27 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 52 耶利米书 52, The Fall of Jerusalem Recounted 复述耶路撒冷的沦陷

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 52

Theme                      : The Fall of Jerusalem Recounted


God’s Word Fulfilled (1-30).

This chapter briefly recounts the fall of Jerusalem and the reason for its fall. In this chapter, God vindicates His true prophet: Jeremiah. The false prophets and evil priests incited people to disbelieve God and to disobey Him. In the end, they suffered for their disbelief and rebellion. God ultimately brought about His righteous justice, which He had warned the Jews repeatedly through Jeremiah.

God’s Faithfulness Remembered (31-34).

However, in the midst of God’s righteous judgement, He had not forgotten His promise to the Messianic line of David. Miraculously, God preserved the line. He even caused the Babylonian king to treat Jehoiachin well. The destruction of Jerusalem is not the end of the story, nor is it the end of God’s faithfulness to His promises.


Praying the Scripture

All of God’s words are true. The whole Bible testifies to God’s truthfulness. Those who do not believe in God’s word will inevitably suffer. May you continue to have faith in God’s word: both His warnings and promises. Humans tend to disbelieve God and do things their own ways. Such independent attitude will inevitably cause us to deviate from God’s intended design and brokenness will inevitably follow. Pray that you will have faith in God’s word and take the gospel to this broken world.











26 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 51 耶利米书 51, Destruction of Babylon 巴比伦的毁灭

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 51

Theme                      : Destruction of Babylon


Destruction of Babylon.

Many of the details in this prophecy about the destruction of Babylon do not match the conquest of Babylon by the Persian-Medo empire in 539 B.C. So this prophecy is referring most likely to end times destruction of Babylon. Any relation with the Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18 is difficult to establish. The conquest of Babylon by the Persian-Medo empire in 539 B.C. is just a foreshadow of a greater destruction of Babylon in the end times. The prophecy in chapter 51 repeatedly states that the destruction of Babylon will be by a country north of Babylon. The Persian-Medo empire was mostly east of Babylon, not north.


Praying the Scripture

The restoration of Israel and the destruction of God’s enemies are all hinged on the Messiah who will restore Israel spiritually and destroy the world’s evil, anti-God system. Although there are numerous judgments on sin and evil in this section, the outcome of such judgment is the restoration of the world through the Messiah. May you look forward to the righteous reign of Jesus when He comes to bring righteousness to the world. May you also warn evil doers of God’s justifying judgment on them if they do not repent and turn to God through Jesus.









25 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 50 耶利米书 50, Judgement on Babylon 论巴比伦的审判

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 50

Theme                      : Judgement on Babylon


Judgement on Babylon. Babylon is located in current day Iraq. This prophecy of judgement on Babylon is not about the defeat of Babylon by Persia. It is about God’s judgement of Babylon in the end times. There are many reasons to suggest this. One, v. 5 says Israel with never forget God again. This will only happen in the Messianic times. Two, v. 39 says Babylon will not be inhabited. This will only occur in the end times, which is similar to the prophecy in Is. 13:20 (ESV). This prophecy states no Arabs will dwell in Babylon after end times judgement. This is obviously not referring to Persia’s conquest of Babylon, which at the time did not even have many Arabs until the Islam caliphate conquered Iraq in the 7th  century AD. Three, Babylon was not violently overthrown by Persia, so this prophecy is about end times judgement on the current territory of Iraq.



Praying the Scripture

When reading so much about God’s judgment it is important to understand that God must judge evil since one of His glorious characters is righteousness. To not judge sin and evil is to belittle His own glorious character and make Himself look cheap. God constantly warns people but when they do not listen, His patience will end one day and then judgment must come. This is righteous of God. You must agree with God’s judgment and at the same time take no pleasure in the death and suffering of the wicked. This is how God views His judgment on sinners, and that is how you should view it too.








23 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 49 耶利米书 49, Judgement on Other Nations 论列国的审判

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 49

Theme                      : Judgement on Other Nations  


Judgement on Ammon (49:1-6).

The Ammonites were descended from Ben-Ammi, son of Lot (Gen 19:38). They conspired against Israel and trusted in their own strength and wealth, therefore God will judge her. However, God will also graciously restore them in the Messianic times just like Moab (v. 6).

Judgement on Edom (49:7-22).

The Edomites were descended from Esau, Jacob’s older brother. Edom’s sin was its pride manifested in its unrelenting and violent hatred of Israel and its rejoicing in her misfortunes (Obad 3, 10–14). There is no prophecy of future restoration for Edom.

Judgement on Damascus (49:23-27).

This is the kingdom of Syria. God also promises to destroy it through the Babylonians.

Judgement on Kedar and Hazor (49:28-33).

These cities were on the Arabian Desert. Even the desert will not provide safety for them from the coming Babylonian invasion. Kedar (v.28) was an Ishmaelite desert tribe (cf. Gen 25:13; Isa 21:13, 16; Ezek 27:21). These nomads, who were rich in livestock (vv.29, 32) and were good at archery (Isa 21:16–17).

