23 Mar 2013, Hebrews 13: Sacrifices Pleasing to God
Scripture Reading : Hebrews 13
Theme : Sacrifices Pleasing to God
After the long theological treatise from Hebrews 1-12, the author finally concludes with a short section on practical applications of the rich theology he has already written on.
- Love the brethren. Brotherly love is not a verbal expression of love, but practical actions like showing hospitality to strangers. Also, the Hebrews are to refrain from sexual immorality and honor marriage between 1 man and 1 woman. It also includes being content and not loving money.
- Submit to the leaders. The Hebrews were commanded to imitate their leaders and obey sound teaching from the Word of God, rather than waver in their faith and depend on works to be saved (“not by foods” – Hebrews 13:9b).
- Praises to God. Sacrifices were a very important part of Israel’s worship, but God does not delight in burnt offerings. What pleases God is true worship that comes from the heart, expressed through the lips of man, who acknowledge God’s name.
- Pray for the saints. Prayers must be made for the saints, in accordance to God’s Word. The author asked for prayers that the saints might be good testimonies for God.
Praying the Scripture
- 1 John 4:20-21 “If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.” Some people enjoy studying and debating on theology, but do not love the brethren. The author of Hebrews very wisely commanded the Hebrews to love their brethren as application of all the theology that he has just written. Let us pray that we will not be liars, but love our brethren, whom we can see, before we claim to love God.
- There are also people who claim to only submit to God, and not to human leaders. However, Hebrews 11 already dealt with the issue that true faith also includes trusting and obeying the Word of God. And the Word of God clearly teaches that we are to submit to the church leaders who teach the Word of God. Let us pray for humble and teachable hearts, that we will obey God’s Word and submit to our leaders.
- Let us pray for those who serve God, especially those who teach God’s Word (e.g. pastors, missionaries), that they “have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things”, so that they will bring glory to God’s name.
21 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 12: Founder of Faith 信心的创始者
Scripture Reading : Hebrews 12
Theme : Founder of Faith
After reminding the Hebrews of the faith of their ancestors, the author turns to the ultimate example – Jesus Christ, who is the founder of faith.
- Christ our example. The supreme example that all Christians should look to is our Lord Jesus Christ, who endured the suffering on the cross. Because of His humility, perseverance and faithfulness, He is now “seated at the right hand of the throne of God”, which is the most significant place other than God’s throne itself.
- God our Father. Not only does Christ set an example for Christians to follow, God the Father also disciplines His children (all believers) “for our good, that we may share in His holiness.” Even though God’s discipline may not be pleasant, true Christians have the assurance that God is not a cosmic killjoy, but a loving Father who wants the best for His children.
- God the Judge. Those who do not follow the Lord Jesus as the supreme example are not children of God. They are disobedient because they “reject Him who warns from heaven” (12:25b). When the disobedient sinners reject God, they will be judged like the Israelites in the wilderness, because “God is a consuming fire.” (12:29)
Praying the Scripture
- The author of Hebrews writes that “In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.” (Hebrews 12:4) In other words, we should not consider our struggle against sin as unbearable, since we are not dying because of that. Let us pray that God will grant us the endurance we need to resist sin.
- We must not despise God’s discipline, because He is a loving Father. Let us thank God for disciplining us when we deviate from the righteous path, because God “disciplines us for our good, that we may share in His holiness.” (Hebrews 12:10b)
- If we had despised God’s discipline, we must repent from this sin, and turn to God for forgiveness and accept His discipline with joy, even though it may be unpleasant. Or else, we stand under God’s judgment. Let us pray that we are truly sons of God, and not illegitimate children who will be judged.
