开所熟悉的安逸,祈求我们也愿意侍奉神。
  1. 祈求我们能顺服教会的领袖,因为他们是神所指认为我们的灵魂交帐的(来13:17)。


29 Mar 2017, Acts 15:36 – 16:10 使徒行传 15:36 – 16:10, Mission Strategy 宣教策略

Scripture Reading        : Acts 15:36 – 16:10

Theme                            : Mission Strategy


  1. The right purpose. Paul had wanted to return to the places they had been to in order to encourage the believers there. He did not leave them alone after they believed the Gospel, because it is important for believers to be equipped (Eph. 4:11-16).
  1. The right personnel. Silas was well-suited to be Paul’s partner in ministry because he was a Jew (he could access the synagogues), and a Roman citizen (Acts 16:37) like Paul (protected by Roman law). Timothy was chosen to join them because he was well-known to be a faithful believer.
  1. The right preparation. Paul circumcised Timothy not because it was required for salvation, but because he was a half-Jew (his mother was a Jew). Circumcision would grant him full access to the synagogue, and Paul did that as long as it did not affect the Gospel message (1 Cor. 9:19-23).
  1. The right persuasion. Paul delivered the decision of the Council of Jerusalem to the churches, so that they knew clearly that circumcision (works) was not required for salvation, and they must be set apart from the world and not stumble fellow believers.
  1. The right prompting. Paul’s objective was to obey God to preach the Gospel, and the Holy Spirit directed him by forbidding him to go to Asia Minor (modern Turkey), and led him to Macedonia instead.

Praying the Scripture

  1. Pray that we will serve God with the right purpose in our hearts – by edifying other believers in what we do.
  1. Paul was willing to do whatever it takes to preach the Gospel, as long as the message of the Gospel was not compromised (1 Cor. 9:19-23). Pray that we will follow Paul’s example, and not only preach the Gospel when it is convenient for us.
  1. There are many people who claim to want to know God’s will, when they clearly disobey God’s Word in many areas of their lives. Some are not serving God actively in the local church, yet claim that they want to do big things for God. Paul was not like that at all. Pray that we will first serve actively in the local church, and may the Holy Spirit guide us to do even more things for God’s eternal kingdom and glory.

经文:使徒行传15:36 – 16:10



  1. 正确目的。保罗本想要回到他们曾经去过的地方,以坚固当地的信徒。他不想在他们相信福音之后离开,因为装备信徒是非常重要的(弗4:11-16)。
  1. 正确人选。西拉作保罗事工上的伙伴非常合适,因为他像保罗一样,即是犹太人(能进入会堂),又是罗马人(使16:37;受罗马法律保护)。由于提摩太是众人公认的忠心信徒,他也备选加入团队。
  1. 正确预备。保罗给提摩太行了割礼并非因为这是得救的条件,乃是因为他是半个犹太人(他的母亲是犹太人)。行了割礼,提摩太就名正言顺地能进入会堂,而保罗是因为这举动并不会改变福音信息才如此行(林前9:19-23)。
  1. 正确勉励。保罗将耶路撒冷公会的裁决传达各教会,叫他们能清楚晓得割礼(行为)并不是得救的先决条件,而他们必须与世分别出来,不能绊倒其他信徒。
  1. 正确引领。保罗的目标是顺服神,去传福音,而圣经禁止他去小亚细亚(现代土耳其),从而带领他到马其顿。


  1. 祈求我们能以正确的心志侍奉神,即在凡所行之事造就其他信徒。
  1. 保罗愿不惜一切,只求能传福音,同时又不会更改福音信息(林前9:19-23)。祈求我们能效法保罗的榜样,不会因方便才传福音。
  1. 许多人声称想得知神的旨意,但他们却在生活中多方面明显悖逆神的道。有人不在地方教会踊跃侍奉,却申明自己想为神做大事。保罗根本不是如此。祈求我们能先在地方教会踊跃参与侍奉,接着由圣灵带领我们为神的永恒国度与荣耀行更大的事。