Judgement on Elam (49:34-39). Elam was also not spared by the Babylonians. This kingdom is in modern day Iran. They were famous for their archery (Is 22:6). God promises restoration of Elam in the Messianic times.


Praying the Scripture

When reading so much about God’s judgement it is important to keep in mind that God’s judgement is never a revengeful judgement, it is always a justifying judgement based on righteousness. God is not a cosmic bully, but a cosmic righteous judge. His judgement is based on His glorious, righteous character (Ex. 34:6-7), it is never out of a natural disposition of hatred or revenge. Pray that when you execute justice it is never out of joy or revenge, but out of a sense of justice, also with a sense of pity. This may sound to be a strange combination of feelings, but if you have ever disciplined your children correctly, this is not strange at all.











这些城市位于阿拉伯沙漠。然而,即使是沙漠也无法在巴比伦入侵时将他们保全。基达(28节)是以实玛利的一个沙漠民族(参照创25:13;赛21:13, 16;结27:21)。这些游牧民族拥有很多的牲畜(29节,32节),也善于射箭(赛21:16-17)。





22 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 47-48 耶利米书 47-48, Judgement on Philistines and Moab 对非利士与摩押的审判

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 47-48

Theme                      : Judgement on Philistines and Moab


Judgement on Philistines (47:1-7).

Philistines lived on the western coast of Israel. They were perennial enemies of Israel. One of its major cities is Gaza. Even though the people of Philistines no longer exist today, but the current inhabitants of Gaza is still a perennial enemies of Israel.

Judgement on Moab (48:1-47). Moabites are descendants of Lot, Abraham’s nephew. They were often against Israel. The most consistent sin that God highlights about Moab is their pride. Of all the sins in the world, pride is listed as one of the most hated sins by God (Prov. 6:16-17). Pride is the root sin of Moabites. It was also the root sin of Satan. But even for Moab, God promises restoration in the Messianic times, in the latter days (v. 47).


Praying the Scripture

When reading so much about God’s judgement it is important to keep in mind that God does not delight in punishing the wicked. He is a kind God who does not have a disposition of enjoying people being punished. Instead, He is a kind hearted God who desires all to repent (1 Tim. 2:4). This is why He wants Christians to pray for all unbelievers (1 Tim. 2:1-3), to preach the gospel to the whole world (Matt. 28:18-20), and to love all unbelievers (1 Pet. 2:12). His love for the lost and His feelings for them are genuine. But when they refuse to repent and turn away from evil after much patience by Him, then God must punish them out of justice, not out of a love for cruelty. The Bible often mentions God weeps while punishing the wicked (vv. 31-32, v. 36; Luke 19:41). As you interact with unbelievers and witness to them, pray that you will have the same heart of love and justice toward unbelievers.











21 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 46 耶利米书 46, Judgement on Egypt 论埃及的审判

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 46

Theme                      : Judgement on Egypt    


Judgement and Grace on Egypt (1-26)

From chapters 46 – 51, God lists His prophetic judgement on the surrounding nations of Israel, moving from west to the east. They are not in chronological order. God predicts Egypt would be defeated by Nebuchadnezzar. This is exactly what happened in history. Nebuchadnezzar won a decisive victory over the Egyptians at Carchemish, but he cut short his conquest because he had to return to Babylon to be crowned king after the his father had died. But eventually Egypt was subdued by Nebuchadnezzar and was subjected to him by paying tributes. Amidst God’s judgement on Egypt, He promises grace in the future in v. 26 when He declares Egypt will be inhabited again. Is. 19:23 says, they will also worship God in the Messianic Kingdom.

Judgement and Grace on Israel (1-26)

God shows His impartiality in judgement when He also pronounces judgement on sinful Israel. Just as God judges sinful Egypt, He will also judge sinful Israel (Rom 3:9). But in the end, God will save Israel because of His covenant with Israel. All the deeds of God is righteous (Deut. 34:4).

Praying the Scripture

When reading so much about God’s judgement it is important to keep in mind that God’s judgement is impartial. He does not have a double standard for Israel. He gave justice to both Israel and the foreign nations. The only difference is that, God gives grace to Israel by not completely destroying her, but will restore her. This is because God has bounded Himself to Israel through His covenants with Israel. Otherwise, Israel would disappear like rest of sinful nations. Even though God gave grace to Israel as a nation, still individuals were punished according to their own deeds. Pray that you will be marked by impartiality like God, with no double standards of righteousness.









