20 Mar 2017, Acts 9:32 – 10:48 使徒行传 9:32 – 10:48, The Vision of the Gentile Church 对外邦教会的异象

Scripture Reading        : Acts 9:32 – 10:48

Theme                            : The Vision of the Gentile Church


  1. Peter was the apostle of Christ. Just before Peter was given the vision of the Gentile church, the Book of Acts records Peter healing the sick and resurrecting the dead. This firmly establishes the true apostleship of Peter, so that what follows would be authenticated. Also, the stay with Simon the tanner set the stage for the upcoming events, because tanners were regarded as unclean and shunned because they handled the skins of dead animals (Lev. 11:39).
  1. Peter saw a vision from God. After God gave a vision to Cornelius, a centurion (a Roman officer in-charge of 100 soldiers) and a Gentile, God also gave Peter a vision of unclean animals, which Peter was to eat in his vision. The Jews had regarded Gentiles as unclean and unworthy of God’s salvation. The purpose of the vision is to show Peter that the Gospel was also meant for the Gentiles and not for Jews only.
  1. Peter preached the Gospel. When Peter was brought into the house of Cornelius, his relatives and close friends had gathered, and Peter, who understood the vision he had been given, preached the Gospel to the gathering of Gentiles. Note that Peter did not go through the Old Testament history, like he did when he preached to the Jews, but he went straight into declaring that Jesus Christ who was crucified is now resurrected and is the Judge of all mankind.
  1. Peter baptized the gentiles. The coming of the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles showed clearly that salvation has also come to them. The gift of tongues was meant to proof at that point that God has also accepted the Gentiles. This is not a teaching that all believers will receive the gift of tongues (1 Cor. 12:10).


Praying the Scripture

  1. It was the true Apostles who brought the Gospel to the Gentiles, testified by the Holy Spirit and recorded in the Word of God. We can be sure that the Gospel message we believed in is the first-hand account of the original followers of Jesus. Let us thank God that what we received is not hear-say, but the truth.
  1. Let us thank God that He had mercy on the Gentiles (including us) just as He had with the Jews, so that we too might hear the Gospel and be saved.
  1. There is no other way to be saved except through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Peter did not pronounced Cornelius saved, but he preached the Gospel to them. Pray that we will grab every opportunity that is available to preach the Gospel, because souls will perish without the Gospel.

经文:使徒行传9:32 – 10:48



  1. 彼得是基督的使徒。在领受有关外邦人教会的异象前,彼得才刚医治病患,复活死人。经文如此记载是要坚固彼得作使徒的权柄,使随后所发的事能成立。此外,彼得在硝皮匠西门的家之住也为将要发生的事铺垫。由于硝皮匠接触死了的动物之皮,他们普遍被犹太人视为是不洁净的(利11:39),并受到他们的鄙视。
  1. 彼得从神得到异象。神予哥尼流、一位百夫长(管理一百名士兵的罗马官员)及一个外邦人异象后,神也给彼得一个关乎不洁净动物的异象,并且吩咐彼得来吃。犹太人早已认为犹太人是不洁净的,是不配得神之救恩的。这个异象的目的是要向彼得显示福音也是给外邦人的,并非犹太人专属。
  1. 彼得传讲福音。当彼得被带入哥尼流的家时,他的亲属密友都聚集,而明白异象之意的彼得这时向这群外邦人传讲福音。彼得并没有像对犹太人宣教时一样重述旧约历史,而是直接宣告被钉十架的耶稣基督如今复活,是全人类的审判者。
  1. 彼得为外邦人施洗。圣灵在外邦人身上的降临显然表示救恩已临到他们。那时候,说方言的恩赐表明神也接受外邦人了。这不是在教导所有信徒会领受说方言的恩赐(林前12:10)。




  1. 属实的使徒将福音带给外邦人;这由圣灵见证,并在神的道中记载。我们能确定我们所信的福音信息是由原本跟从耶稣的人的亲身见证。让我们感谢神,因我们所领受的不是传言,而是真理。
  1. 让我们为神降在犹太人身上的怜悯也施与外邦人(包括我们)而感谢祂,叫我们也能听见福音,从而得救。
  1. 除了耶稣基督的福音以外,人是无法得救的。彼得没宣告哥尼流得救,而是向他们传讲福音。祈求我们会把握每一个传福音的机会,以因为没有福音,灵魂将灭亡。

18 Mar 2017, Acts 9:1-31 使徒行传 9:1-31, The Transformed Life 转变了的生命

Scripture Reading        : Acts 9:1-31

Theme                            : The Transformed Life


The Book of Acts continues the narrative with the conversion of Saul (who used his Roman name, Paul, after his conversion). Recall that the main theme of the entire book is in Acts 1:8, that the Gospel will spread “in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” The conversion of Saul led to the eventual spread of the Gospel to Europe.

