10 Nov 2015, Daniel 12 但以理书 12, Eternal Life and Eternal Contempt 永生与永远蒙羞
Scripture Reading : Daniel 12
Theme : Eternal Life and Eternal Contempt
Closing of Vision (1-4). The vision ends with the promise of eternal life for God’s people and eternal contempt for rebelling against God. Eternal life is not referring to length of life, but is referring to a quality of life. Eternal life is true life (1 Tim. 6:19) as intended by God, filled with righteousness, peace, joy, honour, and glory. The opposite of that, and there is no middle ground, is eternal existence filled with shame, contempt, ungodliness, sorrow and restlessness in hell. Those who are wise in the Lord, living according to His truth will shine gloriously in the new world. Those who evangelize and turn many to God will shine brightly like the bright stars in a dark place forever and ever.
Sealing of Vision (5-13). The wicked will not understand the meaning of God’s vision, but the righteous will understand it and prepare themselves to meet their Lord. The Jews will greatly suffer under the antichrist for 1,290 years, but those who put their faith in Jesus will be delivered and enter the Messianic Kingdom. Daniel himself will be resurrected and be in the Messianic Kingdom.
Praying the Scripture
- At the end, we will face the Judge of the world. “What will you do when the Law comes in terror, when the trumpet of the archangel shall tear you from your grave, when the eyes of God shall burn their way into your guilty soul, when the great books shall be opened, and all your sin and shame shall be published? Can you stand against an angry Law in that day?” (Spurgeon). Forsake your rebellion and flee to Christ for salvation before the Day of the Lord comes. Commit yourself to God and love Him above all.
- Thank you God for washing our guilt away through Jesus! For opening our eyes to see true life is a life of worshipping you that is filled with righteousness, peace, joy, honour and glory from you. Thank you for delivering us from everlasting contempt. Glory, honour, and highest praise to you!
- 事到最后,我们将面对世界的审判官。司布真写道:“当那位律法以惊人的姿态降临,当大天使的号声使你从墓中惊醒,当神的眼目穿透你羞愧的灵,当大册开起,而你的一生的罪恶过犯将公诸于世,你当如何行?到了那日,你是否能在那位愤怒的律法前站立得住?”你要在耶和华的日子降临之前舍弃你的谋反,奔向基督的拯救。你要委身于神,专心一志地爱祂。
- 神啊,感谢你借着耶稣洗尽我们所有的羞愧!感谢你开启我们的眼睛,叫我们得知真正的生命,能一生敬拜你,享受你所赐下的公义、平安、喜乐、尊荣和荣耀。感谢你救我们免受永远的羞辱。愿荣耀、尊贵和至高的赞美都归于你!
9 Nov 2015, Daniel 11 但以理书 11, Antichrist Foreshadowed 预示敌基督的到来
Scripture Reading : Daniel 11
Theme : Antichrist Foreshadowed
Antichrist foreshadowed (1-35). God describes what will happen after Alexander the Great dies. His four generals (not his posterity v. 4) will divide his kingdom into four kingdoms. Daniel’s prophecy was written about 200 years before Alexander. The focus of the vision is on a king from the kingdom of the north (Seleucid kingdom, modern day Turkey to Pakistan) who battles against the kingdom of the south (Ptolemy kingdom, modern day Egypt). This king of the north is the historical person Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who is a pattern or foreshadow of the future antichrist (also described in 8:9-14). The prophecy amazingly predicts the actual historical events of Antiochus accurately and in detail. God ends the description of Antiochus in v. 35 with the words “for it still awaits the appointed time.”
Antichrist Described (36-45). God begins to describe the character and actions of the end times antichrist in detail. He will exalt himself above every god and blaspheme the true, living God. He will be successful for a short time but then will be destroyed. The antichrist will forsake his father’s religion. He will disregard “the one beloved by women,” which most likely is referring to the Messiah, whom all Jewish women desired to give birth to (Luke 1:48). The antichrist will make war against the three countries in the south: Egypt, Libya, and Cush (modern day Sudan) and also against the glorious land (Israel). But he will be destroyed in Israel. This prophecy agrees with numerous other prophecies about how the surrounding nations of Israel, led by the antichrist, will attack Israel and succeed for a short time. But then Jesus will return and deliver Israel.