- 基督我们的榜样。所有基督徒当仰望的最大榜样是那位承受十架之苦的——我们的主耶稣基督。因着祂的谦卑、忍耐和信实,祂如今“坐在神宝座的右边”,也就是神宝座以外最大的位置。
- 神我们的父。基督不但为基督徒立下他们当效法的榜样,父神也会管教祂所有的儿女(所有信徒),叫“我们得益处,使我们在他的圣洁上有份”。虽然神的管教不一定好受,但真信徒晓得神并不会刻意抹杀喜悦,而是一位凡事要祂所有儿女得利的慈爱天父。
- 作审判官的神。凡不效法主耶稣为最大榜样的也不是神的儿女。他们是悖逆的,因为他们“违背那从天上警戒我们的”(25节)。当悖逆的罪人拒绝神时,他们会同在旷野中受审判的以色列人一样,“因为我们的神乃是烈火”(29节)。
- 希伯来书的作者写道:你们与罪恶相争,还没有抵挡到流血的地步(4节)。换言之,我们不当认为自己与罪的挣扎是无可忍受的,因为我们还不至于会死。让我们祷告神会赐下我们抵挡罪时所需的忍耐。
- 我们不当厌弃神的管教,因为祂是个慈爱的天父。让我们感谢神在我们偏离正道时管教施与管教,因为神“是要我们得益处,使我们在他的圣洁上有份”(10节)。
- 我们若厌弃神的管教,我们就当从这罪中悔改,转向神求赦免,并欢欣地接受祂的管教,纵容那并不好受。否则,我们会受到神的审判。让我们求作神的真儿女,而不是日后会受到审判的私生子。
20 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 11: Footsteps of Faith 信心的脚步
Scripture Reading : Hebrews 11
Theme : Footsteps of Faith
Having contrasted false and true faith, the author explains further what true faith is.
- Meaning of faith. The author first defines true faith. True faith is to believe and hope for things that we cannot see with our physical eyes. If we can see it already, there really is no need to have faith or hope. One very important aspect of true faith is that we must believe the Word of God to be true (Hebrews 11:3). Therefore, if anyone denies the Word of God, or argues that some parts of it is not true, such a person does not have true faith in God.
- Models of faith. After defining true faith, the author cites the Old Testament examples of faithful people whom the Hebrews would be very familiar with. These models of faith illustrate that true faith is to believe what is unseen, trusting in God’s Word and His promises. Note that the Bible did not commend Rahab for lying, but for her faith. It would be erroneous to conclude that God is pleased with lying.
- Motivation of faith. The motivation behind true faith is God’s promises. There is a virtuous cycle involved here, since true faith is to believe in God’s Word and His promises, things which are not yet seen. We can have faith in God and His Word, simply because He has promised to fulfill them. But this is not a circular argument, because God guaranteed His promises with an oath (Hebrews 6:17b) and “it is impossible for God to lie” (Hebrews 6:18).
Praying the Scripture
- Jesus said to Thomas, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29) Let us pray that we will have genuine faith in God, and that we will trust in His Word, even though we cannot see the future.
- Let us pray that we will have the same kind of faith that the Old Testament saints had, and we will obey God just like them, even though the promises were not fulfilled yet.
- Let us pray that we will not doubt God’s character, but trust in Him and the promises He made, because “God is not man, that He should lie.” (Numbers 23:19).
- 信心的意思。作者首先定义何为真信心;真信心就是相信并希望我们肉眼不能看见的事。我们若现在就能看见,便无需有信心或希望了。真信心的一个极为重要的元素就是信神的话为真(3节)。因此,若有人不听从神的话,或争辩某些部分是不真实的,这人在神里面并没有真信心。
- 信心的榜样。定义何为真信心后,作者举出旧约中对神忠心的人——这些人都应该是希伯来人十分熟悉的。这些信心的榜样展现了什么是相信未见的事,及何为信靠神的话与应许。我们或许可留意圣经赞扬的是喇合的信心,而不是她撒谎。我们若总结说神喜悦人撒谎,那便是有误的。
- 信心的动机。真信心背后的动机是神的应许。这里能见一个良性循环,有误真信心是信靠神的话及应许,也就是肉眼不能见的事。我们能对神及祂的话有信心,仅是因为祂应许要成就那一切。然而,这不是一个循环论证,因为神以起誓保障祂必实现应许(6:17),而“神决不能说谎”(6:18)。
- 耶稣向多马说:“你因看见了我才信,那没有看见就信的有福了!”(约20:29)让我们祷告我们虽然看不见未来,却能对神有真信心,并信靠祂的话。
- 让我们祷告我们会与那些旧约圣徒有相同的信心,即便应许未成就,还能像他们一样顺服神。
- 让我们祷告我们不会质疑神的品格,而是信靠祂,相信祂作出的应许,因为“神非人,必不至说谎”(数23:19)。
19 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 10:19-39 : False vs True Faith 真假信心
Scripture Reading : Hebrews 10:19-39
Theme : False vs True Faith
After proving that Jesus Christ is superior over all that the Jews hold dear from the Old Testament (Moses, Sabbath, Mosaic Law, Temple, etc.), the author now turns to show what true faith in Jesus (God) is.
