8 Mar 2017, Acts 2:42-47 使徒行传 2:42-47, The Model of an Ideal Church 理想教会的模式

Scripture Reading        : Acts 2:42-47

Theme                            : The Model of an Ideal Church


  1. The characteristics of church growth. The church in Jerusalem was a godly church that had a healthy fear of God (“awe”). Also, it was a caring church, because the believers sold their belongings to help those who were in need. It was also a church where there was unity (“had all things in common”). There was also joy (“glad and generous hearts”) within the believers.
  1. The strategy of church growth. The first church in Jerusalem gives us the godly strategy of church growth. First, the church devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teachings (i.e. the Bible). Second, they were devoted to fellowship. A church is not a building, but a gathering of believers. A church where there is fellowship (in the truth of the Apostles’ teachings) is a true church of God. Third, they obeyed Jesus’ command and were devoted to the breaking of bread (they celebrated the Lord’s Supper to remember His death and resurrection). Last but not least, they were devoted to prayer. They did not depend on their own strength to achieve anything, but depended on God through prayer.
  1. The result of church growth. When the church followed the proper strategy (as above), which is according to God’s will, it finds favour with God, and He will bless the church with numerical growth. It is of utmost importance to please Jesus, who is the head of the church (Eph. 5:23), rather than to please man. When the church pleases God, the result is that it will find favour with man (by first finding favour with God!).

Praying the Scripture

  1. The Jerusalem church was a caring church where the believers loved one another and met together every day! 1 John 4:20 – “he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” The condition of many believers today is even worse, because they only come to church on Sundays, so they cannot love their brother because they also do not see their brother! Let us pray that we will first be committed to meeting regularly and often, and pray that we will love one another in the church. Also pray that we will have joy, especially when we meet together.
  1. The biblical strategy of church growth is to first be devoted to the teachings of the Bible. Love without truth is hypocrisy. Only by knowing and obeying the truth can the church truly grow spiritually. Let us pray that our church will continue to be devoted to the teachings of the Bible.
  1. The church in Jerusalem did not try to please man and change the gospel message in order to have more numbers. When the church found favour with God, He blessed the church with numerical growth. Let us pray that we will please God rather than man, and pray that God will “add to our number day by day those who were being saved.”




  1. 教会成长的特质。耶路撒冷教会是一个敬畏神(“惧怕”)的敬虔教会。再者,她也是一个有爱心的教会,因为信徒买了自己的财物帮助有需要的人。这也是一个合一的教会(“凡物公用”);信徒之间满有喜乐(“存着欢喜、诚实的心”)。
  1. 教会成长的策略。耶路撒冷的首间教会给予我们教会成长的敬虔策略。首先,教会必须遵守使徒的教训(即圣经)。第二,他们必须诚实与彼此交接。教会不是一个建筑物,乃是信徒的团聚。照使徒教训之真理中有团契的教会才是神属实的教会。第三,他们遵行耶稣的吩咐,天天掰饼(他们庆祝圣餐,纪念耶稣的死与复活)。最后,他们也恒切祷告。他们不靠自己的力量达成事情,乃藉着祷告依靠神。
  1. 教会成长的结果。当教会按照正确的策略(即神的旨意)成长时,她会蒙神的恩,得到神的祝福,在人数上增长。耶稣是教会之首(弗5:23),所以讨耶稣的喜悦是至关重要的,不是讨人欢心。当教会讨神的喜悦并先有爱神的心时,其结果就是人也有喜爱教会的心。


