9 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 21 耶利米书 21, Zedekiah’s Dilemma 西底家的困境

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 21

Theme                  : Zedekiah’s Dilemma


Chapters 21-39 are about Jeremiah’s prophecies during the reign from Jehoiakim to Zedekiah, which is toward the exile of Judah. The background of this chapter is the advancement of the Babylonian army on Jerusalem. This will be Judah’s third and final exile (2 Kgs 25). Zedekiah was at the end of his rope and out of desperation he sent an envoy to Jeremiah, hoping he would give a favorable word from God. The Pashhur of this chapter is not the priest in chapter 20 (cf. 38:1). Instead of a favorable word from God, God again spoke of judgment. He said Zedekiah will be exiled to Babylon. However, God graciously urged the people to surrender to Babylon in order to survive. God also addressed the royal line by urging them to carry out their role of delivering justice to the people. If they obey, the pain of the Babylonian conquest would be mitigated.


Praying the Scripture

Zedekiah only sought to be delivered by God from punishment and pain, but he did not express any repentance. He is like many non-believers, who do not believe in God but will only plead with God when bad things happen. However, they are not willing to repent and love God. Such plead with God is not from true faith, but is an expression of desperation from unbelief. Pray that when you go to God for help, after God helps you, you do not forsake Him, but you must love Him and honor Him.








8 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 20 耶利米书 20, Jeremiah’s Lament 耶利米的哀叹

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 20

Theme                  : Jeremiah’s Lament


Jeremiah’s Persecution (1-6).

Jeremiah’s sermons of judgement at the temple and at the valley could not have gone unnoticed by the authorities. Pashhur who is in charge of security at the temple did not like Jeremiah’s negative messages so he beat, tortured and jailed Jeremiah in order to discourage him from preaching. This is reminiscent of the Pharisees beating of the apostles in Acts 5:40. Pashhur means ease, but when God judges him he will be a terror to himself and to others.

Jeremiah’s Lament (7-18).

This passage openly describes Jeremiah’s feelings, struggles, and triumph through time of extreme trial. It reveals Jeremiah’s sin of doubt, distrusting God’s faithfulness because of his torture, imprisonment and marginalization. God did not deceive Jeremiah. God warned Jeremiah of hard times, but also promised to save his life. But during time of pain, Jeremiah had forgotten God’s promise. He does not want to preach anymore, but the guilt, the burning feeling within him is even worse than not preaching God’s message, so he is compelled to continue to preach. Also, he will continue to preach because He knows God will protect him, vindicate him and judge his enemies. For that, Jeremiah praises God. But his joy is interrupted by depression. He wishes he was never born. It is easy to see why Jeremiah would be depressed in such difficult times. It is hard to comfort him in such tragic times. His only hope can only be in the coming Messiah and His Kingdom. God promises to wipe all his tears during the Messianic Kingdom (Is. 25:8, Rev. 21:4). Even though Jeremiah had depression, nevertheless, he was faithful to God and ultimately fulfilled his ministry.


Praying the Scripture

Jesus says blessed, or happy, are those who are persecuted for His name sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5:10-11). How can one be happy during a time of pain? The only answer is his hope for the Messianic Kingdom. This life cannot be our best life now; it can only be our best life when Jesus returns. Another reason why believers can be happy in a time of pain is because guilt is more painful than torture. Just as it is better for Jeremiah not to feel guilt, the burning feeling inside, than to be tortured by his enemies. Even though, you may not suffer as much as Jeremiah, persecution is inevitable for Christians. Pray that you will love Christ more and be prepared to suffer for Him and do it with joy because you love Him and look forward to the Messianic Kingdom.







7 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 19 耶利米书 19, Broken People 被打碎的百姓

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 19

Theme                  : Broken People


God again uses an object lesson to teach the Jews about God’s wrath against them for their idolatry and for their violence. They even sacrifice their children to idols at Topheth, which means drums. It is another name for the Valley of Hinnom, which is just south of Jerusalem. The drums were used to drown out the cry of the sacrificed babies. Later on, rubbish from Jerusalem was dumped there and continually burned. The place became a symbol for the burning fires of hell, called Gehenna (Matt. 5:22). They massacre babies, so God will massacre them. This massacre is symbolized by the breaking of the flask, which represents Jerusalem. When Jerusalem is sieged, cannibalism will be practiced. This fulfills God’s prophesied punishment in Deut. 28:53-57.