- Practising faith. True faith in Jesus is not inactive or wavering. True followers of Jesus would not be led astray by strange doctrines that are not according to the Bible. They would “hold fast the confession of our hope”, which is the Gospel of Jesus. True followers of Jesus will encourage one another to good works and will meet together frequently.
- Pretentious faith. False believers will sin deliberately, even though they know what the Word of God teaches. In the Old Testament, a man is guilty of the charge if there were two or three witnesses. But the author warns that the one who sins, even without any human witnesses, has “spurned the Son of God” and “outraged the Spirit of grace” (the Holy Spirit). Since God is omnipresent (He is everywhere) and omniscient (He knows everything), He knows all the sins of false believers even without human witnesses.
- Persevering faith. Genuine believers will endure suffering for the sake of the Gospel. This is because their hope is not in this world, knowing that they have “a better possession and an abiding one” (Hebrews 10:34b), which is eternal life in heaven. Those who persevere to the end will please God and “receive what is promised.”
Praying the Scripture
- Some of the practical ways that we can “stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together” are to encourage one another to serve God and the church and also come regularly for prayer meetings, fellowship meals, and gatherings at the homes of brothers and sisters. Let us pray that we will be willing to do all these.
- Many professing Christians give the excuse that “I have no choice”. For example, they may tell lies in their workplace because their bosses tell them to, reasoning that if they do not obey their bosses, they will lose their jobs. Hebrews 10:26-31 warns that such behavior is a sign of false believe. Let us pray for forgiveness if we are guilty of sinning deliberately, and repent from our sins and turn to Jesus and follow Him genuinely.
- Jesus promised that His followers will be persecuted (John 15:20), and “all who desire to live a godly live in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Tim 3:12). Let us pray that we will persevere in our faith in Jesus even if we are persecuted for the sake of the Gospel, so that we will “receive what is promised.” (Hebrews 10:36b)
- 活出信心。在耶稣里的真信心不是被动或能动摇的。跟从耶稣的真门徒是不会被不符合圣经的新教义偏离正道。他们会“坚守我们所承认的指望”,也就是耶稣的福音。跟从耶稣的真门徒会彼此劝勉行善,并常常聚会。
- 虚假信心。虽然假信徒明知道神的教导是什么,他们仍会刻意犯罪。在旧约中,若有两三个见证人,一人就能被定罪。但是作者警告,若有人犯罪,即便没有见证人,他已“践踏神的儿子”,“又亵慢施恩的圣灵”(圣灵)。既然神是无所不在的,又是无所不知的,即便没有人类见证,祂也晓得所有假信徒的罪孽。
- 坚持的信心。真信徒会为福音的缘故承受苦难。这是因为他们的盼望不在这世界,并“知道自己有更美、长存的家业”(34节),就是在天堂的永生。凡坚持到底的都是神所喜悦的,并“可以得着所应许的”。
- 能“彼此相顾,激发爱心,勉励行善”的实际方式是鼓励彼此事奉神与教会,并常常参与祷告会、团契聚餐与在弟兄姐妹们家中的聚会。让我们祷告我们会愿意行这一切。
- 许多宣称是信徒的,会给予借口说:我没有选择。例如,他们或许选择听从上司的话而在职场上撒谎,然后转而说他们若不听从他们的上司,就会失去工作。希伯来书10:26-31警告我们说这等行为是假信徒的迹象。我们若还在蓄意犯罪,就让我们祈求赦免,并从最终悔改,归向耶稣,真实地跟从祂。
- 耶稣应许祂的门徒必会受到逼迫(约15:20),且“凡立志在基督耶稣里敬虔度日的,也都要受逼迫”(提后3:12)。让我们祷告即便我们为福音的缘故受到逼迫,也要在信心中忍耐,叫我们能“得着所应许的”(36节)。
18 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 10:1-18: Superiority of Jesus Christ over Old Testament Sacrifices 耶稣基督超过旧约祭物
Scripture Reading : Hebrews 10:1-18
Theme : Superiority of Jesus Christ over Old Testament Sacrifices
In Hebrews 10:1-18, the author further explains why Jesus’ sacrifice is superior over Old Testament sacrifices.