  1. Paul believes in Jesus Christ. While Saul was on his way to Damascus, with the intention of arresting Christians, Jesus appeared to him in a blinding light. Saul was sincerely following what he thought was pleasing to God, by persecuting Christians who were preaching what he thought was contrary to Old Testament teaching. But sincerity alone is not sufficient to please God.
  1. Paul being baptized into Jesus Christ. After Ananias healed Saul, he also baptized Saul, which signified that Saul was now part of the church of Jesus Christ. Paul would later pen the words in Romans 6:3 – “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?”
  1. Paul begins to preach Jesus Christ. Saul began on his journey to Damascus to persecute Christians, but ended up in Damascus preaching about the resurrected Christ, the Son of God. If there is anyone who knew that Christians would be persecuted for their faith, it would have been Saul, since he was present at the stoning of Stephen, and his previous goal was to ensure that those who professed Christ would be imprisoned. Yet he was not ashamed of his conversion, but boldly proclaimed it.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Saul had a dramatic conversion experience, but with greater revelation comes greater responsibilities and temptation. Paul later wrote in 2 Corinthians 12:7 “So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited.” Paul was given such experiences because Jesus planned “how much he must suffer for the sake of my name” (Acts 9:16). Today, when Charismatics pray for dramatic experiences, they only want the experience, and not the sufferings that come later. Instead of wanting dramatic experiences for ourselves, let us thank God for dramatically converting Saul, so that Saul could bring the Gospel to us, who are also Gentiles.
  1. When Paul understood the Gospel, repented and believed, he was baptized immediately. Pray that genuine believers in our church who are not baptized yet will obey the Bible and be baptized.
  1. Paul was not afraid of “losing face” and he was not ashamed of the Gospel. Pray that we too will not fear embarrassment or persecution, but preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people around us.





  1. 保罗相信信靠耶稣基督。扫罗本想捉拿基督徒,因而前往大马士革;不料,耶稣途中向他发光,显现自己。扫罗是诚心追寻他误以为是神所喜悦的事,就是逼迫凡他以为是传与旧约教导悖逆的基督徒。然而,单有诚心是不足以讨神喜悦的。
  1. 保罗受洗归入耶稣基督。亚拿尼亚医治扫罗后,他也为扫罗施洗,表示扫罗从此属耶稣基督教会中的一部分。保罗后来在罗马书6:3写道:“岂不知我们这受洗归入基督耶稣的人,是受洗归入他的死吗?”
  1. 保罗开始传讲耶稣基督。扫罗起初往大马士革的目的是要捉拿基督徒,但最终在大马士革所做的是传讲神之圣子,那位已复活的基督。扫罗明明知道基督徒或许会因着他们信主而糟害,因为当司提反被石头砸死时,他就在现场,且他原有的目标是要确保凡称基督为主的人都会被捆绑。然而,他并不为信主而感羞耻,反倒大胆宣讲主道。


  1. 保罗信主的过程非凡,但启示越大,责任越重;所受试探亦如此。保罗后来在哥林多后书12:7写道:“又恐怕我因所得的启示甚大,就过于自高,所以有一根刺加在我肉体上,就是撒旦的差役要攻击我,免得我过于自高。”保罗之所以领受这些启示,是因为耶稣已策划好保罗将“为我的名必须受许多的苦难”(9:16)。如今,当灵恩信徒祈求领受超然的启示时,他们只想要其中的经历,而不是随后的苦难。我们若也想亲身体会那类经历,倒不如感谢神如此使扫罗信主,叫他能把福音传到我们这些也属外邦人的。
  1. 当保罗明白福音信息,从而悔改并信靠主后,他立即受洗。请为我们教会真实信主但未受洗的人祷告他们会遵守圣经的教导,去受洗。
  1. 保罗不怕丢面子,也不以福音为耻。祈求我们也能不畏惧耻辱或逼迫,向周遭的人传耶稣基督的福音。

17 Mar 2017, Acts 8:26-40 使徒行传 8:26-40, Do You Understand What You Are Reading? 你是否明白自己所读的经文?

Scripture Reading        : Acts 8:26-40

Theme                            : Do You Understand What You Are Reading?


This passage records the episode of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, who was a high ranking official (v27). The conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch marked the beginning of the spread of the Gospel to Africa. We can learn the following lessons from this passage.

  1. What is the theme or topic of this passage? Philip asked the eunuch if he understood what he was reading. The eunuch’s reply shows that every passage of the Bible has its intended meaning (intended by the Holy Spirit, who is the author). Without proper guidance, many wrong interpretations will arise, which is the error of post-modernists.
  1. What is the context of this passage? The eunuch also understood that in order to understand the passage, he needed to know the context – who was Isaiah writing about?
  1. What is the support of the theme of this passage? Philip used the passage of Scripture the eunuch was reading and showed from the context that the theme is the Gospel of Jesus giving His life as the substitutionary atonement.
  1. What lesson can we learn from this passage? The eunuch also demonstrated that he did not just acquire additional knowledge that did not affect his life. He immediately responded to the Gospel message with obedience, and requested to be baptized.

