15 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 41 耶利米书 41, The Atrocities of Ishmael 以实玛利的暴行

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 41

Theme                      : The Atrocities of Ishmael


Ishmael wanted to kill Gedaliah. Most likely he was jealous that Gedaliah was the ruler instead of him. In any case, Ishmael treacherously murders Gedaliah by pretending to be his friend. He killed both Jews and Babylonians. He is so treacherous that he even killed pilgrims who were going to Jerusalem to worship God at the ruined temple. He even populated the cisterns with dead bodies so that the people cannot have drinking water. Ishmael’s atrocities indicate the deep moral corruption of Judah. When Johanan discovered Ishmael’s atrocities, he pursues him and is able to rescue the captives, including Jeremiah and Baruch. Fearing the Babylonians would kill them for the murder of Gedaliah, Johanan and others intend to flee to Egypt.

Praying the Scripture

All the death, suffering and tragedy during the time of war function to give a picture of what hell is like. Ishmael’s behavior shows that evil will go from bad to worse. Evil people will deceive and be deceived (2 Tim. 3:13). He was being used by Baalis the king of the Ammonites. There is nothing good about living in sin. At the end, only destruction and death will result. Praise God for saving us from the deception and destruction of sin through our faith in Jesus.








14 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 40 耶利米书 40, Jeremiah Remains in Judah 耶利米留在犹大

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 40

Theme                      : Jeremiah Remains in Judah


Jeremiah Stays in Judah (1-8)

Somehow during the confusion of processing the exiles, Jeremiah was brought to Ramah with the rest of the captives to be processed before being exiled to Babylon. He was freed after he was recognized by Nebuzaradan. Because of Jeremiah’s love for his people he decided to stay in Judah and to wait for God’s blessings on Judah.

Gedeliah Reigns in Judah (9-16).

Gedeliah was appointed to be the governor over those who remained in Judah. He is the son of Ahikam, who protected Jeremiah (26:24). He was a trustworthy man and capable but did not understand the depth of man’s depravity. His naivety caused him his life in the end because he did not believe that Ishmael, who is from the line of David through Elishama (41:1; 2 Sam 5:16), would kill him. He was right not to listen to Johanan’s plot to kill Ishmael, but he should have taken precautious measures to protect himself from Ishmael.

Praying the Scripture

  1. This chapter proves Jeremiah’s love for his people. All the accusations about Jeremiah’s hatred toward his people were wrong. Jeremiah is a true prophet and servant of God who loves his people to the end. Pray that you will have a heart like Jeremiah, a true servant of God, who does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked (Eze. 18:23), yet at the same time agrees with God’s righteous judgment. Pray that you will love others like Jeremiah, with righteousness (1 Cor. 13:6). The Christian life is about love and righteousness.
  1. It is in horrific times that one can see the extremity of evil and the extremity of faith. Jeremiah’s incredible, divine-inspired, selfless love caused him to stay in Judah for the benefit of his people, while Ishmael’s lust caused him to kill his own people for his own selfish ambitions. Ishmael is of the devil, while Jeremiah is of God. There is no middle ground. Evil will go from bad to worse (2 Tim 3:13), while righteousness goes from good to great (Prov 4:18). Pray that you will choose God every single day and seek glory and honor.







  1. 这一章显明了耶利米对其百姓的爱;所有关于耶利米对百姓的憎恨之指控尽是错误的。耶利米是一位真先知,是关爱百姓、对神忠贞不渝的仆人。祷告你会拥有一颗像耶利米一样的心,是神真正的仆人,并不为恶人之死而喜悦(结18:23),但同时顺服神公义的审判。祷告你会像耶利米一样以公义(林前13:6)关爱他人。基督徒的生命是应当充满爱与公义的。
  1. 在一个混乱的世代里,人能目睹极其邪恶与坚贞信神的鲜明对比。耶利米无与伦比,由神而来的无私大爱驱使他为了其百姓的好处留在犹大,而以实玛利却因自己的私欲杀害同胞。以实玛利是属魔鬼的,而耶利米是属神的——两者之间没有灰色地带。恶人“必越久越恶”(提后3:13),而义人的路“好像黎明的光,越照约明”(箴言4:18)。祷告你立志每一天都寻求荣耀神,给予祂尊荣。