  1. 耶路撒冷教会是一个信徒彼此关爱,每日聚集的地方!约翰一书4:20说道:“不爱他所看见的弟兄,就不能爱没有看见的神。”今日信徒的属灵状况更糟,因为他们只有周日才到教会;他们无法爱弟兄,因为他们也看不见弟兄!让我们祷告我们首先会立志常常聚会,并祷告我们会在教会中彼此相爱。我们也要祈求尤其在聚集的时候能满心喜乐。
  1. 圣经所记的教会成长策略就是先要专心遵守圣经的教训。没有真理的爱是虚假的。唯有当人认识并遵守真理时,教会才会在灵里成长。让我们祷告我们的教会能持续专心遵守圣经中的教训。
  1. 耶路撒冷的教会并没有尝试讨好人或改变福音信息,叫他们的人数能增长。当教会蒙神的恩时,祂祝福教会在人数增长。让我们祷告我们会讨神而不是人的喜悦,并祈求神能“将得救的人天天加”给我们。

7 Mar 2017, Acts 2:1-41 使徒行传 2:1-41, The Age of the Messiah 弥赛亚的世代

Scripture Reading        : Acts 2:1-41

Theme                            : The Age of the Messiah


  1. The event. “Pentecost” means “fiftieth” and refers to the Festival of Weeks (Ex. 34:22-23) or Harvest (Lev. 23:16). It was celebrated 50 days after the Passover. Jesus died on the cross on the Day of the Passover, and three days later, He was resurrected. Then He appeared to the Apostles for “forty days” (Acts 1:3), and ascended into heaven. About 1 week later, during Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came and filled the Apostles and the 120 disciples, and they began speaking in tongues. These tongues are clearly known, human languages, because the Jews who were present understood the languages, and there was a list of these languages that were heard (Acts 2:9).
  1. The explanation. Peter explained to those who were present the significance of the event, which marks the beginning of the age of the Messiah. He quoted Joel 2:28-32, and used it to show that Pentecost was a pre-fulfilment of the day of the Lord (the ultimate fulfilment will be during the millennial kingdom). Arguing that God has proven that Jesus is the Messiah by signs and wonders, Peter rebuked the Jews who were present for nailing their Messiah to the cross.
  1. The effect. After the powerful Gospel message by Peter, the Jews who were present were “cut to the heart”, showing grief and remorse that they had crucified their Messiah. Many immediately repented and about three thousand people believed in Jesus on that day.

Praying the Scripture

  1. Many Charismatic churches today claim that there is a special kind of tongues which is the language used in heaven between God and His angels. This is a human invention and not taught in the Bible. There is no mention of such angelic language in the Bible, and all the passages where tongues are mentioned indicated that the people understood the languages. Further, when Jesus taught His disciples to pray (Matt. 6:5-14), He did not teach them to pray in unknown tongues! Let us pray that we will not be led astray by novel and unbiblical teachings, but understand what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit (which is to be filled with the Word of God – Eph. 5:18; Col. 3:16).
  1. There are a lot of proofs that Jesus is the Son of God, the promised Messiah (Savior). Let us pray that our faith in Jesus will be strong and not waiver.
  1. Peter did not preach a man-centered gospel, in order to please the listeners. He preached the true Gospel according to the Bible, and rebuked his audience for rejecting and killing their Messiah. However, because God opened their eyes, three thousand people believed and were baptized. Let us pray that we will be bold and faithful to preach the true Gospel, and not try to change it to make it more acceptable to sinners.




  1. 其事件。“五旬节”,即指第五十,也就是七七节(出34:22-23)或收割初熟麦子的时候(申23:16)。这是在逾越节后的第五十天庆祝的。耶稣在逾越节当天死在十字架上,并三日后复活。接着,祂“四十天”向门徒显现(使1:3),然后被接升天。约一周后,即五旬节之日,圣灵降临,充满了众使徒与门徒,叫他们开始用方言说话。这些语言是人知并使用的,因为在场的犹太人晓得这些语言。圣经也列下来当日所听见的语言(使2:9)。
  1. 其解释。彼得向在场的人解释所发之事的意义:这标志了弥赛亚世代的开端。他引用约珥书2:28-32的经文,让众人看见五旬节是主再来之日的预显(最终的应验将在千禧年落实)。彼得也争辩说神已藉着神迹奇事证明耶稣就是弥赛亚,从而责备在场的犹太人将他们的弥赛亚钉十架。
  1. 其果效。彼得传达了强大的福音信息后,在场的犹太人都“觉得扎心”,为他们所钉十架的弥赛亚自觉忧伤懊悔。许多人立即悔改;当然约有三千人信耶稣。