Praying the Scripture

  1. Pray that we will be humble and teachable like the Ethiopian eunuch, who acknowledged his ignorance and submitted to Philip’s teaching.
  1. There is only one intended meaning of the words in the Bible. Pray that we will truly embrace this truth, and strive, as followers of Christ, to understand His Word, so that we will not be led astray by postmodernist’s error that there are many different interpretations that are all correct.
  1. After he understood the passage, the Ethiopian eunuch responded in immediate obedience. Pray that we will not harden our hearts to the Word of God, but we will submit to its authority, and show it through our actions.





  1. 经文的主题是什么?腓利问太监是否明白自己在读些什么。太监的回答显明整本圣经只有一种真实解释(作者是圣灵,祂给予经文的原意)。缺乏正确的教导会导致对圣经真理理解上的错误,也就是后现代主义所带出错谬教导的源头。
  1. 经文的上下文是什么?太监晓得要明白经文,他必须清楚上下经文——以赛亚在经上写的是谁?
  1. 从哪里看出经文支持主题?腓利与太监所读的经文的上下文指出经文的主题是福音:耶稣基督舍了生命,成代罪救赎的工作。
  1. 我们从这经文学到什么功课?太监的回应也显示,知识的习得必须与生活的应用有关。他顺服福音的教训,要求受洗。



  1. 祈求我们能像那位埃塞俄比亚太监一样能虚心受教;他承认自己的无知,并顺服了腓利的教导。
  1. 圣经中的话只有一个解释。身为基督徒的我们当祈求我们能真心领受这个真理,并竭力追求明白圣经,叫我们不会被后现代主义者的错谬思想误导,以为圣经能有不同但又是正确的理解。
  1. 当那位埃塞俄比亚太监明白经文后,他立即服从教训。祈求我们的心不会对神的道刚硬,而是顺服圣经的权柄,并付诸行动表示这一点。

16 Mar 2017, Acts 8:1-25 使徒行传 8:1-25, True or False Believers 真伪信徒

Scripture Reading        : Acts 8:1-25

Theme                            : True or False Believers


  1. True believers. The death of Stephen marked the beginning of “great persecution against the church in Jerusalem”. Saul, who became the Apostle Paul, was first mentioned here. He was still an unbeliever and he persecuted the church. Because of the persecution, the true believers were scattered and they preached the Gospel wherever they went. In particular, the passage contrasts two characters, Philip and Simon. Philip was a true believer who was empowered by the Holy Spirit to perform mighty works. A true believer, like Philip, proclaims Christ (8:5). When true believers bring the Gospel to unbelievers, they bring true joy to those who repents (8:8).
  1. False believers. Simon was a false believer who proclaimed his own greatness before he professed faith (8:9), and he continued to seek his own greatness after he heard the Gospel (8:18-19). False believers attract attention to themselves, misleading people with lies that causes destruction of souls (8:11). Peter’s rebuke of Simon (8:20-23) clearly showed that Simon was an unbeliever, even though he professed to be one (8:13). Simon was not interested in the salvation of his own soul, but wanted the same power that he saw the Apostles possessed.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Times of persecution will review true believers from false believers, since those who profess faith in Jesus stand to gain nothing except persecution. Pray that if we are persecuted for our faith, we may stand strong and continues to preach the Gospel.
  1. Pray that we will not want to attract attention to ourselves, but direct the attention to Jesus by proclaiming the Gospel like Philip.
  1. Many professing believers are phonies, who are trying to benefit themselves in one way or another (usually in monetary gain – 1 Tim 6:5 “depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain.”) Pray that we will have the discernment to identify false believers and not be attracted to them. If we had been like Simon, may we heed Peter’s warning and pray that God will forgive us.




  1. 真信徒。司提反的殉道正是耶路撒冷教会大受逼迫的开端。扫罗,就是后期信主的使徒保罗,首次出现;当时的他仍热心反基督和逼迫教会。由于教会受逼迫,所以真信徒分散到各处,但他们仍随走随传天国的福音。本章特别提出两个截然不同的人物,腓利与西门。腓力是真信徒,并靠圣灵的能力行了许多神迹奇事。真信徒就如他一样,宣讲基督(8:5)。真信徒会藉着传福音给愿意悔改的人带来真正的喜乐。
  1. 伪信徒。西门是个伪信徒。他在宣称自己是信徒之前是个妄自尊大,向来行邪术的人(8:9)。及至宣称已归信(8:13),他却仍追求自我利益(8:18-19)。伪信徒以自我为中心,并用谎言误导众人,引他们到灭亡之路(8:11)。尽管西门宣称自己是信徒(8:13),但彼得对他严厉的斥责清楚显明西门是伪信徒。西门对自己的灵魂是否得救并不关注,却妒忌圣灵显在使徒们身上的能力。