13 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 39 耶利米书 39, Fall of Jerusalem 耶路撒冷的失陷

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 39

Theme                      : Fall of Jerusalem


The Faithless Die (1-10)

God had lovingly and patiently warned His rebellious people to surrender and live. But they continued to disobey. When judgement day came, the faithless received what they deserved. Those who opposed Jeremiah and the Babylonians were killed. Tragically, Zedekiah saw all his sons slaughtered and his own eyes blinded, then he was taken to captivity in Babylon until he died. This was a common treatment of rebels by the Babylonians. It also fulfilled God’s two prophecies about Zedekiah: (1) Zedekiah would see the king of Babylon and be taken there (cf. 32:3–4), and (2) he would die in Babylon without ever seeing it (cf. Ezek 12:13).

The Faithful Survive (11-18).

Those who courageously trust God even in the face of danger, are not put to shame but are delivered by God as He had promised to them. God saves Jeremiah and the foreign eunuch just as He promised.


Praying the Scripture

God’s word is true. He delivers the faithful and destroys the faithless. Pray that even in great time of trials, you will be faithful to God, for His promises of blessings and warnings are true. God is not partial, He will honor those who honor Him, even if they are foreigners and disadvantaged like the eunuch. God is the God of the world, whoever believes in Him will never perish or be ashamed, no matter what their gender, social or economical status is.










12 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 38 耶利米书 38, God Rescues Jeremiah 神拯救耶利米

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 38

Theme                      : God Rescues Jeremiah


God Rescues Jeremiah (1-13)

During the siege of Jerusalem, Jeremiah warns the people to surrender in order to live. Consequently, those officials who are pro-Egyptian and anti-Babylonians want to kill Jeremiah for treason. Ironically, they accuse Jeremiah of not looking out for the welfare of the people when in reality the opposite is true. They do not care about the people by trying to silence the truth, while Jeremiah obeys God and warns them. For this, Jeremiah is put in a cistern and left there to die by Zedekiah’s officials. Zedekiah is too weak morally and spiritually to intervene. He fears men more than God (Prov. 29:25) and lacks trust in God. The only person who cares about Jeremiah is a foreign eunuch. For his faith in God and care for Jeremiah, God saves the eunuch’s life after the siege (39:18). God is faithful to fulfill His promise to protect Jeremiah’s life.

God Warns Zedekiah (14-28).

The faithless and morally weak Zedekiah once again wishes to hear from Jeremiah because he was hoping God would change His mind without their obedience. God repeats the same message of mercy for those who surrender, but death for those who resist the Babylonians. Again, Zedekiah is faithless to trust in God, too afraid of his officials and too weak morally to do what is right for his people. God lovingly warns the Jews, but He is also faithful to fulfill his promise to destroy those who do not surrender. At the end, Jeremiah, a man of faith, is rescued, but faithless Zedekiah is destroyed.

Praying the Scripture

Those who try to preserve themselves while disobeying God will surely forfeit their lives and God’s blessings. But those who are willing to lose their lives in order to obey God will surely gain eternal life, even if they lose their temporal, physical life (Matt 16:25). This is the lesson of this chapter. May you trust in God’s warnings and blessings in the Bible. Sin and disobedience will never result in permanent happiness and safety, but will result in destruction and pain. Whatever comfort, peace and joy that sin may bring are only short-lived. Pray that you will believe in God’s word. If God’s warnings and blessings to His enemies are true, His warnings and blessings to His beloved are even surer.