28 Mar 2017, Acts 15:1-35 使徒行传 15:1-35, The Council of Jerusalem 耶路撒冷的公会

Scripture Reading        : Acts 15:1-35

Theme                            : The Council of Jerusalem


  1. The serious difficulty. The men who came down from Judea were Jews who were Judaizers (those who taught that salvation is achieved by obeying the Old Testament Law e.g. circumcision). These Jews came from Jerusalem, but were false believers, because they taught a different gospel that was not endorsed by the Apostles (15:24).
  1. The serious debate. Paul and Barnabas debated with the Judaizers, Paul was a Pharisee who kept the Law to the best of his ability, but would later come to full understanding that salvation is by faith alone in Christ. He was the best person to debate with the Judaizers. Nevertheless, a delegation was sent to the church in Jerusalem to verify with the Apostles regarding this matter.
  1. The serious decision. The leaders of the church in Jerusalem gathered and discussed the matter and came to the decision that salvation is by faith alone is Jesus (15:11), firmly rebutting those who taught otherwise. Throughout the history of the church, church leaders have met to debate and settle on doctrinal issues, using the Bible as the authority. At this point in the Book of Acts, however, the Bible was not yet complete and the Apostles were the ones who had authority from God to decide on such issues. The things to be avoided were things polluted by idols, sexual immorality, animals that were strangled and blood. The first two were closely related to idolatry, while the latter two had to do with stumbling Jewish believers.


Praying the Scripture

  1. The difficulty of salvation by works or by faith alone arose in those days, and would persist throughout history until today, when some churches still teach that Christians must obey the law (e.g. keeping the Sabbath, but on Sunday). Pray that we will fully recognize our spiritual poverty, that we cannot do anything to please God and earn our salvation.
  1. Pray that we will read and know the Bible well, so that we can guard ourselves and the church against false teachings, because the church is “a pillar and buttress of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15).                                                 
  1. Even though Christians do not need to obey the Old Testament law, we are actually “under the law of Christ” (1 Cor. 9:21). Pray that we will not abuse our Christian liberty, but will set ourselves apart from the world and not do anything that might stumble other believers.




  1. 严重的争议。从犹太下来的几个犹太人是犹太教的教徒(他们教导人要守旧约侓法,如割礼,才能得救)。他们虽是从耶路撒冷来的,却是假信徒,因为他们教导的另一个福音,是不被使徒们认同的(15:24)。
  1. 严肃的辨论。保罗和巴拿巴二人与犹太教教徒进行争论。保罗曾是一个坚定持守侓法的法利赛人,但后来全面了然唯独信靠基督才能得救;由此,他是与犹太教教徒辨论的最佳人选。即便如此,众门徒还是差派代表团往耶路撒冷教会,与使徒们确认事实。
  1. 严谨的决定。耶路撒冷教会领袖聚集商讨这事,最后裁决救恩是唯独信靠耶稣蒙受的(15:11), 并坚定地驳斥凡教导有误的。在教会的历史中,教会领袖都是以圣经为权柄辩论教义上的分歧,再取得结论。然而,当这争辩发生时,圣经还未完成,而神给予使徒们权柄解决这方面的事。所要禁戒的事包括拜偶像(指向偶像献过祭的肉)、行淫,并勒死的动物和它们的血所带来的污秽。前两项与敬拜偶像息息相关,后两项则是为了不绊倒犹太信徒而特别提起。


  1. 救恩是单靠信心,或是凭行为呢?这困扰或许会一直从历代延续至今,因为仍有教会教导基督徒必须守旧约侓法(如在星期天守安息日)。祈求我们能完全承认自己灵里的贫穷,叫我们晓得我们不能凭自己的言行举止蒙得神的喜悦,为自己取得救恩。
  1. 祈求我们能勤奋研读并明白圣经,叫我们能保守自己和教会,不陷入假教义的诱导,因为教会是“真理的柱石和根基”(提前3:15)。
  1. 虽然今天的基督徒无需守旧约侓法,但我们实际上是“在基督面前正在律法之下”的(林前9:21)。 祈求我们不会滥用基督徒的自由,倒要与世界分别出来,避免行出能拌倒别的信徒之事。

