28 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 31 耶利米书 31, The New Covenant 新立之约

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 31

Theme                      : The New Covenant


End Times Restoration (1-30)

This chapter is about Israel’s end times desolation and restoration; it is not about restoration from the Babylonian captivity. Israel’s end times desolation is liken to wilderness, liken to the first exodus and the Babylonian exile. Wilderness is a place of punishment, but it can also be a place of spiritual nourishment for sinners (Rev. 12:14; Hos. 2:14). God disciplines the nation by sending them into “wilderness,” in order to revive them spiritually, just as God disciplines individual believers in order to correct them. Just like the first exodus, Israel (Rachel) will again experience and mourn over the murder of their children (v. 15). This is fulfilled in Matthew 2:15 when Herod murdered every male under two years old in Bethlehem. However, God will comfort all their pain when He fully restores Israel. After God restores Israel, no one can blame their sins on others (vv. 29-30). In this fallen world, our sins can be influenced by others to some degree, especially by our parents; but ultimately each individual is still responsible for his sin. Even though this is an entangled mess, God is still able to judge every sinner righteously.

The New Covenant (31-40).

Since the Mosaic Covenant has no ability to change the Jews’ heart to love God, God needs to establish the New Covenant with Israel in order to change their heart. This covenant was initiated at the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection (Luke 22:20), but it was not accepted by Israel. Israel will accept the NC in the end times when it will accept Jesus as Lord and savior (Zech. 12:10). The fulfillment of this prophecy is as certain as the shining of the sun. This is why the nation of Israel was miraculously resurrected in 1948. God will never, ever forsake Israel as a nation. Israel will experience desolation again in the end times, but Jesus will return and save them.


Praying the Scripture

  1. It is amazing and comforting to know that when Jesus establishes His Messianic Kingdom on earth, every bad thing, every tragedy, pain and sorrowful will disappear like a dream because God will comfort us. For those Jews who have experienced the murder of their children, they will see their children again in the Messianic Kingdom. All the pain will vanish like a dream. This truth does not deny the reality of our current pain, but it does give great hope, trust and love for God in the midst of pain. Let us praise God for His marvelous restoration in the future when Jesus comes back. Let us all look forward to His coming.
  1. Every Christian has experienced the New Covenant blessing of a new heart (2 Cor. 5:17, Col. 2:11-13). God has stripped away (circumcised) our former insane, foolish, and dirty nature. This dirty nature is no longer our master, Jesus is. Although this dirty nature still continues to harass us, but by our new master’s power, we are able to put it to death (Rom. 8:13). Let us praise God for delivering us from the insanity and foolishness of our sinful nature (Eccl. 9:3). Let us not be deceived by sin, but gaze upon Jesus who is the founder and perfecter of our faith (Heb. 12:2).










  1. 当耶稣在地上建立祂的弥赛亚国度时,所有坏事,所有悲剧、痛苦与悲哀都会象梦一样消失,因为神会安慰我们——这是既奇妙又令人欣慰的事实。对于那些已经历孩子被杀害的犹太人,他们将在弥赛亚国度里再次见到自己的孩子。所有的痛将像梦一样消失。这个真理不会抹灭我们如今所经历的痛苦,但却能在其中让我们对神有大大的指望、依靠与爱。让我们赞美神将来在耶稣归来之时的奇妙复兴。让我们期盼祂的到来。
  1. 每一个基督徒都已经蒙受新立之约所应许的新心(林后5:17;西2:11-13)。神已剥去(行割礼)我们以前狂妄、愚昧与污秽的本性。这被玷污的本性不再作我们的主,耶稣却是。即使这污秽的本性仍继续搅扰我们,但是靠着我们新主人的力量,我们能够将其治死(罗8:13)。让我们赞美神把我们从狂妄愚昧的罪恶本性中解救出来(传9:3)。让我们不要被罪欺骗,却要仰望为我们信心创始成终的耶稣(来12:2)。

19 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 30 耶利米书 30, Trial and Triumph for Israel 予以色列的试探与胜利