- Christ’s sacrifice is singular. The need for repeated sacrifices reminded the Israelites that they are sinners and can never please God. Therefore, the Old Testament sacrifices were only a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus would make. On the other hand, when Jesus died on the cross, He “offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins” (Hebrews 10:12), and there is no longer any need to for Jesus to repeat His sacrifice.
- Christ’s sacrifice sanctifies. The sacrifices in the Old Testament did not remove the sins of the Israelites. On the other hand, when Jesus died on the cross, “by a single sacrifice He has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified” (Hebrews 10:14). “Those who are being sanctified” refers to those who acknowledge their sins, repent, and trust in Jesus. These are true believers in Jesus, who would live holy lives in order to glorify Jesus.
- Christ’s sacrifice saves. When the sins of a person are not taken away, the sinner stands guilty before God, the righteous judge who will judge sinners. However, because of Christ’s sacrifice for those who trust in Him, He has also perfected and sanctified them. Because of that, God will “remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more” (Hebrews 10:17). Christ’s sacrifice obtained forgiveness for sinners, and they shall be saved from judgment in the eternal fire of hell.
Praying the Scripture
- Jesus is God, who is holy, sinless and infinite. Because of that, He only needs to offer Himself once, and that is sufficient to save sinners of all ages. Let us thank God that what Jesus did on the cross more than 2 thousand years ago is still sufficient to save us today.
- Let us pray that we will be resolved to live sanctified lives, striving against sin, so that we will prove to be true followers of Jesus, who have been “perfected for all time.”
- There is no other way to obtain forgiveness of sins except by the death of Jesus. Let us thank God for His mercy on us (sinners), by providing the way of salvation found only in His Son, Jesus Christ.
- 基督献的祭是一次的。以色列人必须持续献祭,叫他们纪念自己是无法喜悦神的罪人。因此,旧约的祭物仅是耶稣最终牺牲的象征。另一方面,当耶稣死在十字架时,祂“献了一次永远的赎罪祭”(12节),所以无需再将自己献上了。
- 基督献的祭能洁净人。旧约的祭物并没有除去以色列人的罪。可是,当耶稣死在十字架上时,“因为他一次献祭,便叫那得以成圣的人永远完全”(14节)。“那得以成圣的人”指的是承认罪愆,悔改并信靠耶稣的人。他们是在耶稣里的真信徒,也会为荣耀耶稣过圣洁的生活。
- 基督献的祭能拯救人。当人的罪没得洁净,他在神面前是有罪的,而公义的神会审判罪人。可是,由于基督为凡信靠祂的人舍命,祂也洁净他们,使他们完全。因于此,神“不再记念他们的罪愆和他们的过犯”(17节)。基督献上的祭使罪人得宽恕,而他们将从永恒之地地狱的审判中得拯救。
- 耶稣是神,是圣洁的,无罪的,无限的。因于此,祂只需要将自己一次献上,就足以拯救世世代代的罪人。让我们感谢神,因为耶稣两千多年前在十字架的死仍足够拯救我们今世的罪人。
- 让我们祷告我们会立志过圣洁的生活,与罪争战,好证明自己是耶稣的真门徒,是那“永远完全”的人。
- 罪是无法得赎的,唯有借着耶稣的死。让我们感谢神在我们(罪人)身上施与的怜悯,借着祂的儿子耶稣基督为我们开拓得救的道路。
17 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 9: Superiority of Jesus Christ over Old Testament Rituals 耶稣基督超过旧约礼仪
Scripture Reading : Hebrews 9
Theme : Superiority of Jesus Christ over Old Testament Rituals
- A better sanctuary. The author once again reminds the Hebrews of the items of the Tabernacle. But his focus is on the “Most Holy Place”, where the high priest can only go in once a year, on the Day of Atonement, after first offering a blood sacrifice for his own unintentional sins, and then for the unintentional sins of the people. However, the blood of animals cannot remove the sins of man completely. Only by the blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, can a sinner be completely justified and declared righteous. By His death, Jesus “entered once for all into the holy places”, which was proven when “the curtain of the temple was torn in two” (Matthew 27:51), signifying that the way into God’s presence was now opened. Christ did not only enter the “Most Holy Place” of the earthly temple; He has entered “into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf.” (Hebrews 9:24)
- A better sacrifice. The high priest brought animals as sacrifices and offerings to God, but the blood of animals did not offer a final solution to sin, since the high priest had to do it year after year. On the other hand, by shedding His own blood and dying on the cross, Jesus secured “eternal redemption” (9:12), and He only need to do it once (9:28). The concept of the superiority of Jesus’ sacrifice is further expanded by the author in Hebrews 10.
