Deuteronomy 申命记 24 — Examine your Life for Holiness 2 审查生命是否圣洁(下)
Knowing the sinfulness of the human heart, God gave these laws to promote happiness (v. 5) and to prevent oppression (v. 14) and the perversion of the law (v. 17).
Husbands and Wives (1–5). 丈夫与妻子
God allowed divorced people to remarry; but this was a concession, not a commandment (Matt. 19:1–12). The divorced wife, protected by this law, could establish a new home, and she did not become a castaway. God wants happiness and holiness in our homes. We will enjoy those blessings if we obey Him and love one another.
Masters and Servants (6–18). 主人与仆人
God sees how we treat those who depend on us for their living. We must never humiliate others because they have less money or authority than we do. When we start to get proud and insensitive, we should remember what we were before the Lord saved us (vv. 18, 22; Titus 3:3–8).
神要看我们是如何对待那些有赖于我们生活的人。我们决不能因为别人赚的钱少或权利较低而侮辱他们。当我们开始变得骄傲,不顾及别人的感受时,我们要铭记自己被主拯救之前的模样(18, 22节,提3:3-8)。
Rich and Poor (19–22). 富人与穷人
God had special concern for the poor, and He depended on the generosity of His people to meet their needs. He promised to bless all who showed compassion to aliens, widows, and orphans. We should ask ourselves where we would be if others helped us to the same degree that we help others.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- Deut 24 does not command, commend or condone divorce. Rather, it recognizes that divorce occurs and permits it only on restricted grounds. The case presented here is designed to convey the fact that divorcing produced defilement. Notice the following sequence: A. If a man finds an uncleanness (some impurity or something vile, cf. 23:14) in his wife; if he legally divorces her; C. if she then marries another man; D. if the new husband then dies or divorces her; then that woman could not return to her first husband (v. 4). This is so because she was “defiled” with such a defilement that is an abomination to the Lord and a sinful pollution of the Promised Land. What constitutes that defilement? Only one thing is possible—she was defiled in the remarriage because there was no ground for the divorce. So when she remarried, she became an adulteress (Matt. 5:31, 32) and is thus defiled so that her former husband can’t take her back. Illegitimate divorce proliferates adultery. Let’s pray that we work to maintain healthy marriages in the church for the glory of God.
申命记24章并没有命令、赞扬或纵容离婚。相反的,它承认离婚的存在,并在特殊的情况下容许它发生。这里所陈述的例子,表达了离婚必致污秽的事实。请注意其中的顺序:A.若男人发现妻子有什么不合理的事(一些污秽或恶劣的东西,比照23:14 );B.他若合法地休了妻子;C.而她若再嫁给另一名男子;D.新夫若随后去世或离婚;那这女子就不得与第一任丈夫结婚(4节)。这是因为她已如此“污秽”,为耶和华所憎恶,且玷污了应许之地。什么导致污秽了呢?只有一个可能性,就是在无合法的情况下离婚,所以当她改嫁时,她就成为了淫妇(太5:31- 32),变得如此污秽,叫她的前任丈夫不能与她和好。不合法的离婚能激增奸淫之罪。让我们祈祷,叫教会里的夫妇努力维持健康的婚姻生活,荣耀神。
- When you reap your harvest in your field and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. (Deut 24:19) The same teaching is repeated in verses 20 and 21. The reason is to take of the poor. Sometimes we bargain unreasonably especially with the poor and powerless. Let’s pray that we are generous in our dealings for His glory.
Deuteronomy 申命记 23 — Examine your Life for Holiness 1 审查生命是否圣洁 (上)
The phrase “enter the assembly,” used six times in this chapter, refers to coming to worship God. God has the right to decide who and how they shall approach Him in worship. (See Ps. 15; John 4:19–24.) These laws were required because God walked in the camp (v. 14); therefore, the camp had to be clean. Even matters of personal hygiene were important (vv. 9–14). Of course, in Jesus Christ, these distinctions have been removed (Gal. 3:26–29), and the gospel call is to “whoever” (Rev. 22:17). However the principle is that same: Christ walks among His churches (Rev. 1:13; 2:1) and He wants to see a holy people.