  1. 当今的许多灵恩教会声称圣经中的方言是神与天使在天上所用的特殊语言。这且是人的构想,不是圣经的教导。圣经丝毫没提到所谓的“天使用语”;反之,每当圣经真提到方言时总会说人能理解所说的话。再者,当耶稣教导门徒如何祷告的时候(太6:5-14),祂并没教他们要用不明的语言祷告!让我们祈求我们不会被新颖及不属圣经的教导带走,乃要明白何为被圣灵充满之意(即把基督的道理丰丰富富地存在心里——弗5:18;西3:16)。
  1. 现今有许多凭据能证明耶稣就是神的儿子,是那位被应许的弥赛亚(救主)。让我们祷告我们在耶稣里的信心是稳固的,不会动摇。
  1. 彼得所传的并不是一个以人为本的福音,好讨听众的欢心。他传的是圣经所言的真实福音,并准备他的听众拒绝与杀害他们的弥赛亚。然而,由于神开启了他们的心眼,三千人信主并施洗了。让我们祷告我们能忠心且有胆量传属实的福音,不要因着让罪人更能接受福音信息而做出改变。

6 Mar 2017, Acts 1:12-26 使徒行传 1:12-26, What to do while waiting for the Lord 等候主时当做的事

Scripture Reading        : Acts 1:12-26

Theme                            : What to do while waiting for the Lord


  1. United in obedience. The Apostles returned to Jerusalem, just as the Lord commanded, to wait for the coming of the promised Holy Spirit. They did not wander off or engaged in their old trade of fishing, as they did before Jesus’ ascension into heaven (John 21:3).
  1. United in prayer. The Apostles prayed, “in one accord”, together with Jesus’ family (His mother, Mary, and His brothers). Jesus’ brothers (James, Joses, Judas, and Simon – Mark 6:3) did not believe in Jesus before His death (John 7:5), but they soon became believers after witnessing His death and resurrection. Even though they were just new believers, they were united in prayer together with the Apostles.
  1. United in doing God’s will. There is no reason to see Acts 1:18 as a contradiction with Matthew 27:5 (Judas hung himself). The simple explanation is that Judas hung himself on a tree which overlooked a cliff, and the rope or branch broke and his body “burst open” when it fell down the cliff. Peter was the leader of the Apostles, and he quoted from Psalm 69:25 and Psalm 109:8 as the fulfilment of prophecy, so as to choose another Apostle to replace Judas. The Apostles cast lots, which was an Old Testament way of determining God’s will, because the Holy Spirit had not come yet. After the coming of the Holy Spirit, the practice of casting lots became unnecessary. Also note that a true Apostle must be an eyewitness of Jesus’ resurrection.

Praying the Scripture

  1. There are many Christians who claim to want to know God’s will about which career to choose, whom to marry, etc., but openly disobey the clear teachings of Scripture. It is the Christian’s responsibility to obey the clear teachings of Scripture, rather than to try to discern the secret will of God (Deut. 29:29). Let us pray that we will obey the Lord’s commands that are clearly reviewed in Scripture (e.g. love one another, giving thanks, submit to authorities, etc.) as we wait for His return.
  1. Christians who do not pray are depending on their own strength to fight the spiritual battle. Also, the Apostles and the believers were praying together (physically) and “with one accord”. Let us pray that many more believers will be committed to coming for church prayer meetings, so that we can pray together and with one accord.
  1. The Apostles were obeying the OT to select someone to replace Judas, rather than their own wisdom or special revelation. The Bible makes clear the qualifications of a true Apostle. Paul was later appointed a true Apostle because Jesus appeared to him. Because of this, there are no true Apostles today. Those claiming to be Apostles today are false teachers who are misleading many. God’s will is clearly reviewed to us in the Bible. We can only know God’s will if we study our bibles carefully. Let us pray that we will be diligent to study God’s Word in order to know His will, and be united in doing God’s will.