Praying the Scripture

The punishment on these wicked Jews is a foreshadow of what hell is like. It is ugly, detestable, hopeless and filled with pain and sorrow. God is love, but if someone does not repent and continues to rebel against God, then God becomes a consuming fire that will give righteous punishment. It is fearful to be punished by the living, righteous God (Heb. 10:31). They will get what they deserve for their outrageous sins. Pray that God’s righteousness against sin will sober your mind and treat God with reverent fear and take sin seriously or you will be burned. God showed the Jews His love during exodus, but He also showed them His holiness so that they will take Him seriously and not sin against Him, but to love God and worship Him with reverence. Pray you will love God and worship Him with reverence.








5 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 18 耶利米书 18, Potter and Clay 窑匠与泥

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 18

Theme                  : Potter and Clay


Message of the Potter (1-17)

The main point of this object lesson is to show that the potter, God, has power over the clay. The clay cannot control or manipulate the potter, so Israel cannot control or manipulate God but must humbly submit to God. If they do not, God will not bless them but will bring disaster up them. He has to right to reject defective, sinful people, just as the potter can reject defective clay (Rom. 9:21). The snow of Lebanon and the mountain water are dependable but Israel is fickle and unnaturally goes after worthless idols; therefore God will scatter them. God still tries to reach out to some who have not completely rejected Him. In the Messianic Kingdom, God will make Israel right to fulfill His purpose. Until then, all defective, sinful Jews will be rejected.

Plot against Jeremiah (18-23).

Jeremiah is faithful and loving to his people by praying for them, but they repay him evil for good. Some Jews do not just hate Jeremiah, but try to kill him. Ultimately they hate God and wish to kill Him like the Pharisees wish to kill Jesus. Such outrageous sins done in full knowledge are unforgiveable; therefore Jeremiah calls upon God to deliver justice by destroying them. This is not a vindictive cry for personal revenge, but appeal for God’s justice (Ps. 139:21).



Praying the Scripture

Those who reject God are defective clay that will be rejected by Him. When God judges them, they will have no power over God’s sovereign, righteous judgement. The end for them will be ugly and horrific. Those who want to kill God’s people will have the most severe punishment. Such people will experience the full force of God’s wrath as a consuming fire (1 Cor. 3:17). In light of God’s great wrath against sin, we need to praise God for our great salvation. Our destination would be the same as these Jews if it were not for the grace of God in Jesus. The only hope for these Jews and for everyone is the promised Messiah. Pray that you will appreciate your amazing salvation in Jesus. Praise God for delivering you from eternal hell fire (Rom. 9:22-23).









4 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 17 耶利米书 17, Unregenerate Man’s Deceitful Heart 没有重生的狡诈人心

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 17

Theme                  : Unregenerate Man’s Deceitful Heart


Sin of Judah (1-13)

Judah’s sin is engraved deep into their hearts so that her idolatry is incorrigible by human means. They trust pagan nations to protect them instead of God. Such evil will only result in desolation not fruitfulness. Ironically, they will not obtain the very thing that they desire, but will instead receive the opposite of their desire. No matter how much God reaches out to them, they will not listen. Their hearts are deceitful and desperately sick. This is to show that only the coming Messiah can save them.

Prayer of Jeremiah (14-18).

In spite of Jeremiah’s difficulties, he is committed to continue to be God’s prophet. He will continue to be Israel’s shepherd (leader) and will not desire bad things for them (day of sickness). He can do this because he trusts in God’s promise to protect him. Jeremiah also calls upon God to destroy those who persecute him, like the psalmists in imprecatory psalms (Ps. 143:12). Jeremiah both loves his people and hates their sins just as Jesus both loves people and hates their sins (Mark 3:5). He loves them, but when they commit outrageous sins he calls for justice. There is no contradiction. This is right living with loving attitude and proper justice.

Observe Sabbath (19-27).

Sabbath is the sign of the Mosaic covenant between God and the Jews, but not the church, (Ex. 31:16-17, Col. 2:16). It is also part of the Ten Commandments (Ex. 20:8). Therefore, it is a big deal to break the Sabbath for the Jews. Sabbath is also a foreshadow of believers’ rest in Jesus (Heb. 4:1). It is also a way to prevent idol worship by highlighting God as creator, not idols. God is the creator and provider, He is able to provide for them while they rest, which is not being lazy.