27 Mar 2017, Acts 14:1-28 使徒行传 14:1-28, Lessons from Paul’s First Missionary Journey 从保罗首次宣教行程所得教训

Scripture Reading        : Acts 14:1-28

Theme                            : Lessons from Paul’s First Missionary Journey


  1. Faithful preaching. As Paul and Barnabas went from city to city, they “continued to preach the Gospel”, even though there were people who wanted “to mistreat them and to stone them”. They did not change the message to please the hearers, but preached the true Gospel that challenges sinners to repent.
  1. Fearing the one and only God. At Lystra, Paul told the people to turn to the one and only “living God” who made everything. It is because Paul feared the one and only God, not man, that he could preach the Gospel faithfully even though his life was under threat.
  1. Persevering in suffering. When the Jews eventually did stone Paul at Lystra, to the extent that they thought he was dead and dragged him out of the city, he simply went to another city (Derbe) and continued to preach the Gospel.
  1. Pastoring with love. Paul also came back to Lystra to preach again, even though he almost died here. This was certainly out of love for the Christians in Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, because they needed encouragement as they went “through many tribulations”.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Pray for the pulpit ministry of our church, that the pastor will faithfully preach the Word of God, even though the audience may not like to hear the truth.
  1. The congregation can turn to the pastor for counselling, but the pastor has nobody to turn to for counselling. Pray that the pastor of our church will fear the one and only God, and not fear man.
  1. Thank God that we are in a country where there is no real persecution and suffering, like those in the Book of Acts. Also thank God that He gave us a pastor who loves Him, His Word, and His church.




  1. 忠心传道。当保罗与巴拿巴到各城时,即便有人想“凌辱使徒,用石头打他们”,他们依然继续传福音。他们不为讨听众的喜悦改变福音,而是传讲挑战罪人悔改的真实福音。
  1. 敬畏独一真神。在路司得,保罗告诉群众要转向那位创造万物的独一永生之神。由于保罗敬畏的是那位独一真神而不是人,所以即便生命受到威胁,他仍能忠心传讲福音。
  1. 在患难中忍耐。当犹太人最后在路司得用石头打保罗,以致他们认为保罗死了,并把他拖到城外时,保罗只是到另一个城市去(特庇),继续传福音。
  1. 用爱牧养羊群。即便保罗差点儿在路司得死,他还是回到那里传福音。这显然是出于对路司得、以哥念和安提阿信徒之爱,因为他们“经历许多艰难”,需要鼓励。



  1. 请为我们教会的讲台事工祷告,叫牧师能忠心传讲神的道,纵然听众或许不爱听真理。
  1. 会众能向牧师咨询辅导,但牧师无人可从。祈求我们教会的牧师能敬畏那位独一真神,而不是畏惧人。
  1. 感谢神,因我们处在一个无真实逼迫和患难的国家,与使徒行传中的有别。让我们也感谢神给予我们一位爱祂,爱祂话语,并爱祂教会的牧师。

25 Mar 2017, Acts 13:44-52 使徒行传 13:44-52, The Hostility toward the Gospel 对福音的敌意

Scripture Reading        : Acts 13:44-52

Theme                            : The Hostility toward the Gospel


  1. Receiving the message. Many people gathered to hear Paul preach, but just like the Parable of the Sower, the same message was heard but there were different responses. It is important to note that v48 clearly indicates that God is sovereign in the salvation of sinners; only those whom God has “appointed to eternal life believed.” Those who received the message responded in joy and glorified the Word of God, a mark of true salvation.
  1. Rejecting the message. Many Jews who heard the same message rejected the Gospel. Whenever Paul entered a city, he would always enter the synagogue to preach the Gospel to the Jews first. As the Jews constantly rejected the Gospel, Paul declared that they would be “turning to the Gentiles”. From this point onwards, Paul focused on preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles.
  1. Rejecting the messengers. Even when the Jews heard that the message that was first proclaimed to them would now be proclaimed to the Gentiles, they did not repent. Not only did they reject the message, they also rejected the messengers and “stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas”.