  1. 长久以来,基督徒所得到的是逼迫而不是福音以外的好处,所以当逼迫临近,真伪信徒就显而易见了。祈求即使因信仰而面临逼迫时,我们都能坚定并继续宣扬福音。
  1. 祈求我们不以自我为中心,却效法腓力宣扬福音,引人归向基督。
  1. 许多人冒称是信徒,却是图谋私利以满足个人私欲。(经常是谋取钱财——提前6:5:“并那坏了心术,失丧真理之人的争竞。他们以敬虔为得利的门路。”)祈求我们能分辨伪信徒,不轻易受到他们的诱惑。倘若我们曾像西门一般,让我们听从彼得的警告,远离罪恶,求神赦免。

15 Mar 2017, Acts 6:8-7:60 使徒行传 6:8-7:60, The First Christian Martyr 基督教的首位殉道者

Scripture Reading        : Acts 6:8-7:60

Theme                            : The First Christian Martyr


  1. Accusation of Stephen. Stephen was doing mighty works among the people when the Jews disputed with him. They were not able to withstand his wisdom, and had to bring false charges against him. Stephen’s face was “like the face of an angel” (Acts 6:15), meaning that it was calm and composed, because Stephen clearly knew that the message he was speaking was given by God, not invented by man. This was not a supernatural phenomenon wrongly assumed in some circles.
  1. Apologia of Stephen. When questioned by the high priest, Stephen launched into a long discourse, beginning with the calling of Abraham, the ancestor of all the Jews, until the coming of the Savior, before rebuking them for crucifying the promised Messiah.
  1. Annihilation of Stephen. The Jews who heard Stephen proclaim the Gospel to them failed to repent, unlike those who heard Peter, who also rebuked the audience for crucifying their Savior (Acts 2:37). The Jews did not have the authority to carry out capital punishment, because they were under Roman rule (that is why they cannot kill Jesus with their own authority, but instigated Pilate to crucify Him). Therefore, when they dragged Stephen out of the city to stone him, it was a mob action. Stephen, however, did not hold it against them, and exemplified the same grace and love showed by the Lord Jesus when He was crucified.

Praying the Scripture

  1. Pray that we will be good testimonies as we live as Christians amongst the people, so that no one can bring any legitimate charges against us.
  1. 1 Peter 3:15 “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” Let us pray that we will not be afraid to share the Gospel even if the situation seems adverse.
  1. 1 Peter 2:20, 23 “For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God… When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.” Stephen remained faithful and died for his faith. Let us pray that we will be willing to suffer for the sake of the Gospel, even unto death.




  1. 控告司提反。当犹太人与司提反辩论之时,他正在人群中行神迹奇事。他们无法抵挡司提反的智慧,只好诬告他。司提反的脸“好像天使的面貌”(6:15),意思是他既冷静又沉着,因为他非常清楚他所传的信息是神赐的,不是人捏造的。有些人误以为这是一个超然现象;这并非如此。
  1. 司提反的辩护。当司提反受到大祭司的盘问时,他展开了一个很长的论述,由犹太人之祖亚伯拉罕开始,一直到救主降世为止。之后,他斥责他们钉死那位应许的弥赛亚。
  1. 司提反的灭亡。听到司提反传福音的犹太人并没悔改,不像也听到彼得斥责他们钉死救主的那群犹太人一样(2:37)。由于犹太人还在罗马人的管制下,所以他们没有权利执行死罪(这也就是他们为什么无法自己治死耶稣,而是要唆使彼拉多钉祂十架)。因此,当他们把司提反拖到城外,用石头打他时,这实际上是暴民行动。然而,司提反并没有怪罪与他们,还展现了与主耶稣钉十架时所有的那份恩典与爱心。


  1. 我们是生活在群众的基督徒——祈求我们能做好见证,叫无人能合理地控告我们。
  1. 彼得前书3:15:“只要心里尊主基督为圣。有人问你们心中盼望的缘由,就要常做准备,以温柔、敬畏的心回答各人。”祈求我们能有胆量传福音,即便在逆境之时也要如此。
  1. 彼得前书2:20,23:“你们若因犯罪受责打,能忍耐,有什么可夸的呢?但你们若因行善受苦,能忍耐,这在神看是可喜爱的……他被骂不还口,受害不说威吓的话,只将自己交托那按公义审判人的主。”司提反忠心于主,为主而死。祈求我们也能为福音的缘故甘心受苦,以致于死。

14 Mar 2017, Acts 6:1-7 使徒行传 6:1-7, The Management of the Church 教会的管理

Scripture Reading        : Acts 6:1-7

Theme                            : The Management of the Church


  1. The issue facing the church. The Hellenist were Greek speaking Jews who lived outside Palestine after the Babylonian exile (known as the “Diaspora”). The Hellenists adopted Greek culture, leading Palestinian Jews (the Hebrews) to view them with suspicion. Because of this tension, the Hellenists believed that their widows were not given an adequate distribution of food by the church.
  1. The instruction to the church. The Apostles’ first priority was in “preaching the Word of God”, rather than the daily administration of the church. The Apostles instructed the church to choose godly men who would be appointed to take care of the physical needs of the Hellenistic widows. The word translated “serve” is the Greek word “diakone”, from which the office of deacon was later derived. However, at this time, it was not a permanent establishment of the office of deacon. Note that the authority to appoint these men rested in the Apostles (v3).
  1. The implementation of the church. The church submitted to the Apostles’ instructions, and they chose godly men whom they set before the Apostles for their appointment. All seven chosen men had Greek names, indicating that they belonged to the Hellenists. This was done out of love and to maintain unity, since the issue was the neglect of the Hellenistic widows. Because the church was united and submitted to the authority of the Apostles, they could be devoted to preaching the Word of God, resulting in great spiritual growth of the church (v7).