Praying the Scripture

The heart of non-believers are deceitful and desperately sick, especially those who are entrenched in deep, evil idol worship like the Jews. As believers we need to learn to deal wisely with non-believers but at the same time be righteous (Matt. 10:16). It is also important not to be overly suspicious to believers in the church or to sinfully judge someone’s heart motive instead of their actions (1 Cor. 4:5). Such sinful, suspicious judgement of people’s motives will not create a healthy environment for saints to grow, but will create an unhealthy environment of distrust and distance. Pray that you will have wisdom to deal with non-believers and love for believers in the church.













3 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 16 耶利米书 16, Bane and Blessing 诛戳与祝福

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 16

Theme                  : Bane and Blessing


Bane (1-13)

Even though Jeremiah is lonely, God commands him not to marry and have kids because of the impending disaster on Israel. God wants to spare Jeremiah from greater pains than loneliness. Marriage is supposed to be a blessing from God, but not under such corruption. God also commands Jeremiah not to mourn for his fellow countrymen’s death or celebrate with them in feasts because judgment is looming and God will show no grace to them. Perhaps, it is also God’s way of sparing Jeremiah from further pain later.

Blessing (14-21).

Bane is never God’s last word for Israel and the world. In the end, the nation will be restored; even the gentiles will worship God. This blessing in the end is referring to the Messianic Kingdom when both Jews and gentiles will confess that their idols are just worthless scarecrows and lies. God will do this so that all will know His glorious name and be in awe of Him (Eph. 1:6).


Praying the Scripture

  1. Jeremiah’s life was difficult but God’s grace was still with him and enabling him to endure. God’s grace is demonstrated by His command to Jeremiah not to marry so that he will be spared from the extreme pain of seeing his family suffer. No matter how hard our circumstance is God’s grace is always with us. He promises to never leave us (Matt. 28:20). He also promises a way to endure and escape from our temptation (1 Cor. 10:13). Praise God for His faithful grace so that we can live confidently, not in fear for we know His faithful character. He will never leave us or forsake us, but is always working for our good, which is to be like Christ (Rom. 8:28-29).
  1. We may wonder why God allowed sin to enter the world and corrupt the whole world. Why does pain and corruption must exist first then redemption and heaven? Why not just have heaven in the first place and never let it be corrupted in the beginning? The answer is so that the triune God can display the totality of His glorious character of compassion, mercy, love, faithful, and justice through redemption and restoration. Believers are invited to see God’s amazing work and character so that we will be in awe and enjoy Him forever (Eph. 1.6). The mystery is that God is in control, yet He is not responsible for man’s sins, but man is responsible for his sins. Such mystery cannot be solved until Christ comes back, but we can trust His word is true and that He is fully righteous because His character is at stake. God’s character is His highest glory, even greater than His power (Ex. 34:6-7).










  1. 耶利米一生都是艰难的,但神的恩典持续与他同在,叫他有能力忍受得住。神的恩典在此:祂吩咐耶利米不要娶妻,叫他无需经受目睹家人受难的极致痛苦。无论我们的处境有多艰苦,神的恩典常与我们同在。祂应许绝不离弃我们(太28:20)。祂也应许了一条路让我们可以忍受并且脱离试探(林前10:13)。我们要赞美神信实的恩典,因为我们认识祂信实的品性,我们就能以信心,而不是以恐惧活着。神总不撇下我们,也不丢弃我们,且持续完成祂为我们所作的善工,乃更像基督(罗8:28-29)。
  1. 我们或许不能理解神为何允许罪恶进入并败坏全世界。痛苦和败坏为何必须先存在,才有救赎恩与天堂?为何不单单把天堂摆在最初,叫世界原先就不堕落?答案就是三以神要通过救赎与复兴彰显祂全然的怜恤、怜悯、仁爱、信实与公平的属性。信徒被邀看见神奇妙的作为与品性,叫我们永远敬畏和享受祂的同在(弗1:6)。这奥妙就在神掌管一切,但祂对人的罪没有责任,人却要为自己的罪负责。直到耶稣的再来,此奥秘是不会被解开的,但我们可以相信神话语的真实性,也能相信祂是完全公义的,因为这关系到祂的品性。神的品性是祂最高的荣耀,甚至比祂的能力更为大(出34:6-7)。