Praying the Scripture

  1. If we are truly those who are “appointed to eternal life”, we would receive the Word of God gladly and respond in joy and thanksgiving. Pray that we will have the marks of a true believer, especially in rejoicing and thanksgiving to God.
  1. Pray that we will not hear the Word of God (e.g. on Sundays) and reject it.
  1. Rejecting God’s messengers is the same as rejecting God, since the messengers represent Him. In our context, God’s messengers are the pastors and elders of the local church who teach us the Word of God. Pray that we will not reject the messengers of God, and that we will submit to our leaders (Hebrews 13:17).




  1. 接受福音。聚集来听保罗传道的人不少,但如撒种的比喻所言,人能对同样的信息有不同的回应。且留意48节清楚指出“预定得永生的人都信”,其缘故是神。凡领受这道的人都甚欢喜,并荣耀神之道——这是真实得救的标志。
  1. 拒绝福音。许多听到同样信息的犹太人拒绝了福音。每当保罗到一个新城市,他总会先到会堂向犹太人传福音。由于犹太人持续拒绝福音,保罗宣告他们将“转向外邦人去”。此刻起,保罗专注于向外邦人传福音。
  1. 拒绝门徒。即便犹太人听到首先向他们传的福音即将被传给外邦人,他们仍不悔改。他们不但拒绝福音,还拒绝了福音的使者,并“逼迫保罗、巴拿巴”。


  1. 我们若真是被“预定得永生的人”,我们会欢欢欣欣地领受神之道,并以喜乐与感恩之心回应。祈求我们能有属实信徒的标志,尤其能在主里欢喜,向神谢恩。
  1. 祈求我们不会听到神的道后(如周日)拒绝它。
  1. 拒绝神的使者犹如拒绝神一样,因为使者们代表的是神。今日,神的使者是在地方教会教导我们神之道的众牧师和长老。祈求我们不会拒绝神的使者,并会顺服我们的领袖(来13:17)。

24 Mar 2017, Acts 13:13-43 使徒行传 13:13-43, Preaching Jesus Christ 传耶稣基督

Scripture Reading        : Acts 13:13-43

Theme                             : Preaching Jesus Christ


  1. Jesus is the promised Messiah. The Jews practised what was known as the “freedom of the synagogue”, a Jewish custom that permitted recognized visiting teachers to preach in the synagogue, using the Old Testament, by invitation of the synagogue leaders (v15). Paul, beginning from the Exodus from Egypt, proved that Jesus is the Messiah that was promised, a descendant of King David.
  1. Jesus is the prophesied Messiah. Quoting from the Old Testament, Paul showed further that Jesus is not only the Messiah who is a descendant of David – Jesus is also the Son of God, the Holy One, according to Old Testament prophecy.
  1. Jesus is the proclaimed Messiah. Jesus did not come to earth and lived a perfect life silently, died silently, and save sinners silently. He preached publicly the message of repentance, died a public death on the cross, and commanded His followers to proclaim Him to sinners. Paul was obeying the command and preached that “through this man forgiveness of sins is proclaimed” (v38).


Praying the Scripture

  1. Acts 4:12 – “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Jesus is the Messiah according to God’s promise, and God does not have a Plan B. Let us thank God for showing the way clearly, so that sinners are not left to find the way on their own.
  1. The Jews knew that the promised Messiah would be a descendant of David, but they failed to understand the Old Testament prophesies that He will be the Son of God. Let us thank God for sending His beloved Son, who is perfectly sinless, and not any man. Only because of His holiness (He is the Holy One) is He able to take away our sins.
  1. Romans 10:14, 17 – “And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? … So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Pray that we will be faithful to proclaim Jesus as the only God and Savior of all mankind.