Praying the Scripture
- The Old Testament rituals did not provide sinners with direct access to God. On the other hand, Jesus Christ, by His death, opened the way for sinners to draw near to God. Let us thank Jesus for opening the way to God by shedding His own blood to “purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God.” (Hebrews 9:14b)
- Hebrews 9:27 says “it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.” However, “Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him.” (Hebrews 9:28) Let us thank Jesus for putting “away sin by the sacrifice of Himself” (Hebrews 9:26), and also pray that we will eagerly wait for Him.
- 更好的圣所。作者再一次提醒希伯来人有关帐幕里的各物品。然而,他的焦点是“至圣所”,是大祭司一年一次(赎罪日)才能进入的地方,且要带着血先为自己的无意的过错献上,再为百姓无意的过错献上。可是,动物的血是无法完全洗净人的罪的。唯有藉着神之子耶稣基督的血,罪人才能全然称义,宣告洁净。藉着祂的死,耶稣“只一次进入圣所”,就当“殿里的幔子从上到下裂为两半”之时(太27:51),其表示到神面前的路已开拓了。基督并没进入地上圣殿的“至圣所”;祂“乃是进了天堂,如今为我们显在神面前”(24节)。
- 更好的祭物。大祭司带动物向神献祭,但动物的血并不是解决罪的最后方案,因为大祭司每年都要那么做。可是,耶稣舍了自己的血,死在十字架上,从而“成了永远赎罪的事”(12节),且只需要一次被献。作者在希伯来书10章更为我们拓展了耶稣超过祭物的概念。
- 旧约礼仪并没有为罪人提供直接通往神的道路。可是,耶稣基督借着他的死,为罪人敞开了亲近神的通道。让我们为耶稣开拓往神的通道感谢祂,因为祂是借着自己的宝血洗净我们的心,除去我们的死行,使我们侍奉那永生神(14节)。
- 希伯来书9:27说:“按着定命,人人都有一死,死后且有审判。”然而,“基督既然一次被献,担当了多人的罪,将来要向那等候他的人第二次显现,并与罪无关,乃是为拯救他们”(28节)。让我们感谢耶稣“把自己献为祭,好除掉罪”(26节),并求我们会急切盼望祂来。
16 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 8: Superiority of Jesus’ Covenant over the Old Covenant 耶稣的约超过旧约

Theme : Superiority of Jesus’ Covenant over the Old Covenant
- Superior promises. In the Old Mosaic Covenant, human priests offered sacrifices to God, but these rituals were “a copy and shadow of the heavenly things.” (Hebrews 8:5) On the other hand, Jesus’ covenant (the New Covenant – Hebrews 8:8) is “much more excellent than the old”, because it is “enacted on better promises.” The better promises here refer to the promises God made to Jesus in Hebrews 7. For example, Jesus’ New Covenant is permanent, while the Mosaic Covenant was only temporal.
- Superintended by God. Hebrews 8:8-12 is a direct quotation from Jeremiah 31:31-34. The Mosaic Covenant was based on temporal and external rituals, while the New Covenant of Christ is personally fulfilled by God in the hearts of man. The New Covenant is in contrast with Deuteronomy 6:6-9, where the Israelites were to teach their children the law, and write the law on doorposts, etc. In the New Covenant, God will write His law on the hearts of man, and they will no longer need anyone to teach them, because “they shall all know” God.
- Supercedes the Old Covenant. With the coming of Son of God, His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ has inaugurated the New Covenant. He fulfilled the requirements of the Law perfectly, and with it introduced a new law (Hebrews 7:12). The New Covenant of Jesus Christ has replaced the old Mosaic Covenant. This is the reason that Christians need not obey the Mosaic Law any longer.
Praying the Scripture
- The Old Testament Law only served as “a copy and shadow of the heavenly things.” (Hebrews 8:5) Jesus comes from heaven, and is now “seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven”. Let us thank God that He has revealed to us the New Covenant that is founded by Jesus.
- In Deuteronomy 6:6-9, it is the responsibility of man to remember God’s law and teach it to their children. But in the New Covenant, God is the one who writes the Law in our hearts. Let us thank God for being merciful towards our iniquities, and for remembering our sins no more (Hebrews 8:12).