Praying the Scripture
- The antichrist is very cunning. This cunning spirit is already at work in the world. There are already so many false Christianity in the world, especially prosperity gospel and Catholicism. This is predicted by Jesus (Matt. 24:24). Pray that you will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord so that you will be stable spiritually, and not be deceived by the cunning of the devil. Also, grow so that you can make the gospel clear to unbelievers and refute those who contradict it. Pray to God to take away the blinders of unbelievers and open their heart to see the true gospel as revealed in the Bible.
- Daniel 12:1 says the devastation that the antichrist will bring to Israel and the world is so terrible that it will exceed everything that we have seen so far in history. It will be even worse than the holocaust. Our hearts should be grieved by such atrocity that will occur in the future because of the sins of Israel. We should be motivated to evangelize the Jews, their neighbours and our neighbours so that they will agree with God’s righteous judgment and be delivered from the wrath to come. May God have mercy and save them.
- 敌基督的非常狡猾。这个狡猾的灵已经在世间运行了。世上已出现那么多虚假基督的信仰,尤其是致富福音和天主教。耶稣已预测这事(太24:24)。祈求你能在我们主的恩典和知识上长进,叫你能有稳当的灵性,不会被魔鬼的诡计受骗。另外,你要长进的原因是要叫你能向非信徒清楚传讲福音,并为福音作辩护。祈求神能使瞎眼的非信徒得看见,并敞开他们的心认识圣经所启示的真实福音。
- 但以理12:1说,敌基督的将给以色列和全世界所带来的毁坏会非常大,是前所未见的。它将比纳粹大屠杀更残酷。眼看以色列末日时将因着自己的罪遭受如此恶劣的暴行,我们的心当甚忧愁。我们当充满热情地向犹太人、他们的邻舍和我们的邻舍传福音,叫他们能承认神的审判是公义的,并免受神未来的愤怒。愿神能怜悯,拯救他们。
7 Nov 2015, Daniel 10 但以理书 10, Preparation for Vision 为异象做好准备
Scripture Reading : Daniel 10
Theme : Preparation for Vision
Terrified by the Vision (1-11). After Daniel prays persistently to understand God’s plan for Israel, God against reveals another vision to show him. This vision was concerning the antichrist. It was so frightening that it left him with no strength, until an angel can to strengthen him. Angels are not gods, but are ministering spirits for the elect (Heb. 1:14). They are not to be prayed to or worshipped (Rev. 22:8-9). We can only pray to God, nothing else. Praying to other things such as Mary or saints is not respecting them, but worshipping them. It is idolatry.
Praying the Scripture
- The Bible does not reveal much about supernatural spirits and how they work. God has called us, through His personal words in the Bible, to pray to Him for deliverance and mercy. Our greatest weapon against satanic spirits is our righteous prayers (James 5:16) and our trust in the gospel of Christ (Eph. 6:10-20). Our prayers ought to be persistent (Luke 18:1-8) and with the knowledge that God loves us (Matt. 7:11) through Jesus.
- 圣经对超自然之灵和运作启示不多。神借着祂个人在圣经里的言语呼召我们要向祂求拯救和怜悯。我们防邪灵的最大武器是公义的祷告(雅5:16)与信靠基督的福音(弗6:10-20)。我们要常常祷告,不可灰心(路18:1-8),并晓得神借着耶稣对我们的爱(太7:11)。
6 Nov 2015, Daniel 9 但以理书 9, The Righteousness of God 神的公义
Scripture Reading : Daniel 9
Theme : The Righteousness of God
Daniel’s Prayer (1-19). As the exile of the Jews draws near, Daniel prays to God for His righteousness to shine by showing mercy to Israel for His name sake, not for their sake. God’s righteousness is His unswerving commitment to the honour of His name. He demonstrated His righteousness by punishing Israel for their gross idolatry. Daniel agrees with God that His punishment is just. Now, God will demonstrate His righteousness by saving Israel and returning the Jews back to Israel for His name sake because He is merciful and faithful to keep His promises to Israel. This is what Daniel is praying for.