  1. 在顺服中合一。众使徒按照主的吩咐回到耶路撒冷,等候那应许之灵的降临。他们不像主被接升天以前那样走散,或者回到他们的本行(约21:3)。
  1. 在祷告中合一。众使徒“同心合意”地与耶稣一家(耶稣的母亲马利亚和祂的弟兄)祷告。耶稣的弟兄(雅各、约西、犹大、和西门—可6:3)在耶稣还活着的时候并没信祂(约7:5),但在见证了祂的死与复生不久后便成了信徒。虽然他们还是年轻的信徒,但他们与使徒在祷告中是同心的。
  1. 在遵行神的旨意中合一。使徒行传1:18与马太福音27:5(犹大自己上吊)并无冲突。其解释很简单:犹大吊死的那棵树就在悬崖上,因此当绳子或树枝断了后,犹大的尸体便在掉落悬崖时“身子仆倒”。彼得是使徒的首领,而他引用了诗篇69:25与109:8表示预言应验了,所以要另选一名使徒替代犹大。使徒们摇签选人;这是旧约断定神旨意的方式,因为圣灵这时还未临到。圣灵降临后,摇签这作法便费去了。文中也强调一位真使徒必须是见证耶稣复活的。


  1. 许多基督徒自认他们想在各事上(例:选事业、配偶等)得知神的旨意,却公开违背圣经清楚的教导。基督徒的责任是要遵行圣经记载的清楚的教训,而不是辨认何为神隐秘的事(申29:29)。让我们祷告我们在等候主归来时能顺服神在圣经所命的清楚嘱咐(例:彼此相爱、感恩、顺服掌权者等)。
  1. 不祷告的基督徒是在依靠自己的力量打属灵的争战。另外,使徒与信徒也在一起“同心合意”地祷告。让我们祷告更多信徒能定意参加教会的祷告会,叫我们能在一起同心合意地祷告。
  1. 当使徒们另选人替代犹大时,他们是在服从旧约的教训,而不是依靠自己的智慧或特别启示。圣经清楚列下了作一个真实使徒当有的资格。今日自称是使徒的显然是引导多人偏离正道的假教师。神的旨意在圣经为我们清楚列下了。唯有当我们严谨查考圣经,我们才能晓得何为神的旨意。让我们祷告我们能殷勤学习神的话,叫我们能得知神的旨意,并在遵行神的旨意上合一。

4 Mar 2017, Acts 1:1-11 使徒行传1:1-11, The Hope of Christianity 基督徒的盼望

Scripture Reading        : Acts 1:1-11

Theme                            : The Hope of Christianity


  1. Our hope is based on Jesus’ teaching. The Book of Acts is a continuation of the Gospel of Luke, which records Jesus’ life and teaching. Jesus chose the Apostles, who taught the things that they heard from Jesus, with the help of the Holy Spirit, who also inspired them to write down these things in the Bible. The Bible that is in our hands today (accurate translations based on the original manuscripts) is the first hand account of the Apostles, and our hope is built on the teachings of Scripture, which is the teaching of Jesus.
  1. Our hope is based on Jesus’ resurrection. After Jesus was resurrected, He “presented Himself alive to them… by many proofs”. The Apostle Paul later wrote that “if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.” (1 Cor. 15:14) Jesus’ resurrection shows that He has victory over sin and death, and those who hope in Him will one day be resurrected to eternal glory with Him in heaven. There is no Christianity without the resurrected Christ.
  1. Our hope is based on Jesus’ kingdom. The Apostles asked Jesus if He was going to “restore the kingdom to Israel”. There will come a time when Jesus will rule the world together with the saints. However, His kingdom on earth has already begun spiritually in the hearts of man. At this stage of God’s kingdom, the responsibility of Christians is to be Jesus’ witnesses “to the end of the earth.” It is because of the hope in Jesus’ eternal kingdom that we continue to be witnesses for Him, to spread the Gospel. When Jesus comes again from heaven, “in the same way” that He was taken up, He will establish His kingdom on earth and rule with His saints.