11 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 37 耶利米书 37, Resolute Jeremiah and Weak Zedekiah 坚决的耶利米与软弱的西底家

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 37

Theme                      : Resolute Jeremiah and Weak Zedekiah


Chapters 37–39 are prophecies during the reign of Zedekiah. They deal with events and messages during the siege and capture of Jerusalem. After the exile of Coniah, Zedekiah begins to believe that Jeremiah is a true prophet and other prophets are liars. That is why he wants to hear from Jeremiah. But he still does not want to obey the Lord, he was just hoping God would change His mind without the people repenting. After the Babylonians temporarily lifted the siege of Jerusalem, Jeremiah decides to return to his home town in order to settle some matters. But he is maliciously and wrongly charged with the intent to desert to the Babylonians. Jeremiah is beaten and locked up in a dungeon. Zedekiah is so afraid of his officials and others that he had to secretly meet with Jeremiah. He knows Jeremiah is a true prophet, but still he is too weak to do the right thing by obeying God. However, Jeremiah, because of his faith, was faithful to God and proclaim His words humbly and confidently. He humbly pleads with Zedekiah to not send him back to the dungeon. Zedekiah grants his request. Zedekiah is like Pilate, who knew the truth about Jesus but was too afraid to believe in Him. This led Pilate to eternal death.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Jeremiah is an example of how God faithfully preserves His servants even in times of trouble. God promised to save Jeremiah physically and He faithfully fulfilled His promise to Jeremiah. God will always fulfill His promise to His people. May you find comfort and peace in God no matter what your situation is, because God is faithful and He promises to give us grace when we trust Him.
  1. The fear of man is a snare (Prov 29:25). Such paralyzing fear of man in the face of death can be overcome by a greater fear: the fear of God (Matt 10:28). Such a fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Prov 9:10). When you are weak in faith, remember the fear of the Lord and do not let the fear of man lead you to faithlessness and eternal death like Zedekiah.







  1. 即使在患难中,神必信实地保守祂的仆人,而耶利米就是一个实例。神应许拯救耶利米的性命,因此祂必成履行这份承诺。神也必然成就祂对百姓的诺言。无论你的境况如何,但愿你能在神里面找到安慰和平安,因为神是信实的。我们若信靠祂,祂必赐予恩典。
  1. 惧怕人的,陷入网罗(箴29:25)。人在面临死亡时总有巨大的恐慌,但我们若有敬畏神的心,便能胜过这样的恐惧了(太10:28)。敬畏神是智慧的开端(箴9:10)。当你信心软弱时,谨记要敬畏神,不要效法西底家,因惧怕人而不信神,终而陷入永恒的死亡里。

2 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 36 耶利米书 36, Jehoiakim Burns God’s Words 约雅敬烧毁神的话

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 36

Theme                      : Jehoiakim Burns God’s Words


Writing and Reading of God’s Words (1-19)

God told Jeremiah to write his Holy Spirit inspired prophecies into words through a secretary, Baruch. This is the same as the writing of Paul’s Holy Spirit inspired letters through a secretary (Rom. 16:22). The purpose for writing the prophecies was to spur the people to repentance. Written word indicates the seriousness of God’s warning. This warning affected some people (v. 16), but not on Jehoiakim.

Jehoiakim Burns God’s Words (20-32).

Instead of repenting in dust and ashes, Jehoiakim burns God’s words and tries to kill God’s messengers. For such serious sin God judges him and promises that none of his descendants will occupy the throne of David. This punishment was also mentioned in Jer. 22:28. See the BRG comments on chapter 22 to understand how Jesus can still fulfill God’s promise of being God’s forever king from the line of David and yet circumvent this curse on Jehoiakim.


Praying the Scripture

Destroying or twisting God’s written words are serious sins that have serious consequences. Revelation 22:18-19 also stipulates serious consequences for those who tamper with God’s word. Many prophets from the charismatic movement are tampering with God’s word by claiming direct revelation from God that often contradict the Bible, such people will receive severe punishment from God. Let us grow in discernment and stay away from such false prophets. Let us also warn other of such danger.











1 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 35 耶利米书 35, Faithfulness of Rechabites 利甲族人的信实

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 35

Theme                      : Faithfulness of Rechabites


Faithfulness of Rechabites (1-11)

In contrast to the unfaithfulness of the slave owners and leaders, God points to the faithfulness of the Rechabites. Their forefather, Jonadab son of Rechab, commanded his descendants to live a nomadic life and not to drink wine in order to honor God. Jonadab lived during the apostate time of the northern kingdom, Israel (2 Kgs. 10:15-23). His descendants willingly obeyed Jonadab’s command. By their own choice, they were convicted to live a nomadic life and stuck to their conviction like their father Jonadab.