God’s Answer (20-27). God answers Daniel’s prayer but goes even further by revealing His plan to accomplish all His promises to Israel once and for all, by ending all transgressions in the world in 70 sets of 7 (New Living Translation). Most English translations badly translate 70 sets of 7 into 70 weeks in v. 24 (this occurs also in Gen. 29:27-28, ESV). The Hebrew is literally 70 sets of 7. Based on history, this prophecy is fulfilled in 70 sets of 7 years, not days, or months. The first 69 sets of 7 years (total 483 year) has been completed. From the time of decreed to build Jerusalem, not the temple, (occurred under Artaxerxes circa 458 B.C. in Ezra 7:11) to the baptism of Jesus (aka anointed one, circa 26 A.D.) is 483 years. After 483 years, the Messiah will be cut off (death and resurrection). There is a long pause between the 69th 7 to the final 70th 7 because God will establish the church, an intermission and a mystery (Eph. 2:11-3:6). When the church is raptured (1 Thes. 4:16-17), then God will again begin to deal with Israel. The clock of the 70 sets of 7 will then start to tick again. The vision is strictly regarding Israel, not the church (v. 24). This is why we believe the tribulation as described in Revelation is seven years and the church will be raptured before the tribulation.
Praying the Scripture
- The most basic definition of righteousness of God is His unswerving commitment to the honour of His name/character. He is holy, loving, patient and gracious (Ex. 34:6-7). Any pleading of mercy must be based on His gracious character, not based on who we are or what we have done, for we all fall short of the glory of God. God owes us nothing. We must come humbly before God like Daniel, not in pride or a demanding manner. We should also come boldly. Do not let fear or guilt prevent you from going to God for He is a gracious God whose disposition is to give mercy. Be like the prodigal son and Daniel by going to God in a humble and bold manner for the washing away of your guilt through Jesus.
- The NT tells us over and over again that we are in the last days, in the end times (Heb. 1:2, 9:26; James 5:3; 2 Pet. 3:3; 1 Pet. 1:20). The end of all things in this present age is near and the dawn of a new world order is coming. With the miraculous resurrection of the nation of Israel, the end is even closer now. It is now time for us to live holy and godly lives. Avoid the error of lawless people who claim to be Christians, such as the prosperity gospel preachers. Pray that God will help you to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus (2 Pet. 3:11-18). Prepare for His coming!
- 神之公义的基本含义是祂坚定委身于自己的名或属性之荣耀。祂是圣经、慈爱并满有恩典的(出34:6-7)。我们祈求神怜悯的时候必须基于神的恩慈,不是我们的身份或行为,因为我们都亏缺了神的荣耀。我们要像但以理一样谦卑地来到神面前,不能带着骄傲或强制的态度。我们也要坦然无惧地就近神。不要让畏惧或愧疚阻止你到神面前,因为神满有恩典,爱施怜悯。我们要像浪子和但以理一样,谦卑、坦然无惧地就近神,求祂借着耶稣洗尽你的罪。
- 新约一再地告诉我们:我们处在末世时代(来1:2, 9:26;雅5:3;彼后3:3;彼前1:20)。这世代的末了已近,而新世界即将来临。眼看以色列奇迹般的复兴,我们晓得末日更近了。这是我们圣洁生活、敬虔度日的时候。我们要避免自称为基督徒的无法之人的迷惑,如致富福音传道者。求神能帮助你在我们主耶稣的恩典和知识上大有长进(彼后3:11-18)。要为祂的来临做好准备!
5 Nov 2015, Daniel 8 但以理书 8, Foreshadowing the Antichrist 预示敌基督
Scripture Reading : Daniel 8
Theme : Foreshadowing the Antichrist
Vision of Ram and Goat (1-14). Daniel sees another vision. This time about a ram and a goat. This vision is also recapitulating Daniel 2 and 7, but focuses on the characteristic and actions of the antichrist as pre-figured in the little horn (v. 9). This little horn was the historical person Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who was a king of the Seleucid Kingdom, aka the king of the north as described in Daniel 11. Antiochus desecrated the temple and the glorious land (v. 9) for 2,300 days or about 6.3 years (171 to 165 B.C.), but the Maccabean Jews eventually defeated Antiochus. To this day, Jews still celebrate this event every year on Hanukkah. The antichrist will be like Antiochus, desecrating the temple. This agrees with Daniel 9:27 and Matt. 24:15.