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 30

Theme                  : Trial and Triumph for Israel


End Times Trial (1-15)

The book of Jeremiah is often arranged according to theme, not according to strict chronology because the Bible is mainly about principles. The gospels in the NT sometimes also deviate from chronology in order to convey a theme. Chapters 30-33 are about consolation. God uses Israel’s current exile and troubles to prophesy about Israel’s end time exile and troubles. In the end times, Israel will experience a great distressed, called “time of distress (or trouble) for Jacob” (v.7). End times trouble and deliverance of Israel is a clear and repeated theme in the OT. In the end times, Israel will experience trouble like the Babylonian conquest, except it will be even worse, even worse than the holocaust.

End Times Triumph (16-24).

But at the end, it will experience a great deliverance like the return of the Babylonian exiles to Israel, except this deliverance will be much greater because Jesus will deliver them and bless them. It will be an upside down world where their captors will be the captured; their devourers will be devoured. Jerusalem will not only be fully restored but it will be the capital of the Messianic Kingdom. The Jews will multiple in numbers. All these blessings will come after God punishes the Jews for their treacherous sins, just as God will bless the exiles after He has punished the nation for their heinous sins.


Praying the Scripture

The OT prophets basically say the same thing over and over again in different ways. The Bible is a big book but the main outline of the book is crystal clear; even a child can understand it. The same old message of sin, God’s righteous judgement, His gracious salvation and future blessing in heaven is repeated in different ways. As Christians let us also repeat the old message of the gospel that includes sin, God’s righteous judgement, His gracious salvation through Jesus and the glory of future heaven. Only the gospel message makes sense of this corrupted world. Only the gospel message is true, not created by man. Only the gospel can save us. Pray that by repeating this old, but true message, you don’t lose your awe of God’s mercy and love. Pray that your heart will always be like a child: dependent and filled with the awe of God’s salvation.










18 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 29 耶利米书 29, Jeremiah’s Letter to the Exiles 耶利米给被掳之人的信

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 29

Theme                  : Jeremiah’s Letter to the Exiles


Warning against False Prophets (1-23)

Jeremiah writes to the exiles in Babylon, who were taken during the reign of Jehoiachin, about 5 years ago (2 Kgs. 24:10-17). He encourages them to submit to God’s exile and live obediently in Babylon by settling down and serve the Babylonian government. They will not return until 70 years of punishment were over. God warns them to not listen to false prophets who were telling them that their exile will end sooner. God predicts that the next generation of believers will cry out to God with sincere hearts and God will listen to them and return them to Israel. As for those who are left in Israel, they will be destroyed. They are not the blessed ones. Those who are in exile are the blessed ones because God’s plan is to bless them, not harm them.

Judgement on Shemaiah (24-32).

The false prophets in Babylon, including Shemaiah, did not like Jeremiah’s message to the exiles, so he instigated someone in Jerusalem to silence Jeremiah. For Shemaiah’s sins, God promises to destroy him and his family, who of course, are as evil as him. They will not see the blessings that God will bestow on the exiles in the future. God reserves the darkest part of hell for false prophets (2 Pet. 2:17).


Praying the Scripture

Jeremiah 29:11 is one of the most quoted verses on Christian decorations. God only promised these things to the exiled Jews in Babylon. He does not promise a smooth and easy life to all Christians, but He does promise Christ-likeness to all Christians (Rom. 8:28-29), which may involve some turbulence. But rest assure because God can help us through any turbulence. Pray that you do not worship a life of ease, comfort and pleasure, but worship a life that is conformed to the character of Christ, who out of love and faithfulness, suffered and died for us so that He leaves us an example to follow (1 Pet. 2:21).











