11 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 4:1-13: Superiority of Jesus Christ over the Sabbath 耶稣超过安息日

Scripture Reading        : Hebrews 4:1-13

Theme                          : Superiority of Jesus Christ over the Sabbath


After showing that Jesus Christ is far superior that Moses, the author of Hebrews proceeded to argue that Jesus is superior compared with the Sabbath, which was a very important weekly day of rest for the Jews, because the Sabbath was the sign of the Mosaic Covenant.

  1. Jesus is the true rest. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, but it was Joshua, his successor, who led the Israelites into the Promised Land. However, the Promised Land was not to be the true rest for God’s people (Hebrews 4:8), because there is a greater promise, the true rest that is only found in Jesus (Hebrews 4:9).
  1. True believers enter the rest. For believers, God’s rest includes His peace “which surpasses all understanding” (Philippians 4:7), confidence of salvation (1 John 5:13), and the hope (and fulfillment) of eternal life in heaven. However, entering the rest is not easy, because believers must “strive to enter that rest” (4:11). By believing and obeying God’s Word, believers continue striving in this life.
  1. Disobeying Jesus brings judgment. To disobey God’s Word is the same as disobeying Jesus. Many professing believers are deluded, thinking that by simply calling Jesus “Lord” will give them a ticket to heaven. But the Bible has always been clear that disobedience will bring judgment (e.g. Matthew 7:21-23; James 1:22). Hebrews 4:12-13 shows that the very Word of God that unbelievers rejected/disobeyed will be the standard used to judge them in the end.


Praying the Scripture

  1. The Israelites thought that by keeping to a strict observance of the Sabbath (including NOT doing good deeds – Mark 3:1-6), they would be resting as God commanded them. In many ways, professing Christians today think that by coming to church every Sunday, it is good enough to earn our salvation. Let us pray that we will not trust in our own works (e.g. coming to church, keeping the Sabbath, etc.), but “enter that rest”, which is the true rest, by trusting fully in Jesus.
  1. We must obey the Word of God (e.g. love one another, serve the church, obey our leaders, etc.), which is how we “strive to enter that rest.” Let us pray that we will not be deluded like the “workers of lawlessness” (Matthew 7:23), but show our faith by our works (James 2:18b).
  1. “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17) We cannot obey the Word that we do not know. Let us pray that we will be diligent in reading and studying the Bible, so that we may know His Word, in order that we many obey it.





  1. 耶稣是真安息。摩西领以色列人出埃及,但领这国入应许之地的却是他的继承者约书亚。然而,那应许之地不是神子民的真正安息(8节),因为日后有个更大的应许,就是唯有在耶稣里能找到的真安息(9节)。
  1. 真信徒进入到那安息中。对信徒而言,神的安息包括祂“出人意外的平安”(腓4:7),得救的信心(约一5:13)及在天堂的永恒生命之盼望(与成就)。可是,进入那安息是不易的,因为信徒必须“竭力进入那安息”(11节)。借着信靠并遵行神的话,信徒们在这生命中不断竭力这么做。
  1. 悖逆耶稣会遭审判。违背神的话同等于违背耶稣。许多自称是信徒的都在骗自己,因为仅要称耶稣为“主”,便能得到通达天堂的入门票。但是,圣经一向清楚说明悖逆将带来审判(例:太7:21-23;各1:22)。12-13节显示,非信徒所拒绝或悖逆的话语就是日后将用于审判他们的标准。


  1. 以色列人以为只要严谨遵守安息日(包括行善事—可3:1-6),他们便是在神里面安息。同样的,今日有许多宣称是基督徒的也以为只要每周日到教会去,就能得取救赎了。让我们祷告我们不会信靠自己的善行(例:到教会、守安息日等),而是借着对耶稣的完全信靠,“进入那安息”。
  1. 若要“竭力进入那安息”,我们必须顺服神的话(例:彼此相爱、服侍教会、顺服领导等)。让我们祷告我们不会像那些“作恶的人”(太7:23)被欺哄,而是借着我们的行为显出自己的信心(各2:18b)。
  1. “可见信道是从听道来的,听道是从基督的话来的”(罗10:17)。我们不能顺服自己不知道的道。让我们祷告我们会勤奋阅读查经,叫我们能晓得神的话,好顺服神。

10 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 3: Superiority of Jesus Christ over Moses 耶稣基督超过摩西

Scripture Reading        : Hebrews 3

Theme                          : Superiority of Jesus Christ over Moses


Moses is the most important prophet in Israel’s history, being the one who led Israel out of Egypt and to the edge of the Promised Land. However, Jesus Christ is far superior that Moses.