Meaning of Ram and Goat (15-27) Ram is Persia and the goat is Greece. The Bible accurately predicted that Alexander the Great of Greece would conquer Persia, but at the end he will die and his kingdom would be divided into four kingdoms. Out of the four kingdoms, one king from the Seleucid Kingdom, aka the little horn (v.9) will rise up against God and His people. This little horn is a type of the antichrist. The end times antichrist will have a bold countenance and understands riddles. He will have great power, but not of his own for he is empowered of Satan himself. He is cunning and deceitful. More description of the antichrist as pre-figured in the person of Antiochus is in Daniel 11.
Praying the Scripture
- The antichrist is given various names in the OT such as the little horn (Dan. 7:8, 8:9), king of the north (Dan. 11:6), the northerner (Joel 2:20), the Assyrian (Micah 5:5), king of Assyria (Is. 7:17), Gog of Magog (Eze. 38-39). We know this antichrist is coming. The spirit of the antichrist is already at work (1 John 4:3). We overcome the spirit of antichrist by our trust in Jesus who is greater than the antichrist (1 John 4:4). We overcome by loving God and loving His children (1 John 4:7). Thank God for delivering us from the spirit of the antichrist.
- God has miraculously resurrected the nation of Israel after 2,000 years. But in the end, the antichrist will come and destroy Israel. We now know the end times is near. Today, Israel now faces existential threat by its neighbours who hate Israel with a passion. Let us love Israel and its neighbours by praying for them and by sharing the gospel to them. Let us snatch some from the fire before Jesus returns.
- 旧约为敌基督的立了许多名称,如:小角(但7:8, 8:9)、北方王(但11:6)、北方来的军队(珥2:20)、亚述人(弥5:5)、亚述王(赛7:17)、玛各地的歌革(结38-39)。我们晓得这个敌基督的即将到来。敌基督者的灵已经在运作了(约一4:3)。我们是借着信靠耶稣胜过敌基督者的灵,因为祂比敌基督者更大(约一4:4)。我们也能借着爱神与神的儿女胜过敌基督的(约一4:7)。感谢神从敌基督者的灵搭救我们。
- 神在两千年后奇迹般地复兴了以色列国,但最后,敌基督者将到来毁灭以色列。我们如今晓得末时已近。今天,以色列因邻国的痛恨面对生存的威胁。让我们借着祷告和福音的传播爱以色列及她的邻国。让我们在耶稣归来之前从火中抢出他们。
4 Nov 2015, Daniel 7 但以理书 7, Vision of End Times 末世时代的异象
Scripture Reading : Daniel 7
Theme : Vision of End Times
Vision of End Times (1-14). From this point on, the rest of the book is about a series of revelations God gave to Daniel about the end times. This vision is recapitulating Daniel 2 but adds additional information about the leaders of the fourth kingdom, particularly, the little horn (7:8, 8:9), which is referring to the antichrist. This vision is also alluded to in Revelation 13:2. Lion with eagles’ wings is the golden head in Daniel 2, which is Babylon. Bear is Persia. Leopard is Greece. The fourth kingdom is described as a devouring and stamping monster that is different from the first three kingdoms. This cannot be the Roman Empire because it was not a devouring, breaking and stamping empire that was different from Babylon, Persia or Greek. It was very similar. It respected the culture of its conquered people and only cared about getting taxes so they can party in Rome. In any case, the revived fourth kingdom will be destroyed by God, Ancient of Days, through Jesus, the Son of Man (v.13), then His Messianic Kingdom will remain an everlasting kingdom on earth.