“入耶和华的会”,亦指前来敬拜神,在本章共出现六次。神有权决定谁可以及如何敬拜祂。(见 诗15;约4:19-24)由于神常在营中行走,所以他们必须遵从这些法律(14节);因此,营地必须是洁净的。神甚至也注重个人卫生(9-14节)。当然,我们因基督耶稣不再有这些区分(加3:26-29),而福音的呼召是向凡愿意听从的人发出的(启22:17)。但是,其原则不变:基督常在祂的教会中行走(启1:13;2:1),而祂盼望看见一群圣洁的人。
Verse 4 shows the sad consequences of sin, of both omission (the people did not help Israel) and commission (they hired Balaam). The kindness that we show to others, we also show to Christ (Matt. 25:31–46). One act of unkindness may bring years of sorrow.
Even the source of our money is God’s concern (vv. 17–18). The pagan temples had religious prostitutes, male (“dogs”) and female, and God would not accept their money earned by abominable means.
These miscellaneous regulations remind us that God is interested in the details of our lives. He wants us to be holy so that we may fellowship with Him (2 Cor. 6:14–18).
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- The Lord said, “For I am the LORD your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. (Lev 11:44) and also, “If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?” (Psalm 130:3) This chapter examines every aspect of our lives.
- The sins of omission and commission were discussed in verses 4-8. Verse 9 talks about the sins of wars. Verses 10-14 talk about personal hygiene. Verse 15-16 talk about the care of the needy persons and verses 17-20 talk about the sins of sex and money. Verse 21-23 talk about taking oath and verse 24-25 talks about taking care of the poor. Let’s examine our lives to see if there is anything we need to confront and change for the glory of God.
Deuteronomy 申命记 22 — Love your Neighbors 当爱邻舍
Lost Possessions 丢失财物 (1–4).
God honors private ownership and demands honesty in the handling of other people’s goods, even when it is not convenient. He also has compassion for animals (Exod. 23:5). We are stewards of all that God gives us, and we must be faithful.
Lost Distinctions 丢失区别 (5–12).
The Bible makes it clear that “God is not the author of confusion” (1 Cor. 14:33), but confusion results when we ignore the distinctions God has made between men and women, animals, and even seeds and fabrics. Like the dietary laws, these rules reminded the Jews that they were separated people, and the tassels on their clothing were an additional reminder.
Lost Reputations 失去声誉 (13–30).
Here you see God’s protection for the helpless in the land. It is a serious thing to bear false witness, particularly in the matter of sexual purity. A reputation can be ruined by people making false accusations. It is not enough simply to love virtue; sometimes we must also “put away the evil” (v. 21) and deal with sin.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- The regulations in chapter 22 are specific applications of Leviticus 19:18, “You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” The neighbor is a brother, which makes it an even greater motive for helping him; and God is the Lord of both, which is the highest motive of all. In fact, the Jews were to extend this same concern even to their enemies’ animals (Ex. 23:4). The Lord is not only concerned that people find and restore lost animals, but He is also greatly concerned that we find the lost sinners who have strayed away (Luke 15:1–7; James 5:19–20). Certainly a human being made in the image of God is of more value than a beast! (Matt. 12:12) Let’s pray that we love our neighbor enough to be concerned for their eternal lives.
- Deut 22:5 prohibited a man from wearing any item of feminine clothing or ornamentation, or a woman from wearing any item of masculine clothing or ornamentation. The creation order distinctions between male and female were God’s design and let’s pray that we obey it (Ge 1:27).
- “Sex has become one of the most discussed subjects of modern times,” Yet the Bible made it clear that sex must not be experienced outside of the bonds of marriage. The Law of Moses and the New Testament magnify personal purity and the importance of honesty and loyalty in marriage. If upon consummating the marriage, the husband discovered that his wife was not a virgin, the punishment of this sin was death.
Deuteronomy 申命记 21 — The Laws of the Land 地中的律法
Man is made in the image of God, and human life is precious in His sight. People are not to be treated like animals or things, and the laws in this chapter illustrate this truth.