  1. Jesus is God’s Son. Moses, though faithful, was ultimately still a human servant of God. Jesus, on the other hand, was not only faithful, but He is also God’s Son, and therefore is “worthy of more glory than Moses.”
  1. Jesus is God’s Voice. Those who heard Moses’ voice in the wilderness of Sinai, the Israelites who came out of Egypt, rebelled against Moses over and over again (Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers). Now, God is speaking to us through His Son, who is God Himself. If God judged the Israelites who disobeyed Moses, all the more He will judge those who disobey His Son.
  1. Jesus is God’s Rest. Those who perished in the wilderness could not enter the earthly rest in the Promised Land. In contrast, whoever obeys the Voice of God will receive true rest in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Moses was a very godly man, but no man should ever be regarded as more important than Jesus Christ. Let us pray that, while we ought to respect our leaders, that we will not esteem any human more highly than Jesus Christ.
  1. If God judged the Israelites in the wilderness for disobeying His human servant, He will certainly judge more severely those who disobey His Son. In fact, Jesus Himself said, “But I tell you, it will be more bearable on the day of judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for you.” (Matthew 11:22) Let us pray that we will obey Jesus’ Word, that is the Bible, so that we will not incur God’s judgment.
  1. Let us pray that we will not be satisfied with coming to church regularly, reading our bibles regularly, etc, but truly enter the heavenly rest by trusting in Jesus and obeying His Word.





  1. 耶稣是神的儿子。虽然摩西对神忠心,但他最终仍是神的仆人。另一方面,耶稣不但对神忠心,还是神的儿子,所以“他比摩西算是更配多得荣耀”。
  1. 耶稣是神的声音。在西奈的旷野听到摩西说话的人,即出埃及的以色列人,一而再,再而三地违背摩西(出埃及记,利未记和民数记)。如今,神借着祂的儿子向我们说话,而祂就是神。倘若神审判了违背摩西的以色列人,祂便更要审判凡违背祂儿子的人了。
  1. 耶稣是神的安息。凡在旷野里沦丧的都不能进入应许之地的属世安息。相反的,凡听从神声音的就能在神之子耶稣基督里进入属实的安息。


  1. 摩西是一位非常敬虔的人,但无人的地位能比耶稣基督的重要。让我们祷告在我们尊敬自己的领导同时,也不能将任何人高举过于耶稣基督。
  1. 倘若神审判了旷野中违背祂属世仆人的,祂必定更严厉审判违背祂儿子的人。实际上,耶稣自己说:“但我告诉你们:当审判的日子,推罗、西顿所受的比你们还容易受呢!”(太11:22)让我们祷告我们会听从耶稣的话,即圣经,叫我们不会引来神的审判。
  1. 让我们祷告我们不会因经常到教会、经常读圣经等,就自感满足,而是信靠耶稣,遵行祂的话,真实进入属天的安息。

9 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 2: Salvation by Jesus Christ 借着耶稣基督的救赎

Scripture Reading        : Hebrews 2

Theme                          : Salvation by Jesus Christ


Having shown that Jesus Christ is superior over angels, the author now writes about salvation through Jesus Christ.

  1. Jesus subjected everything. God had made man the ruler of everything that God created (Genesis 1:26-28), but due to the fall, mankind was not able to fulfill that command. But when Jesus became “obedient to the point of death” (Philippians 2:8-9), Jesus fulfilled man’s purpose, and is now “crowned with glory and honor.”
  1. Jesus suffered for sinners. Because Jesus suffered on behalf of sinners, He now calls them “brothers”. This means that Jesus identified Himself fully with sinners (which include all of mankind) in order to save them.
  1. Jesus satisfied God. Unlike some wrong teachings that supposed that Jesus died to pay a ransom to Satan, in order to redeem sinners, the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus died in order to pay the price of sin to God. Instead of paying a ransom to Satan, Jesus actually “destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil”. The word “propitiation” means to “satisfy”. By dying on the cross, Jesus satisfied God’s wrath on sinners, so that God might fully forgive those who trust in His Son, Jesus Christ.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Jesus alone subjects everything under Him. Let us pray that we will look to no other means of salvation, but to trust in Jesus alone.
  1. Our sins are so serious and abhorrent to God that no one else is capable of suffering on our behalf, except the Son of God. Let us thank God that He sent His precious Son to suffer on our behalf, and let us pray that we will abhor/hate sin.
  1. Jesus alone is worthy as a propitiation to satisfy the wrath of God, and “all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment.” (Isaiah 64:6) Let us pray that we will not trust in our own righteous deeds to satisfy God, but trust in Jesus alone as the only propitiation for our sins.