Praying the Scripture

  1. Many people claim to believe in Jesus but they do not read the Bible. This is what the Apostle Paul described as “another Jesus” (2 Cor. 11:4), who is not the Jesus of the Bible. True Christianity must be based on God’s Word (the Bible). Let us pray that we will be diligent to study Jesus’ teaching that has been recorded for us in the Bible, so that we will know the true Jesus, the Son of God.
  1. The Apostle Paul also wrote, “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.” (1 Cor. 15:19) Our hope is in the resurrected Christ, and His promise of eternal life for those who repent from their sins and believe in Him. Let us pray that we will fix our eyes on eternity and heavenly riches, rather than believe in Jesus for earthly benefits such as health and wealth.
  1. Jesus said that it is not for us “to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority.” (Acts 1:7) Rather, we should fulfil our responsibility now, which is to be witnesses for Jesus as He establishes His kingdom in the hearts of man. Pray that we will live holy and sanctified lives, in order to be good witnesses, and also pray that we will be bold in proclaiming the Gospel to people around us.




  1. 我们的盼望就建立在耶稣教导的基础上。使徒行传是路加福音的续集;路加福音记载的是耶稣的生活和教训。耶稣拣选了使徒,使徒则在圣灵的帮助下教训人有关耶稣所说的话,并得到圣灵的默示写下了圣经的内容。我们今日手上的圣经(圣经原稿的准确翻译)是众使徒的亲身经历,而我们的盼望是建立在圣经的教导上,也就是耶稣的教训。
  1. 我们的盼望就建立在耶稣复活的基础上。耶稣复活之后,祂“用许多的凭据将自己活活地……向他们显现”。使徒保罗后来写道:“基督没有复活,我们所传的便是枉然,你们所信的也是枉然。”(林前15:14)耶稣的复活表明祂胜过了罪恶与死亡,且凡信靠祂的也将来日复活,与耶稣在天上得享永恒荣耀。倘若基督没有复活,今日就没有基督教了。
  1. 我们的盼望就建立在耶稣国度的基础上。使徒们问耶稣祂是否即将“复兴以色列国”。有朝一日,耶稣将与众圣徒统治世界。然而,祂在地上的属灵国度已在人心中展开了。在神国度的这一个特定阶段中,基督徒的责任是要见证耶稣“直到地极”。我们之所以能继续作耶稣的见证,能继续传福音的原因是因着自己在耶稣永恒国度里的盼望。当耶稣同往天上去的方式再度来到这世间时,祂将在地上建立自己的国度,与圣徒一同统治。


  1. 许多人自称相信耶稣,但他们不读圣经。这就是使徒保罗所形容的另一个耶稣(林后11:4),因为那不是圣经中的耶稣。真实基督教信仰是基于神之道的(圣经)。让我们祷告我们会殷勤学习耶稣在圣经里为我们所记的教训,叫我们真知道神的圣子耶稣。
  1. 使徒保罗也曾写道:“我们若靠基督只在今生有指望,就算比众人更可怜!”(林前15:19)我们的盼望是在复活的基督里,并祂对凡从罪中悔改信靠祂的人所应许的永生。让我们祷告我们会定睛在永恒并属天的富足上,而不是因着地上的利益如健康与财富相信耶稣。
  1. 耶稣说道:“父凭着自己的权柄所定的时候、日期,不是你们可以知道的。”(使1:7)因此,我们当完成至今的责任,也就是当耶稣在人心中建立祂的国度时为祂作见证。让我们祷告我们会活出圣洁与成圣的生活以作好见证,也祈求我们有胆量向周遭的人宣扬福音。