Meaning of the Vision (15-28) The four beasts represent four kings, which represent four kingdoms as in Daniel 2. But God will destroy them and give the earth to the people of God (both believing Jews and Christians) as a possession forever (Blessed are the humble, for they shall inherit the earth, Matt. 5:5). The revived fourth kingdom will have a coalition of ten kings. The little horn, the antichrist, will conquer three of the ten kings and then have absolute power over the fourth kingdom (v. 24). This agrees with Revelation 17:12-13. In the end times, Jesus, the Son of Man, the stone in Daniel 2:34, will destroy the fourth kingdom and usher in His everlasting, righteous kingdom.
Praying the Scripture
- As the Bible accurately predicted the first three kingdoms in the Middle East, it is also accurate in its prediction of the fourth kingdom. God has miraculously resurrected the nation of Israel after 2,000 years. The end times is VERY, VERY NEAR because we know the major and minor prophets have prophesized over and over again that in the end times Israel will be attacked by its surrounding nations (Zech. 12:2, 14:2; Joel 3:11-12). Prepare yourself to meet your Lord!!! His second coming is closer than you think. Do not build bunkers, do not be afraid. Commit your life to God!!! James 5:8-11, “You also must be patient. Strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near. Beloved, do not grumble against one another, so that you may not be judged. See, the Judge is standing at the doors! As an example of suffering and patience, beloved, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. Indeed we call blessed those who showed endurance. You have heard of the endurance of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.”
经文:但以理书 7
末世的异象(1-14)。从这里开始,但以理书提的都是神给予但以理有关末世时代的一系列启示。这个异象虽重述了但以理书2的内容,但也加入了有关第四国度首领的额外信息,尤其是对小角的描述(7:8, 8:9),即敌基督。启示录13:2影射的就是这个异象。有鹰的翅膀的狮子就是但以理书2中的金头,即巴比伦;熊指的是波斯;豹则是希腊。第四个国被形容成一个吞吃嚼碎,践踏剩物的兽,与前三个国有别。这不可能是罗马帝国,因为她同于巴比伦、波斯和希腊,不是特别吞吃嚼碎、践踏剩物的。罗马帝国尊重被侵占子民的文化,只在乎得取税收,供罗马享宴狂欢。不论如何,被兴起的第四个国将借着人子耶稣(13节)遭亘古常在者神的毁灭;接着,耶稣的弥赛亚国度将在地上长存到永远。
- 圣经准确地预测了中东地带的前三个国度,所以也必然对第四国有准确的预言。经两千年后,神奇迹般地复兴了以色列,所以我们晓得末日已经极为逼近了,因为大小先知书一再地预言末日来临时,以色列将遭到邻国的攻击(撒12:2, 14:2;珥3:11-12)。要预备朝见你的主!祂的归来比我们想象中的还要近。不要搭建堡垒,但也不要畏惧,乃要投靠神!雅各书5:8-11:“你们也当忍耐,坚固你们的心,因为主来的日子近了。弟兄们,你们不要彼此埋怨,免得受审判。看哪,审判的主站在门前了!弟兄们,你们要把那先前奉主名说话的众先知当做能受苦、能忍耐的榜样。那先前忍耐的人,我们称他们是有福的。你们听见过约伯的忍耐,也知道主给他的结局,明显主是满心怜悯、大有慈悲。”
3 Nov 2015, Daniel 6 但以理书 6, Lion’s Den 狮子坑
Scripture Reading : Daniel 6
Theme : Lion’s Den
Plot to Destroy Daniel (1-15). When Darius the Persian king conquered Babylon he put Daniel in charge of his government and Daniel excelled above all. So other leaders were jealous and wanted to kill Daniel. In order to kill Daniel, they must make a law that is against the law of God so that Daniel must obey God by disobeying the law. Through trickery, they were able to put Daniel in a lion’s den even though the king did not want to kill Daniel.
Plot Turns on Conspirators (16-28) God miraculously delivered Daniel from the lions by shutting their mouths. The king was amazed and then was angry at the conspirators so that he commanded the conspirators and their families be thrown into the lion’s den. Ironically, the conspirators were destroyed by their own plot. At the end, God was glorified. The king praised God and commanded other people to praise God as well. This is analogous of the end times, when nations will attack Israel, but Jesus will come back and miraculously deliver Israel and then at the end all the nations will praise God.