  1. 万物服耶稣。神叫人管理神所造的一切(创1:26-28),但因着人的堕落,他再也无法完成那吩咐。可是,当耶稣“存心顺服以至于死”(腓2:8-9),祂便完成了人的任务,且如今以“荣耀、尊贵为冠冕”。
  1. 耶稣为罪人受苦。由于耶稣代罪人受苦,祂今称他们为“弟兄”。这表示耶稣为了拯救罪人(包括所有人类),祂愿与他们感同身受。
  1. 耶稣满足神。某些错误教导说耶稣的死是向撒旦还赎金,才能拯救罪人,可圣经清楚教导耶稣的死是向神为罪所偿还的代价。耶稣实际上不是向撒旦还赎金,而是“特要借着死败坏那掌死权的,就是魔鬼”。“挽回祭”意思就是“满足”;借着十架的死,耶稣满足了神向罪人所发的怒气,叫神能完全赦免凡信靠祂儿子耶稣基督的人。


  1. 唯有耶稣使万物服祂。让我们祷告我们不会向别处寻拯救,唯独信靠耶稣。
  1. 我们的罪对神而言是如此严重、可恶,叫无人能代我们受苦,除了神的圣子。让我们感谢神为我们差遣祂宝贵的儿子受苦,也祷告我们会恨恶罪恶。
  1. 唯有耶稣能满足神之怒,配得作挽回祭,因为我们“所有的义都像污秽的衣服”(赛64:6)。让我们祷告我们不会靠自己的德行满足神,乃靠耶稣一人为我们的罪作挽回祭。

8 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 1: Superiority of Jesus Christ over Angels 耶稣基督远超过天使

Scripture Reading        : Hebrews 1

Theme                          : Superiority of Jesus Christ over Angels


The author of Hebrews is unknown. The book is filled with references and quotations of the Old Testament and Jewish practices, since it was primarily written to Jewish believers. The author might have chosen to remain anonymous in order to attribute the authorship ultimately to the Holy Spirit. For example, when quoting from Psalm 95:7-11, the author wrote that “the Holy Spirit says” (Hebrews 3:7). In the first chapter, the author argues that Jesus Christ is superior over angels due to at least three reasons.

  1. Jesus is God. In the Old Testament, God spoke to Israel through prophets. Jews understood “last days” to refer to the coming of the Messiah (or Savior). The Messiah, Jesus, is not just another human prophet who has received God’s anointing; He is God’s Son, and He is God (Hebrews 1:3, 8). Jesus is eternally the Son of God (John 1:1-3), having no beginning, just like God. Hebrews 1:5 does not refer to Jesus becoming the Son of God at a certain time in history, but simply conveys the fact that Jesus is God. That is the reason why the Jews wanted to kill Jesus for claiming to be God’s Son, since that is the same as claiming to be God (John 5:18).
  1. Jesus is the King. Jesus’ throne will last forever, indicating that He is the eternal King, who will rule and judge the unrighteous. No angel is given this authority to judge, and His enemies will be made to submit and bow down to Him (Hebrews 1:13).
  1. Jesus is the Creator. Hebrews 1:10-12 shows that Jesus is the One who created all things (John 1:1-3, Col 1:16). Angels have no power to create, because they are “sent to serve”.

Praying the Scripture

  1. Jesus said in Matthew 13:17, “For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.” Let us thank God that He has spoken to us through His Son, whose Word has been given to us in the Bible.
  1. Jesus is the King who “loved righteousness and hated wickedness” and God will make His enemies a footstool for His feet. Let us pray that we will submit to His authority now, as His people, before it is too late and we are forced to submit to Him during judgment, as His enemies.
  1. Jesus is superior to angels (and also everything else), because He is God, King and Creator. Let us praise and worship Him in our prayers.




  1. 耶稣是神。在旧约里,神借着先知向以色列说话。犹太人晓得“末世”指的是弥赛亚(或救主)的降临。那位弥赛亚——耶稣,并不只是另一位受到神恩膏的人类先知;祂是神之子,也是神(3, 8节)。耶稣永远是神的儿子(约1:1-3),没有开始,同神一样。5节指的不是耶稣在历史的某个阶段成为神的儿子;它传达的仅是耶稣是神这事实。这就是犹太人为什么因耶稣称自己是神的儿子想杀祂,既然这同等于说明自己是神(约5:18)。
  1. 耶稣是王。耶稣的宝座是永永远远的,说明祂是永恒的王,要掌权并审判不义。审判的权柄不是天使能领受的,而祂的敌人总有一日会被迫顺服并向祂屈膝(13节)。
  1. 耶稣是创造主。10-12节表明耶稣是造万物的(约1:1-3,西1:16)。天使没有创造的能力,因为他们是“奉差遣…效力”的。



  1. 耶稣在马太福音13:17说:“我实在告诉你们:从前有许多先知和义人要看你们所看的,却没有看见;要听你们所听的,却没有听见。”让我们感谢神借着祂的儿子向我们说话,而祂的话已为我们记载在圣经上了。
  1. 耶稣是“喜爱公义,恨恶罪恶”的王,而神会使祂的仇敌做祂的脚凳。让我们祷告我们能趁现在就是顺服祂的权柄,作祂的子民,以免后悔已晚,在审判之日作祂的仇敌,被逼顺服。
  1. 耶稣远超过天使(及一切),因为祂是神、君王及造主。让我们在祷告中赞美敬拜祂。