2 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 15 耶利米书 15, Unrelenting Wrath 不后悔的忿怒

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 15

Theme                  : Unrelenting Wrath


Unrelenting Wrath (1-9)

God has made up His mind to destroy these unrepentant, persistent rebels. Even if godly intercessors like Moses and Samuel were to pray for mercy, God still will not relent. He has been weary of relenting His righteous judgement; therefore He will act now. Their sins are too great.

Jeremiah’s Sin (10-21).

Because of God’s persistent message of judgement on their sins through the mouth of Jeremiah, Jeremiah has become everyone’s favorite target. He is hated by everyone. So Jeremiah complains to God. He says he loves God’s word but he is now lonely and spurned by everyone. He is in pain. He wants God to take immediate vengeance on his persecutors. Sadly, during Jeremiah’s deep despair, he sinned against God by calling Him a deceitful brook, an unreliable, unfaithful God who cannot fulfill His promise to protect him. But God rebukes Jeremiah and commands him to strengthen his trust in God. God will definitely fulfill his promise to save Jeremiah from his persecutors. In the end, even Jeremiah’s enemies will ask him for prayers.



Praying the Scripture

  1. God is loving, but He is also a consuming fire that judges sinners with righteousness. Do not take God’s love for granted and treat Him with no reverence. Those who do not revere Him will be consumed, just like the Jews. They did not fear God, but treated Him lightly. Pray that you will take God seriously and take sin seriously because it offends God. Do not presume on God’s grace, for that is a sin in itself. God is love but He is also righteous and just.
  1. Jeremiah sinned by doubting God’s promise to him. Doubting God’s word is to doubt His character. That is why it is a sin. That is why unbelief is so ugly. If you doubt your spouse’s love and promise to you, you offend your spouse’s character, honour and glory. To doubt God’s word is even worse because He is the king of the world. If you think God has failed you, either you have misinterpreted the Bible or you are not patient enough like Jeremiah. Repent and trust in His character, which is His glory and honour.








  1. 神是有怜爱的,但祂也是用公义审判罪人的烈火。不要把神的爱当作理所当然,也不要对祂不尊重。对神不尊重的人将会像犹太人一样被歼灭。他们不敬畏神并轻忽祂。祷告你会认真对待神与罪恶,免得触犯了神。不要臆断神的恩典,因为这也是罪。神是爱,但祂也是公义和公正的。
  1. 耶利米因怀疑神的应许而犯罪。怀疑神的话同等于怀疑神的品性;这乃是罪的原因。这就是为什么不信是如此的丑陋。如果你怀疑你的配偶之爱与承诺,你就触犯了他/她的品性、尊严与荣耀。由于神是世界之王,若怀疑祂就更为严重了。你如果认为神辜负了,事实上你不是误解了圣经,就是你像耶利米一样不够耐心。要悔改并相信祂的荣耀与尊严的品性。

1 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 14 耶利米书 14, Famine, Sword and Pestilence 饥荒、刀剑与瘟疫

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 14

Theme                  : Famine, Sword and Pestilence


Famine and Judgement (1-12)

Jeremiah prophesies about a coming drought that will languish the whole land. The people pleads with God for mercy but God will not listen to them. God even commands Jeremiah not to pray for these people because they have committed unforgiveable sins against God, just like the Pharisees committed unforgiveable sin against Jesus (Matt. 12:31). God will never forgive them even though they will cry out to God because of their pain.

Lying Prophets (13-22).

The Jews seem to be repentant but their actions do not show it. This is clearly seen in their rejection of God’s word through His true prophet, Jeremiah, and the acceptance of false prophets. These prophets and priests are like businessmen who do not care about God’s kingdom, but only care about expanding their own kingdom, their own business. On one hand they plead for God’s mercy and say all the right words, but on the other hand they continue to worship idols.