17 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 28 耶利米书 28, Hananiah the False Prophet 假先知哈拿尼雅

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 28

Theme                  : Hananiah the False Prophet


This chapter goes into detail what false prophets are saying in order to contradict God’s word through Jeremiah. Hananiah the false prophet claims that God will break the yoke of Babylon within two years and return the exiles to Israel. We do not know all the reasons why Hananiah did this, perhaps one reason is to cheer people up and motivate them, much like motivational speakers today, who are filled with platitudes of self-confidence. Jeremiah appeals to history in order to dissuade the crowd from listing to Hananiah. His message is the same as prophets of old. But Hananiah forcefully breaks Jeremiah’s yoke in order to get people’s attention. God warns Hananiah that his message will bring an iron yoke upon Israel instead of a wooden one that he broke. This means by listening to Hananiah, the Jews will suffer even more when Babylon comes to quell their rebellion. For Hananiah’s treacherous sin, God kills him within a year.

Praying the Scripture

  1. There is nothing wrong with motivating people, God tries to motivate us all the time. But motivation that is based on lies will only exacerbate and accelerate disaster. Pray that when you hear preachers preach, make sure you do not judge the message based on your feeling, but judge the message based on the truth: the Bible.
  1. Putting on a yoke means to submit and recognize the master’s authority. Jesus says that sinners are burdened because they do not submit and recognize His authority (Matt. 11:28). By rejecting God’s yoke and doing whatever you want, you will only bring disaster in the future, even though it may feel good for a few years. Disaster will always follow, if not in this lifetime, it will come when you die and are judged by God in hell. True life, peace and joy come from submitting to Jesus and learn to be like Him in His character of gentleness, humility, and righteousness (Matt. 11:29). Pray you will put on Jesus’ yoke gladly and joyfully submit to His loving lordship.







  1. 激励人心并没有错;神也常常试着激励我们。然而,建于谎言之上的鼓励只会促进祸害,并将之恶化。祷告当你听道时,你不会按自己的感受论断信息,乃根据圣经的真理作出判断。
  1. 负轭意味着顺服与承认主人的权柄。耶稣说罪人因为没有顺服与承认祂的权柄,所以劳苦重担(太11:28)。拒绝神的轭并做自己想做的事的,即便几年后仍自我感觉良好,最后必然招致祸害。祸害将会一直跟随你;若不是今生,离世后也要在地狱受到神的审判。真正的生命、平安与喜乐源于顺服耶稣,并学习效仿祂柔和、谦卑与公义的品性(太11:29)。祷告你会乐意地负上耶稣的轭并喜乐地顺服于祂慈爱的主权。

16 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 27 耶利米书 27, The Yoke of Babylon 巴比伦的轭

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 27

Theme                  : The Yoke of Babylon


Message to Ambassadors (1-11)

Chapters 27-29 attack the false optimism of Judah’s false prophets. Israel is on the verge of revolting against Babylon. Surrounding nations send ambassadors to try to forge an alliance against Babylon. But God warns them not to rebel. If they rebel, they will die. But if they submit to Babylon, the will live. This message is vividly proclaimed through the display of Jeremiah’s yoke. A yoke symbolizes submission and recognition of the master’s authority (Matt. 11:29).

Message to Israel (12-22).

God also warns Israel not to rebel against Babylon or else they will die. Jeremiah warns them not to believe in false prophets who were saying the opposite. They were so optimistic that they thought everything that Babylon had taken from Israel in the previous two conquests would be returned to Israel soon. They falsely proclaim that God’s judgement on them will be over soon, it will not last for 70 years.


Praying the Scripture

God’s heart is pure. He does not desire any suffering for anyone, even the wicked. That is why He even warns Israel and surrounding nations to submit to Babylon in order to live and not be destroyed. All the warnings and blessings in the Bible are designed to guide us to spiritual and physical well-being. If God even warns the wicked for their good, how much more does He warn His beloved for our own good? Pray that you will believe in the warnings and blessings in the Bible and trust in God’s goodness to you.










15 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 26 耶利米书 26, Jeremiah Threatened with Death 耶利米被死亡威胁

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 26

Theme                  : Jeremiah Threatened with Death


Warning of Judgement (1-15)

The event in this chapter occurred during the time of the temple address in chapter 7. God prophesies desolation for Jerusalem if they do not repent. Predictions of divine judgment are conditional. The true repentance of the people of Judah at any time before the hour of doom would have been met by God’s willingness to relent from his threatened punishment. However, instead of repenting, they tried to kill the messenger, Jeremiah. This clearly showed they were unrepentant. In the face of death, Jeremiah courageously defended the authenticity of his message.