Praying the Scripture

  1. Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” May we pray that our church will be united and looking after one another’s needs without discrimination.                                                           
  1. Let us pray for our church, that there will be godly men who will assist the elders in administrative matters, so that the elders can be devoted “to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.”
  1. Pray that our church will be united and the congregation submit to the elders. In this way, every individual believer in the church can grow spiritually, and the church on the whole can also grow, when the elders can be devoted to preaching the Word of God.




  1. 教会所面对的问题。那些说希腊话的犹太人是在巴比伦的放逐后居住在巴勒斯坦以外的。他们已经采纳了希腊文化,导致巴勒斯坦的犹太人(或“希伯来人”)对他们存疑虑。那说希腊话的犹太人相信他们的寡妇是因着这个矛盾而被教会忽略,在天天的供给上没得到足够的食物。
  1. 教会所得到的指示。众使徒的首要任务是传神的道,不是管理教会日常的行政。使徒们指示教会要选出七位敬虔的人;他们将被委任照料说希腊话的犹太人寡妇的物质需要。文中“管理”的希腊原文是“diakone”,而日后执事(deacon)的职分乃起源于此。即便如此,他们并不是这这时候创立执事这职分的。请留意到委任这些人的权柄是在于众使徒的(3节)。
  1. 教会所采取的行动。教会顺服了使徒的指示,选出七位敬虔的人,把他们带到使徒面前受使徒们的委任。这七人都有希腊名,表示他们也属说希腊话的犹太人。这举动是出于爱心,也为持守合一,因为问题是因疏忽他们的寡妇所造成的。由于教会是合一的,并顺服使徒的权柄,所以使徒能专心传道,使得教会有很大的灵性成长(7节)。



  1. 加拉太书3:28:“(信徒)并不分犹太人、希腊人,自主的、为奴的,或男或女,因为你们在基督耶稣里都成为一了。”祈求我们的教会能合一,不带偏见,照顾彼此的需要。
  1. 让我们为教会祷告,叫敬虔之人能在行政之事上协助长老,好让长老们能“专心以祈祷、传道为事”。
  1. 祈求我们的教会能合一,会众也能顺服长老。这样,当长老们能专心传道,教会中的每一位信徒都能在灵命中成长,使得教会整体也能成长。

13 Mar 2017, Acts 5:12-42 使徒行传5:12-42, God’s Strategy for Church Growth 神对教会增长的策略

Scripture Reading        : Acts 5:12-42

Theme                            : God’s Strategy for Church Growth


  1. Purity of the church. After the death of Ananias and Sapphira, “none of the rest”, or unbelievers, dared to join the church, for fear of divine judgment. But at the same time, the church grew because God added genuine believers in great numbers.
  1. Power of the truth. The Apostles were empowered by the Holy Spirit and performed great miracles. The purpose of miracles was to authenticate the Gospel message preached by the Apostles, and not to produce faith in unbelievers, since those who did not believe did not dare to join the church (v13).
  1. Persecution of the church. At this stage, persecution of the church was beginning, and the Apostles were imprisoned for preaching the Gospel. Historically, persecution of the church only strengthened it, because God used persecution to maintain the purity of the church.
  1. Priority in obedience. The night before, they were miraculously rescued from prison by an angel, who told them that they must go into the temple to preach. Even though the Apostles risked further imprisonment and persecution, they obeyed God rather than men.
  1. Preaching of Jesus Christ. Gamaliel was the most noted rabbi (teacher) of his time, and his most famous student was Saul (who became Paul, the Apostle). After heeding his counsel, the council (the Sanhedrin) had the Apostles beaten and commanded them not to preach the Gospel. But the Apostles rejoiced over the persecution and “did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.”

Praying the Scripture

  1. Today, many churches focus on man-centred, seeker-friendly methods of church growth, and end up attracting multitudes of unbelievers to the church. This is in stark contrast to the purity of the church in Acts, where only genuine believers joined the church. Let us pray that our church will be pure and will focus on preaching the Bible faithfully, rather than be concerned with numerical numbers. Also pray that God will add genuine believers to our church.
  1. The gift of performing miracles has ceased, even during the Apostles’ time (2 Cor. 12:12; 1 Tim. 5:23 – Paul did not heal Timothy). The purpose of the miracles was to authenticate the Apostle’s message, and we have it written in the Bible today. Pray that we will be devoted to the teachings of the Bible, rather than be distracted by the demand for miracles.
  1. Sometimes, believers pray that God will remove the persecution that they are facing. However, God is sovereign and He can use any situation in our lives for our good (Rom. 8:28). We ought to pray that God give us the strength to obey Him and persevere during persecution. 1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”
  1. Even an unbeliever like Gamaliel provided wise counsel that methods that were not according to God’s strategy would eventually fade away. Let us pray that we will not be tempted to pursue church growth methods that are not in accordance to God’s Word. Pray that we will preach the true Gospel only, even though people do not like to hear it or even if we are persecuted for it. Pray that we will be joyful even when persecuted for the sake of the Gospel.