Murder 谋杀 (1–9).
The unlawful taking of a life is a tragedy that cannot be erased simply by burying a corpse. The heifer died instead of the culprit (Gen. 9:5–6), but the sacrifice did not atone for the murderer’s sin. Rather, the sacrifice kept the land from being defiled by innocent blood (Deut. 19:10–13), and it reminded the people that life is precious.
Marriage 婚姻 (10–17).
Jews were forbidden to marry Canaanites (Deut. 7:1–4), so the captured wife mentioned in these verses had to come from another nation. Women in general, and captives in particular, had very little status in those days; but God protected her from abuse. No matter how much authority we have, we must not mistreat others or take advantage of them.
Rebellion 悖逆 (18–23).
A rebellious son would grieve his parents, bring shame to his village, and be a bad example to other young men. The fear of death might deter some sons, or like the prodigal (Luke 15:11ff.), they might decide to leave home. To us, it seems like a drastic law, but God will not tolerate rebellion.
See our Lord in this chapter: He died for guilty sinners; He loved and married a foreign bride (Eph. 5:25ff.); He died for rebellious sinners; and He was hanged on a tree (Gal. 3:13).
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
While Jewish men were not allowed to take wives from the Canaanite nations (7:3), they were however permitted to marry women from the conquered cities located at a distance from the Promised Land (20:14–15). Of course, it was expected that these women would accept the faith of Israel and enter into the religious life of the Israelites. On returning home with his bride, the man had to wait a month before consummating the marriage. During that waiting period, the woman could be emotionally prepared for a new beginning; for she had to shave her head, cut her nails, and put on different clothes. Shaving the head was part of the ritual for cleansed lepers (Lev. 14:8–9) and the dedication of Nazirites who had fulfilled their vows (Num. 6:18). While shaving the head would be a humbling experience for the woman (see Deut. 21:14), it could also be the sign of a new beginning, as it was for the leper and the Nazirite. She was renouncing her former religion, the worship of idols, and accepting Jehovah as her God. During this waiting period, she was expected to express her sorrow over leaving her family and her native city. In short, the experiences of this month of waiting, painful as they might be, were designed to help the woman make the transition from the old faith to new faith and old life into the new life.
Deuteronomy 申命记 20 — Instructions on Battle 对争战的指示
Claiming our spiritual inheritance will involve battles as well as blessings, for the hosts of evil are against us (Eph. 6:10–13). God’s words to Israel help us understand how to defeat the enemies we face.
Before the Battle: Courage. 战争前:要勇敢
We walk by faith and not by sight (v. 1) and must never judge the victory by our own resources or the resources of the enemy. God gives us the power to overcome, so take courage from the fact that God is with us and fights for us. Read 2 Chronicles 20:1–23 for an exciting example of this truth.
During the Battle: Obedience. 战争时:要顺服
We must be totally devoted to the Lord if we are to win the battle (2 Tim. 2:4). The battlefield is no place for the fearful and fainthearted or the doubleminded. We must obey whatever battle plan God assigns to us, for the enemy often employs a different strategy.
After the Battle: Complete Conquest. 战争后:要彻底征服敌人
Even in defeat, the enemy is still the enemy and can entice us into sin. Remember what happened to Achan (Josh. 7) and King Saul (1 Sam. 15).
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- There were three occasions for granting temporary deferment from military service in Israel. The first was to allow the soldier to dedicate a new house to the Lord and start living in it (Deut. 20:5). The word translated “dedicate” also means “to initiate,” that is, to start living in the house with his family. The second was to harvest a new vineyard. The third was perhaps the most important, and that was to permit the engaged soldier to go home and get married. According to Deuteronomy 24:5, he could deferred a year. These three exceptions suggest that God is more interested in our enjoying the common blessings of life—homes, harvests, and honeymoons—than devoting ourselves only to the battles of life. He didn’t want any of the Jewish men to use their military responsibilities as an excuse to neglect their families, their vineyards, and their fiancées. Certainly military service was important, but the Lord was more concerned that the men have the right priorities in life. What good was accomplished for the Jewish people if their army defeated the enemy on the field but things were falling apart back home? Let’s pray we possess the same priority as Him.