Praying the Scripture

There are many Christians today who are like these Jews, especially in the no lordship or antinomian groups, sometimes called easy-believeism or cheap grace. They only accept Jesus as their savior but not their Lord. On one hand, they cry out to God to save them, but on the other hand they do not care to submit to His lordship, but still want to be their own masters. They also hire pastors who are businessmen instead of men of God. Such so-called Christians will be rejected by God in the end (Matt. 7:21-23). A true Christian is not perfect and still sins but he has submitted himself to God’s lordship and pleads for God’s grace to overcome sin. He does not trying to manipulate God so that he can continue to love sin and harbor idols in his heart. Pray that you will understand the difference between false Christians and struggling Christians. Pray that you will pursue righteousness by His grace (Matt. 5:6).











29 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 13 耶利米书 13, Corrupted Nation 败坏的国家

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 13

Theme                  : Corrupted Nation


Ruined Loincloth (1-11)

God commands Jeremiah to buy and hide a loincloth in Babylon, and then dig out the ruined loincloth. This symbolizes Israel’s exile in Babylon because they are useless and corrupted. But God promises to restore this ruined loincloth so that it will be useful again and cling to God.

Ruined Nation (12-27).

The thoroughly corrupt nation will drink the wrath of God’s wine. God threatens judgment on them but also appeals them to repent. The statement “Give glory to the Lord your God” is an OT idiom for “Confess your sins” (cf. Josh 7:19; John 9:24). But they will not because they have persistently sinned. Their conscience has been seared. For the Jews to repent is like suspending the laws of nature, like a leopard changing its spots. Their only hope is in the mercy of God who promises to restore the nation in the future.



Praying the Scripture

This passage teaches that humans are hopeless and helpless sinners who cannot change themselves. They are dead in their transgression (Eph. 2:1). Their only hope is God’s undeserved grace, who is inclined to mercy when we ask for mercy. This is why it is important to pray for non-believers when you evangelize. And it is also why we must pray for ourselves and for other believers to be refined, to continuously be changed by God in order to conform to the image of Christ. This is what it means by being filled with the Spirit in Eph. 5:18. We must depend on God and let God change us. Any effort to change ourselves and others without depending on God is futile. Even your best effort is useless. It is like a Ferrari without gas; looks great outside but cannot go anywhere.









27 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 12 耶利米书 12, Righteous God 公义之神

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 12

Theme                  : Righteous God


Jeremiah’s Puzzlement (1-4)

Like Habakkuk, Jeremiah understands God is righteous but he does not understand why a righteous God would let sinners prosper. The wicked insincerely say they love God, but their hearts hate Him. They think God does not know their hypocrisy. Why does God not punish these hypocrites immediately? Why does God let sinners ruin His land with their sins, including the righteous and even the animals?

God’s Answer (5-13).

God does not completely answer Jeremiah’s question, instead God says Jeremiah needs to be more patient and needs to strengthen his faith so that he can endure greater trials in the future. His current trial with the men of Anathoth is nothing, like a safe land, compared to his future trials, like the thicket of the Jordan. In the future, even his own family will betray him. Even though God does not judge immediately, God’s future judgement on the wicked is so certain that God uses the prophetic perfect tense to describe their future punishment as if it has already occurred. He will use foreigners (symbolized by wild beasts and shepherds) to destroy His beloved Israel.

Blessing for Repentant Nations (14-17).

The nations around Israel (Syria, Moab, and Ammon) will also be exiled along with Israel. But amazingly, God promises to bring both Israel and their neighbours back. In addition, if they repent and have faith in Him instead of their idol: Baal, then God will be their God. This promise is applicable for every nation and individual now.


Praying the Scripture

Like Jeremiah, we don’t understand some things on earth because we don’t have the right perspective. Jeremiah does not understand why God does not punish the wicked immediately so that the land can be revived because Jeremiah does not understand God’s greater plan of redemption for Israel and all mankind, not just for the Jews of Jeremiah’s days. God is working toward the Messianic Kingdom when even foreign nations and individuals can be with God through faith in Jesus, the Messiah. Immediately punishing the wicked will not usher in the Messianic Kingdom; it will not bless the whole world (Gen. 12:3). When we are puzzled by how God runs the world (for example, terrorists, killing of Christians by terrorists, and perversion of the true gospel by the prosperity gospel), we need to trust in God’s righteous character and His grand plan for the full restoration of the world through the Messianic Kingdom. God’s ways are higher than our ways.