20 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 45 耶利米书 45, Message to Baruch 给巴录的信息

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 45

Theme                      : Message to Baruch


Baruch came from an influential family of nobility. He was the grandson of Mahseiah (cf. 32:12), governor of Jerusalem during Josiah’s reign (cf. 2 Chronicles 34:8). His brother had been chief chamberlain in the court of Zedekiah (cf. 51:59). Baruch was seeking great things for himself. Perhaps, he was hoping to attain a high office or the gift of prophecy. But such expectations were not realized. Rather, he was to spend his life in a secondary role. This caused him to be depressed and in self-pity. God’s reply to Baruch’s complaint (v.3) was simple: do not expect to be more than you are (v.5). Why should Baruch be so concerned about his own greatness while the nation is suffering? Under such difficult times, Baruch should be satisfied that his life was spared. With this he must be content. God exhorted him to be more humble and more self-giving instead of self-serving.

Praying the Scripture

The Bible tells us that often times our depression or self-pity is the result of our pride and selfishness. We think we are entitled to some great things, when in reality, we are not entitled to anything. Greatness is God’s gift and grace. God wants us to seek the character of humility and self-giving like our Lord Jesus (Phil. 2:5-9). God does not want us to seek power, authority or fame. Even Jesus in his humanity did not pursue the authoritative office of the high priesthood, it was given to Him (Heb. 5:5). If you pursue power, authority, or fame, you displease God by becoming like those nonbelievers at the tower of Babel (Gen. 11:4). You are setting yourself to be humbled by God (Matt. 23:12). Pray that you will humble yourself by not pursuing power, authority or fame; instead pursue humility and service to others.








19 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 44 耶利米书 44, The Idolatry of the Remnant 余民拜祭偶像

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 44

Theme                      : The Idolatry of the Remnant


Warning against Idolatry (1-14)

God appeals to the remnant to learn from history. All the disasters that had happened to Israel were because of their idolatry. Now if the remnant continue in idolatry, they will be destroyed by God too.

Persistence in Idolatry (15-30).

However, the remnant continue to persist in idolatry. This passage shows how blind unbelief can be. Unbelief can be insanely foolish and devoid of reality. Instead of repenting, they believe their disasters occurred because they had stopped worshipping idols (most likely during the time of Josiah). They thought that when they worshipped idols they had abundance and peace. Nothing could be further from the truth. Their form of idol worship was predominantly performed by women. Their husbands, like Adam, passively went along with it.

Praying the Scripture

The tragedy of the Fall in the garden of Eden is being replayed in this chapter. Like Eve, the women of Israel are being deceived by the devil to worship idols. Like Adam, the husbands of Israel did not stop their wives’ sinful worship but passively followed their wives into sin instead of correcting them. Sin skews reality, but faith in God keeps us firmly in reality and truth. Pray that you will stay firm in your faith in God and help others to stay firm in their faith. Especially those who are married, may you help your spouse to stay firm in faith.










18 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 43 耶利米书 43, Flight to Egypt 逃往埃及

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 43

Theme                      : Flight to Egypt


Flight to Egypt (1-7).

After God forbids the remnant to go to Egypt, Johanan and other leaders immediately reject God’s command. They try to save face by diverting attention away from their previous vow to obey God’s words by focusing on Baruch’s deception. Jeremiah is an old man now and it is plausible that he can be manipulated by his secretary, Baruch. The rest of the remnant decides to listen to Johana instead of God. So they head for Egypt and force Jeremiah and Baruch to go too.

Judgement on the Remnant (8-13). The remnant wants to avoid death and war, but because they disobey God’s command, God promises to bring war and death to them. God promises to bring Nebuchadnezzar to conquer Egypt and destroy Egypt’s idols. History confirms the fulfillment of this prophecy when Nebuchadnezzar invaded Egypt in 586 B.C.


Praying the Scripture

History always repeats itself because human nature does not change. The remnant did not learn from past mistakes. They keep relying on themselves in order to save themselves and to find safety and comfort. In so doing, they disobey God’s clear commands and ironically receives death and destruction, the very things they try to avoid. If only they would obey God, they would find safety and comfort. Pray that in all situations, you would trust and obey God even when you are afraid or do not understand your situation. God’s path is always the right path.










16 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 42 耶利米书 42, Warning against Going to Egypt 警告勿往埃及

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 42

Theme                      : Warning against Going to Egypt


The remnant is afraid of the Babylonians, but is also afraid of going to Egypt. So they ask Jeremiah to inquire God for them. In reality, they did not want to seek God’s guidance; they only wanted to ask God to affirm their choice of going to Egypt. God warns them not to go to Egypt because the temptation to worship idols will be even greater in Egypt. It was idol worship that caused God to judge Judah. God had spared the remnant from death and exile, but if they go down to Egypt they will worship idols in Egypt. For such sin, God will destroy them. If they go to Egypt, the very things that they are afraid of: death and war, will happen to them. The remnant insanely rejects God’s warning and stubbornly disobey God

Praying the Scripture

The sinful, fleshly nature possesses insanity (Eccl. 9:3). This sinful nature bounds the will so that the will of unregenerate people are enslaved to sin. They will distrust God no matter how much God tries to reach out to them. Only by God’s grace can unregenerate people’s hearts be changed and trust God as lord and savior. Praise God for saving you. If He did not show grace to you, you would be like these Jews who will always insanely reject God.