Praying the Scripture
- God is faithful and will defend the nation of Israel and His people. He will glorify Himself through the nation of Israel. Whoever tries to destroy the nation of Israel will be destroyed in the end (Zech. 12:3), just as He also destroyed Haman for trying to destroy the Jews in Esther. The miraculous survival of the nation of Israel and the miraculous survival of Daniel demonstrate the faithfulness of God to His people. We can completely rely on Him and cast all our troubles before Him (1 Pet. 5:7). When the world plots against us we can rely on God.
- 神是信实的,必要保守以色列国及属祂的子民。祂会藉着以色列国荣耀自己。凡尝试消灭以色列的最终会被消灭(撒12:3),如同神毁灭哈曼一样,因为他在以斯帖记里想灭绝犹太人。以色列与但以理奇迹般的生存都彰显了神对祂子民的信实。我们能完全依靠祂,将所有的忧虑卸给祂(彼前5:7)。当世界策谋伤害我们时,我们能依靠神。
2 Nov 2015, Daniel 5 但以理书 5, Writing on the Wall 墙上的字
Scripture Reading : Daniel 5
Theme : Writing on the Wall
Writing on the Wall (1-12). King Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar’s son, took over the kingdom of Babylon after the death of his father. In defiance of the living God, he took God’s holy temple vessels and used them for a debauch drinking party. He blasphemed God by praising gods of gold and silver instead of the true, living God. His sin is even greater since he knew about god through his father (v. 22). Instead of worshipping God for His grace on his father, he blasphemes Him. So God judges him by writing MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN through a human hand without a body. This scared Belshazzar and the party stopped. He could not find anyone to read and interpret the writing except Daniel.
Fulfillment of the Writing (13-30) Daniel interprets the writing but humbly rejects the gifts from the king. Perhaps he knew they would useless since the kingdom would fall that very night. MENE sounds like the word for numbering, for God has numbered the king’s day, or has brought has days to an end. TEKEL sounds like weight, meaning God has judged him to be unfit. PARSIN means divide, also a word for Persia, meaning God has given the kingdom to the Persian as it was predicted in Daniel 2:39. History records that one night the Persians diverted the water of Babylon in order to get into the waterways under the thick walls and destroyed the city through a surprise attack, thus fulfilling God’s word.
Praying the Scripture
- All proud people who shake their fist at God in defiance will be destroyed by His righteous judgment as He destroyed prideful Belshazzar. Pride is the enemy of faith. It is deadly and leads people to hell. Pray that God will take all our pride away, including our self-righteous pride and our personal pride. Proverb 16:18, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Pray that God will humble unbelievers and open their hearts to trust in Jesus.
- 凡以蔑视的眼光向神挥拳的骄傲之人必然在祂公义的审判中被毁灭,如祂消灭伯沙撒一样。骄傲是信心之敌。它是致命的,领人入地狱。祈求神会脱去我们的骄傲,包括我们的自义和个人的骄傲。箴言16:18说:“骄傲在败坏以先,狂心在跌倒之前。”祈求神会降卑非信徒,敞开他们的心房,信靠耶稣。
31 Oct 2015, Daniel 4 但以理书 4, God Humbles Nebuchadnezzar 神使尼布甲尼撒谦卑
Scripture Reading : Daniel 4
Theme : God Humbles Nebuchadnezzar
Dream of Decreed (1-18). God had graciously given power to Nebuchadnezzar, but he would not admit this. Instead he is proud because he thinks he has created his empire by his power. So God decides to humble him by showing him in a dream that He will temporarily take away his kingdom until he repents and gives God the glory.
Fulfillment of Decreed (19-37) Again, Nebuchadnezzar had to ask Daniel to interpret the dream because no one else could. Through Daniel, God declares the meaning of the dreams. God would take away Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom away from him for seven years. He will live in the wilderness and with wild beasts until the end of the seven years. When seven years are finished, he will acknowledge God and give glory to Him, then God will restore him to normal and give him back his kingdom. This is actually what took place. Most likely, Nebuchadnezzar became a believer of God because in v. 37 he acknowledges God is completely just to humble him. He seems repentant. God has graciously saved this proud man.