- It’s important to note that God gave the nation two different military approaches, one for the cities in the land of Canaan (vv. 1–9, 16–18) and the other for cities outside Canaan (vv. 10–15). Why? It is because the sins of Canaanites and the Lord had given them 400 years to repent yet they still did not want to repent. The consequences of the refusal to repent is serious. Let’s pray that we remember the happen to them.
Deuteronomy 申命记 19 — Social Justice 社会公义
There was a court system in Israel but no police force. The innocent person had to be protected before the family of a victim attempted to take vengeance. The cities of refuge provided a place of escape where the manslayer could be tried to see whether the death was manslaughter or murder.
The cities picture the salvation we have in Jesus Christ, the One to whom we have “fled for refuge” because death is pursuing us (Heb. 6:18; Rom. 6:23). The cities were appointed by God, and no other cities would do (Acts 4:12). They were accessible and available to all (Josh. 20:9; John 6:37), but the person had to believe God’s Word and act on it. The roads to those cities were clearly marked and kept in good repair. The way was open and free.
However, in Christ we have something far better! The manslayer was tried to see if he were a murderer, but those who trust Christ shall never face judgment (John 5:24; Rom. 8:1). Our High Priest lives forever and intercedes for us; therefore, we can never be refused (Heb. 7:23–28). We are indeed guilty, but He forgives us by His grace—and He takes our punishment for us!
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- The statutes explained by Moses in this part of Deuteronomy deal broadly with social and community order. Modern law still follows Moses in making a distinction between murder and manslaughter (Ex. 21:12–14; Lev. 24:17). The person who unintentionally killed someone could flee to the nearest city of refuge and present his case to the elders there. Israel had no system or policemen for locating and arresting suspected criminals. If he didn’t flee, a member of the victim’s family might chase him down and become “the avenger of blood” and kill him. By fleeing to the city of refuge, the manslayer was safe until the facts of the case could be examined and a verdict declared. If found innocent, the manslayer was allowed to live safely. Even though he was innocent, he still paid a price for accidentally killing another human being. God is just and He will judge rightly. Let’s thank God for His fairness, protection and righteousness.
- Murder was one of several capital crimes in Israel. Others were idolatry and sorcery (Lev. 20:1–6), blasphemy (24:10–16), violating the Sabbath (Num. 15:32–36), willful and repeated disobedience to parents (Deut. 21:18–21; Ex. 21:15, 17), kidnapping (Ex. 21:16), bestiality (22:19), homosexuality (Lev. 20:13), adultery, and the rape of an engaged maiden (Deut. 22:22–27). Although we don’t practice capital punishment today, we can see how serious the Lord views these sins. Let’s pray that we view these sins from the perspective of God and obey Him.
谋杀在以色列是死罪;其它的还包括:敬拜偶像和施巫术(利20:1-6)、亵渎神(24:10-16)、违反安息日(民15:32-36)、对父母顽梗悖逆(申21:18–21;出21:15, 17)、绑架(出21:16)、人兽交(22:19)、同性恋(利20:13)、奸淫和强暴有婚约女子(申22:22-27)。我们现今虽然不都为这些罪行判决死刑,但我们能从中看出神是如此严厉看待这些罪孽的。让我们祈祷,叫自己能以神的眼光看待这些罪,并听从顺服祂。
Deuteronomy 申命记 18 — Separate unto God 为主分别
God’s people should be a generous people (vv. 1–8), sharing what they have with those who serve (1 Cor. 9:1–14; 3 John 5–8). The priests and Levites depended on the sacrifices and the tithes for their sustenance, and unfaithful people meant neglected servants. (See Neh. 13:10–14.)
They should also be a separated people (vv. 9–14). This is one of the strongest warnings in Scripture against occult practices, and it must be heeded today. Israel did not obey this command, and the land was defiled and the nation destroyed.