  1. 教会的纯洁。亚拿尼亚和撒非喇死了后,“其余的人”,即非信徒,都不敢加入教会,以免受到神的审判。与此同时,教会却增长了,因为神给教会增添了很多属实的信徒。
  1. 真理的力量。使徒借着圣灵的力量行了许多神迹奇事。行神迹的目的是要证实使徒所传的福音,而不是让非信徒能有信心归主,因为不信的并不敢加入教会(13节)。
  1. 教会的逼迫。这时候,教会的逼迫开始了;使徒因着传福音被拿下监。然而,历史证明逼迫只会坚固教会,因为神是在借用逼迫洁净教会。
  1. 顺服的重要。前一个晚上,使徒奇迹般地被一个天使从监狱救出,且被告知必要到殿里传道。虽然他们可能会因此再次被捉坐牢或受逼迫,但他们顺从神不顺从人。
  1. 传耶稣基督。迦玛列是当代最知名的拉比(犹太教师),而他最著名的学生是扫罗(后来成为使徒保罗)。公会听取了他的劝诫,将众使徒打了,又吩咐他们不可再传福音。然而,使徒反因受到逼迫感到欢欣,还“不住地教训人,传耶稣是基督”。


  1. 今日,许多教会看重的是以人为本、讨好群众的教会增长模式,结果引来了大批非信徒到教会。这与使徒行传中的纯洁教会截然有别——只有真正信主的才加入教会。让我们祷告我们能有纯洁的教会,并重视忠心传讲圣经,而不是关注数目的增长。也祈求神能给我们的教会增添属实信徒。
  1. 即便在使徒的年代,行神迹奇事的恩赐已停止了(林后12:12;提前5:23—保罗没有医治提摩太)。行神迹奇事的目的是要证实使徒的信息,叫我们能有今日的圣经。祈求我们能忠于圣经的教导,而不是看重神迹奇事的发生。
  1. 有的时候,信徒会祈求神能除去他们所面对的逼迫。可是,神有主权,并能使用我们生命中的境遇叫我们得益(罗8:28)。我们当祈求神给我们力量顺从祂,并在遭逼迫时能忍耐。哥林多前书10:13:“你们所遇见的试探,无非是人所能受的。神是信实的,必不叫你们受试探过于所能受的,在受试探的时候,总要给你们开一条出路,叫你们能忍受得住。”
  1. 即便像迦玛列一样的非信徒都能明智地指出不从神策略的方式必然会消逝。祈求我们不会被诱,叫我们不按神的道追求教会增长。祷告我们只传真正的福音,即便人不爱听,或者我们会因此受到逼迫。也祷告我们为福音的缘故遭逼迫时能欢喜快乐。

11 Mar 2017, Acts 4:32 – 5:11 使徒行传 4:32-5:11, The Purity of the Church 教会的纯洁

Scripture Reading        : Acts 4:32 – 5:11

Theme                            : The Purity of the Church


  1. Solidarity of the church. The first church in Jerusalem, under the teaching of the Apostles, was one where true unity was seen. No one thought of “any of the things that belonged to him was his own” and they “had everything in common”. The rich sold their belongings and brought the proceeds to the Apostles, who distributed to those who were in need. The people trusted the leaders of the church to distribute the offerings as the leaders deemed fit.
  1. Sincerity of the church. When a sinner clearly understood the vastness of the debt he had been forgiven, he would have a genuine love for the Lord and share the blessings that God has given him. The church at this time was filled with genuine believers, since those who did not truly believe in Jesus risked the disapproval of the Jewish leaders (persecution had not started yet) and those who were rich had nothing to gain, and were in a sense losing their earthly wealth.
  1. Sanction of the church. It is not a command to all Christians that they must sell everything and give to the needy in order to follow Christ, or it will simply become a legalistic requirement. When Ananias and Sapphira (tried to) lie to God, they were punished with death and suffered the detriment of their sin. 1 Samuel 15:22 “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices,as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.” Those who give sincerely from their hearts, even little, will be pleasing to God, while those who do not give sincerely, even if they give much, do not please God.


Praying the Scripture

  1. The first church was exemplary in her unity. Let us pray that our church will also be united, where “no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own”, and that we will share generously with those who are in need.
  1. God wants us to be sincere in our giving. Let us pray for sincere hearts as we give generously to the church. The believers brought their offerings to the Apostles, who distributed to the poor. Therefore, we should also pray that we will learn to trust the church leaders, whom God has appointed, to manage the offerings in a god-honoring way.
  1. Pray that we will not boast in our giving nor seek the approval of man when we give.