Jeremiah’s Life Spared (16-24).

Upon hearing Jeremiah’s defense, the civil officials and the people decided against the priests and the prophets, who had wanted to kill Jeremiah, and freed Jeremiah. Some elders of Israel, those who were advanced in age and whose words were taken seriously, supported Jeremiah by showing his message concurred with the prophet Micah, who had lived a century ago (Micah 3:12). Hezekiah listened to Micah and was delivered by God, but Jehoiakim did not listen to God but killed His messenger, Uriah. Jehoiakim was not delivered by God but was exiled. Ahikam was a civil leader under Josiah. God used Ahikam’s influence to secure Jeremiah’s freedom.


Praying the Scripture

Jeremiah had many weaknesses, but he trusted God and was strengthened by Him. At the end, he courageously proclaimed God’s word. Pray that you will be like Jeremiah. Even with all your weaknesses, if you trust in God and depend on Him, God will strengthen you and enable you to stand and serve Him.










14 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 25 耶利米书 25, Judgement through Babylonian Conquest 藉着被巴比伦征服的审判

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 25

Theme                  : Judgement through Babylonian Conquest

Seventy Years of Captivity (1-14)

God had been patiently warning the Jews for 23 years through Jeremiah. But they would not listen, but continued to provoke God to anger. Therefore, God will exile them to Babylon for 70 years.

Judgement on Israel and Surrounding Nations (15-38).

God prophesies judgement on all the nations in the Middle East, beginning with Israel because they sinned the greatest since they are the most privileged. God will use Babylon to judge all of Middle East, including the mighty Egyptian Empire. But afterward, God will also judge Babylon for its sins. In this fallen world, God’s uses fallen instruments (like Babylon) to judge fallen instruments (like Israel and other nations), but this kind of judgement will end when God uses a perfection instrument (the Messiah) to judge fallen instruments.


Praying the Scripture

God is patient but His patience does not last forever. Many non-believers do not have reverent fear toward God, but presume on His patience and think judgement will never come. The Jews sinfully presumed on God’s patience and at the end they were destroyed. Pray that you will not be like these Jews by presuming on God’s patience. If you are convicted of sin, repent now.









神有忍耐,但是祂的耐心不会永远持续。非信徒对神没有敬畏之心,对神的耐心持着自以为是的态度,并对将来的审判漠然置之 。犹太人就是因此而最终被毁灭了。祷告你不会象这些犹太人一样。倘若你觉得自己有罪, 赶紧向神认罪悔改吧。

12 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 24 耶利米书 24, Good Figs and Bad Figs 好无花果和坏无花果

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 24

Theme                  : Good Figs and Bad Figs


The purpose of the vision was to declare that those who went into exile with Jehoiachin, aka Jeconiah, would be better off than those left behind in Jerusalem; those who escaped the deportation would naturally think just the opposite. The good figs represent those who went into exile with Jeconiah, which was Jerusalem’s second exile (2 Kgs. 24:10). Ezekiel was part this second wave of exile. The bad figs represent those who stayed in Jerusalem under the reign of Zedekiah. The exiles were not morally superior, but they will obtain God’s favor. God promised to build them up and to return them to Israel one day. But the bad figs, those who stayed in Jerusalem, will not obtain God’s favor. They will suffer from sword, famine and pestilence.



Praying the Scripture

Even in the midst of judgement, God continues to exhort His people to obey Him and to receive His blessing. God is a compassionate God who desires His people to repent. Jesus did the same for others. He continued to reach out to the gentiles by sending the healed maniac to reach out to the gentiles even after the gentiles had rejected him (Luke 8:39). Pray that you will develop a heart of compassion like God, who continuously warned the Jews with patience.








11 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 23 耶利米书 23, The Righteous Davidic King 公义的大卫之王

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 23

Theme                  : The Righteous Davidic King


Righteous Branch (1-9).