God’s people must be a discerning people (vv. 15–22), listening to the Word, receiving it and obeying it. The Prophet mentioned here is Jesus Christ (Acts 3:18–23), but when He came, they did not recognize Him or receive Him (John 1:10–11; 5:43). The mark of a true prophet is that everything predicted comes to pass. The prophet is not 75 percent correct, but 100 percent correct!
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD. And because of these abominations the LORD your God is driving them out before you. (Deu 18:10-12) Today it is unlikely that we’ll burn our sons and daughters but do you practice divination or consult fortunes tellers, sorcerers or medium? Or are you superstitious because of local practices? Do you consult the horoscopes even for fun? Let’s pray that we obey and not to be involved in these practices because it offends our God.
- How do we know who are the true prophets? When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him. (Deu 18:22) Today many charismatic leaders claim to be God’s prophets. Their prophesies are wrong, yet people still follow them. This is clearly against God’s Word. We need to disassociate ourselves from them. Let’s pray that we are discerning for the Lord’s glory.
Deuteronomy 申命记 17 — Hear and Fear 要听见害怕
Presumption. 僭越之罪
God’s Word reveals God’s will and we must not go beyond what God permits. To transgress (v. 2) means to “cross the line,” which is presumptuous sin. God says, “Thus far and no farther!” and we must obey. That obedience applied to sentences of judgment (vv. 8–13). The sinner who challenged the judgment of God’s appointed leaders was destined to die. “Hear and fear!”
神的话语启示了神的旨意,是我们不得跨越的。违背(2节)的意思是“越线”,而这是僭越之罪。神说:“只可到这里,不可越过!”,所以我们必须遵从。我们也须遵守审判官所断定的判语(8-13节)。罪人若不听从神所立之领导的审判,必被治死。 “要听见害怕!”
Pride. 骄傲之罪
Israel did ask for a king, and God gave them Saul (1 Sam. 8–10). We do not know whether he obeyed (vv. 18–20), but we do know that he failed to obey God’s will (1 Sam. 15). His successor David was a man of God’s Word, but David’s son Solomon committed all of the sins named in verses 16–17 (1 Kings 10–11). There was great prosperity for a time, but then the nation divided and turned from God.
Common citizens, priests, judges, and kings—all had an obligation to submit to God’s Word and obey it. The higher the position, the greater the responsibility. “Hear and fear!”
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- For I am God, and there is no other (Isa 45:22). You shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God (Exo 34:14). The Lord is very serious about where our hearts are. He alone is the only God and there is none other. However, Calvin correctly observes that human hearts are the factories of idols. We made many idols for ourselves to worship. It includes visible and invisible idols. The desires of our hearts, being good or bad, can become our idols. Notice the punishment is severe. It is the death penalty. This is because God is our only Creator and we ought to worship Him alone. He will not create us to worship other gods. Let’s examine our hearts carefully. If we don’t God will do this.
- The kings are not to acquire many horses; not to take multiple wives and not to accumulate much silver and gold. That means the kings were not to rely on military strength, political alliances, or wealth for his position and authority, but he was to look to the Lord. The kings shall write for themselves in a book a copy of this law and it shall be with him, and he shall read in it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the LORD his God by keeping all the words of this law and these statutes, and doing them. (Deu 17:18-19) The leaders of a nation are also to write, read and do the word of God. Let’s pray for our nation that they will obey the Lord.
Deuteronomy 申命记 16 — Do you Remember? 你记得吗?
From the seven feasts on the Jewish calendar (Lev. 23), Moses selected three to emphasize, and they bear a message to the believer today.
Passover 逾越节 (1–8) looks to the past and reminds us that we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God (John 1:29; 1 Pet. 1:18–19). Redemption brings responsibility: feeding on the Lamb and removing from our lives all things that are wrong. (See 1 Cor. 5:1–8).
Pentecost 五旬节 (9–12) speaks of renewal and the coming of the Spirit of God to His people (Acts 2). It is a harvest festival that calls us to enter into His service and help reap the harvest (Luke 10:2; John 4:33–38; Acts 1:8).
Tabernacles 住棚节 (13–17) reminded the Jews that they had lived in booths as a pilgrim people in the wilderness. We are “sojourners and pilgrims” in this world (1 Pet. 2:11) and must not get too settled down. Tabernacles also looks to the future kingdom that God has promised His people when their pilgrim journey is ended.