  1. 教会的团结。耶路撒冷的首间教会在众使徒的教训下能见真正的团结;“没有一人说他的东西有一样是自己的,都是大家公用”。富裕的变卖财产,并将所得献给使徒,而使徒又照各人的需要分给各人。那时,信徒在分发奉献这事上相信教会领导人的判断。
  1. 教会的诚意。当一个罪人看清主赦自己的罪债有何等庞大时,他会对主有真挚的爱,并将神予他的祝福分享于人。这时候的教会充满了属实的信徒,因为真实信靠耶稣的会遭犹太领袖的拒绝(逼迫未开始),且富裕的也无利益可取,甚至有可能失去地上的财富。
  1. 教会的裁制裁。神没有命令信徒一定要变卖一切给有需要的才能跟从基督;若是如此,这会变成一个与功德挂钩的硬性要求。当亚拿尼亚和撒非喇(尝试)欺哄神的时候,他们因为犯罪而被治死。撒母耳记上15:22说:“耶和华喜悦燔祭和平安祭,岂如喜悦人听从他的话呢?听命胜于献祭,顺从胜于公羊的脂油。”诚心献给神的,即便不多,神必喜悦,但没诚意奉献的,即便给得多,也不会蒙神喜悦。



  1. 基督的首间教会在信徒合一上是典范。让我们祷告我们的教会也会团结一致,叫“没有一人说他的东西有一样是自己的”,总会慷慨与有需要的人分享所有。
  1. 神要我们诚心奉献。让我们祷告我们向教会慷慨奉献时是诚心的。信徒将奉献给予使徒,让他们分发给穷人。因此,我们也要祷告我们会学习信任神所指定的教会领导,以蒙神喜悦的方式管理奉献。
  1. 祈求我们不会在奉献上夸口,或寻人赞同。

10 Mar 2017, Acts 4:1-31 使徒行传 4:1-31, How to Face Persecution 如何面对逼迫

Scripture Reading        : Acts 4:1-31

Theme                            : How to Face Persecution


  1. Be ready to submit to authority. When Peter and John were arrested, they did not put up a struggle. This was a changed Peter, unlike the same Peter who drew his sword and struck off the ear of a man who came to arrest Jesus (John 18:10). Genuine believers should be ready to submit to authority, even if it was imprisonment.
  1. Be ready to submit to the Spirit. When they were questioned, Peter was “filled with the Holy Spirit” as he answered the Jewish leaders. At this point in time, the New Testament was not completed yet, so the Holy Spirit guided Peter’s speech, in fulfilment of Luke 12:11-12.
  1. Be ready to give glory to God. Peter did not boast in his own ability to heal the lame, but gave the glory to God instead. Again, this was a changed Peter, unlike the one who denied Christ three times after His arrest.
  1. Be ready to share the Gospel. Peter seized the opportunity to preach the Gospel to those who were present. Peter would later write in 1 Peter 3:15 “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect”, and Peter exemplified this instruction in Acts 4.
  1. Be ready to obey at all costs. Christians are called to submit to authority, as long as it does not violate the Word of God. However, when the Jewish leaders charged and threatened the Apostles to not share the Gospel, they chose to obey God instead, even if it meant persecution.


Praying the Scripture

  1. It is God’s will for Christians to submit to authorities (Rom. 13:1-7), as long as it does not violate the Word of God. Let us pray that we will be submissive to the authorities (e.g. the government). Pray also that when the authorities want us to disobey God’s Word, we will be bold to choose to obey God’s Word at all costs.
  1. When Peter spoke, the New Testament was not completed yet. Today, to be filled with the Spirit means to be filled with the Word of God. Believers now are to be filled with the Word of God (Eph. 5:18; Col. 3:16), which is the only source of truth and guidance for our righteous living (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Pray that we will be diligent to study the Word of God, so that the Holy Spirit can use it to guide us in our lives.
  1. Peter preached the Gospel to the Jewish leaders when they questioned him. Pray that we will seize every opportunity to give glory to God and share the Gospel with people around us, including our superiors.




  1. 预备顺服掌权者。彼得和约翰被拿时,他们并没有反抗。这时的彼得已经不再是以前那位拿刀砍来捉耶稣的了(约18:10)。即便要坐牢,属实信徒也当预备顺服掌权者。
  1. 预备顺服圣灵。当二人受盘问,彼得答复犹太领袖时“被圣灵充满”。那时候,新约还未完成,因此圣灵引导了彼得的口,从而应验了路加福音12:11-12的话。
  1. 预备归荣耀于神。彼得没有为自己能医治瘸腿的能力夸口,而是将荣耀归于神。这再次显明了一个转变了的彼得;他已不是那位基督被拿后三次不认主的人。
  1. 预备传福音。彼得抓紧机会向在场的人传福音。他之后在彼得前书3:15写道:“只要心里尊主基督为圣。有人问你们心中盼望的缘由,就要常做准备,以温柔、敬畏的心回答各人。”彼得在这里便做了榜样。
  1. 预备顺服,无论代价。只要基督徒不违背神的道,他们都当顺服掌权者。可是,当犹太领袖吩咐并恐吓使徒,禁止他们传福音的时候,他们则选择听从神的话,即便这意味着他们可能会受到逼迫。