Unfaithfulness of Judah (12-19).

Unlike the faithful Rechabites, the Jews in Jerusalem were faithless. They covenanted themselves to free their slaves but then they rescinded their promise later. For their treachery, they deserve to die. However, as for the Rechabites, their family line will exist forever.



Praying the Scripture

This chapter is not about God desiring believers to live a nomadic life. It is about God’s desire for us to be faithful by fulfilling our commitment. This principle is again upheld in Romans 14:5-9, 22-23. In the area of Christian freedom, that is, in areas that are not prohibited by God, one can covenant with God to perform something in order to honor God. For example, Paul covenanted with God in Acts 18:18 to cut his hair because he made a vow with God for some unstated reason. His vow was a way to honor God. God is not approving Paul’s hair cut, nor does He desire every believer to cut his hair. However, He is pleased by Paul’s vow to honor Him. Christians can still make such vows to God, but make sure you fulfill it because it is a serious sin to not fulfill your vow to God. Making vows to God is a serious thing, do not foolishly and hastily make vows to God or you will end up feeling the pain of Jephthah (Judg. 11:29-40). Jonathan Edwards’ resolutions were not vows to God, but to himself and he depended on God’s grace to fulfill his resolutions in order to honor God. This is the type of vow that Christians make most of the time. It is the Christian equivalent of freewill offering in the OT (Lev. 7:16). Pray that you will make such vows in order to honor God and depend on His grace to fulfill them. Such vows are done out of thanksgiving and dedication to God. This is pleasing to God.










这个篇章的主要内容并非神渴望信徒过游牧生活;神渴望的是我们忠心履行个人的承诺。罗马书14:5-9, 22-23支持同样的原则。至于基督徒的自由,只要不是神禁止的事,人可以与神立约行事荣耀祂。例如在使徒行传18:18中,保罗为了某些缘故与神立约许愿后,剪了头发还愿。他的愿是敬畏神的一种方式。神不是在赞赏保罗剪头发,也不渴望每个信徒都剪头发。然而,神喜悦保罗因着敬畏祂而做的事。基督徒仍可以向神许愿,但也要确保你还愿,因为不向神还愿可是严重的罪。向神许愿是严肃的事,不要愚昧地或冒然地向神许愿,否则你将尝到如耶弗所受的痛苦(士11:29-40)。爱德华兹(Jonathan Edward)



31 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 34 耶利米书 34, Unfaithful to Slaves 与奴隶背约

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 34

Theme                      : Unfaithful to Slaves


Mistreatment of Slaves (1-16)

Chapters 34–38 are largely occupied with Jeremiah’s experiences during the siege of Jerusalem. They are not in strict chronological order. This chapter reveals the depth of the sins of Jews and God’s mercy to warn them to surrender to the Babylonians. During the siege by Babylonians, they set free their slaves, but when the Babylonians temporarily withdrew from the city (vv. 21-22) they rescinded their promise. This was a very treacherous sin. First of all, they were not supposed to keep Hebrew slaves for more than six years. Second, they violated their own covenant to free the slaves. This is an treacherous sin and reflects badly on God’s character, whom they worshipped. God rules righteousness so they ought to be righteous. Their piety was not true piety, but only panic piety.

Punishment for Unfaithfulness (17-22).

Because of their treachery, God will bring back the Babylonians to siege Jerusalem and kill everyone who violated the covenant to set free the slaves. Since they denied freedom to the captive, God will give them freedom to die by the sword, famine and pestilence. This is exactly what they deserve because when they ratify the covenant, they passed through split calves, which symbolizes that they will die like the split calves if they do not fulfill their covenant.


Praying the Scripture

It is so plain that we are all sinners and need salvation through Jesus. We were all like these unfaithful Jews who broke even our own standard of morality (Tit. 3:3). Even without the Bible, pagans can understand their sins through their conscience (Rom. 2:12). Thank God for saving us. Out of thankfulness we need to agree with God that unfaithfulness is dishonorable and ugly. It needs to be rejected. Pray that out of thankfulness for God’s salvation you will be faithful to fulfill your commitment to God and to others, especially to His people. Unfaithfulness tarnishes God’s faithful reputation.