We need these three reminders today, lest we forget our redemption responsibilities.
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- The offering of Passover itself was to be only lamb (Ex 12:3–11). However, additional offerings were also to be made during the Passover and the subsequent 7 days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (cf. Ex 12:15–20; 13:3–10; Lv 23:6–8; Nu 28:19–25). Therefore, sacrifices from both the flock and the herd were used in keeping the Passover. The key word here is remember as it is for the Lord’s Supper today (cf. Mt 26:26–30; Lk 22:14–19; 1 Co 11:23–26). Do you remember? What do you remember? Let’s pray that you do not forget Jesus Christ died a horrific death in order you can live today and forever.
- The second feast was called the “Feast of the Harvest” (Ex 23:16) or the “day of the first fruits” (Lv 23:9–22; Nu 28:26–31) and later came to be known as “Pentecost” (Ac 2:1). With the grain harvest completed, this one-day festival was a time of rejoicing. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit, 50 days after the death of Christ at the Passover, was on Pentecost and gives special meaning to that day for Christians (cf. Joel 2:28–32; Ac 2:14–18). It is alright to rejoice. In fact, we must rejoice (16:14) because of the Lord’s grace upon us. Let’s pray that we celebrate the Lord’s love constantly in our lives.
- The Feast of Booths was also called the “Feast of Ingathering” and the “Feast of Tabernacles” (cf. Ex 23:16; 34:22). It is again to remind us we are sojourners. Let’s pray that we don’t get too comfortable here on earth.
Deuteronomy 申命记 15 — Trust and Obey 信靠顺服
The blessing of God ought to motivate us to be a blessing and a help to others. Note how often Moses mentions the blessing of God (vv. 4, 6, 10, 14, 18). God has opened His hand generously to us, and we should open our hands widely to others (v. 8). He blesses us so that we might be a blessing (Gen. 12:2).
神的祝福应该激励我们去帮助别人,成为他们的祝福。请注意摩西是如此频繁地提到神的祝福(4, 6, 10, 14, 18节)。神松开手慷慨地赐福予我们,所以我们也应该向别人松开我们的手(8节)。祂祝福我们,叫我们能成为别人的祝福(创12:2)。
Not only must we have generous hands, but we should cultivate glad hearts as we share (v. 10). Giving is an occasion not for shrewd calculation (v. 9) but for jubilation! Paul may have had this verse in mind when he wrote “not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7).
The greatest gift of all is the gift of ourselves because we love one another (vv. 16–17). First we give ourselves to the Lord (Rom. 12:1–2) and then to one another in loving service (2 Cor. 8:1–5). There is plenty of room in “The Fellowship of the Pierced Ear.”
Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
- Those who think that it takes a great deal of faith to give God a tithe of their income will probably be shocked when they read this section of the law. Just as every seventh day of the week was set apart for God as the Sabbath Day, so every seventh year was to be set apart as a Sabbath Year. During that year, the Jews were not to cultivate the land but allow it to rest. The people would have to trust God to produce the grain, vegetables, and fruits they needed for themselves and for their flocks and herds and farm animals. (Lev. 25:1–7) The Sabbath Year involved much more than rest for the land (Ex. 23:10–11). It also meant canceling debts (Deut. 15:1–11) and setting free the servants who had served for six years (vv. 12–18). If it is you, would you obey?
- The Sabbath Year and the Year of Jubilee were part of God’s wise plan to balance the economic scales in the nation so that the rich could not exploit the poor. However, the Lord knew that there would always be poor people in the land because Israel would not consistently obey these laws. The nation of Israel would have been the most prosperous nation on earth if they had followed the instructions God gave them, but they rejected His will and they did not observe the Sabbath Year which was to be every seventh year or the Year of Jubilee every fiftieth year (Lev. 26:32–45), and for this failure they paid a great price. Their seventy years captivity in Babylon gave their land the Sabbath rest that it missed during those years of disobedience (2 Chron. 36:14–21).