  1. 耶稣是被应许的弥赛亚。犹太人有一个习俗,称“会堂的自由”,即在会堂领袖的邀请下,犹太人容许探访的知名教师在会堂使用旧约传道(15节)。保罗从以色列出埃及后的历史证明耶稣就是旧约所应许的弥赛亚;祂就是大卫的后裔。
  1. 耶稣是所预言的弥赛亚。保罗还引用旧约,进一步显示耶稣不但是属大卫后裔的弥赛亚,更是旧约所言的神之子,是圣子。
  1. 耶稣是所传讲的弥赛亚。耶稣来世并非悄悄地活出完全的生活,悄悄地牺牲,又悄悄地搭救罪人。祂公开地传悔改的道,公开地死在十字架上,并命令祂的门徒要向罪人传祂的名。保罗顺服了这道吩咐,传“赦罪的道是由这人传给你们的”(38节)。


  1. 使徒行传4:12:“除他以外,别无拯救,因为在天下人间,没有赐下别的名我们可以靠着得救。”耶稣是神所应许的弥赛亚,而祂没有第二个计划。让我们感谢神清楚地指引道路,叫罪人不被遗弃,自寻生路。
  1. 犹太人晓得神所应许的弥赛亚将是大卫的后嗣,可他们却无法明白旧约也预言祂亦是神的圣子。让我们感谢神差派祂完美无疵,毫无罪孽的爱子,而不是任何一个人。因着祂的圣洁,我们的罪才得以除去。
  1. 罗马书10:14, 17:“未曾听见他,怎能信他呢?没有传道的,怎能听见呢?……可见信道是从听道来的,听道是从基督的话来的。”祈求我们能忠心传讲耶稣是人类唯一之神与救主。

23 Mar 2017, Acts 13:1-12 使徒行传 13:1-12, The Beginning of Missions 宣教的开端

Scripture Reading        : Acts 13:1-12

Theme                            : The Beginning of Missions


Acts 1-12 focused on the preaching and ministry of Peter. From Acts 13 to the rest of the book, the narrative focused on Paul.

  1. Missionaries commissioned. There were still prophets at this time of the Book of Acts (also see 11:27-28), and they received direct revelation from the Holy Spirit that Saul (a.k.a. Paul) and Barnabas were to be sent to do the work that God intended. With the cessation of the temporary gifts, especially after the canon of the New Testament was completed, the role of prophets also ceased.
  1. Missionaries challenged. There was a false-prophet who sought to mislead the governor (proconsul) and the false-prophet opposed Paul and Barnabas.
  1. Missionaries championed. But the purpose of God cannot be thwarted and His Word cannot be stopped. With the authority given him by the Holy Spirit (God), Paul made the false-prophet blind, and the proconsul believed in the Gospel.


Praying the Scripture

  1. There are no more prophets today, as in those who foretell the future. With the completion of the Bible, Christians have the entire counsel of God (2 Tim 3:16-17). Instead of praying for God to give direct revelation, Christians should read God’s Word to know God’s will. God’s will is for all believers to preach the Gospel (Matthew 28:19-20), so, instead of waiting for an audible voice from God that we are to become missionaries, let us begin by sharing the Gospel with people whom we meet daily. Pray that we will be faithful in little things, so that we can be faithful in bigger things.
  1. Pray that we will not hinder the Gospel by our actions and words.
  1. The role of miracles was to authenticate the Apostles’ message. Today, there is no more gift of miracles (though God can still grant miracles, according to His will, but not through the hands of a miracle healer). Pray that we will live holy and righteous lives, so that the Gospel message we preach will be effectively displayed through our lives.





  1. 宣教士的呼召。使徒行传的叙述仍处在教会初期,所以先知还存在(参见11:27-28),而他们直接从圣灵领领受了启示,因而差派扫罗(后称保罗)和巴拿巴去完成神所定意的事工。随着短时性的恩赐的终止,特别是在新约圣经的正典已经完成之后,先知的恩赐也就停止了。
  1. 宣教士的挑战。有一个假先知存心误导巡抚(方伯),并公开与保罗和巴拿巴对抗。
  1. 宣教士的胜利。然而,神的旨意既不受阻扰,祂的道也不受捆绑。借着圣灵(神)所赐予的权柄, 保罗叫假先知立时瞎了眼,而方伯就信了福音。