3 Mar 2017, Luke 1:1-4, 24:44-49; Acts 1:1-8 路加福音1:1-4, 24:44-49;使徒行传1:1-8, Introduction to Luke-Acts 路加福音和使徒行传的介绍

Scripture Reading        : Luke 1:1-4, 24:44-49; Acts 1:1-8

Theme                            : Introduction to Luke-Acts


Luke, the physician (Colossians 4:14), is the author of both the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. In both books, Luke begins by addressing a certain “Theophilus”, and Luke’s use of the title “most excellent” (Luke 1:3) suggests that Theophilus was a high ranking Roman official. In Acts 1:1, Luke writes about “the first book”, which refers to the Gospel of Luke. Therefore, Luke-Acts are to be taken as a two volume work by the author (Luke).

The Gospel of Luke is meant to narrate the life and teaching of Jesus. At the end of the Gospel of Luke (24:44-49), Jesus commanded the disciples to proclaim to all the nations about “repentance and forgiveness of sins… beginning from Jerusalem” (24:47). Jesus also told the disciples to “stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high” (24:49). This refers to “the promise of the Father” (Acts 1:4), which is the Holy Spirit.

The Book of Acts begins by continuing from where the Gospel of Luke ends. The author recaps from the end of Luke, and reminds the readers that Jesus died, rose again, appeared to many people with proofs, and ascended into heaven. Luke also mentions again the instruction of Jesus to the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the coming of the Holy Spirit, who will empower them to proclaim the gospel “in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) Geographically, starting with Jerusalem as the centre where it all began, the gospel spread to the south (Judea) and north (Samaria), and continues to spread to “the end of the earth”. The entire Book of Acts shows how Acts 1:8 is fulfilled, even to our very day and age.

Praying the Scripture

  1. The two volume work of Luke-Acts is not only meant for Theophilus. Rather, it is dedicated to him like the modern-day dedication at the beginning of a book. Let us pray that we will not read the Word of God just like a story book that has no impact on our lives. Pray that we will read the Bible carefully and learn the truths and obey the commands.
  1. Let us thank God for His mercy and grace upon the Gentiles (non-Jews, including us), because He also granted salvation to us by the proclamation of the gospel to the end of the earth.
  1. Some people dream of doing big things for God, to become a missionary to bring the gospel to the remotest jungle, but they do not even share the gospel with people around them. “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches?” (Luke 16:10-11) As we read the Book of Acts, let us pray that we will obey the command to proclaim the gospel to all the nations, beginning with people around us in our daily lives, because “one who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much.”

经文:路加福音1:1-4, 24:44-49;使徒行传1:1-8







  1. 路加福音和使徒行传这两部创作不是仅为提阿非罗写的。实际上,这种献词就如现代书籍开端的献词一样。让我们祷告我们不会用阅读故事书的心态去阅读圣经,使圣经对我们的生活毫无影响。让我们祷告我们会细读圣经,学习真理,顺服主命。
  1. 让我们感谢神对外邦人(非犹太人,包括我们)降下怜悯和恩典,因为祂叫圣经传到地极,使我们也能得救。
  1. 有些人想要为神做大事,梦见自己到最偏远的森林宣教,但他们却不向周围的人传福音。“人在最小的事上忠心,在大事上也忠心;在最小的事上不义,在大事上也不义。倘若你们在不义的钱财上不忠心,谁还把那真实的钱财托付你们呢?”(路16:10-11)当我们阅读使徒行传时,让我们祷告我们会听从主命,向万国传福音,并由我们生活的周遭人开始,因为“人在最小的事上忠心,在大事上也忠心”。