Since Coniah is the last king from the royal line, a new king is needed. The promised righteous Branch, Jesus, is that king. He is the hope of Israel, and the world. They cannot put their hope of a glorious future in any king, but king Jesus. Only Jesus can usher in the Messianic Kingdom and make them dwell securely (v.6).

Lying Prophets (10-40).

The rest of the chapter is about false prophets. Besides for kings, these false prophets are one of the main reasons why Israel has strayed from God. Jeremiah speaks of false prophets more than anyone in the OT. These false prophets claim to be God’s messengers, but they lead people away from God. Instead of encouraging people to worship God, they encourage people to worship idols like Baal and to worship evil, sexual immorality, and lies. Their sins are extremely serious. In the end, God’s judgement will be very, very severe on them because their sins are very treacherous. They will not enter the Messianic Kingdom, but will enter into one of the most severe punishments in hell (2 Pet. 2:17).


Praying the Scripture

Today’s Christendom is full of lying prophets, especially from the charismatic camp. Many of them prophesy under false reverence in order to obtain their lust for pride and authority. They often say God revealed a special revelation to them so people must do this or that. Their prophecies directly contradict the Bible. Falsely prophesying on behalf of God is a very, very serious sin. So serious that it deserves death under the Mosaic Law (Deut. 13:5). God certainly interacts with us through His Spirit and through the Bible by convicting us (John 16:8), but the offices of apostles and prophets have ceased (Eph. 2:20). Those who prophesy wildly and contradict the Bible are false prophets like the false prophets of Jeremiah’s days. They will be rejected by God. Pray that you will avoid and call out these lying prophets and warn people not to associate with them because they are deadly viruses that will kill people’s souls.










10 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 22 耶利米书 22, Exhortation to Davidic Kings 予大卫王室的劝诫

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 22

Theme                  : Exhortation to Davidic Kings


Message to Shallum (1-12).

Shallum is another name for Jehoahaz, the son of Josiah who tried to steer Israel back to worshipping God. After Josiah died, his son Jehoahaz ruled Israel, but he worshipped idols instead of God. God commands him to turn away from idols and violence; and turn to God. If he and his court continue to destroy innocent people, God will destroy them. In the end, Jehoahaz did not listen so he was exiled to Egypt (2 Kgs. 23:32-33). God says Jerusalem should not weep for Josiah, who had died, but for Jehoahaz who will be exiled in Egypt.

Condemnation of Jehoiakim (13-23).

Jehoiakim excelled in covetousness. He was a wicked king. He was so bad that after he dies, no one will even cry for him or give him a dignified funeral fitting of a king. Instead he will be buried like a donkey, being dragged out of the city and dumped like trash. This happened when Babylon sieged the city for the second time (2 Kgs. 24:1).

Rejection of Coniah (24-30).

Coniah is another name for Jehoiachin (2 Kgs. 24:10). He destroyed Jeremiah’s book; therefore God will destroy him and prevent his entire line from ruling Israel (36:30). Jesus circumvents this curse by being the physical son of Mary, who is from the Davidic line of Nathan not Coniah (Luke 3:31), and by being Joseph’s legal son, who is entitled to the throne of David because Joseph is from the line of Coniah (Matt. 1:12).


Praying the Scripture

God is love, but He will also deal with sin accordingly. Those who do not take heed to His warnings and blessings will have eternal consequences. Galatians 6:7 says we reap what we sow. If someone persistently oppose God, he will be punished by God severely like Coniah, who dared to burn God’s word. Thank God for rescuing you from His righteous judgement, but also take sin seriously, not in a presumptuous way, thinking you can do whatever you want since God has forgiven you in Jesus (Ps. 19:13). Some heretical preachers like Joseph Prince teach people to commit presumptuous sins. They abuse God’s grace; instead of being dependent on God’s grace to overcome sin. Pray that you will not presume on God’s grace in Jesus, but submit to God’s lordship and depend on His grace to overcome sin. God will surely answer your prayers (1 John 5:14).