Praying the Scripture
- One of the greatest enemies to faith in God is pride. Pride in your old self will not let the new self be established. It is an illusion to think that everything you have is obtained by your power. For it is God who has graciously provided the opportunities and the skills for you to accomplish anything (Ps. 127:1). Count your blessings every day and acknowledge God for all the good things that you have. Give thanks to Him.
- 信神其中最大的阻碍是骄傲。旧我的骄傲是不会让新造的人建成的。你若认为所拥有的一切全凭自己的能力取得,那纯属幻想,因为赐予你机会和能力达成任何事务的是神(诗127:1)。要每天数算你的恩典,并承认所拥有的一切好处源于神。要称谢耶和华。
30 Oct 2015, Daniel 3 但以理书 3, Messiah Delivers His People 弥赛亚拯救祂的子民
Scripture Reading : Daniel 3
Theme : Messiah Delivers His People
Demonic Worship (1-7). Even after God revealed Himself to Nebuchadnezzar in chapter 2, he still does not worship God, but continues to worship his idols and make his subjects worship his idol in order to demand highest allegiance from his subjects. This is demonic worship that seeks to snatch a person’s highest allegiance and worship to God and redirect that allegiance to an idol or something else.
Faithful Obedience (8-30) The first and second commandments forbid God’s people to worship anything else except for God alone, not even praying to Mary or human saints, which constitutes as worshiping. Therefore, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (formerly Hananiah, Mishael and Azarish) must disobey earthly authority in order to obey God (Acts 5:29). Their faith is confirmed by their determination to worship God alone to the point of even paying a price for it (Luke 14:33). However, the pre-incarnated Christ miraculously saved them. God is good if he saves them and He is also good if he does not save. Heaven is better than earth.
Praying the Scripture
- In the Bible, we see that people cannot come to God even after they have sure knowledge of God, unless God draws them because everyone is dead in their trespasses and loves their old self more than God. To worship God requires dying to your old self, giving up your identity and worth that are based on your background, your own righteous, your own passion, your self-worship and everything else that you love and has defined you but is contrary to God’s demand (Rom. 8:7). To give up all these things means death to your old self (Gal. 2:20), which is impossible to do unless God enables you to do it. If you have not committed yourself to Jesus, then humbly plead for mercy (Mark 9:24). If God has caused you to die to your old self, praise Him for His great salvation in Jesus. If you know someone who do not worship Jesus, plead for God’s mercy to save the person and share the gospel.
- Following God will cost you. If you are in persecuted countries, it can cost your life. Whatever the cost we pay in this life is worth it for the glory of the next life (Heb. 11:35). Such sacrifice is honourable because it is for a great cause: the honour of Christ and the spread of the gospel. If we are willing to lay down our lives for our country, which is an honourable cause, how much more should we be willing to lay down our lives for the cause of Christ? Highest praise and allegiance to the King of Kings, Lord of Lords.
经文:但以理书 3
- 在圣经里,我们看到即便人有相关的知识,他们仍无法就近神,除非神就近他们;这是因为人人已在罪恶过犯中死了,并爱旧我过于爱神。若要敬拜神,人必须舍弃旧我,抛下他所爱但又与神相悖的身份和价值,如:背景、自义、激情、对自己的崇拜等(罗8:7)。舍弃这一切代表人已治死旧我(加2:20),而除非神赐人这个能力,人是不可能凭自己做到的。你若还没投靠耶稣,请你谦卑地求神怜悯(可9:24)。倘若神使你能治死旧我,要为神在耶稣里极大的拯救赞美祂!你若认识不敬拜耶稣的,请祈求神怜悯那人,并向他传福音。
- 跟从神是必须附上代价的。你若身在基督徒受逼迫的国家里,你可能会没命。然而,我们这一生所附上的任何代价都是值得的,因为来生的荣耀更大(来11:35)。这种牺牲是光荣的,因为是为伟大缘故而行:基督的尊荣和福音的传播。我们若愿意为自己的国家舍命(这是伟大的缘故),我们怎能不愿意为基督的缘故舍了自己的命?愿至高的赞美和忠诚归于那万王之王,万主之主!