30 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 33 耶利米书 33, The Righteous Reign of the Davidic Ruler 大卫家君王的公义统治

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 33

Theme                      : The Righteous Reign of the Davidic Ruler


Certainty of Destruction (1-6)

Chapter 33 ends the theme of consolation in chapters 30-33. God again foretells the certainty of Israel’s defeat and exile. But that is not the end for Israel. Permanent restoration is God’s ultimate plan for Israel. If Jeremiah wants to know the details of God’s plan, he can ask and God will answer.

Certainty of Renewal (7-26).

Just as the fall of Israel is certain, the permanent restoration of Israel will certainly occur also. God is not referring to the restoration of Israel from Babylon, but the permanent restoration of Israel in the end times when Jesus comes back (vv. 15-16). This promise is so big and so unbelievable to the human mind, especially during the time of captivity, that God needs to repeat it often to reassure His people. When all the nations of the world see God’s blessing on Israel, they will tremble in amazement. Everything that God is doing is geared toward this ultimate restoration. The key to God’s restoration plan is the righteous Branch, the Messiah Jesus. He will reign righteously and fulfill God’s promises to bless every family on earth (Gen. 12:3). When Jesus comes back the second time, He will fulfill God’s covenants with David (2 Sam. 7) and with Phinehas (Num. 25:10-13).


Praying the Scripture

The OT saints constantly looked forward to the appearing of the Messiah (Luke 2:25). He is their ultimate hope in this fallen world. Their lives were revolved around the appearing of the Messiah. We have read about the Messiah’s first coming and now like the OT saints we long for the second coming of Jesus. His first coming amazingly fulfilled many OT prophecies, including the forgiveness of our sins through Him (Is. 53:5). Just as we are in awe of Jesus’ accomplishments during His first coming, let us wait in eagerness for His second coming. Let us be like the OT saints who revolved their lives around the appearing of the Messiah: our righteousness and glory.











29 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 32 耶利米书 32, Manifestation of Faith 信心的表现

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 32

Theme                      : Manifestation of Faith


Buying Property during Siege (1-15)

While Babylon was laying siege on Jerusalem, Jeremiah’s cousin took the opportunity to sell his property to Jeremiah while the Babylonians had temporarily withdrew from Jerusalem (37:5). According to Mosaic Law it is the duty of the owner to offer the property to kinsmen first (Leviticus 25:23–28). God commands Jeremiah to buy the property.

Jeremiah’s Perplexity (16-25).

Jeremiah is perplexity by God’s command to buy the property since the Babylonians will confiscate everything from the Jews. Jeremiah prays to God and his prayer is grounded in solid theology. It is fine to ask God for illumination, but it must be done within the boundary of truth. Jeremiah knows God is the creator of the university and there is nothing too hard for Him to accomplish. He also acknowledges God’s boundless grace and also His righteous judgement on evil. He knows God will continue to do amazing things in the future just like what He did during the first exodus. But still, he does not understand why God commanded him to buy a property during a siege.

God’s Answer (26-44).

God affirms those truths that Jeremiah acknowledges about Him. He wants Jeremiah to live out his faith in God’s promise to return the Jews from the Babylonian captivity and to permanently restore Israel in the end times. Jeremiah will take part in the permanent restoration of Israel when God resurrects him during the Messianic Kingdom. Also, the descendants of the Babylonian captivity will return and again settle in Israel. Jeremiah’s act of faith is to demonstrate his faith is real. His faith works and lives according to his faith.


Praying the Scripture

It is easy to say you believe in such and such facts about God and His promises; but it is a much harder thing to actually live out God’s truth in a consistent way. If we truly believe that Christ’s return is eminent, then without a doubt, all our lives would change in some way. Pray that your life will be consistent with your beliefs, especially in line with God’s character and the imminent coming of His Messianic Kingdom.