  1. 能预知未来的先知已不复存在。圣经正典完成后,信徒有神全备的教导(提后3:16-17)。信徒若要祈求神的直接启示,倒不如读神的话,从而得知神的旨意。神的旨意是要所有信徒传福音(太28:19-20),所有与其等待神出声吩咐我们作宣教士,不如开始向我们每日所遇的人传讲福音。祈求我们能在小事上忠心,叫我们也能在大事上如此。
  1. 祈求福音不会因着我们的言行举止受阻。
  1. 行神迹奇事的恩赐是要应证使徒的信息为真。如今,行神迹的恩赐已不复存在了(当然,神仍能按祂的旨意行神迹,但绝对不会借着神迹医术者来)。祈求我们能过圣洁与公义的生活,叫我们所传的福音信息能借着我们的生命有效地展现于世。

22 Mar 2017, Acts 12:1-25 使徒行传 12:1-25, The Unstoppable God 锐不可当的神

Scripture Reading        : Acts 12:1-25

Theme                            : The Unstoppable God


  1. The purpose of God cannot be thwarted. James was the first Apostle who was martyred (Stephen was the first Christian martyr). It is God’s will that James was martyred but He sent His angel to rescue Peter from prison. God wanted Peter to continue proclaiming the Gospel amongst the Jews. Whatever is in God’s will definitely come to pass.
  1. The glory of God cannot be robbed. When Herod was praised by the people as a god, he did not give the true God the glory that He alone deserves, and God judged Herod immediately and he was eaten by worms and died. God will eventually judge the whole world, because unbelievers are all guilty of the same sin as Herod.
  1. The Word of God cannot be stopped. Even though persecution of the church had begun (Stephen was killed by mob-action) and was getting more serious (James was killed by the king), the Gospel continued to spread. The people who were scattered due to the persecution preached the Gospel wherever they went (Acts 11:19). Now, the stage was changing from Peter to Paul, who would eventually bring the Gospel to the Gentiles.


Praying the Scripture

  1. God’s specific will is different for different people. Stephen and James (along with many others) were martyred, but Peter and Paul would continue to suffer on this earth while preaching the Word of God to unbelievers. Let us pray that we will submit to God’s will and accept the purposes that He has intended for us.
  1. Whatever achievements we might attain in the world are all granted by God. Pray that we will give glory to God in what we say and do, so that unbelievers around us will also see our good works and give glory to God (Matthew 5:16).
  1. The Word of God cannot be stopped. We will either move together with it, or be left behind by it. Thank God that because He is unstoppable, the Gospel eventually came to us. Pray that we too will preach the Gospel to people we meet.




  1. 神的旨意不可受阻扰。雅各是第一位殉道的使徒(司提反是第一位殉道的基督徒)。雅各殉道是神的旨意;神则差派祂的使者把彼得从监牢里救出,要彼得继续向犹太人宣讲福音。凡神所定意的必要成就。
  1. 神的荣耀不可被抢夺。希侓王受到百姓神明般的崇拜,但他却没有把荣耀归于唯独配得起的真神,而神立即审判他,让他被虫所咬而死。神最终必会审判世间所有不信的人,因为世人都犯了与希侓王同样的罪。
  1. 神的道不可被捆绑。教会虽然开始受到攻击(司提反是被暴民杀害的),而且越发严重(雅各被希侓王所杀),但福音的道却要继续被扩展。信徒因为受到逼迫四散,却随行传福音(11:19)。从这个篇章开始,焦点将由彼得转向保罗,因为保罗将把福音传到外邦人中。



  1. 神在各人身上有着不同的特定旨意——司提反和雅各(以及其他信徒)为主殉道,保罗和彼得则继续在世上为真理受苦,同时向非信徒宣讲神的道。祈求我们愿意顺服神的旨意,并接受祂对我们生命的规划。
  1. 我们世上所得的一切成就都是神赐予的。祈求我们的言行举止都能将荣耀归给神,好使我们周遭的非信徒能因着我们的好行为也归荣耀于神(太5:16)。
  1. 神的道是无可抵挡的。我们能选择乘舟前行,或被落下。感谢主,因为祂是锐不可当的,所以福音最终临到我们。祈求我们也向周遭的人传讲福音。