- Let us thank God for the New Covenant, which is better than the old Mosaic Covenant, such that we do not need to observe the Mosaic Law any more. Pray that we will not return to “a foundation of dead works… and of instruction about washings.” (Hebrews 6:1-2)
- 更高的应许。在摩西旧约中,人类祭司向神献祭,但那些仪式仅是“天上事的形状和影像”(5节)。但是,耶稣的约(即新约——8节)“是更美的”,因为它“是凭更美之应许立的”。这所指的就是神在希伯来书第七章向耶稣所立的应许。例如,耶稣的新约是永恒的,可摩西之约只是暂时的。
- 神亲自监督。希伯来书8:8-12是耶利米书31:31-34的直接引语。摩西之约是由短暂及外在的仪式组成,但基督的新约是由神在人心上亲自成就的。新约与申命记6:6-9有别;旧约的以色列人要教导儿女律法,并将律法写在门框上,等。在新约中,神会将祂的律法写在人心上,而他们也无需各人的教导,因为他们“都必认识”神。
- 超越旧约的。当神之子降临,死又复活后,耶稣基督便创立了新约。祂完全成全了律法的要求,也随之立了一个新律法(7:12)。耶稣基督的新约已取代了旧的摩西之约。这就是为什么基督徒不再需要遵守摩西律法了。
- 旧约律法“供奉的事本是天上事的形状和影像”(来8:5)。耶稣是从天上来的,如今“已经坐在天上至大者的宝座右边”。让我们感谢神向我们启示耶稣所创立的新约。
- 申命记6:6-9告诉我们,人的职责是要纪念神的律法,并将此教训儿女。但在新约中,神却将律法写在我们心上。让我们感谢神怜悯我们的罪恶过犯,并不再纪念我们的罪愆(12节)。
- 让我们为着超过摩西旧约的新约感谢神,叫我们无须再遵守摩西律法。求我们不会回去立那懊悔死行的根基,并各样的洗礼(6:1-2)。
14 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 7: Superiority of Jesus Christ over Levitical Priest II 耶稣基督超过利未祭司(二)
Scripture Reading : Hebrews 7
Theme : Superiority of Jesus Christ over Levitical Priest II
In Hebrews 6:19-20, the author returned to the topic of the priesthood of Melchizedek, because Jesus Christ has “become a high priest forever.” Jesus, as the High Priest, is just like Melchizedek, who is superior over the Levitical priests.
- His permanence. There were many generations of Levitical priests, who served God and the Israelites, and after their death, they will be succeeded by the next generation. Jesus, however, “holds His priesthood permanently” (Hebrews 7:24). This is because He is God, “having neither beginning of days nor end of life” (Hebrews 7:3). The author compared Jesus Christ with Melchizedek, who is greater than Abraham, to show that Jesus is greater than the levitical priests who are descendants of Abraham.
- His perfection. The human high priests had to offer sacrifices for their own sins first, before offering sacrifices on behalf of Israel (Hebrews 7:27). Unlike the levitical high priests, Jesus has no need to offer any sacrifices for His own sins, since He is perfect and sinless. By His perfection, Jesus completely fulfilled the Law (Matthew 5:17), and thus abrogated the Law.
- His promise. It is God Himself who confirmed Jesus as high priest. Quoting from Psalm 110:4, the author shows that God promised with an oath to make Jesus the Great High Priest forever.
Praying the Scripture
- Because of His permanence, Jesus is “able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” Let us thank God for the permanence of Jesus’ priesthood, so that we need not depend on one human after another human to make intercession for us.
- Because Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the Law perfectly, He is able to impute His perfect righteousness onto us. If not for Jesus’ perfection, we will all perish, because there is no way we can ever fulfil the Law by our own strength. Let us praise God for His perfection and thank Him for fulfilling the Law on our behalf.
- God is the One who sent Jesus, the perfect and great high priest, who offered Himself as the sacrifice. He provided the solution to the problem of sin that no other human priest could. Let us thank God for offering His own Son as the sacrifice for us.