  1. 神的旨意是要信徒在不违背神之道的同时顺服当下有权柄的(罗13:1-7)。让我们祷告我们会顺服当下有权柄的(如政府),也祈求当这些掌权者要我们违背神的道时,我们能有胆量,不惜代价选择顺服神的话。
  1. 当彼得开口的时候,新约还未完成。今日,被圣灵充满之意就是把基督的道理丰丰富富地存在心里(弗5:18;西3:16)。信徒当如此,因为那是唯一的真理,是我们过正直生活的引导(提后3:16-17)。祈求我们能殷勤学习神的道,叫圣灵能使用它在生活中引导我们。
  1. 彼得受到犹太领袖的盘问时向他们传福音。祈求我们能把握每一个机会将荣耀归于神,并向周遭的人传福音,包括我们的上司。

9 Mar 2017, Acts 3:1-26 使徒行传 3:1-26, The Lesson of Repentance 悔改的教训

Scripture Reading        : Acts 3:1-26

Theme                            : The Lesson of Repentance


  1. The prelude of repentance. Beggars considered the temple to be the best place to ask for alms (charitable donations), because pious Jews who came to worship at the temple would want to earn their salvation by doing good works to the poor. The beggar who was lame from birth was hoping to get money from Peter and John, but Peter healed him of his physical defect instead, thus setting the foundation for the preaching of repentance. This healing is another instance where faith of the person is not required, as the beggar did not even asked to be healed.
  1. The preaching of repentance. Peter immediately took the opportunity to give glory to God for the healing, and preached the Gospel of Jesus to the crowd. Once again, Peter did not make the Gospel message into a crowd-pleaser, but he rebuked the Jews for killing the Messiah and wanted a murderer to be released. Peter blatantly pointed out the people’s sin, and commanded them to repent.
  1. The product of repentance. Genuine repentance means that one will turn away from wickedness (3:26) and “turn again” (3:19) towards God. If a sinner simply regrets what he had done (like Judas), but do not turn to God for forgiveness, that is not true repentance. The result of true repentance would be God’s blessing, and the sinner’s “sins may be blotted out”. This means that God will declare the sinner as righteous, because of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Praying the Scripture

  1. The purpose of miracles is to authenticate the messenger and the Gospel message, and it can be clearly seen in this passage that Peter did not heal the lame without preaching the Gospel. First of all, we should thank God that He authenticated the Gospel message by granting miracles to accompany the Apostles’ preaching. We should also pray that God will strengthen our faith to believe the Gospel message without witnessing miracles today.
  1. Peter did not take any merit for healing the lame, but immediately gave glory to God, and he also took the opportunity to preach the Gospel. Pray that we will be humble and give glory to God for any achievement, and pray for boldness to use such opportunities to preach the Gospel to the people around us.
  1. Pray that unbelievers, especially our love ones, who hear the Gospel will repent and turn from their wickedness, and “turn again” to God, so that their sins may be blotted out.




  1. 传悔改信息的序幕。乞丐普遍视圣殿为求周济的最佳之所,因为来到圣殿崇拜的虔诚犹太人必想藉着向穷人所行的善赚取救赎。那位生来瘸腿的乞丐本想从彼得和约翰身上得到一些钱,但彼得却医治了他身体上的缺陷,从而为传悔改之信息殿下基础。这场医治又是在人没有信心的时候施行的;那位乞丐并没有求要得医治。
  1. 传悔改的信息。彼得立刻利用这机会将医治的荣耀归给神,并向众人传耶稣的福音。这次,彼得仍没有改变福音信息讨听众的喜悦,而是责备犹太人杀了弥赛亚,且要一个杀人犯得着释放。彼得公然地指出众人的罪,并命令他们悔改。
  1. 传悔改信息的成果。真诚的悔改就是人离开罪恶(3:26),归正(3:19)向神。倘若一个罪人仅为所做的事感到后悔(像犹大),但不归向神祈求赦免,那不是真正的悔改。属实悔改的结果就是神降下祝福,叫罪人的“罪得以涂抹”。这表示神会因着耶稣的死与复活宣告罪人为义。


  1. 神迹是应证使徒与福音信息的凭据;若彼得不传福音,他也不必医治那位瘸腿的。首先,我们要感谢神藉着使徒教训人时所行的神迹奇事应证福音信息。我们也要求神能增强我们的信心,即便今日无法见证神迹也要相信福音信息。
  1. 彼得并有没把瘸腿的医治归功于自己,而是立刻将荣耀归给神,并利用机会传福音。祈求我们也能谦卑,在取得任何成就时将荣耀归于神,并祷告我们能有胆量利用这些机会向周围的人传福音。
  1. 祈求非信徒,尤其我们至亲的人,在听到福音时能悔改,离开罪恶,归正向神,叫他们的罪得以涂抹。