21 Mar 2017, Acts 11:1-30 使徒行传 11:1-30, The Beginning of the Gentile Church 外邦教会的开端

Scripture Reading        : Acts 11:1-30

Theme                            : The Beginning of the Gentile Church


  1. The vision of the Gentile church. When Peter was accused of associating with Gentiles, Peter recounted his vision to the church in Jerusalem, proving to them that the Gospel is also meant for the Gentiles. Peter’s recount here (which was not mentioned in Acts 10) clearly shows that Cornelius was not saved before he heard the Gospel. Because of God’s mercy and grace, God sent Peter to preach the Gospel to Cornelius that he might be saved (11:14).
  1. The conformation of the Gentile church. The best testimony that the Gospel has also come to the Gentiles is the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles. Through the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Gentiles are now brought into the common salvation through Jesus Christ, together with the Jews. This is the “mystery of the church” (Ephesians 3:1-6).
  1. The strengthening of the Gentile church. The church in Jerusalem sent Barnabas to Antioch, where he encouraged the believers to be steadfast. Barnabas also found Saul, who returned to Tarsus after leaving Jerusalem when the Jews plotted to kill him (Acts 9:26-30). Together, Saul (Paul) and Barnabas taught the believers and strengthened the church.
  1. The testimony of the Gentile church. Antioch was a major pagan metropolis and was the centre of major trade routes, making it a prosperous city. Persecution of the Gentile church had not started yet, but the church in Jerusalem was already facing persecution (Acts 8:1). When news came to the church in Antioch that there will be a famine throughout the world, including Jerusalem, the church in Antioch sent relief to the church in Jerusalem.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Without the Gospel message, no one can be saved. Gentiles who may sincerely seek for God (like Cornelius) would do so in vain, unless they hear the Gospel. Let us thank God for giving us the Gospel, and pray that we will boldly share the Gospel with others.
  1. The purpose of the church is not only to evangelize, but also to equip the saints. Paul and Barnabas did that when they taught the church in Antioch for 1 year. Pray for our elders and pastors, that they will faithfully feed the sheep by teaching them the Word of God.
  1. We must not be inward looking as a church, but be willing to help other true churches of Jesus Christ who may be in need. Let us pray that we will be generous in giving our resources to the local church to help other Christians.




  1. 外邦教会的异象当彼得被控告他与外邦人有交往时,彼得便向耶路撒冷教会详细复述他所看见的异象,藉此向他们见证福音也是为外邦人所预备的。彼得在这里的复述(使徒行传10并未提及)清楚显示哥尼流在听到福音之前尚未悔改得救。因着神的怜悯和恩典,祂差遣彼得向他传讲福音,让他藉以蒙拯救(11:14)。
  1. 外邦教会的一致神的救恩临到外邦人的最佳见证就是圣灵在外邦信徒身上的降临。藉着圣灵的降临,外邦人如今与犹太人同靠耶稣基督得着同一个救赎。这就是“教会的奥秘”了(以弗所书3:1-6)。
  1. 外邦教会的建立耶路撒冷教会差派巴拿巴前去安提阿教会,勉励他们在信心上坚固。之后,他把逃避耶路撒冷犹太人的追杀而回到大数的扫罗(保罗)找来(9:6-30),二人便一同在安提阿教会教导信徒,建立教会。
  1. 外邦教会的见证由于安提阿是异教徒的主要城市,又是商贸易的重要通道,所以安提阿是一个繁荣富裕的城市。外邦教会这时还未尝到逼迫之苦,但耶路撒冷的教会已经为信仰面临大迫害(8:1)。当安提阿教会得知天下,包括耶路撒冷,将会有大饥荒,教会信徒便定意捐款救济耶路撒冷的教会。


  1. 没有福音,无人能得救。即便外邦人万份诚恳地寻找神(像哥尼流),那也是枉然的,除非他们听到福音。让我们为所得到的福音向神感恩,并祈求我们会勇敢地向人宣扬福音。
  1. 教会的目的不仅是传福音,还要装备信徒。保罗与巴拿巴在安提阿教会教导信徒长达一年,正是为此。让我们为教会的牧师和长老们祷告,祈求他们能忠心教导神的话,喂养羊群。
  1. 我们切不可只关注自己的教会;对凡属耶稣基督的教会,若他们有需要,我们也应该随时伸出援手。祈求我们能慷慨地向地方教会分享资源,以助其他信徒。