- 祂的永恒。事奉神和以色列人的利未祭司有好几代;死后,他们是由另一代传承的。可是,耶稣祭司的职任是长久不更换的(24节)。这是因为祂是神,“无生之始,无命之终”(3节)。作者将耶稣与麦基洗德作比较,因为麦基洗德比亚伯拉罕还大,也就显示耶稣比作亚伯拉罕后裔的利未祭司还大。
- 祂的完全。身为人的大祭司必须先为自己的罪,后为以色列人百姓的罪献祭(27节)。与众利未大祭司有别的是,耶稣无需为自己的罪献祭,因为祂是完全、无罪的。因着祂的完美,耶稣完全成就了律法(太5:17),从而废除了它。
- 祂的应许。神自己确认耶稣为大祭司。作者引用了诗篇110:4,显示神立下应许时起誓为证,叫耶稣永远作大祭司。
- 因着耶稣的永恒性,“凡靠着他进到神面前的人,他都能拯救到底”。让我们为耶稣永恒作祭司向神感恩,叫我们不用再靠一代代的人为我们代求。
- 由于耶稣完全成就律法的要求,祂能将祂完全的义归给我们。要不是耶稣的完全,我们都会沦丧,因为我们是无法凭自己的力量成就律法的。让我们为耶稣的完全赞美神,为耶稣代我们成就律法感谢祂。
- 神是差派那完美大祭司耶稣的那一位,而祂为我们舍了自己。祂提供了解决罪的方法,而这是无人类祭司能做到的。让我们因神为我们舍了自己的儿子作挽回祭献上感恩。
13 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 5:11 – 6:20: Salvation by Faith 因信得救
Scripture Reading : Hebrews 5:11 – 6:20
Theme : Salvation by Faith
- Exhortation to grow. After believing the Gospel, the Hebrews became stagnant and did not grow spiritually. They have been exposed to the Gospel truth, and ought to be passing this knowledge to others, but they were regressing spiritually and needed to be taught again. The “word of righteousness” refers to the message of the Gospel of salvation by faith.
- Example of apostasy. The author warns the Hebrews that spiritual stagnation is actually a sign of apostasy (rejecting the faith). This passage has often been cited as proof that a Christian can lose his salvation, but such a concept is not biblical. A true believer will never lose his salvation (John 10:27-29; Romans 8:35; Philippians 1:6). The more accurate understanding of this passage is that some people gladly accept the Gospel when they first heard it, but end up rejecting the truth, which results in God’s judgment.
- Exhortation to persevere. From Hebrews 6:9, the author now turns back to addressing true believers, and encourages them to persevere in good works. The motivation behind the Christian’s perseverance is founded in the faithfulness of God. God did not only promise salvation, which is sufficient in itself, but He also “guaranteed it with an oath” that He will fulfill His promise.
Praying the Scripture
- The characteristic that all healthy living things ought to have is growth. Lack of growth may show a deeper problem – lack of life. Pray that we will not be stagnant in our spiritual growth, and that we will not be “unskilled in the word of righteousness”.
- Those who “tasted the goodness of the word of God” but “have fallen away” are just like the path, rocky ground and thorns in the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-9). Even though they heard the word of God, these people did not become true believers, because they did not bear fruit. Pray that we will not reject the truth and we will not crucify “once again the Son of God”.
- God is faithful and He not only made a promise, but guaranteed it with an oath. If we had ever doubt God’s goodness, let us repent from this sin, and pray that God will help us to persevere in good works.
经文:希伯来书5:11 – 6:20
- 要长大成人的劝诫。信福音后,希伯来人停滞不前,没有属灵的增长。他们晓得福音真理,也理当向他人传这知识,但他们却在灵里倒退,必须再受教导。“仁义的道理”指的就是因信得救的福音信息。
- 背教之例。希伯来书的作者警告:属灵呆滞实际上是背教的迹象(或拒绝真理)。这段经文经常被引用,作信徒能失去救恩的凭据,但这概念是不符圣经的。一个真实的信徒是不会失去他的救恩的(约10:27-29;罗8:35;腓1:6)。一个更精确的解释是:有些人起初听到福音时是欢欣接受的,但最后却拒绝真理,引来神的审判。
- 要坚持的劝诫。从6:9后,作者转向真信徒,鼓励他们坚持行善。信徒能如此坚持,是基于对神的忠心。神不但应许救赎(其本身就足够了),还“起誓为证”,说祂必成就应许。
- 所有活物当有的特征是成长。成长呆滞或许显示一个更深的问题:缺乏生命。祷告我们不会在在属灵成长中停滞,也不会“不熟练仁义的道理”。
- 凡“尝过神善道的滋味”但“离弃道理”的,就像撒种比喻中落在路旁、石头地上及荆棘里的种子(太13:1-9)。他们虽然听到神的道,却没有成为真信徒,因为他们没结果子。祈求我们不会拒绝真理,不会“把神的儿子重钉十字架”。
- 神是信实的;祂不但立下应许,还起誓为证。我们若曾怀疑神的良善,就让我们从这罪中悔改,并祈求神能助我们坚持行善。
12 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 4:14 – 5:10: Superiority of Jesus Christ over Levitical Priests I 耶稣基督超过利未祭司(一)
Scripture Reading : Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10
Theme : Superiority of Jesus Christ over Levitical Priests I
Progressing from Moses to the Sabbath, the sign of the Mosaic Covenant, the author of Hebrews continues to show that Jesus is superior compared to the levitical priesthood in the Mosaic Law.
