29 Oct 2015, Daniel 2 但以理书 2, God Declares World History 神公开世界历史
Scripture Reading : Daniel 2
Theme : God Declares World History
King’s Dream (1-16). God humbles Nebuchadnezzar by troubling him with a dream that declares God’s plan for world empires. Through the dream God shows him that He is in control of world history, not human kings. When Nebuchadnezzar was troubled by the dream, he demanded the wise men of the land to interpret not only the dream, but also to tell him what the dream was. He is shrewd because he understands these fortunate tellers can deceive him with clever interpretations. No one can fulfill Nebuchadnezzar’s request, so in anger, he wants to kill all wise men including Daniel and his friends.
God’s Revelation (17-49) When Daniel found out, he pleads for God’s mercy. God graciously answered so that Daniel can reveal and interpret the dream. The dream was about an image/statue of a man, composed of a golden head, silver of chest and arms, thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and feet of partly iron and partly clay. These represent four kingdoms/empires, but they will all be crushed when the stone, representing the Messianic Kingdom, crushes the fourth kingdom. The Bible reveals the identity of the first three kingdoms. Gold head represents Babylon (Dan. 2:38). Silver of chest and arms represent Persia (Dan. 8:20). Middle section and thighs of bronze represent Greece (Dan. 8:21). The identity of the fourth kingdom is not revealed in the Bible. Most believe it is the Roman Empire, but this is not likely for many reasons. One is that the Roman Empire never conquered all the territories of Babylon, Persia and Greece, especially the capital of Babylon. The vision was given to and regarding Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. The fourth kingdom is composed of two distinct phases because it is described by two separate parts “its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay” (v.33); therefore, the feet represent a revival of the fourth empire. This concurs with Revelation 17:8; 13:3. When Christ comes back, He will destroy the revived fourth kingdom and then usher in His Messianic Kingdom.
Praying the Scripture
- There are four general facts about the end times that are crystal clear: the second coming of Jesus, the Day of the Lord/judgment, surrounding nations will attack Israel, and the Messianic Kingdom. When we examine the details of the end times, we must not lose sight of the larger forest. We know the return of Jesus is very NEAR because God has miraculously brought the Jews back to Israel in order to fulfill His end times prophecies. “The end of all things is near; therefore be serious and discipline yourselves for the sake of your prayers. Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaining” 1 Pet. 4:7-9. This is not a time to build bunkers, but a time to strengthen each other in the faith and to snatch some from the fire through the gospel. May God have mercy on unbelievers through the gospel. Pray that God will align your life according to the looming coming of Jesus.
- 对于末世时代,我们能清楚晓得四件事:耶稣将再次降临、主将施行审判(耶和华的日子)、列国将攻击以色列,以及弥赛亚的国度将建立。当我们查考末世论的细节时,我们也不能忽视总的视野。我们晓得耶稣再来的日子非常之近,因为神已将犹太人领回以色列,以应验祂对末世的预言。彼得前书4:7-9:“万物的结局近了,所以你们要谨慎自守,警醒祷告。最要紧的是彼此切实相爱,因为爱能遮掩许多的罪。你们要互相款待,不发怨言。”这不是建造堡垒的时候,而是在信心中建立彼此,并借着福音从火中抢救人的时间。愿神借着福音怜悯非信徒。祈求神能按耶稣即将来临的前景调整你当生活的方式。
28 Oct 2015, Daniel 1 但以理书 1, God’s Mercy on Daniel 神对但以理的怜悯
Scripture Reading : Daniel 1
Theme : God’s Mercy on Daniel
Daniel was exiled to Babylon in 605 b.c., He was one of several young men chosen to serve in Nebuchadnezzar’s government. When Persia conquered Babylon in 539, Daniel was again given a position of power. He obeyed God’s command to serve his gentile masters (Jer. 29:7). He repeatedly prophesized about the Messiah’s future judgment and deliverance. He also prophesied about world empires. The book emphasizes that God is completely sovereign over human history and rulers.
Grace in Judgment (1-7). God punished the rebellious nation of Israel through Babylon. But He graciously protects individuals who love Him. In this case, God protects Daniel and his friends. By God’s providence, He gifted them with intelligence and the opportunity to serve the king of Babylon.
Obedience under Grace (8-21) Under the Mosaic Law, Jews are restricted to a certain diet in order to make them different from pagans in order to protect them from being absorbed into pagan idolatry. Daniel understands God’s grace to him and he desires to respond to God’s grace by obeying God’s dietary laws. He intentionally and thoughtfully devises a plan to avoid sinning against God and at the same time accomplishes what the government desired. God miraculously blessed him and his friends for their resolve to obey Him, by giving them wisdom and healthy bodies even though they had a vegetarian diet.
Praying the Scripture
- Sometimes it is very difficult to obey God and earthly authorities because they conflict with each other. But God will bless you if you are resolved to obey Him. When you do the right thing you may be fired, sometimes you may be promoted, but either way, you are blessed if you obey God and do what is right before His eyes. Be resolved to obey God and pray that God will give you wisdom to obey also earthly authorities. Prepare your life for adverse results, but anticipate God’s great spiritual blessings in many different forms, of which Christ-likeness is the greatest blessing and honour, far better than money (Prov. 22:1).
- Under the New Testament, Christians are not limited to a certain diet (Acts 10:15). But we are still called to use our Christian freedom wisely and for the honour of Christ and the good of others (Rom. 14:21). Whether we eat or drink, do all for the honour of His name (1 Cor. 10:31), who loves us and gave His son Jesus for our sins. If we have such mindset, then we are like Daniel who worships God through his diet. Highest praise to God!
- 有的时候,人很难同时顺服神与地上的权柄,因为它们是对立的。可是,你若决意顺服神,祂会祝福你。当你在职场上行正公义时,你可能升职,也可能被开除,但无论如何,你若行的的神看为正确的事,你会蒙福。当决意顺服神,并祈求神能赐予你智慧听从在世的权柄。当为不良的结局做准备,但同时期待神以不同的方式降下大福;其中便是信徒更有耶稣基督的样式,而那是胜过大财,强如金银的(箴22:1)。
- 基督徒在新约的律法下没有饮食的限制(使10:15)。然而,我们仍被召要以智慧使用基督里的自由,凡事为基督的荣耀和他人的益处而行(罗14:21)。所以,或吃或喝,无论做什么,都要为荣耀神而行(林前10:31),因为祂爱我们,并为我们的罪舍了自己的儿子。我们若有这样的心态,我们便像借着饮食敬拜神的但以理一样。愿至高的赞美归于神!