- Sympathizes with our weakness. Jesus was “tempted as we are” “in every respect” (4:15), enabling Him to identify fully with sinners. And it was because He identified fully with sinners that He went through baptism by John the Baptist, even though He had no need to be baptized (Matthew 3:13-15). Some theologians argue that since Jesus is God and He cannot sin, He cannot understand the struggles that sinners face on a daily basis. Nothing is further from the truth, since the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus was tempted in every way, and He sympathizes with our weaknesses.
- Even though Jesus was tempted “in every respect”, He did not sin. Again, some theologians argue that since Jesus is God, He could not possibly have sinned, and so His temptation is only symbolic. This is definitely not what the Bible teaches. It is actually harder for a perfect person to resist temptation than for a fallen sinner to resist temptation. Therefore, for Jesus to be tempted in every way and still remain sinless is really an achievement that gives Him full and complete victory over sin.
- Source of salvation. Jesus is God and He is the One who saves. Jesus was “made perfect”, referring to His obedience despite being tempted. It does not refer to Jesus as a created being (He is eternally God, the Creator), nor does it refer to Jesus’ imperfection that needed any correction.
Praying the Scripture
- Many people like to use the argument, “I had no choice.” It becomes a convenient excuse to sin. However, the Bible tells us that Jesus resisted temptation in every way, and we as His followers must imitate Him. Let us pray that God help us to resist temptation to sin.
- Because Jesus remained sinless even though He was tempted in every way, He achieved complete and full victory over sin. Let us thank God that He has the power to overcome sin, and pray that He will help us live holy lives.
- Jesus alone is the unblemished “Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) Pray that we will trust Him fully to take away our sin, because Jesus is the “source of eternal salvation.”
经文:希伯来书4:14 – 5:10
- 祂体恤我们的软弱。耶稣“也曾凡事受过试探,与我们一样”(4:15),所以祂能完全与罪人感同身受。正因如此,虽然祂不需要受洗礼,祂仍到施洗约翰那里受他的洗(太3:13-15)。有些神学家认为既然耶稣是神,不能犯罪,祂就无法了解罪人每日所面对的挣扎。然而,事实并非如此,因为圣经清楚教导耶稣也曾凡事受试探,而祂能体恤我们的软弱。
- 无罪。虽然耶稣凡事受过试探,但祂没有犯罪。有些神学家也说既然耶稣是神,祂就不可能犯罪,所以祂的试探只不过是象征性的。这绝对不是圣经所教导的。实际上,一个完全人抵挡试探比一个堕落的罪人抵挡试探还要难。因此,耶稣竟然凡事受过试探,但仍然无瑕疵,这可真是一大成就,使祂完完全全地胜过罪恶。
- 得救根源。耶稣是神,也是拯救者。耶稣“得以完全”,也就是祂虽然受试探,但仍顺服神。那并不表示耶稣是被造的(祂永远是神,是造物主),或者是耶稣是不完美的,需要更正。
- “我没有选择。”——这是许多人爱用的话,也成为了犯罪的借口。可是,圣经告诉我们耶稣凡事抵挡试探,而身为跟从祂的人,我们必须效法耶稣。让我们求神帮助我们抵挡犯罪的试探。
- 耶稣虽然凡事受过试探,但祂没有犯罪,所以能完完全全地胜过罪恶。让我们为耶稣有胜过罪恶的能力感谢神,并求神帮助我们过圣洁的生活。
- 唯有耶稣是那无瑕疵之“神的羔羊”,是“除去世人罪孽的”(约1:29)。求我们能完全信靠祂除去我们的罪孽,因为耶稣是那“永远得救的根源”。